Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

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Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Vutall » Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:28 pm

The students find the parade ground altered compared to earlier in the day, with wooden wall with notches in it for hand holds in the middle, on the far side of it a station set up with a pile of rocks and a set of clay pots stood up some distance away from them.

On the near side, stands a lithe and muscular man in a powder blue kimono with snow-white bleached hair, deep hazlenut eyes, and an angular jawline with high cheek bones.

"Good afternoon, students. I am Kakita Naomori, and I will be testing your overall physical capabilities. Students will line up in rows of 4, and each row will then sprint to the wall, climb over it, and throw rocks at the clay pots until one of the pots shatter. Once all four are finished, the next four will begin."

He waits for everyone to line up, and then says loudly...

"Ready? BEGIN!"
Sensei: Kakita Naomori
-The rules for this event are as follows: You will need to the following checks, all at TN6.

Players who have the following Disadvantages have these TN's increased by +2: Blind, Lame, Missing Limb, Small

Players who have the Daredevil advantage gain +1 to their rolls

Athletics (Running) / Stamina, to represent your endurance
Athletics (Climbing) / Strength, to represent your ability to climb
Athletics (Throwing) / Reflexes, to represent your ability to throw.

--Gain +1 Dojo Point per passed roll
--Gain +1 to Athletics skill if pass a roll with a raise (may use exceptional roll rule free raise for this, even if you do not have the skill). You may only gain this reward once.
--Gain +1 Strength if make raise on ALL rolls (may use exceptional roll rule free raise for this, even if you do not have the skill)
--Special: If you have two dice explode on the Athletics (Throwing) / Reflexes Kakita Naomori will become a temporary 1/1 Ally to be called on at some point during your stay to train you further.
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Mai » Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:02 pm

Mai was ready for this.

She imagines herself at the beach at home racing along the sand. Before she knows it, she is ahead of most of the pack.

She takes to climbing easily enough. This is nothing compared to some of the rock formations sticking out of the islands. And she doesn't even need to worry about the tide.

Finally, the throwing part. Kakita Naomori watches her throw. He is almost impressed. Almost.

D2 Goat: Athletics (Running)/Stamina+VOID, 1 Raise: 3d10o10k2 11

D2 Goat: Athletics (Climbing)/Strength, 1 Raise: 3d10o10k2 11

D2 Goat: Athletics (Throwing)/Reflexes+VOID, 1 Raise: 3d10o10k2 22

+3 Dojo Points

+1 Athletics

+1 Strength
Last edited by Mai on Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mantis Clan Shugenja *Water * Thunder * Prodigy * Lucky

Status: 2.0 * Glory: 2.0 * Honor: What is Expected * Topaz Points: 42 * Unofficial Topaz Points: 108

Items: Scrolls, Jade

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Miya Wyn
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Miya Wyn » Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:10 pm

The littlest Miya gets in line with everyone else. but quickly falls behind the pack on the running portion.
D2-Goat-Physical Wellness w/ Raise - TN 9 (Small, Daredevil) Stamina: 2d10o10k1 6

He does much better when it comes to the wall, scampering up it as well as any Mantis

D2-Goat-Physical Wellness - TN 7 (Small, Daredevil) Strength: 2d10o10k1 16
Pass +1 Dojo Point, No raises

And then comes the throwing portion of the challenge, he closes his eyes and throws the nice, trying to sense where it goes, getting an almost perfect bullseye, it may not be enough to impress the Sensei but it seems good enough for him to be happy with.

D2-Goat-Physical Wellness w Raise - TN 9 (Small, Daredevil) Reflex, Spend Void: 6d10o10k3 30
pass +1 Dojo Point, 2 Raises (+1 Athletics)

Total: 2 Dojo Points, +1 Athletics
Imperial Family * Artisan * Courtier * Benton's Blessing * Short * Idealistic * Prodigy
Dojo Points: 104 | Status 1.5 | Glory 6.0 | Honor: Above Question
| Topaz Points: 166
Equipment: Kimono, Ink Brush Kit, Journal, Several Scrolls

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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kokyou » Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:20 pm

Kokyou looks as Mai dashes forward in front of him like lightening. He had already lost a race yesterday. I wouldn't to lose another one today –– specially to a Clan mate. Seeking that which he has little, Kokyou finds the strength in his adherence to the code to make his legs move as fast as the wind.

With the momentum he gained, the Mantis boy easily climbs the wooden blockades and catches up with the girl in front of him.

He takes a rock in his hand and looks to the sensei. That, unfortunately, doesn't look back to him. With a precise shot, Kokyou hits his target and returns to the fold proud of his accomplishments.

D2, Goat, Athletics (Running) / Stamina TN 7 (+2 Raise, -1 Daredevil) + Strength of Honor: 5d10o10k1 9 Pass
D2, Goat, Athletics (Climbing) / Strength TN 7 (+2 Raise, -1 Daredevil): 3d10o10k2 11 Pass
D2, Goat, Athletics (Throwing) / Reflexes TN 7 (+2 Raise, -1 Daredevil) + VP: 6d10o10k3 21 Pass

+3 Dojo Points (3 passed rolls)
+1 Athletics
+1 Strength
Mantis • Bushi • Shugenja • Jock • Charismatic • Dashing • Buff • Stud • Proud • Smug • Hero • Unique
DescriptionTheme • Honor: A Soul Above Question • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 6.1 • Infamy 1.0

TN to be recognized: 15
Wears: Sturdy Clothing, Coin Purse, Pipe, Fan
Combat: Light Armor, 2 Kama, 2 Tanto

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Kuni Yotsuo
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kuni Yotsuo » Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:25 pm

The young Kuni does not expect much from himself coming into this training. He was, after all, much less physically capable than his peers. In his spirit form he didn't really have need of his physical body. But even if he doesn't expect much, that does not deter his desire to do well. And surprisingly enough he gets full marks from the sensei.

His effort and desire to do well far exceeded his ability and expectations and he learned a bit along the way thanks to Kakita Naomori's guidance.


D2 Goat, Physical Wellness, Athletics / Stamina, TN 6: 1d10 6
D2 Goat, Physical Wellness, Athletics / Strength, TN 6: 1d10 8
D2 Goat, Physical Wellness, Athletics / Reflexes, Void +1k1, 1 CR, TN 8: 2d10 15

+3 Dojo Points, +1 Athletics
Crab ѻ Monk ѻ Spirit Walker ѻ Obsessive ѻ Chosen by the Oracle of Earth ѻ Emissary of the Spirit Realms ѻ Friend of the Brotherhood ѻ Prodigy ѻ Profile
Honor: Expected ѻ Glory: 3.0 ѻ Status: 3.0 ѻ Topaz Points: 0
Carries: Fine clothing, incense brazier, small statue, ink brush kit, jade pendant, jade finger

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Asako Saburo
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Asako Saburo » Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:36 pm

Group 2 was going to be taking a while. Saburo had dreaded this event. Physical labor looked like the sort of thing that the pale boy never did much, and it showed. He pounded his way through the course with the plodding determination of someone who refused to give up, but by the time that he was straining his way up the wall and over it, he looked like he might very well have gained a whole new shade of pallor, and might faint. His run had been good, but he was panting when he got down to the other end.

However, with a light of almost furious determination, he snatched one of the stones and hurled it with all of his might, slamming into a clay pot on the first attempt cleanly before letting his hands go to his knees for a second and slowly walking his way off.

UNACCEPTABLE! his mind shrieked as he made his way to the side.

Required Rolls:
Stamina/Athletics: 9 - Success
Strength/Athletics: 1 - Failure
Reflexes/Athletics (Void, 1 CR): 14 - Success

Final Result: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Athletics, Group 2 takes forever because someone has to take forever on the wall
Last edited by Asako Saburo on Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
Carries: Sturdy Clothes, Scroll Satchel, Inquisitor's Strike (Wakizashi, counts as Jade), Jade netsuke

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Yogo Otoko
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Yogo Otoko » Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:39 pm

Endurance 1 raise = 9 (Success)
Climbing 1 raise = 2 (Fail)
Throwing 1 raise = 4 (Fail)

1 DP, +1 Athletics

Otoko was in training to be an Earth shugenja. Thus, it was hardly a surprise that her endurance showed. She ended up having to walk around the wall however, and all her throws went wide.

Still, perhaps she'd learned something.
Scorpion Clan + Shugenja + Cursed + Distant + Unicorn Trained + Haunted
Glory: 0.5 | Honor: Expected | Status: 0.5 | DP: 18
Theme Tune

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Bayushi Jiro
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Bayushi Jiro » Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:53 pm

Jiro was a little concerned about this, because he had heard from his brother that physical exertion could lead to unpleasant conditions like sweating, and that would not do. Still, if Kakita-sensei of the chiseled jaw was asking nicely...

Jiro ran. Oh, kami, did he run. He felt the dreaded perspiration gathering, but he soldiered through like he imagined a Hida might. Was Sensei watching? He checked with a quick look behind. Good.

He turned his head back to face front just in time to see the wall jumping out in front of him! Dastardly wall! There was no time to think! He threw himself at the wall and found himself hanging from the top with his fingers. His feet scrabbled uselessly. Oh no! Was sensei watching? He checked.


With the power of embarrassment, his arms grew muscles he never knew he had, and with a mighty yank, he found himself vaulting over to the other side. There remained just one thing to do. He took up a stone. He stared at the pot...and it seemed to grow ten sizes in the eye of the mind. He threw the stone. In fairness, it landed quite short, but there must have been some magic in that lump of slate, because it bounced like an Oscar Meyer weiner and clocked the pot straight in the middle. There was a moment when the pot teetered on its perch, and then it fell to the earth with an audible crack--split into two equal halves.

Jiro looked upon his works, his eyes wide with shock, for a solid three breaths. Then he remembered who he was, and played it off like he'd done it all before. All in a day's work. Could totally do it again, if I truly wanted to. Yeah.

Athletics (running)/Stamina=9 Success! +1 Dojo Point
Athletics/Strength=6 Success! +1 Dojo Point.
Athletics/Reflexes=6 Success! +1 Dojo Point
* Scorpion Clan * Courtier * Rich Baritone * Twin * Terminally Pretty * Adult Name: Bayushi Tomohiro
Honor: Untrustworthy, Infamy: 1, Status: 2, Topaz Points: 254

Wearing: a lovely scarf, wakizashi, extravagant clothing This mask

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Utaku Ichiro
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Utaku Ichiro » Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:06 pm

Athletics had always been a pride and joy for Ichiro. Though he was swamped with a strange, dark vision of failure and humiliation the young man pushed through it and faced the course head on. The false reality fading away as the Utaku tackles the course with aplomb cementing his true path as one of success.

The boy is beaming, if breathing heavily, as he completed the course and bows to the sensei.

(Edit: Revised with GM permission due to player error.

Athletics/Stamina with Raise - Success - 1 Dojo Point
Athletics/Strength, VP for +1k1, Honor used, Raise - Exceptional Success - 1 Dojo Point
Athletics/Reflexes, VP for +1k1 - Exceptional success but no explosions - 1 Dojo Point

3 Dojo Points
+1 Athletics
+1 Strength)
Last edited by Utaku Ichiro on Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Unicorn • Bushi • Experienced • Enlightened • Ascetic • Heroic Muse
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 5.2 • Infamy: 0.5 • Topaz Points: 229

Gear in Tsuma: Poorly sized purple and ivory utilitarian travelling clothes, charred gold scarf, daisho, jade
Outside Tusma: Unicorn riding horse, riding armor, scimitar, daisho, ono, han-kyu and arrows, jade

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Togashi Dao
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Togashi Dao » Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:17 pm

Togashi Dao looked up and down the line of his squad as he took his spot and was quietly confident of making a good showing.

When the order to begin was given, he set out with an easy loping gait and made his way to the wall without even breathing heavily, the first of his squad to do so (1CR, 1 exceptional success). The wall itself proved just as simple for the young boy, and with a skill that surprised given his unathletic physique, Dao scrambled up the wall without missing a beat.

Dashing towards the final station he whipped his first rock straight at the target and watched as it sailed true and exploded the pot into jagged shards. He collected one as a memento of this trial and bowed to the sensei who was mildly impressed, but not enough to single Dao out from the pack.

D2 Wellness Event Ath/Stam 1CR TN8 HONOR!!!!: 6d10o10k1 18
D2 Wellness Event Ath/Str 1CR TN8: 4d10o10k3 14
D2 Wellness Event Ath/Ref 1CR TN8: 4d10o10k3 17

+3 Dojo Points
+1 Athletics
+1 Strength
Dragon Clan • Monk • Battlemaster •
Honor: Expected • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 1.7 • Infamy: 1,0
Gear: Student Clothing, Go set.

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Yasuki Ginkarasu
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:21 pm

He came to the line ready to run. He still wasn't certain why a Kakita was testing them on athletics, there was a Hiruma sensei here. But there was the possibility that the Ruby Champion realized that a Hiruma's excellence was beyond what most samurai needed.

Anyways Kakita Kenji had been polite and so Ginkarasu listened to this Kakita tell him what he needed to do. He ran like to the wall like someone was trying to light his sandals on fire. It always helped when he felt tired to think that his sandals would catch fire if they stayed on the ground too long. Like running over lava!

Okay, mostly, almost entirely cooled lava that still had enough heat, but was rock again enough to hold his weight, but he didn't know that.

"HAH! Lava-monster! You're not getting Yasuki Ginkarasu today!" He climbed the wall hand over hand and jumped down.

Throwing rocks! That was one of his favorite things! "I'll break the pot and spread all the water to cool you off lava-monster! Hah! Take that! Hah!" Really, he could have stayed throwing rocks all day, but it was the next groups turn.

D2 Goat: Athletics (Running) / Stamina, 1 Raise TN 8: 3d10o10k2 14 = +1 Dojo Point, +1 Athletics Skill Rank
D2 Goat: Athletics (Climbing) / Strength, 1 Raise, Void for +1k1, TN 8: 3d10o10k2 17 = +1 Dojo Point
D2 Goat: Athletics (Throwing) / Reflexes, 1 Raise TN 8: 3d10o10k2 23 = +1 Dojo Point, +1 Strength Rank
Total: 3 Dojo Points, 1 Athletics Skill Rank, 1 Strength Trait Rank.
Crab Clan • Bushi • Yojimbo • Disfigured • Profile • Fire Brigade
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 3.7 (2.7 w/Crabs) • Infamy: 1.0 • Topaz Points: 209
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, sandals, coin purse, water bottle, small knife, map of Tsuma
“Strive for progress, not perfection.”

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Asako Sanzo
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Asako Sanzo » Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:30 pm

Asako Sanzo lined up with the others. He wasn't sure how he'd do, but felt it important to at least push himself hard. He wanted to try to make a good impression with not just the teachers here, but his peers as well. The bushi runs, surprisingly quickly. Perhaps it was the nutritious meal from the other night that added a bit of pep to his step?

Next, he climbs the wall. Again, he exceeded his own expectations. He did his best to try and ignore the yelling about some sort of lava monster. He had heard of no such thing, but perhaps it was a Crab thing?

Finally, Sanzo was tasked with destroying clay pots. He stares at the rock, contemplating the importance of it, of this moment. Beside him, more yelling about a lava monster. But that didn't matter to Sanzo, so focused was he on this rock and this task. Finally ready, he launches the stone, shattering a pot with a single throw!


D2 Goat: Physical Wellness Ath/Sta, 1 raise = TN8 Spend Void: 2d10k2 19
D2 Goat: Physical Wellness Ath/Str, 1 raise = TN8 Spend Void: 2d10k2 14
D2 Goat: Physical Wellness Ath/Ref, 1 raise = TN8 Spend Void, Strength of Honor: 7d10k2 15

+3 Dojo Points
+1 Athletics
+1 Strength
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
Status: 0.5 | Glory: 0.5 | Honour: As expected
Equipment: Student clothes, Sandals, Straw Hat, Straw cloak, Fan, Lucky cricket

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Moto Ichiro
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Moto Ichiro » Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:32 pm

Today was a good day for Ichiro, much better than yesterday. They started off with combat training which he had done well in and now he got to have some fun running around and throwing stuff!

After the boring crane finished talking Ichiro got as close to the front as he could and at the signal he took off focusing and running as fast as he could and jumping nearly clearing the wall in one bound using his strength to power over.

He landed and grabbed the stone nailing the pottery in one throw. He jogged back and watched the other kids go through stretching a bit as he did.

D2, Goat: Physical Wellness Athletics/Stamina, VP for +1k1 1 raise tn 8: 4d10o10k2 19 (mislabeled on Orokos but fixed here)
D2, Goat: Physical Wellness Athletics/Strength 1 raise tn 8: 4d10o10k2 16
D2, Goat: Physical Wellness Athletics/reflexes 1 raise tn 8: 4d10o10k2 15

+3 dojo points
+1 athletics
+1 strength
Unicorn Clan • Moto • Large • Confident * bushi
Honor: As Expected | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 3.2
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, Animal hide cloak

Zurui lizard pet TP: 254
speaking: Ujik, Mekhem, Senpet

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Utaku Nesrin
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Utaku Nesrin » Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:50 pm

Group 4

Nesrin watched the other groups run and scramble and toss, cheering her cousins on since it seemed none of her clanmates ended up in the same group together. This would be great practice for tonight!

She already knew she was good at running, so that was no surprise at all. But she just had to show off and pick a difficult path up the wall. Ignoring the obvious handholds, she wedged her fingertips into the slightest hint of jutting brick, and scrambled up with scarcely anything for her feet to grab hold of.

At least she scrambled about halfway up before her fingers slipped right off the thin bit of stone and she dropped to the ground right on the bruise she'd picked up that morning."oof"

Shamefaced, she walked around the base of the wall, and picked up the biggest stone she could find, winding back and taking out her embarrassment on the poor pots. Watching them crack and shatter was actually rather satisfying.

Athletics (Running) / Stamina
1 raise for TN 8
13 pass

Athletics (Climbing) / Strength
1 raise for TN 8
6 fail

Athletics (Throwing) / Reflexes
14 pass

2 dojo points
+1 Athletics
Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Battle Maiden * Honest and Fair * Hard to pronounce name
Honor: A Soul Above Question * Status: 1 * Glory: 3


"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself home" -Bashō
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Doji Sakura
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Doji Sakura » Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:03 pm

Sakura, being so small, could barely keep up with her group. She fell behind in group 2, but thankfully there seemed to be a roadblock where everyone was waiting for one person to actually climb?

Sakura it seems had other ideas.

She bounded up, using the side wall to push up over the other kids, climbing and with a grin rolled over the edge of the wall and landed perfectly. She looks so elegant and graceful in her fall and landing, it was beautiful.

The final throwing fell just short of the mark, however her insane and brave climbing would be talked about throughout the day

(ooc - rolls
D2 Goat wellness event Athletics(Running)/stamina. TN6+2 from raise (TN8). Daredevil+1 to roll: 2d10o10k1+1 7 (fail)
D2 Goat wellness event Athletics(climbing)/strength. TN6+2 from raise (TN8). Daredevil+1 to roll: 3d10o10k2+1 30 (exceptional success! +1 athletics and 1 dojo point)
D2 Goat wellness event Athletics(throwing)/reflexes. TN6+2 from raise (TN8). Daredevil+1 to roll: 2d10o10k1+1 7 (failed by 1 because I didn't change the description. Yay! 0 points)

1 dojo points, 1 rank of athletics, zero strength. Sad Doji
Crane Clan*Artisan*Singer*Weaponsmith*Gemsmith*Gem-obsessed*Tougher than she looks*Daredevil*Tiny*Innocent*Great Potential*Profile
Status: 0.5 | Glory: 1.4 | Honour: As expected | Dojo Points: 52
Equipment: Jade Tanto, Better quality clothes, Sweets, Biwa, Umbrella

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Kitsune Setsuna
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kitsune Setsuna » Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:38 pm

  • The Kitsune was lightly bouncing on his feet, eager to show off his physical capabilities. He wasn't a warrior or a serious athlete, but his prowess in the non martial aspects of yesterday's fitness made him confident. Those ruby red hues of his studied all the other students as they made their way down the course, a pale hand rising to his mouth to conceal a giggle or two when some fell. Not out of cruelty, but from the sight of some of the more dignified and regal acting ones lagging slightly. However, he also does his best to clap enthusiastically when some perform outstandingly. Especially group three; every single one of them had passed with flying colors. The Togashi, the Yasuki, the Asako and the Moto were true powerhouses it seemed, and Group Four's time to wait before take off was shorter than anyone else.

    At a signal of some kind, Setsuna took off. His long silvery hair flowed behind him like a stream, arms swinging easily as he ran. Footsteps could only just be heard, as he ran barefoot to avoid the annoying clap-clap-clap sound that his geta would make. Before long, the sprint was over, but he smoothly transitioned into a leap onto the wall, body slamming against it but finding sufficient handholds and footholds. Without a moment's hesitation he clambered on up, each hand like rock seeking missles that yanked him on and upwards. At the top, he did a small front flip off and landed on his feet, narrowly missing some rocks that definitely would have harmed him. However, he swiped them up and positioned himself at the spot designated for throwing rocks.

    "You run as quick as the wind, Unicorn-sama," he would say to the one known as Utaku Nesrin, punctuating his statement with a perfectly placed rock shattering the pot. It's swan song was beautiful, echoing through the air, music to the Kitsune's ears.

    He had a good feeling about this next rock, running his thumb over the smooth wide edge. A weighing, as he stared down his target, before his eyes flickered over to the one known as Doji Sakura. "And you climb extremely well, with such grace and poise, Crane-sama." A small nod of approval, and then he flung the rock downrange, destroying the next pot just as neat as the first.

    With all that done, he folded his arms, bowed to his group and the sensei, and moved out of the way for the next group.

    Athletics (Running) / Stamina TN6, unskilled, voided, raise
    D2 Goat Athletics (Running) / Stamina TN6, unskilled, voided, raise: 2d10k2 11
    +1 DP for Pass

    Athletics (Climbing) / Strength TN6, unskilled, voided, raise
    D2 GoatAthletics (Climbing) / Strength TN6, unskilled, voided, raise: 2d10k2 12
    +1 DP for Pass

    Athletics (Throwing) / Reflexes TN6 unskilled, Strength of Honor, raise
    D2 Goat Athletics (Throwing) / Reflexes TN6 unskilled, Strength of Honor +4k0, raise: 5d10k1 9
    +1 DP for Pass

    +3 DP total
    +1 Athletics & +1 Strength for passing with raises.
  • Fox ☆ Shugenja ☆ Courtier
  • Honor ☆ What Is Expected
  • Status ☆ 0.5
  • Glory ☆ 0.7
  • Dojo Points ☆ 37 D4
  • Gear ☆ Student Clothes, sandals
    “The truth is always simple. Liars make things complicated.” - Shinsei

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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Zashi » Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:47 pm

"Of course, they had to have one thing that was purely about making the short ones hurt." Zashi looks over the course ahead. "This is so not me."

Well, there was no more use complaining about it.

Out loud anyway

The only way out of this was through. The first two events are sheer agony. These are problems where quickness and thinking on your feet have zero help, simply a mindless slog of agony. Zashi is thoroughly left behind to the tail end when the redhead finally limps to the pots. Furious, Zashi picks up the rocks and zips them along, channeling that frustration into a desire to see as much destruction as possible.

Zip. Zip. ZipCRASH

The pots all seem to shatter at the same time, and a discouraged looking sensei brightens a little as Zashi trudges off the field.

D2 Goat-Wellness Event-Athletics/Stamina-TN 8: 1d10 7 Fail
D2 Goat-Wellness Event-Athletics/Strength-TN 8-VP Spent: 2d10o10k1 6 Fail
D2 Goat-Wellness Event-Athletics/Reflexes-Raise Called-TN 10: 3d10 14 Pass, +1 Dojo point and +1 Athletics for Raise
Fox Clan | Shugenja | Smol | Quirky AF
"I may run and hide, but I'll never tell a lie."
Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 2.7| Status: 1.0 | Topaz Points:

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Kakita Kenji
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kakita Kenji » Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:18 pm

Kenji was determined to impress Kakita-Sensei. He wouldn't let anything stop him, on his honor!

He started the run and arrived at the wall and literally jumped up half of the wall to climb over it quickly. He grabbed one of the stones and destroyed his pot splendidly. Full of expectation he looked at Kakita-Sensei, but he didn't seem to pay much attention to him.

Slightly offended, Kenji pulled off the field. At least he hadn't brought shame to his clan.
D2 Goat Athletics/Stamina + Honor +1 Raise TN 8: 8d10o10k1 8
D2 Goat Athletics/Strength + Void +1 Raise TN 8: 3d10o10k2 17
D2 Goat Athletics/Reflexes +1 Raise TN 8: 3d10o10k2 13

Result: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Strenght, +1 Athletics
Crane Clan | Bushi & Artisan | Your friendly&idealistic neighbourhood Samurai | UTC +2 | Profile
Honour: Exceptional | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 5.0 | Infamy: 1.0 | Topaz Points: 95
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, Sandals, Travelling Pack

"You own every word you speak" - Shinsei

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Soshi Shiso
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Joined: Sat May 16, 2020 8:44 pm

Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Soshi Shiso » Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:52 pm

Dashed the little Shiso, with impetus of a chased rabbit!

Goat 2. Stamina/Athletics. VP. Raise. TN8.: 3d10o10k2 11

But then, uh-oh, to the climbing it all went, and the memories of last night were vivid!

Goat 2. Strenght/Athletics. Raise. TN8.: 2d10o10k1 6

And no matter how hard Shiso tried, this obstacle couldn't be surmounted! They were not willing to fall again!

Goat 2. Strength/Athletics. Raise. TN8. Luck Reroll.: 2d10o10k1 7

From a clenched fist that shook in angst, there came a throw that hit the spot! Shiso's Pranking 101 wasn't that hopeless after all.

Goat 2. Ref/Athletics. TN6.: 2d10o10k1 8

[2 Points, +1 Athletics, Alas no Strength Bonus]
Scorpion Clan | Courtier | Sacrosanct | Artisan | Cartographer | Prankful | Adventurous | Distracted
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honour: Exceptional

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Toritaka Sasaiko
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Re: Physical Wellness (Mandatory Event)

Post by Toritaka Sasaiko » Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:42 pm

Today is clearly not Sasaiko's day; she falters at the block when she starts to run. But she does well enough climbing and throwing, succeeding, if perhaps not covering herself in glory.

This will not be enough.

(Athletics (Running) / Stamina, TN 6, failed at 5
Athletics (Climbing) / Strength, TN 6, passed at 8, +1 Dojo
Athletics (Throwing) / Reflexes, TN 6, passed at 8, +1 Dojo

Total: +2 Dojo Points)
Toritaka Noriko
Falcon * Phantom Hunter (Shug)
S 2.0 * G 2.1 * H As Expected

On-site: robes, sandals, and scroll satchel and scrolls, Seppun blade, Miya-made map of Tsuma; might have money
Off: the above + loaded traveling pack

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