Weather - Day 2 (June 25 - June 27)

Final Day: July 19 (Midnight/00:01, Gmt -4)- July 21 (Midnight/23:59, GMT -4
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Weather - Day 2 (June 25 - June 27)

Post by Vutall » Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:52 am

DAY 2:
11th Day of the Horse, 1122

The student awake to find a scroll nailed to a wooden beam near the barracks entrance detailing all of the students and the instructors initial assessment of them. ((Players can find that list here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=458 ))

The meals today consist of only rice mixed with fish oil and topped with fish floss, as well as water and tea.

The weather for the day begins cool and clear and around mid day moves to cloudy and highly windy, though the parade grounds of the dojo being surrounded by four walls help alleviate some of the winds.

The moon is past the first quarter full, and will be full in about 4 days.


Art and Courtier Training
Spellcasting Training
Combat Training

Physical Wellness

Special Notes:
Students who earned a Sensei on Day 1 may now make a thread requesting that sensei to earn +1 to a skill that the sensei has. Please try to coordinate with other players so we can have multiple people in a thread. Once your thread is made, please post a link to it here: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=380 and state which instructor you are requesting. Note that the skill you earn will not take effect until the next game day.

From Day 2 and onward, Asako Himeya will offer healing services for injured students. If you have +5 wound penalties or below, she will heal you with a medicine roll. If you have higher than +5 wound penalties, she will use the Kami. Please request her presence in the link above.
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Eye on the others surviving among us
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Re: Weather - Day 2 (June 25 - June 27)

Post by Vutall » Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:59 am

Day 2 Rumors:

"Did you see the short Yasuki?"

"The one that looks all sad?"

"Yeah. He looks miserable. I heard though he has DELICIOUS mochi."

"Yeah, an Imperial was even impressed!"


"Isn't it wonderful how ambitious the Mantis are? Why that boy of theirs, Kokyou, was shouting from the rooftops about his desire to be a shugenja!"

"Isn't he registered here is a bushi?"

"Well, yes, but boundaries have never stopped the Mantis before..."


Student A: Isn't Otomo Nobuko wonderful? Her movements are so graceful and composed. And the way she speaks! So mature!

Student B: Are you suggesting she's secretly an adult, sent to spy on us and find our hidden stores of mochi?

Student A: mochi?

Student B: *Cracks knuckles* Good Answer.


Sensei A: I heard that a Mantis swain down in the village is composing a song cycle to celebrate our Kokyou's gempukku.

Sensei B: Which one is Kokyou, again?

Sensei A: You know, the one that threatened to bust that snide Bayushi boy's nose! Or maybe it was his own nose. Or put out his eye. Oh, well, I'm sure the songs will clear it all up.

Sensei B: Well? Have you heard any of them? Sing us one!

Sensei A: *Clears Throat*

Pour, oh, pour the pirate sake,
Fill, O fill the pirate glass!
And, to make us more than merry,
Let the pirate bumper pass!

For today our pirate 'prentice
Rises from indenture freed;
Strong his arm, and keen his scent is
He's a pirate now, indeed!

Here's good luck to Kokyou's ventures!
Kokyou's out of his indentures!

Ten and Four now he's arising
And alone he's fit to fly
Which he's bent on signalizing
With his rooftop revelry!

Sensei B: Wow. They really lean into that pirate stuff, don't they?

Sensei A: Yeah, because it makes them look cool.


"Did you hear all the screaming last night?"

"No, I was too weirded out by someone peeping at me through the shoji screen and forced myself to sleep"

"I bet it was one of those Scorpion. They always are trying to gain an advantage on others."


"I heard someone brought a bunch of shoju into the dojo and got a ton of students drunk last night!"


"Why'd that Kuni get special permission to leave the dojo?"

"I don't know, but Kuni are creepy. Maybe the sensei was making him go cleanse himself to ward off their creepy nature."
Primary colors divide us and love us
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American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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Re: Weather - Day 2 (June 25 - June 27)

Post by Vutall » Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:48 pm

Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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