【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Pregame for New Winds Part 1
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Kitsune Setsuna
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【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Kitsune Setsuna » Thu May 21, 2020 8:17 am


  • The rain fell softly, as if it knew of the hardships both behind and ahead. Each droplet alighted on his skin with just enough coolness to pull his mind to the present, to pull him away from the pain of the past and the uncertainty of what was to come. The beads ran down his face, more numerous than the stones of the streets as he arrived at the biggest city he had ever seen. He raised his crimson hues to the grey layers in the sky that draped themselves over the walls. A blink, as an errant raindrop splashed onto his eye, and he set about on rubbing it away.

    Cold. That is what the rain would bring. This place was so far from home, unfamiliar, bizarre. Shelter was needed, or else he would become sick. Not when he was so close to his destination. A bite of his lip and a quick glance; the answer revealed itself. Underneath an unhitched and beautiful ox cart sat a grey cat, fur dry and unmussed. Uninterested, it's gaze swept over him before moving onto more important things. A short clapping as his well worn zori slapped the new streets, and he slid underneath the cart as easily as... well, a cat. His hand grasped onto the wheel for support, one knee pressed down into the dry floor. A short shake of his head, and his silvery locks sent a spatter of water.

    The cat was even more unamused than ever, but only granted him a stink eye.

    "Sorry neko-san," he muttered to his host, "that was hasty and ill-mannered of me. It's been a long journey so I forgot myself. Tired..." his eyes began to close, but then long lashes fluttered back open. "But I can't sleep here."

    The cat seemed to have a different opinion, as it yawned and curled up, giving him one last glance but slowly falling asleep to the pitter patter of the rain falling all around them, as they were safe and sound... for the moment.
OOC : Come on by and say hello to a fish out of water..!
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    “The truth is always simple. Liars make things complicated.” - Shinsei

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Ikoma Shizuru
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Shizuru » Thu May 21, 2020 9:42 am

The gray sky and morning rain reminded Shizuru of her birthplace, Kyūden Ikoma. As young as she was, the Ikoma had never journeyed far beyond the fertile plains that surrounded the castle. Otosan Uchi was entirely foreign to her. When she set out for the capital, her parents were sure to supply her with all of the necessities - a wicker umbrella among them. It proved a valuable asset throughout her trip. Shizuru ventured down one of the city's thoroughfares with it cradled over her shoulder, taking in the sights and sounds. There were so many people, so many places, and so many things to do! The student caravan would set out for Hirosaka soon and Shizuru wanted to make sure that she'd had her fill before it did.

Shizuru took notice of the white-haired boy as he stowed away under an ox cart. Such behavior was improper of a samurai, and so she concluded that he must have been a peasant. Though she held little prejudice against the peasantry, her teachers had always told her to keep the distinction in mind. The cat under the cart piqued her interest. Shizuru was quite fond of cats, their dignified attitude and graceful refinement made them a natural companion to a courtier in her mind. She ventured up to the side of the oxcart and peeked under it, taking a moment to regard both the boy and the cat in full detail.

"Excuse me," she started. "Is this your cat? Would you mind if I pet it?"
Ikoma Shizuru, Lion Clan, Courtier, Profile
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Kitsune Setsuna
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Kitsune Setsuna » Thu May 21, 2020 11:13 am

  • Some pitter patter was louder than normal, and when Ikoma Shizuru peeked underneath, she found two pairs of eyes peeking right back at her, very large and bright. One set ruby red, one set emerald green. Two questions eh. "Huh? What would make you think that?" The cat let out a pair of mows and then rolled onto it's back, exposing a soft belly at the Lion. "Ronyan would like that." He paused for a second as he realized how odd that sounded. "Er, I mean, I think. She is not my cat, we are just foul-weather friends." He straightened up to bow, but banged his head on the bottom of the cart, so he settled for stooping as low as he could. Now that she was closer, she could see a small circle of a fox over his heart, reddish brown.

    "Kitsune Setsuna, at your service. Forgive me, samurai-sama, I am not from here, so I am not really good at answering questions. Unless they are about trees and the forest, both of which are... lacking. The city is so big and unusual, so I was just going to wait here until the storm passed to find a hotel until I must journey again to Hirosaka Village."
Last edited by Kitsune Setsuna on Thu May 21, 2020 3:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
  • Fox ☆ Shugenja ☆ Courtier
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    “The truth is always simple. Liars make things complicated.” - Shinsei

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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Shizuru » Thu May 21, 2020 2:01 pm

Rather than debase herself by crawling under the cart, Shizuru leaned down and stuck her arm under to scratch its exposed belly. Her face lit up as she did, clearly quite taken with its cuteness. Though she paid comparatively little mind to the Kitsune, Shizuru did take notice of his oddly-colored eyes and the mon on his robes. She didn't recognize it. Her teachers had her memorize the emblems of the Great Clans and their constituent families, but she was quite sure that there was not a fox among them. Still, the boy bore a surname and that entitled him to a samurai's respect. She was rather surprised that her first impression had been wrong. I suppose that samurai come in all colors, she thought to herself.

"No reason," she said. "Don't worry, I didn't think you a city guide. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kitsune-san." She offered the boy a bow of her head. "I am Ikoma Shizuru, and I'm not from around these parts either. Actually, I'm on my way to Hirosaka as well. Your family didn't prepare a place for you in before your arrival? The Kitsune must be quite, er... independent. Perhaps they're trying to teach you to do it yourself?"
Last edited by Ikoma Shizuru on Thu May 21, 2020 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ikoma Shizuru, Lion Clan, Courtier, Profile
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Kitsune Setsuna
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Kitsune Setsuna » Thu May 21, 2020 3:10 pm

  • The Kitsune was quite happy to stay nice and dry under the cart, but he lowered himself onto both knees and sat on his heels in seiza. His eyes lit up at seeing that the big cat and the smaller one were getting along famously; if Ronyan gave the Lion her approval then that meant she was trustworthy. Obviously. "I must look silly hiding under here but," he rubbed the back of his head and gave her a sheepish grin, "sometimes my compulsion for napping is so strong, I lay and sleep right where I was standing. My willpower is not high enough for me to resist, it's a disadvantage of mine I hope to overcome someday. And after having walked all day in the dust, I didn't want to get muddy. Dry, solitary, good company," he pointed at the ecstatically writhing cat, who was not betraying the Lion's trust and attacking her wrist as they sometimes did, "and without having to risk being ejected or dealing with an annoying adult, this place was the most ideal I could find in a matter of minutes."

    Ronyan purred and let out a soft meow, was it important? Probably not, he didn't pay her heed because he needed to focus on his fellow person because...

    Oops. Respect for one's elders was important. Uhm. He needed to apologize for that, maybe. But she wasn't an adult? But a Lion, very honorable. Oh dear, what a mire he was in. "Some people do not believe a 'Fox' Clan is a thing. It can be tiresome, Ikoma-sama, so I just save myself the energy and make new friends." A clenching of his fist, gotta show her how serious he was about not being disrespected; that is what a Lion would approve of! "They will see when I get older, for I am going to train hard enough at Hirosaka and be nominated for the Topaz Championship, and none will doubt my clan's existence when I win..!"

    He already felt the words coming out of his mouth to answer her questions, though he tried to fight the feeling. It failed. "Why would they?" The words blurted out of his lips and he covered his mouth, wide eyed. "I mean. We are, hai." Lots of red began to sprawl upwards his pale neck. Not again. "Maybe they are, maybe they are not?" Why could not he not control this? He had to think fast. "The people of my clan are very mysterious sometimes, and tricksters like the creature they are named after. It could be a test that I have yet to pass."

    It was at this moment, Ronyan decided to cling onto the Ikoma's wrist and attack; curse her sudden yet inevitable betrayal.
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    “The truth is always simple. Liars make things complicated.” - Shinsei

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Ikoma Shizuru
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Shizuru » Thu May 21, 2020 4:48 pm

Did Shizuru think that Setsuna looked silly hiding under the ox cart? Yes, she did. How judgmental! Her position was much more dignified, leaning against its side with an umbrella one hand and an affectionate cat in the other. Luckily for the Fox, the Lion had more than enough restraint to refrain from airing her thoughts out loud. Her attention was divided between Ronyan and her new KItsune acquaintance, and Ronyan was winning. Every time the cat meowed, she took that as a signal to keep scratching. That was a bad idea.

"Well, all of the adults say that I'm quite mature for my age." There was a hint of braggadocio in her tone, she clearly cared about what others thought of her. "...But my father made sure that I had a place to stay before I arrived. The journey was pretty short, so I think I got here ahead of most other students."

The Ikoma didn't balk at her acquaintance's disrespect for elders, but she did make a mental note of it. Damnable courtiers and their mental notes.

"I admire your dedication, Kitsune-san... You have the roar of a lion. When we get to Hirosaka, I'll be watching to see if you have the heart of one too." That was a strange way to word things, she thought. Whatever. "I would be quite surprised if the Topaz Champion wasn't a Lion this year. Some of our contenders are quite strong, I had the pleasure of meeting them while I was on the road. I'm not sure where they've gone, though... Not that I wish you any ill luck. Think of us as friendly rivals!"

Her attention was ripped away from the conversation as Ronyan stabbed at her wrists, leaving a shallow cut. Shizuru quickly withdrew her hand and let out a cry of surprise. She was clearly embarrassed.

"A-ah, it seems that Ronyan-sama was quite through with being pet. You wouldn't happen to have a bandage with you, would you?"
Ikoma Shizuru, Lion Clan, Courtier, Profile
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Ikoma Mikazuki
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Mikazuki » Thu May 21, 2020 6:05 pm

Noticing the two speaking by an ox cart, the Ikoma donned her straw hat and wandered over, a very poorly carved stick vaguely reminiscent of a bokken shoved through her obi, hand lazily resting on the bark-covered handle. She walks with dramaticized movement in each step, trying to look subtly mysterious, yet failing in both categories. The brim of her hat is deliberately pushed down to obscure her face somewhat, but the Lion Clan mon on her kimono still hints at her true identity, despite the lazy disguise

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" the Ikoma asks, a poor rendition of some gruff ronin's voice emanating from under the hat.

"It seems to be some unexpecting young samurai with no protection. The street is dangerous, young samurai! Why, you should have yojimbo with you, no?" she asks, a grin growing underneath her hat.
Ikoma Mikazuki, Lion Clan, Bushi
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Kitsu Akio
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Kitsu Akio » Fri May 22, 2020 3:59 am

From a good distance away, a fourth actor entered the scene. A young Lion approached with a truant's timing from the streets, holding a small cage containing a cricket in his hands. For want of an umbrella or hat, he seemed to have made a small game of his unfortunate circumstances - moving from shelter to shelter at a brisk pace as he zigzagged back and forth across the street.

Where in the world are they?, the Kitsu pondered to himself as he drew closer, initially failing to recognize the two standing by the ox cart - and one extra, by the looks of it. Had I lost track of time? Had they departed for Hirosaka already? No, that couldn't be. They still had time before the students left. His pace slowed to a halt at a sheltered storefront as his mind drifted off towards the realm of fantasy. Was I tricked? An elaborate plot carefully concocted by enemies of the Clan, perhaps? A small, wispy smile crept across his face as he stared out absentmindedly towards the cart - playing with the idea in his head. Maybe a band of vengeful, honorless ronin, come to exact their revenge on the Lion by-- Ah. No, wait. That's them.

Striking the line of thought from his head, he stepped out into the gentle morning rain with seemingly little regard for his lack of rainwear. "Good morning!", he called out warmly to the group as he approached with more than a bit of spring in his step. "Did you rest well? Eat well?" His gaze shifted upwards, golden eyes staring at the cloudy, gray sky - his smile fading. "I'd hoped to go to the Ochiyo district to offer my morning prayers, but... I fear I'd come down with something if I stayed out in this weather too long. Ah, what terrible timing that'd be." He shakes his head slowly.
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Kitsune Setsuna » Fri May 22, 2020 4:25 am

  • Oh dear, things had taken a turn for the worse. Ronyan had taken blood for being transgressed upon, and thus seemed... not content or sated. But she merely sat and began licking her flank, mrowing to herself. Setsuna only gave the grey cat a sharp look, tilting his head before scooting out from underneath the ox cart at last. "You act very mature," he assured her, trying to smooth out the whole situation as best as he could. "At least in the whole minute or so that I have known you, your father just probably loves you and wants to ensure you are taken care of." Oh no she asked him a question. "It would be unfortunate if I did not, no? But fortunately I do!" He began to busy himself and prepare to treat it while he talked some more.

    Other students? Oh, that made sense, logically. If they had reached out to a Kitsune clan shugenja, why would they have not reached out to the larger clans as well? His competition would be fierce! "Thank you, Ikoma-sama," he bowed his head again. "I will watch you and your friends then too, for I have only heard of the bravery and might of the Lion clan." Granted, most of that was not during happy times but... "We can most definitely be friendly rivals! In the year 86, my clan's ancestors and yours, the followers of Ikoma, teamed up to eradicate bandits that had settled into the land. History has a way of repeating itself sometimes, heh." Once more he was less concerned looking and more smiling as he worked. Oh, what did that look like?

    He had reached into his travel pack and quickly pulled out a small pot of something that when opened smelled very sweet, and some strips of bandages, one of which he wettened with water from a smaller flask that didn't look like it was for drinking. On another strip, he spread a thin layer of the golden sweet smelling substance. Faster than most people would have reacted, he would grab onto her wrist and wipe off the surface with the wetted strip, but very gently.

    "Ah, Ronyan-sama," she was a sama now, "it was just a small miscommunication, nothing malevolent. If you have a treat, you can earn her forgiveness." Beat. "I bet." With that said, he would begin to tie the bandage around her wrist, neat and secure before tying it into a beautiful bow. She would definitely be able to smell that it was honey!

    Another Lion! She had approached just as he was nearly done, so he dropped the wrist like it was hot. Another question. Ahh, why did he feel this compulsion to-- "Why, the possibilities are endless are they not, Lion-sama?" A low bow followed his questioning words. His cheeks turned beet red at that. If Osano-wo could hit him with some lightning right now that'd be great. "The streets may be dangerous, but look!" A point at Shizuru's bandage. "Ikoma Shizuru-sama is a blooded and very mature samurai, who on the streets would dare take on this daughter of Ikoma?" His ears pricked up at the sound of... another! Another Lion approaching! The Kitsune was outnumbered by the Lion. History really did repeat itself sometimes. He offered a low bow but could already feel another surge of questions coming up, so he visibly bit his lip. Hard, to keep his stupid mouth from saying stupid things. The questions didn't SEEM like they were directed at him, so he was able to keep it down, but the urge and desire kept rising up anyways...

    Ronyan contented herself with more licking and mrowing from underneath the ox cart still, as the rain continued to fall all around them.
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Shizuru » Fri May 22, 2020 7:02 am

Though Shizuru's first instinct was to deny contact and jerk her hand away, she restrained herself. It was unbecoming of samurai to place hands upon one another, but there was surely an exception for the application of a bandage, wasn't there? She didn't think too hard about it. Instead, she offered the boy a thankful bow of her head and retracted her hand into the long sleeve of her kimono.

"Ah, the scent of honey... very pleasant," she mumbled aloud. "I could never bear a grudge against a cat, especially not one as pleasant as Ronyan-sama. I'm sure that she didn't know any better." Internally, Shizuru lamented the fact that she hadn't brought any treats for the myriad of animals she'd meet on her way. Perhaps she could travel down to the market and acquire some fish later? No matter.

"I wonder if they'd allow us to keep pets at the dōjō. It would be a good test of responsibility, I think."

When Shizuru turned to address the gruff voice behind her, she cast an appraising gaze over their disguise. She was able to recognize one Ikoma Mikazuki immediately, and she seemed rather cross with her. Her expression soured.

"Cousin, should you really be dressed like a rōnin? You're polluting the capital's streets with that shabby look! Take it off." As soon as she set out to scold her fellow Ikoma, another Lion arrived. There was a veritable pride of them now! The other one was easy enough to recognize, and it was her other cousin - Kitsu Akio! She waved him over.

"Let me make the introductions!" Shizuru clasped her hands together. One had a honey-soaked bandage wrapped over it, complete with a bow. "Kitsune-san, these are my honored cousins: Ikoma Mikazuki-san and Kitsu Akio-san. Honored cousins, this is Kitsune Setsuna-san. I was thinking of inviting him to stay in our hostel."
Ikoma Shizuru, Lion Clan, Courtier, Profile
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Mikazuki » Fri May 22, 2020 7:22 am

"Ikoma Mikazuki!? Who is that? I am the Sword of the North Wind, and you will not be calling me shabby again, Lion!" she says, her gruff impression growing indignant.

The Ikoma rolled her shoulders, eyes shifting about the scene from under her hat. A hand came up to touch the brim gently, as if somewhat self-conscious over the comment. Now is not the time, though-- her hand changes positions, now firmly grasping the stick in her obi. With a grit of her teeth, she draws the bokken. Or tries to. Half-way through the draw, a knub on the branch is caught on her belt, much to her surprise. She blinks, and tugs at it again, facial expression turning to the frustrated.

"Awwgh!" Incapable of a clean draw, Mikazuki simply pushes it back into it's 'sheathed' position. She sighs, and adjusts her straw hat. "If you draw your blade, you must draw blood, and I have decided that this occasion is not worth the drawing of blood, despite your insulting tone, Ikoma!" she says, pointing accusatorily at Ikoma Shizuru. After dropping the hand, she touches her hat again, sniffing.

"This is the only hat I have, cousin, it's not shabby..." she says, pushing up the brim to reveal her face more clearly. And at the mention of eating... "Ahhh, I haven't eaten yet, Kitsu-san."
Last edited by Ikoma Mikazuki on Sat May 23, 2020 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ikoma Mikazuki, Lion Clan, Bushi
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Kitsu Akio
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Kitsu Akio » Fri May 22, 2020 3:01 pm

"Is that so?", he inquired, his gaze shifting down from the gloomy gray sky and back towards the group once more - his smile returning. "How interesting! Well, I'm not one to question her judgement. It's just as she said; I am Kitsu Akio - a travelling student, the same as they are.", he continued, turning to face Setsuna momentarily to offer a polite, brief bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kitsune-san. Should you be welcomed to the hostel, I pray you find the accommodations to your liking - I'll admit I'm unfamiliar with the name."

Satisfied with his introduction, he turned his head to look at Mikazuki. "You haven't eaten? How will the Sword of the North Wind stand against the enemies of the Empire on an empty stomach? More importantly, why does she dress like /that/?", he jabbed lightly - his tone anything but hostile.
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Kitsune Setsuna » Fri May 22, 2020 4:46 pm

  • Ronyan would not be ignored, as she rubbed against the wheel furriously and meowed louder, as if no one had just seen her go full Shingeki no Kyojin on Shizuru. Setsuna was too busy putting away his medicinal stuff but simply looked at the cat again, before shaking his head. "It doesn't just smell good; it does a lot of good things for the body. Heals everything faster." Nose wrinkle. "The downside is... bees. And Ronyan is no kitten, she knows. She's just pretending." Beat. "I think. But very forgiveable."

    Pets at the dojo? "Just sneak one in. What is the worst that could happen? If caught, apologize profusely and explain you were simply practicing the discipline of taking care of another life." Real animal lovers always pulled this bullshit. "I can even help you hide it, if you want. I'm pretty good at that."

    He looked at the big hat Lion, back to the scratched one. They were actual cousins, like family? Wild. All he'd ever had was his sister and mother. His stuff all back in his pack, he stood up straight and put on a bright and cheerful On, trying to see if he could be the very best samurai he could be instead of that weird kid who was hiding under a cart to get out of the rain. Rain that completely soaked his hair now, causing his long bangs to fall into his eyes and stay plastered to his skin. A quick wipe took care of that, much better. "Ikoma Mikazuki-sama," he repeated slowly to the hat one. Two more times, mentally, and hopefully it was pressed into his memory. To the short haired one, hair shorter than even his own, he looked at him and slowly repeated his name as well in his mind: "Kitsu Akio-sama."

    His red eyes focused on the sticky Ikoma, and he had to think, tapping his chin. "I never heard of the Sword of the North Wind. But that hat! It's so wide and round--" he posed as if he had one, fingers over the imaginary brim, "very reminiscent of the famed duelist, Akodo Kenburo the Emerald B- Champion, who was said to be so quick that he would tip his hat off his head and cut down ten men before it touched the ground." Those fingers flicked upwards to knock the imaginary hat off his head, demonstrating what it looked like before ten people bit the dust. What a nerd. "I mean. It's a s-sugoi hat."

    He furiously bit down on his tongue again, and the urge to respond in place of someone else faded like a bad feeling. The question didn't seem directed at him specifically, it was fine. "Thank you, Kitsu-sama. And, I seek to change that someday..! Soon everyone will know the Kitsune family of the Fox Clan, and not just of the spirits from children's stories." Whatever the accomodations would be, he would be grateful and thankful, for he was no ill mannered samurai. Just kind of airheaded.

    "Ikoma Shizuru-sama, I would be honored to accept to stay with you and your k-kakkoii cousins." The boy's face was so straight as he said this. The rain slowly seemed to stop, and Ronyan, that she-devil, braved the slowing rain and began to lean on Mikazuki's legs now, a fresh mark, and mrowing. "She would like to know if there will be food." Beat. "I think."
  • Fox ☆ Shugenja ☆ Courtier
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Mikazuki » Fri May 22, 2020 5:09 pm

"Dr-Dress like WHAT!?" exclaimed the Ikoma, taking her hat off and holding it in both hands in front of her. It's just a straw hat, what is wrong with that? She stares at the beaten wicker that shaped the conical hat, her face reddening as both Shizuru and Akio now roasted her for looking shabby. She huffs. "Have you never seen a straw hat before? It's fine, it makes me look cool!" she says, placing it back on her head.

"Besides... it's raining too heavy and I don't have an umbrella," explains Mikazuki. As the Kitsune speaks, she positively beams, nodding graciously to the boy. "Exactly! Akodo Kenburo is cool, and he wore a hat, so why can't I wear one?" she asks to Akio and Shizuru, adjusting her shabby-looking straw hat with newfound confidence, proudly setting her offhand on the hilt of her poorly-made stick-sword. She adjusted her black hair with her main hand, and wiped her brow of any stray raindrops that could have hit her while she took the hat off. Noticing how soaked the Kitsune was, though, she blinked and took her hat off, handing it over to him with a bow.

"You seem like you need this more than I do, Kitsune-san," she says, her regular tomboyish voice coming through now that her ronin shtick had ended. Who doesn't travel with a straw hat? She crosses her arms, her scrutinizing gaze more apparent now that her face is less obscured by the shadow of the hat. Her eyes wandered back to Akio, brow furrowed as if she was forgetting something.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, a finger pointing up now that she had remembered. "I don't know, but I'm hungry, and I don't think I should have my trail rations yet... Sensei said they should be for an emergency," she said with a nod.
Ikoma Mikazuki, Lion Clan, Bushi
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Shizuru » Sat May 23, 2020 12:30 am

"When you wear a hat like that, honored cousin, you look like you should be tilling fields - not carrying a daishō. If you want to be a samurai, you have to act the part too!" Clearly, Shizuru and Mikazuki had different standards of what was 'cool.' "My umbrella is way cooler than your straw hat! It's very... dignified." Wow, big word. She twirled the umbrella in her hand, sending droplets of rain every which way.

As the conversation carried forward, a puzzled expression painted itself over Shizuru's face. Clearly she had never heard of Akodo Kenburo, nor his legendary skills as a duelist.

"You sure know a lot about history, Kitsune-san." Although her teachers had spent much time drilling her on the posthumous names of various Emperors and the provincial capitals of the Empire, she hardly retained any of it. History was never her strong suit. Ironic, considering that her family's sacred duty was to maintain the Lion's libraries. "I'm sure that our teacher will be impressed!"

When Mikazuki handed over her shabby straw hat to Setsuna, Shizuru bobbed her head in approval.

"See, now that's how a samurai is supposed to act!"

Her injured hand drew back into her sleeve, hiding the bandage from sight. Couldn't have anyone thinking she was vulnerable!

"Well... if you're feeling hungry, then isn't it an emergency? I don't have much of an appetite myself." The courtier cast an appraising eye around the neighborhood, catching sight of a small alcove that led into a nondescript building. Rain pitter-pattered off of its wooden roofing, which kept the ground beneath dry. "Perhaps we should get out of the rain and have something to eat? Ronyan-sama can join us, too." Shizuru turned to address the Kitsune. "You brought trail rations with you, right?"
Ikoma Shizuru, Lion Clan, Courtier, Profile
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Kitsune Setsuna
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Kitsune Setsuna » Sun May 24, 2020 2:08 am

  • The Kitsune shook his head again like a dog, sending small rivulets of water flying. Thankfully, with all of them being Rokugani and social distancing before it was cool, none of what he shook would hit anyone. He blinked, wide eyed at the one called Mikazuki. "O-oh. Really?" And lots of people traveled without straw hats! A pale hand tentatively reached out for it, fingers getting closer and closer almost touching-- then he realized and withdrew. "It's really nice of you, to want to give me your s-sugoi hat, Ikoma Mikazuki-sama. But I can't accept it, it looks way more s-sugoi on you, plus you need to beat Akodo Kenburo's record someday. How will you do it without a hat..!?" His fingers ran up to his head and he began squeezing the water out of his silvery hair, head turned to the side. Squeeish.

    Ayah! These Lions! "Your umbrella is very k-kakkoii too, Ikoma Shizuru-sama, just in it's own way! You look very fancy and proper. No wonder the adults take you so seriously, with it, to them you must look as if you are days away from completing your gempukku." He flung his loose hair back over his shoulder where it hung all wild again. "I do! My clan was supposed to be the record keepers for the Unicorn until they returned with Shinjo no Kami, and so history is very important to us even though they've been back for some generations now." A small blush. "I hope so," he said more shyly. "I am not a bushi so I don't get to look s-sugoi with a sword. My okaasan said that since I can speak to the mikokami, I have to focus on that instead."

    His ruby reds followed where Shizuru was looking, trying to guesstimate what she was up to. The cat, ignored by Mikazuki, tried it's paw on his own calf now, rubbing and vibrating like a small furry earthquake. It meowed, and he looked down, shaking his head. No catfood on him! "Why wouldn't I?" He blurted out so suddenly. Completely off guard, her question had got him. "I mean..." He patted his pack, "yes! Sesame sticks, nuts, dried peas, puffed rice crackers and dried fruit, enough to last me for several days in an emergency." Man that sounded so good right now. "I am happy to go where you guys do. I think it'll be some time until we are supposed to go to Hirosaka, hai? Ronyan said she will be happy to come along too." Beat. "I think."

    OOC : Are we doing the formal 3 refusals thing?

  • Fox ☆ Shugenja ☆ Courtier
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Ikoma Shizuru
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Shizuru » Sun May 24, 2020 5:22 pm

The young IKoma wasn't sure what to think of her newfound Kitsune acquaintance. On one hand, his fashion and earnest manner was peculiar for a samurai. On the other hand, his respectful etiquette befit one perfectly. Perhaps he was putting on an act to gain the upper hand against her later? The Topaz Championship was a competitive tournament after all. Oh well, no matter! Such maneuvers were far too opaque for a child like Shizuru to be concerned with. The courtier watched her fellow's exchanges with great interest, soaking in everything they said. Truthfully, she was being a little overbearing. Her brown eyes followed the speakers with a childlike excitement. When it came her turn, she pointed toward the open alcove with her good hand.

"Let's sit over there and eat, everyone." WIth a spring in her step, Shizuru traipsed over to a dry spot and then folded her umbrella. "I hope that whoever owns this building doesn't mind... Oh well! Even if they do, they probably won't say anything. We can hardly be blamed if they don't say anything, right?" She leaned down and began to settle on the ground below. "The way of the samurai is to do without asking first," she muttered to herself. Whether or not that was true was highly debatable, but it was something of a personal philosophy for Shizuru. With a huff, she tucked her legs under her torso and unfolded her rucksack. It contained all the simple things a woman needed, as well as a few neatly-packed rations. Inside the rations were fish, nuts, and other foods meant to get one through a day's journey.

"Do you think Ronyan-sama would want some of this tuna, Kitsune-san?" It seemed that he was the expert on cat behavior, anyways. She broke off a sliver and held it out to the cat. "Say... honored cousins, do you think they'd search our packs when we arrived? I bet one of you could probably sneak Ronyan-sama into the dōjō in your rucksack, as long as she kept quiet. Kitsu-san could probably do it! I mean, it's wrong to look through a shugenja's things, right? Since they're so holy and all."

With her free hand, Shizuru treated herself to a few ginkgo nuts, just to keep up appearances. Appearances were everything.
Ikoma Shizuru, Lion Clan, Courtier, Profile
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Ikoma Mikazuki
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Mikazuki » Mon May 25, 2020 10:50 am

Placing the hat back onto her own head, she shrugs and moves along with Shizuru.

"If you wish, Kitsune-san!" she says, either oblivious to the etiquette of three refusals or not wanting to go through the anxiety-inducing ritual at the moment. Especially in the cold rain, how awful. She carefully removes the branch from her obi and begins to break it up into smaller pieces. "This is uncomfortable to wear... I wish I had a real bokken," she said with a sigh, discarding the remnants of wood into any opening of dirt.

"I can get another hat later, Kitsune-san, and besides, if I want to beat Akodo Kenburo's record, I'm sure I could just borrow someone else's hat. I think they'd understand," she says, nodding resolutely. She sat with the others, sitting in agura position rather than seiza, seeing as it was an informal occasion. Wearing her umanori hakama, this was fine, even though it was still an informal sitting posture. She didn't seem to care, sat cross-legged next to the others. "We could have gotten one of the adults to take us to some tea-house, you know, cousin," she said, but it didn't seem to be a protest, more of a simple statement.
Ikoma Mikazuki, Lion Clan, Bushi
Honor: Untrustworthy | Status: 0.5 | Glory: 0.5 | Dojo Points: 0
Gear: Student Clothing, Sandals, Fan, Small Knife & Whetstone, Wide-brimmed Straw Hat

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Kitsune Setsuna
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Kitsune Setsuna » Wed May 27, 2020 3:53 pm

  • The Fox clan shugenja was eager to show he was hip and not a square, so he followed the Lions with Ronyan hot on his heels to escape the light but still present rain. He clamped down on his tongue; why did he feel the urge to answer every question? Horrible. He made sure the spot was dry before he sat down in a plop, before the stray cat hopped onto his lap and began floofing in his face. "Surely no one would question a squad of samurai to be and their local companion hai?" Once he said that, the feeling went away. Curious. "Besides, we are on our best behavior." He began unpacking his own food, which was as he said: Sesame sticks, nuts, dried peas, puffed rice crackers and dried fruit.

    But from the bottom of the bag he pulled out the real big prizes. Four, count em, yes four peaches. They still had a faint dusting of white on them; wax bloom. But they were now just ripe, just in time for this impromptu picnic. Imagine that.

    The tail of the scoundrel known as Ronyan snaked past his nose and he sneezed once, startling the cat out of his lap, and he had to scramble to keep ahold of all the peaches. That was fine with the cat though as she delicately bounded... right into Shizuru's purrfectly laid out endeavor. She would beeline for the fishy treat and neatly eat it from the girl's hand, no nipping her fingers or anything though she might catch some of that rough scraping of her tongue. A nya and when she was finished she would rub up against the girl's wrist; a subtle reminder that the cat was in charge here perhaps?

    "She said thank you." Beat. "I think. Anyways. She's small enough," said the Kitsune thoughtfully, while absentmindedly tossing one of the peaches neatly into Mikazuki's lap. She was a bushi so she had Quick Reflexes™ obviously. Hopefully that would be enough warning for Shizuru as he did the same thing to her, and then lastly to their Kitsu Kompanion as well. "if she had plenty to eat, I'm sure she wouldn't say anything until we got to our rooms." It didn't take him longer than a few seconds to- "I'll do it. What will they do if she gets caught anyways other than turn her loose?"

    Actually a lot of really horrible things but he wasn't the kind of person to actually think all that.

    "Won't you have a bokken at the dojo to wield? Just a couple more days, then you can show everyone what you're made of." He looked back to the snapped pieces of stick; damn shame, the wood always died young. "I'll get you a new hat, to show off and look really fancy. And in exchange, I'll trade you and have you sign yours, so I can always show off that I knew the great Ikoma Mikazuki before she became a famed swordswoman. As a bonus, it'll scare off any bandits and such if I ever run into any. Not that I plan to see any soon, but one never knows." He popped a few pieces of dried peas into his mouth. The fruit was desert, so he was saving it for last, though Kami knew he was hankering. He rolled the peach on his hand, feeling it's smooth and soft skin, building up the hype.

    "Bah, then we would have to wait, and then get seated, and then wait more. This is much more fun, although I wish the weather was more fair. The sounds of the rain from inside a warm house is so soothing and relaxing. Almost puts me to..." his eyes began to droop, and he started leaning sideways. "...sleep."

    For a minute there, his crimson hues were closed.
  • Fox ☆ Shugenja ☆ Courtier
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    “The truth is always simple. Liars make things complicated.” - Shinsei

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Ikoma Shizuru
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Re: 【 heartless rainstorm FALLS 】

Post by Ikoma Shizuru » Sat May 30, 2020 5:49 am

The Lion watched with great amusement as Ronyan startled the Kitsune and bounded over to her lap, then promptly rewarded her with a chunk of fresh fish. Shizuru let out a surprised 'oh!' as the cat stole it away. She leaned forward to stare down at their feline companion as it enjoyed its treat, taking the opportunity to gently pet its back. The courtier mused to herself.

"I have this theory that samurai are sometimes reincarnated as cats. That would explain why they're both dignified and ferocious, don't you think?"

An idyllic scene unfolded itself before the four as they sat. A gentle wind stirred across the street, bringing the rain along its path. They watched, safe from the elements, as everything outside was positively soaked - including passing peasants and the scarce few samurai that were out and about. A small drizzle of rain fell from the roof of the alcove, splashing against the perimeter of their shelter. The atmosphere was quite pleasant, Shizuru thought that these kinds of days often inspired poetry. She tried to come up with a haiku in her mind, but couldn't think of the first verse.

"We should probably get some fish to keep her occupied while we're on the road. We wouldn't want to get caught before we even make it to the dōjō!" The plan was laid. "I can give you a few more chunks out of my traveling rations, but I don't know if they'll be enough." Sneaking a cat into the school would warrant punishment, but how severe could it possibly be? Shizuru decided that the risk was worth the gain. "Besides, if one of the instructors catches us, I'm sure Ronyan-sama will persuade them to let her stay. I mean, who can say no to a lady like her?"

She turned her attention to her companions just in time to catch Setsuna's peach, quickly snaking a hand out of her kimono's sleeves to grab it before she was hit. My reputation is safe, she thought to herself. How foolish would I have looked? How self-conscious. Her teachers taught her that image was everything. A Lion was supposed to be on their guard at all times, ready to respond to any slight, no matter how petty! Instead of chastising Setsuna for not warning her first, Shizuru turned her attention to the peach itself.

"Oh wow, this looks delicious! Thank you, Kitsune-san." She took a few bites of it, only nibbling off a little at a time.

"Hm... If you're feeling sleepy, you could rest at our hostel. You can sleep in the common room, by the furnace! It's pretty warm there."
Ikoma Shizuru, Lion Clan, Courtier, Profile
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