Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

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Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Vutall » Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:21 pm

Daily Combat Training

After warming up with the morning Kata, your Sensei pair you off with a trained Imperial ashigaru for combat training. They walk about the parade grounds, observing each fighting pair and taking notes, rarely commenting on anyone's form, but instead allowing each of you to show what you have learned over the past years at your own dojo as well as anything you may have picked up from your time here with them.
This is a repeatable event, and will happen over multiple days. Each day, you must select a Ring to use, at which point, you may not use that ring again for this event. Players should make a note in their Personal Forum with a topic called "Daily Combat Training " and note which days they used each ring.

Only characters with the Bushi, Monk, or Shinobi school tags may enter this event

In order to complete the training, you must do the following:

Select a ring to use (Not including Void), not using the same ring you have already selected before for this event.

Then, make a Meditation/Void check at TN6. If you succeed, you gain that ring as a bonus to your rolls for this event.

You may only be in a stance for the duration of this thread that corresponds to the ring you chose. They are as follows:

Air: Defense
Earth: Full Defense
Fire: Attack
Water: Full Attack

Your opponent will select the opposite stance of you, meaning

Attack will be met with Defense
Full Attack will be met with Full Defense
Defense will be met with Attack
Full Defense will be met with Full Attack

You will conduct combat over the course of 6 rounds. You will use the Physical trait of the ring you selected for all Attack and Defense rolls. Damage uses Strength, regardless of what Ring you selected. No maneuvers are allowed and you are always within 5ft of your opponent. You may not grapple, and you may not move out of combat. At the End of a round, you may bow to your opponent to end your event progress. If you are ever Down or worse, your opponent immediately ends the event and you claim your rewards.

Your opponent has an initiative of 2k1, a TN of 7 in defense, and 5+2k1 divided by 2 in full defense, an attack of 4k1 in attack, 6k2 in full attack, and a damage of 2k1. They will always keep the lowest damage dice. Their wound block is as follows:
0-10: Healthy
11-14: +3
15-18 +5
18-22: +10
23-26: +15
27-30 +20
31-34: Down
35-38: Out
39: Dead.

You will face a fresh opponent each event, starting with no wounds.

You are allowed to select any weapon you choose, but they are either wooden or dulled, and thus have a damage of 0k1. When rolling damage, you may select the lowest dice. If you bring your opponent to Down or worse, you will be docked 5 Dojo points, as well as suffer an honor loss equal to a Minor Breach of Etiquette. Additionally, you will lose 0.1 glory. If you have no glory, you will instead gain this as infamy.

Characters who have the following Disadvantages MUST select their highest damage dice: Brash, Cursed by the Realm: Toshigoku

Offensive Rewards:
  • -For every strike you land, you gain +1 Dojo Point.
  • -If you land three strikes with the same weapon, you permanently gain +1 in the weapon skill you used. You may only gain this reward once per weapon skill.
  • -If you manage to land three strikes with wound penalties, you gain the Strength of the Earth advantage. (Note: You will not have wound penalties unless you go into the event with them)
  • -You may chose to switch to a different weapon at the start of each round, excluding any bows. If you are able to land a strike with three different weapon skills, you gain the Crab Hands advantage.
  • -If you ever deal 15 or more damage from an Unarmed attack, you gain the Hands of Stone Advantage
  • -If you have an attack roll explode twice, you gain the Great Potential advantage for that skill.
Defensive Rewards:
  • -For every strike you defend (your opponent misses you), you gain +1 Dojo Point.
  • -If you defend against three strikes, you permanently gain +1 Defense. You may only gain this reward once.
Other Rewards:
  • -If your initiative is 10 points or more higher than your opponent, you gain the Quick advantage. Void used to increase your initiative does not count for this.
  • -At the end of the event (either after 6 rounds, or whenever you bow to your opponent to end it early), if you are not at the Down or Out wound rank, you gain a permanent +1 to the Mental and Physical Traits associated with the ring you selected. You may only gain this reward once per Trait.
Special: On the final iteration of this event, if you have any combination of passing 3 rolls or having your opponent miss on three attacks in 3 of the 4 events (So either you passed at least 3 rolls in both your offense and had your opponent miss you 3 times in 1 defense, or passed at least 3 rolls in one offence and had your opponent miss you 3 times in both your defense, you gain the Bishamon's Blessing Advantage
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kokyou » Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:12 am

Today is the day Osano-wo will make his youngest direct descendant understand the path of man, and the honor bound sacrifice of the samurai. Under heavy rain, thunder and lightning, Kokyou is massacred with hit after hit, until he finally understands he needs to bow out in order to fight another day.

Before the final round, spitting blood to the ground and with some broken bones, Kokyou finally bows out. Something he had never done his entire life, so far,

A harsh lesson. One that would take time to sink in for him to understand.


Ring: Earth
D4, Dragon, Meditation/Void TN 6: 1d10 6 +1 all rolls
D4, Dragon, Initiative: 3d10o10k2 17 (16+1 above)
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Initiative: 2d10o10k1 8
Stance: Full Defense
D4, Dragon, Defense/Reflexes: 3d10o10k2 6 (5+1)
D4, Dragon, Defense/Earth (Correct Roll): 2d10o10k1 10 (9+1)
ATN: 20 (15+5 | 10/2 round up)
Opponent's Stance: Full Attack

Round 1:
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Attack TN 18 20: 6d10o10k2 29 Hit
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Damage: 2d10o10k1 3 (4, -1 Armor reduction)
Wounds: 3

Round 2:
D4, Dragon, Defense/Reflexes: 3d10o10k2 15 (14+1)
D4, Dragon, Defense/Earth (Correct Roll): 2d10o10k1 9 (8+1)
ATN: 20 (15+5 | 9/2 round up)
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Attack TN 23 20: 6d10o10k2 23 Hit
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Damage: 2d10o10k1 8 (9-1 Armor Reduction)
VP Spent to Soak Damage
Wounds: 3

Round 3
D4, Dragon, Defense/Reflexes: 3d10o10k2 9 (8+1)
D4, Dragon, Defense/Earth (Correct Roll): 2d10o10k1 9 (8+1
ATN: 20 (15+5 | 9/2 round up)
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Attack TN 20: 6d10o10k2 31 Hit
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Damage: 2d10k1 4 (5, -1 Armor Reduction)
Wounds: 7 (TNs +3)

Round 4
D4, Dragon, Defense/Reflexes: 3d10o10k2 11 (10+1)
D4, Dragon, Defense/Earth (Correct Roll): 2d10o10k1 5 (4+1)
ATN: 18 (15+3 | 5/2 round up)
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Attack TN 21 18: 6d10o10k2 17 Hit
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Damage: 2d10o10k1 4 (5, -1 Armor Reduction)
Wounds: 11 (TNs +10)

Round 5
D4, Dragon, Defense/Reflexes: 3d10o10k2 14 (13+1)
D4, Dragon, Defense/Earth (Correct Roll): 2d10o10k1 8 (7+1)
ATN: 19 (15+4 | 8/2 round up)
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Attack TN 22 19: 6d10o10k2 24 Hit T_T
D4, Dragon, Opponent's Damage: 2d10o10k1 4 (5-1 Armor Reduction)
Wounds: 15 (TNs +20)

Round 6
Kokyou bows out

Obs.: All text in RED is to be disconsidered since I wasn't accounting for a Ring Roll. I apologize.

+1 Stamina
+1 Willpower
Mantis • Bushi • Shugenja • Jock • Charismatic • Dashing • Buff • Stud • Proud • Smug • Hero • Unique
DescriptionTheme • Honor: A Soul Above Question • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 6.1 • Infamy 1.0

TN to be recognized: 15
Wears: Sturdy Clothing, Coin Purse, Pipe, Fan
Combat: Light Armor, 2 Kama, 2 Tanto

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Togashi Dao
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Togashi Dao » Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:01 am

Dao is enjoying the rain as he picks out a pair of tonfa to defend himself with when he is paired off with his opponent. As the rain and thunder rage around the students Dao fends off most of the blows that the ashigaru unleashes upon him, but one flash of light distracts him at a critical moment allowing a blow to slip through his defenses.

His performance was still acceptable, but not as exceptional as he would have liked.

D4 Dragon Air Training Meditation TN6: 3d10o10k2 18
D4 Dragon Air Training Initiative: 3d10o10k2+1 18
D4 Dragon Air Training Ashigaru Initiative: 2d10o10k1 9
D4 Dragon Air Training Ashigaru Attacks TN17: 6#4d10o10k1 9 9 9 19 4 9
D4 Dragon Air Training Ashigaru Damage: 2d10o10l1 5

+5 Dojo Points
+1 Defense
+1 Air
+5 wounds taken
Dragon Clan • Monk • Battlemaster •
Honor: Expected • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 1.7 • Infamy: 1,0
Gear: Student Clothing, Go set.

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Kaiu Aiichiro
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kaiu Aiichiro » Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:23 am

Aiichiro did not expect to do so well — this was demonstrated on how strong his first blow was. The second he almost didn't land, as expected from the weapon not being so optimized for combat per se. But the attacks after the war fan surprised him much, each one giving him more determination, one being so perfect that he surprised himself. He had to tell Ginkarasu about this!

D4, Dragon, Meditation/Void TN 6: 1d10 3

D4, Dragon, Ashigaru's Initiative: 2d10o10k1 4
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Initiative: 2d10o10k1+5 13

Round 1: Katana
D4, Dragon, Ashigaru's Full Defense - Round 1: 2d10o10k1+5 13
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Attack - Round 1: 5d10o10k3 16
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Damage - Round 1: 2d10o10l1 8

Round 2: War Fan
D4, Dragon, Ashigaru's Full Defense - Round 2: 2d10o10k1+5 14
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Attack - Round 2: 5d10o10k3 14
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Damage - Round 2: 2d10o10l1 3

Round 3: Tetsubo
D4, Dragon, Ashigaru's Full Defense - Round 3: 2d10o10k1+5 14
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Attack - Round 3: 4d10o10k3 24 (I forgot to include that it can't explode, but it didn't, so I'm keeping it)
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Damage - Round 3: 2d10o10l1 2

Round 4: Katana
D4, Dragon, Ashigaru's Full Defense - Round 4: 2d10o10k1+5 10
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Attack - Round 4: 5d10o10k3 22
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Damage - Round 4: 2d10o10l1 2

Round 5: Katana
D4, Dragon, Ashigaru's Full Defense - Round 5: 2d10o10k1+5 23
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Attack - Round 5: 5d10o10k3 35
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Damage - Round 5: 2d10o10l1 3

Roung 6: Katana
D4, Dragon, Ashigaru's Full Defense - Round 6: 2d10o10k1+5 14
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Attack - Round 6: 5d10o10k3 18
D4, Dragon, Aiichiro's Damage - Round 6: 2d10o10l1 1

+6 Dojo Points
Crab Hands
Great Potential: Kenjutsu
+1 Kenjutsu
+1 Strength, +1 Perception
Last edited by Kaiu Aiichiro on Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Utaku Ichiro
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Utaku Ichiro » Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:41 am


"Is that all you've got?"


"An Otomo courtier student swings better than you!"

"Better, still didn't touch me though."

Ichiro tried not to have an ego but he suspected even if he had not practiced his defenses the other day he still would have never been touched once by his uke.

"Good try, thank you for the session. I hope there's no hard feelings."

The young man can't help but grin as he bows, still a respectful depth, to his uke.

(Air: Defense

Meditation/Void: Success
Ichiro Initative: 25
Uke Initiative: 8 (Already have Quick)
Ichiro TNtBH: 17 (15+2 from stance)

Uke Attack 1: Miss - +1 Dojo Point
Uke Attack 2: Miss - +1 Dojo Point
Uke Attack 3: Miss - +1 Dojo Point, +1 Defense Skill for 3 misses
Uke Attack 4: Miss - +1 Dojo Point
Uke Attack 5: Miss - +1 Dojo Point
Uke Attack 6: Miss - +1 Dojo Point

3+ Defense rolls succeeded towards Special - 2/4 successful sessions

+6 Dojo Points
+1 Air Ring
+1 Defense skill)
Unicorn • Bushi • Experienced • Enlightened • Ascetic • Heroic Muse
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 5.2 • Infamy: 0.5 • Topaz Points: 229

Gear in Tsuma: Poorly sized purple and ivory utilitarian travelling clothes, charred gold scarf, daisho, jade
Outside Tusma: Unicorn riding horse, riding armor, scimitar, daisho, ono, han-kyu and arrows, jade

Before the thunder can roar the lightning must strike

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Moto Ichiro
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Moto Ichiro » Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:45 am

Ichiro was well rested, magically at least, and had spent the late night and morning exercising and getting ready for combat training. The fight the night before still had his blood pumping hard he was in the mood of an all out offensive.

He took a bokken off the wall and approached the ashigaru who was to try and block his strikes. The woman settled into a defensive stance but it would not help her.

Ichiro's strikes with the katana were near perfect finding the crack in his opponents defense exactly each time, the bokken landed with precision almost before the woman even knew he was swinging it. He was surely showing swordsmanship of someone much more well trained than he was.

Then he picked up a larger practice weapon meant to simulate a tetsubo. His strikes now were less perfect and lacked precision but he powered through with ferocity and strength overcoming her guard again and again.

When it was done he bowed to his opponent and then made his way to find agash sensei. Only those who were watching closely would see him holding his side as he made his way there.


(I failed to adjust the tn of the meditation roll for wound penalties therefore i failed it and did not gain the bonus. The rolls below reflect the correct roll with the bonus previously applied subtracted.)
D4 Dragon combat training meditation/void tn 9: 2d10o10k1 8 fail

D4 Dragon combat training initiative: 3d10o10k2 14
D4 Dragon combat training initiative opponent: 2d10o10k1 8
D4 Dragon combat training full defense opponent: 2d10o10k1 4 opponent ATN 7

Opponent 0 wounds
Ichiro 6 wounds (nicked +3)

D4 Dragon combat training Kenjutsu/agility +2k1 FA +3 tn for wound penalties tn 10: 6d10o10k4 40 +1 dojo point very exceptional
D4 Dragon combat training damage: 3d10o10k1 3
Gain great potiential Kenjutsu

D4 Dragon combat training 2 Kenjutsu/agility +2k1 FA +3 tn for wound penalties tn 10: 6d10o10k4 51 +1 dojo point very exceptional
D4 Dragon combat training damage 2: 3d10o10l1 3

D4 Dragon combat training 3 Kenjutsu/agility +2k1 FA +3 tn for wound penalties tn 10: 6d10o10k4 58 +1 dojo point, +1 kenjutsu unnecessarily exceptional
D4 Dragon combat training 3 damage: 3d10o10k1 4
landed 3 strikes with wound penalties - gain strength of the Earth

At halftime opponent at 10 wounds
Ichiro at 6 wounds (nicked +3)

D4 Dragon combat training 4 Heavy Weapons/agility +2k1 FA +3 tn for wound penaltie tn 10: 7d10o10k4 30 +1 dojo point
D4 Dragon combat training damage 4: 3d10o10k1 3

D4 Dragon combat training 5 Heavy Weapons/agility +2k1 FA +3 tn for wound penalties tn 10: 7d10o10k4 31 +1 dojo Point
D4 Dragon combat training damage 5: 3d10o10k1 4

D4 Dragon combat training 6 Heavy Weapons/agility +2k1 FA +3 tn for wound penalties tn 10: 7d10o10k4 33 +1 Dojo point
D4 Dragon combat training damage 6: 3d10o10l1 4
+ 1 heavy weapon skill

Rewards and totals

Dojo Points: +6
Water +1
Kenjutsu +1
Heavy Weapons +1
Strength of the Earth Advantage
Great Potential Kenjutsu Advantage
Last edited by Moto Ichiro on Wed Jul 01, 2020 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Unicorn Clan • Moto • Large • Confident * bushi
Honor: As Expected | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 3.2
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, Animal hide cloak

Zurui lizard pet TP: 254
speaking: Ujik, Mekhem, Senpet

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Kaito Haruki
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kaito Haruki » Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:22 am

The weight of expectations has lessened, at least for a moment, yesterday. First he went to his sensei expecting a full on tearing down of, but it never came, instead she showed sadness for his burden. Then he just had fun catching frogs and making a solid meal. Lastly, he spent an hour just learning about bushido with a sensei. Now Haruki just needs to take this air under his sail and let it push him ahead. He takes a war fan from the table, using it both to deflect attacks and to grant the ashigaru the ability to hit a (technically) armed opponent. Or at least it would have, if Haruki didn't block every strike.

D4 Dragon: Air Meditation: 2d10o10k1 9 +1 to rolls
Haruki's Initiative
D4 Dragon: Player Initiative: 3d10o10k2 20
Ashigaru Initiative
D4 Dragon: Ashigaru Initiative: 2d10o10k1 6
20-6=14 difference (Quick advantage)

Armor TN to hit: 5+10(2 reflexes)+2 (1 defense, 1 air)
Ashigaru first 3 attacks (forgot in description line, but you can see the code)
D4 Dragon: Ashigaru attack: 3#4d10o10k1 12 7 15
Miss, Miss, Miss
Ashigaru Last 3 attacks (same as before)
D4 Dragon: Ashigaru attack: 3#2d10o10k1 8 4 14
Miss, Miss, Miss

+6 Dojo Points
+1 Defense
+1 Air
Proper full name is Isawa Kunio of House Kaito: Bushi,Courtier Mons: Chest: Phoenix R Shoulder: Isawa L Shoulder: Kaito Honor: 6.1 Glory: 4.9 Status: 2 Wound Status: Healthy Phoenix Clan TP: 224
Water Bottle, Coin Purse, Fan, Jade Finger

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Yasuki Ginkarasu
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:06 am

Meditating on the water is much easier for Ginkarasu, especially with all the rain!

The young Crab is put across the ring from a battle hardened Imperial ashigaru who probably got drunk nearish duties to have to suffer the role of punching bag. Ginkarasu bows and calls out to him, "Please! Dodge as best you can! I'm coming at you quick and fast!"

Rolling his eyes, Senzo settles onto his heels. What's a little pipsqueak like this kid going to do to him?

Ginkarasu charges with almost wild abandon. He tries to do the least amount of damage as can and just clip his opponent and does well at just doing that!

Senzo frowned. This kid was actually pretty quick. But he didn't hit with any force. He stifled a yawn and put up his hands half-heartedly to ward off blows

"KKIAAAAAAIIII" Ginkarasu followed the first blow by stepping past Senzo and swinging the bokken back. It was only Senzo's surprisingly quick thinking that left him getting hit in the shoulder instead of the head.

Shaking his head, Senzo fought back a slightly worried chuckle. This kid wasn't strong, but he did have surprisingly good aim. Still, nothing to be too worried about.

Ginkarasu swept his leg and then rose up with the bokken to knock the ashigaru on the kneecap. It stung...but not as much as the follow up when Ginkarasu stood up with a great big uppercut right in the groin!

Senzo was doubled over. Ginkarasu looked surprised he'd been that effective! A sensei over his shoulder pointed at Senzo, who wanted to leave at this point, and shook his head.

Senzo slowly straightened. This kid was nuts! But he had to stay. He did everything he could to stay awa....why was the Yasuki picking up that club?

Swinging the heavy club around and around Ginkarasu didn't realize he'd just discovered the TETSUBO WHIRLWIND OF DEATH maneuver, never having really trained with sensei who'd recognize it. Still it was effective and he wasn't really trying to inflict death so instead it just left another bruise for the sore Senzo to suffer.

Getting a bit more tired, Ginkarasu finally decided to go back to the bokken. He was getting worried that Senzo didn't know when to quit, and wanted to be more precise.

Senzo had just seen the TETSUBO WHIRLWIND OF DEATH come at him and survived. He did his utmost to dodge the bokken, but it still wasn't enough. Still, he managed to turn the blow away from his kidney. What did they feed Crab children that made them so violent?!?

Water/Full Attack City
D4 Dragon: Water, Meditation/Void TN 6 (7): 3d10o10k1 8 = +1 to rolls
D4 Dragon: Self Initiative: 4d10o10k3 19
D4 Dragon: Opponent Initiative: 2d10o10k1 8
D4 Dragon: Opponent Defense/Reflexes Declaration: 2d10o10k1 1 = ATN 6 (7 Fatigue penalty.)
Round 1
D4 Dragon: Kenjutsu/Strength, Full Attack R1 TN6 (TN7): 6d10o10k3+1 22 +1 Dojo Point
D4 Dragon: Damage R1: 2d10o10l1 1 = 1 Wound.
D4 Dragon: Opponent Defense/Reflexes R1: 2d10o10k1 4 = ATN 8
Round 2
D4 Dragon: Kenjutsu/Strength, Full Attack R2 TN8: 6d10o10k3+1 29 = +1 Dojo Point
D4 Dragon: Damage R2: 2d10o10l1 8 = 8 wounds (Opponent Spends void to turn it to 0) = 1 Total Wound
D4 Dragon: Opponent Defense/Reflexes R2: 2d10o10k1 7 = ATN 9
Round 3
D4 Dragon: Kenjutsu/Strength, Full Attack R3 TN9: 6d10o10k3+1 29 = +1 Dojo Point, +1 Kenjutsu Skill Rank
D4 Dragon: Damage R3: 2d10o10l1 3 = 3 Wounds = 4 Total Wounds
D4 Dragon: Opponent Defense/Reflexes R3: 2d10o10k1 9 = ATN 10
Round 4
D4 Dragon: Jujitsu/Strength, Full Attack R4 TN10: 5d10o10k3+1 22 = +1 Dojo Point
D4 Dragon: Damage R4: 2d10o10l1 15 = 15 Wounds = 19 Total Wounds = Hands of Stone Advantage
D4 Dragon: Opponent Defense/Reflexes R4: 2d10o10k1 15 = ATN 13
Round 5
D4 Dragon: Heavy Weapon/Strength, Full Attack R5 TN13: 4d10k3+1 29 = +1 Dojo Point, Crab Hands Advantage
D4 Dragon: Damage R5: 2d10o10l1 6 = 6 Wounds = 25 Total Wounds
D4 Dragon: Opponent Defense/Reflexes R5: 2d10o10k1 16 = ATN 14
Round 6
D4 Dragon: Kenjutsu/Strength, Full Attack R6 TN14: 6d10o10k3+1 21 = +1 Dojo Point.
D4 Dragon: Damage R6: 2d10o10l1 6 = 6 Wounds, Opponent spends second void to turn it to 0) = 25 Total Wounds.
Total Rewards= 6 Dojo Points, +1 Kenjutsu, Hands of Stone, Crab Hands, +1 Water Ring
Crab Clan • Bushi • Yojimbo • Disfigured • Profile • Fire Brigade
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 3.7 (2.7 w/Crabs) • Infamy: 1.0 • Topaz Points: 209
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, sandals, coin purse, water bottle, small knife, map of Tsuma
“Strive for progress, not perfection.”

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Kakita Kazuko
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kakita Kazuko » Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:16 pm

Combat training again! Kazuko has been looking forward to this and is pumped up despite the heavy downpour. The fresh steam buns this morning didn't hurt to her positive attitude either. She decides that she's going to go on the offensive today, able to easily focus on the ashigaru in front of her despite the rain trying to disrupt her. She mainly practices with the traditional samurai weapons - the katana and wakizashi - although she also successfully attempts a couple attacks with other weapons, interested in other clans' weapons. Too hyped up throughout the training, she barely felt the bite of the weather, and perhaps she went a little too aggressive on the poor ashigaru as he seems to be quite in pain. She helps him up and thanks him for the sparring as she goes to get Asako sensei to help patch him back up, feeling a little guilty for putting him through such pain. Afterwards, she walks around a little while, looking for Kenji so she can watch him spar and cheer him on if he hasn't finished his sparring already.


Ring: Fire
D4 Dragon Meditation/Void, TN 6: 1d10k1 9 Success!

Ashigaru TN: 7

R1 Attack: D4 Dragon Kenjutsu (Wakizashi)/Agility, TN 7: 3d10o10k2+1 25 Exceptional Success!
R1 Damage: D4 Dragon Kenjutsu (Wakizashi)/Strength (R1) Damage: 1d10l1 6
Total Damage: 6

R2 Attack: D4 Dragon Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility, TN 7: 3d10o10k2+1 8 Success!
R2 Damage: D4 Dragon Kenjutsu (Katana)/Strength (R2) Damage: 1d10l1 4
Total Damage: 10

R3 Attack: D4 Dragon Chain Weapons (Kusarigama)/Agility (R3), TN 7: 2d10o10k2+1 15
R3: Damage: D4 Dragon Chain Weapons (Kusarigama)/Strength (R3) Damage: 1d10 1
Total Damage: 11

R4 Attack: D4 Dragon Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility (R4), TN 7: 3d10o10k2+1 14
R4 Damage: D4 Dragon Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility (R4) Damage: 1d10 6 (lol says agility but im just dumb and forgot to write strength, roll is correct)
Total Damage: 17

R5 Attack: D4 Dragon Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility (R5), TN7: 3d10o10k2+1 14
R5 Damage: D4 Dragon Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility (R5) Damage: 1d10 10 (same for this xd)
R5 Damage Explosion (forgot to add so doing it here): D4 Dragon Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility (R5) Damage pt 2: 1d10o10l1 2
Total Damage: 29

R6 Attack: D4 Dragon Heavy Weapons (Dai Tsuchi)/Agility (R6), TN 7: 2d10o10k2+1 9
R6 Damage: D4 Dragon Heavy Weapons (Dai Tsuchi)/Strength (R6) Damage: 1d10 1
Total Damage: 30

Results: +6 DP, +1 Katana, +Crab Hands, +1 Agility, +1 Intelligence (i think this should be correct, lmk if it isn't)
Last edited by Kakita Kazuko on Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Crane Clan | Bushi | Profile | Way Better than Kotomi
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1.0 | Glory: 2.4 | TP: 252 (ty oleanderpoison!)
Equipment: Daisho/Light Armor where allowed, Fancy Clothes, Expensive Crane Hairpin (5 koku) and Earrings (2 koku), Fan

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Kakita Kenji
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kakita Kenji » Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:16 pm

Kenji felt Kazuko's look, he smiled. If she watched, he shouldn't embarrass himself.

Kenji greeted the Ahsigaru in front of him with a bow.
"Ashigaru-San, hit me with everything you've got!" he shouted and went into a defensive position.

His bokken hit Kenji's bokken with a loud bang. "Harder!"

The Ashigaru took his bokken and let the blows rain down on Kenji. But no matter how hard and fast the Ashigaru beat Kenji, he could not penetrate his defense. All that could be heard was the sound of bokken colliding.

Only when Kenji and the Ashigaru were equally exhausted, they stopped the fight "Good,... fight,..... Ashigaru-san," Kenji said between catching his breath. He bowed briefly and triumphantly raised his hands in the air, a broad grin on his face.

Ring: Earth
Defense/Stamina 2k1
TN to Hit: 20

D4 Combat Training Mediation/Void TN6: 2d10k1 10 Would've exploded, but typed wrong, nevertheless i got it

Initative Kenji: D4 Combat Training Initative: 4d10o10k3 16
Initative Ashigaru: D4 Combat Training Initative: 2d10o10k1 3

Round #1
Kenji Full Defense: D4 Combat Training Defense/Stamina: 2d10o10k1 4
New TNtoHit: 22
Ashigaru Attack: D4 Combat Training Attack Roll Round#1: 6d10o10k2 18 Miss!

Kenji Full Defense: D4 Combat Training Defense/Stamina#2: 2d10o10k1 9
New TNtoHit: 25
Ashigaru Attack: D4 Combat Training Attack Roll Round#2: 6d10o10k2 17 Miss!

Kenji Full Defense: D4 Combat Training Defense/Stamina#3: 2d10o10k1 4
New TNtoHit: 22
Ashigaru Attack: D4 Combat Training Attack Roll Round#3: 6d10o10k2 13 Miss!

Kenji Full Defense: D4 Combat Training Defense/Stamina#4: 2d10o10k1 17
New TNtoHit: 29
Ashigaru Attack: D4 Combat Training Attack Roll Round#4: 6d10o10k2 28 Miss!

Kenji Full Defense: D4 Combat Training Defense/Stamina#5: 2d10o10k1 6
New TNtoHit: 23
Ashigaru Attack: D4 Combat Training Attack Roll Round#5: 6d10o10k2 6 Miss!

Kenji Full Defense: D4 Combat Training Defense/Stamina#6: 2d10o10k1 8
New TNtoHit: 24
Ashigaru Attack: D4 Combat Training Attack Roll Round#6: 6d10o10k2 17 Miss!

Forgot the +1 Bonus to all Defense rolls,...... well
Result: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Willpower, +1 Stamina, Quick
Crane Clan | Bushi & Artisan | Your friendly&idealistic neighbourhood Samurai | UTC +2 | Profile
Honour: Exceptional | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 5.0 | Infamy: 1.0 | Topaz Points: 95
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, Sandals, Travelling Pack

"You own every word you speak" - Shinsei

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Matsu Qiang
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Matsu Qiang » Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:40 am

In the morning’s training, Matsu Qiang launched a furious attack with his bokken, battering his opponent about the head and shoulders relentlessly. The hapless ashigaru seemed unable to defend himself effectively, so in the interests of making the match more sporting, Qiang switched things up by resorting to unarmed combat, and, at one point, a weapon resembling a boat paddle that might’ve been meant to be a wooden bisento. Unfortunately, his opponent was no better at defending against these - possibly, even worse.

Day 4 Combat training, Meditate on Water, VOID/Meditation TN6: 3d10o10k2 16 succeeds, +WATER to attack rolls
Day 4 Combat training, Opponent’s full defense roll (will halve this and add 5): 2d10o10k1 17 for TN13
Day 4 Combat training, Initiative REF/Rank: 1d10o10 6
Day 4 Combat training, Attack #1, STR/Kenjutsu +WATER +Full Attack TN13 (rerolled at GM request): 6d10o10k3+2 22 hit
Day 4 Combat training, Damage #1, STRk1: 2d10o10k1 11 opponent voids damage down to 1
Day 4 Combat training, Attack #2, STR/Kenjutsu +WATER +Full Attack TN13 (rerolled at GM request): 6d10o10k3+2 27 hit
Day 4 Combat training, Damage #2, STRk1: 2d10o10k1 6 total 7
Day 4 Combat training, Attack #3, STR/Kenjutsu +WATER +Full Attack TN13 (rerolled at GM request): 6d10o10k3+2 34 hit
Day 4 Combat training, Damage #3, STRk1: 2d10o10k1 1 total 8
switch weapons to bisento
Day 4 Combat training, Attack #4, STR/Heavy Weapons +WATER +Full Attack TN13 (rerolled at GM request): 4d10k3+2 29 hit
Day 4 Combat training, Damage #4, STRk1: 2d10o10k1 9 total 17
switch weapons to unarmed
Day 4 Combat training, Attack #5, STR/Jiujutsu +WATER +Full Attack TN13 (rerolled at GM request): 8d10o10k3+2 31 hit
Day 4 Combat training, Damage #5, STRk1: 2d10o10k1 3
switch weapons to bokken
Day 4 Combat training, Attack #6, STR/Kenjutsu +WATER +Full Attack TN13 (rerolled at GM request): 6d10o10k3+2 21 hit
Day 4 Combat training, Damage #6, 2k1: 2d10o10k1 8 total 25

Total: 6 Hits for 6 Dojo points
+1 to Kenjutsu skill
+1 to WATER
Crab Hands gained
Lion Clan • Competitor • Crab Hands • Strong • Betrothed
Status 1.0 • Glory 5.3 • Exceptional Honor

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Utaku Nesrin
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Utaku Nesrin » Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:28 pm

She'd practiced her defense the previous time, today, after the night they'd had, Nesrin wanted more practice with striking foes. The remaining ache of the cut in her side was a reminder that if she'd hit harder the first time, they might not have had a chance to strike her. She took a moment before the weapons rack before taking down a plain bokken, warming up with something familiar before her turn facing someone on the mats.

While focused on her warm-up, she tried to watch the other bouts, at least a little. Ichiro was doing well despite the injury she knew he'd taken last night, and she had to stop listening to the other Ichiro before giggling ruined her focus.

Once she bowed to her opponent though, she had no trouble with her focus, despite the shouts and cries around her. Blade and feet moved in concert, and very nearly as effectively as if she'd been allowed to do it from horseback. She still, however, hadn't the strength to control the blows as well as she might like, and after the third came far too close to being the kind that draws blood, wooden weapon or no, she bowed and set it aside.

She could practice her unarmed combat instead, and with less risk. She'd really only learned much of it the day before, but it came easily today. Perhaps her opponent was offering subtle cues? After all, this was training too, not 'swing at things without correction until maybe you hit them.' Whatever the reason, she felt like she'd accomplished something, felt lessons click now that the previous night's battle had driven home how serious they could become.

Ring: Fire

Meditation/Void TN 6
8 success. +1 to rolls

Initiative: 13 Actually 14, forgot the +1. Makes no difference in this case.
Opponent Initiative: 18

Opponent in Defense: TN 7

(Note, was tired enough to forget that hits cause damage for a few rounds and rolled them after the fact)

Round 1: Kenjutsu
16, 6 damage
+1 DP

Round 2: Kenjutsu
16, 5 damage (total11)
+1 DP

Round 3: Kenjutsu
28, 8 damaage Spend their void to reduce to 0 (total 11)
Exploded twice, Gain Great Potential, Kenjutsu
+1 Kenjutsu

Round 4: Jiujutsu
12, 3 damage (total 14)

Round 5: Jiujutsu
17, 5 damage (total 19)

Round 6: Jiujutsu
15, 7 damage Spend their void to reduce to 0 (total 19)
+1 Jiujutsu

19 damage to opponent

+6 dojo points
Great Potential: Kenjutsu
+1 Kenjutsu
+1 Jiujutsu
+1 Agility
+1 Intelligence
Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Battle Maiden * Honest and Fair * Hard to pronounce name
Honor: A Soul Above Question * Status: 1 * Glory: 3


"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself home" -Bashō
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Vutall » Sat Jul 04, 2020 6:08 am

This event closes 6 hours from this post

Kokyou: +1 Earth
Togashi Dao: +5 Dojo Points, +1 Air, +1 Defense
Kaiu Aiichiro: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Water, +1 Kenjutsu, +Great Potential (Kenjutsu), Crab Hands
Utaku Ichiro: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Air, +1 Defense
Moto Ichiro: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Water, +1 Kenjutsu, +1 Heavy Weapons, +Great Potential (Kenjutsu), Strength of the Earth
Kaito Haruki: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Air, +1 Defense, Quick
Yasuki Ginkasaru: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Kenjutsu, Hands of Stone, Crab Hands, +1 Water Ring
Kakita Kazuko: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Kenjutsu, Crab Hands, +1 Fire Ring
Kakita Kenji: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Earth, Quick
Matsu Qiang: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Kenjutsu, +1 Water, Crab Hands
Utaku Nesrin: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Fire, +1 Kenjutsu, +1 Juijutsu, +Great Potential (Kenjutsu)
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
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Asako Sanzo
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Re: Daily Combat Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Asako Sanzo » Sat Jul 04, 2020 6:35 am

Asako Sanzo was a bit nervous; he hadn't trained his kenjutsu in quite some time and wanted impress the attending sensei. He warmed up a bit, remember his forms and strikes. When he's finally ready, he partners up with an ashigaru and they go at it. Sanzo either paired up with someone of middling defensive skill, or his attacks were just laser-accurate today.

After the training is finished, Sanzo bows respectfully to his opponent.

Crunchy Bits:

Chosen Ring: Fire

D4 Dragon: Combat Training Medi/Void, TN6: 3d10o10k2 7

D4 Dragon: Combat Training Sanzo Initiative IR/Ref: 3d10o10k2 8 +1 from Meditation = 9
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Foe Initiative IR/Ref: 2d10o10k1 9

Round 1
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 1 Kenji/Agi, TN6: 4d10o10k3 23
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 1 dmg: 2d10o10l1 8

Round 2
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 2 Kenji/Agi, TN6: 4d10o10k3 25
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 2 dmg: 2d10o10l1 6

Round 3
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 3 Kenji/Agi, TN6: 4d10o10k3 19
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 3 dmg: 2d10o10l1 2

Round 4
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 4 Kenji/Agi, TN6: 4d10o10k3 18
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 4 dmg: 2d10o10l1 4

Round 5
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 5 Kenji/Agi, TN6: 4d10o10k3 27
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 5 dmg: 2d10o10l1 3

Round 6
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 6 Kenji/Agi, TN6: 4d10o10k3 41
D4 Dragon: Combat Training Round 6 dmg: 2d10o10l1 1

+6 Dojo Points
Great Potential (Kenjutsu)
+1 Kenjutsu
+1 Fire Ring
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
Status: 0.5 | Glory: 0.5 | Honour: As expected
Equipment: Student clothes, Sandals, Straw Hat, Straw cloak, Fan, Lucky cricket

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