The rain fell softly, as if it knew of the hardships both behind and ahead. Each droplet alighted on his skin with just enough coolness to pull his mind to the present, to pull him away from the pain of the past and the uncertainty of what was to come. The beads ran down his face, more numerous than the stones of the streets as he arrived at the biggest city he had ever seen. He raised his crimson hues to the grey layers in the sky that draped themselves over the walls. A blink, as an errant raindrop splashed onto his eye, and he set about on rubbing it away.
Cold. That is what the rain would bring. This place was so far from home, unfamiliar, bizarre. Shelter was needed, or else he would become sick. Not when he was so close to his destination. A bite of his lip and a quick glance; the answer revealed itself. Underneath an unhitched and beautiful ox cart sat a grey cat, fur dry and unmussed. Uninterested, it's gaze swept over him before moving onto more important things. A short clapping as his well worn zori slapped the new streets, and he slid underneath the cart as easily as... well, a cat. His hand grasped onto the wheel for support, one knee pressed down into the dry floor. A short shake of his head, and his silvery locks sent a spatter of water.
The cat was even more unamused than ever, but only granted him a stink eye.
"Sorry neko-san," he muttered to his host, "that was hasty and ill-mannered of me. It's been a long journey so I forgot myself. Tired..." his eyes began to close, but then long lashes fluttered back open. "But I can't sleep here."
The cat seemed to have a different opinion, as it yawned and curled up, giving him one last glance but slowly falling asleep to the pitter patter of the rain falling all around them, as they were safe and sound... for the moment.