D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

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Isawa Tanshin
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D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:34 pm

Tanshin casually took his place and bowed to the judge and his opponent.

"I hope you find strength in emptiness, cousin."

D7 LA Initiative: 3d10o10k2 16
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
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Asako Saburo
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Asako Saburo » Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:07 am

Saburo sighed, bowed low in deference to proctors and Tanshin and shook his head. "The void is not about strength. It simply is." And with that he took his stance, eyes penetrating the core of his opponent.

required rolls
initiative: 22
Awareness Spellcraft, void 2 cr (tn 25): 38

(PM water, fire, void pls. If exceptional success counts, include earth.)
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
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Isawa Tanshin
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:18 pm

Meh, Assessment.

D7 LA Assessment +2R TN 25: 8d10ro1o10k3 18
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
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Asako Saburo
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Asako Saburo » Sat Aug 22, 2020 11:55 pm

Saburo was, at this point, reasonably certain of the outcome and hopeful that he could control the vast emptiness of the Void. With that in his mind, he drew his hands up in a position of reverence, the power of the void coming into his command. To anyone who was not an Ishiken it seemed as if nothing was happening, other than that his pupils seemed to dilate outwards until his eyes were nothing more than an inky black void. His focus was powerful, guided by his centered stance, his awareness of their relative power and his own chi being called upon. Though the sight of it was not clear, the air practically hummed in anticipation as he prepared to unleash the power of that which bound the elements together.


Round 2: Focus - Void Ring Selected: 6k4+1k1 Assessment+1k1 VP +1k1+4 Center Stance +5 (FR from tech): 61

(OOC: Sorry for any delay. Didn't have this subscribed like a dummy)
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
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Isawa Tanshin
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:36 pm

OOC - No worries, I've just sent a treasured pet to the void. I wasn't ready to deal with this yet.

Tanshin felt a pang of fear as he bagan calling the kami to him. He hadn't been able to sense Saburo's abilities as he should have. Still, witnessing his previous duel provided decent insight.

He chanted to the fire kami to answer his call. A warm breeze swept towards him, then ignited into the semblence of a bird made of flame, which circled and darted about him.

D7 LA Focus +1V: 9d10o10k6 68
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
Wears: Robes, Prayer Beads, Travelling Pack
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Isawa Tanshin
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Mon Aug 24, 2020 12:03 am

Tanshin pulled back both his arms as the fiery bird swooped behind him. He brought his hands forward mimicking the beat of wings as the bird streaked from just above his head towards Saburo!

D7 LA Strike TN 15 +1FR (Focus): 10d10ro1o10k5+5 44
Edit: No Free Raise for winning Focus.. can re-roll if GM or opponent wants.
D7 LA Damage: 5d10o10k5 37
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
Wears: Robes, Prayer Beads, Travelling Pack
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Asako Saburo
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Asako Saburo » Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:01 am

As Tanshin holds literally nothing back in an exhibition duel, taking absolutely no precautions to avoid destroying a fellow Phoenix the day of their gempukku, the flames raged with such incredible force that the thing that Mai was infinitely afraid of came to pass. Saburo was consumed with the full fury of the storm in a split second's disparity of focus between the two of them. When the flames came, there was no motion of void. No power from the other side.

Smoke curled from Saburo's body as it lay on the ground, seemingly lifeless. Shocked and horrified gasps came from the stands as healers rushed out onto the field to see if Tanshin had just killed his fellow Phoenix.


Wounds: 1/38. Out. As Saburo is out, he is not able to Strike in turn.

I'm going to let Vutall handle adjudication. I assume he'll be healed up afterwards, and I've got plans for later in the day. Assuming he is healed successfully. I'm thinking... Going to give him a permanent scar for that. Might as well go Zuko while we're at it.

(Player Note: We're good. Player has confirmed they aren't using center for damage. Ok, this is in Vutall's hands. I'll be back this evening.)
Last edited by Asako Saburo on Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
Carries: Sturdy Clothes, Scroll Satchel, Inquisitor's Strike (Wakizashi, counts as Jade), Jade netsuke

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Isawa Tanshin
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:19 am

Ooc: I am still unfamiliar with the nuances, if there is a way damage can be reduced, please describe them, or point me to a rules regefence
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
Wears: Robes, Prayer Beads, Travelling Pack
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Asako Saburo
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Asako Saburo » Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:24 am

Isawa Tanshin wrote:
Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:19 am
Ooc: I am still unfamiliar with the nuances, if there is a way damage can be reduced, please describe them, or point me to a rules regefence
OOC: You raise to roll more dice, and you keep the lowest. You use free raises to roll more damage dice, and you keep the lowest. Dice rolled does not mean you have to take the highest dice unless your character is brash or overconfident.
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
Carries: Sturdy Clothes, Scroll Satchel, Inquisitor's Strike (Wakizashi, counts as Jade), Jade netsuke

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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:22 am

Asako Saburo is eliminated!

Isawa Tanshin advances, earns 10 points for a new total of 327. Additionally, he receives a warning for excessive use of force by the judge, saying that while the display was impressive, a better shugenja would have been able to keep the wild rage of the fire kami in check ((By calling raises on Strike for +1k0 damage, allowing more rolled dice so player can pick dice instead or just taking whatever was rolled))
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Toritaka Sasaiko
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Toritaka Sasaiko » Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:52 am

(With GM permission)

Sasaiko is one of those who rushes towards Saburo. She is not a healer, nor has she skill with the Water Kami, but she knows her place now is at the side of her affianced.

Kneeling beside him, patting out such lingering flames as still lick at him, she bows her head in prayer and begins to intone.

It might be a bit, but it will seem to be a good talk with the Earth Kami (rolled a 50 to cast Commune, which is normally TN 10).
Toritaka Noriko
Falcon * Phantom Hunter (Shug)
S 2.0 * G 2.1 * H As Expected

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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:00 am

A healer comes to offer Saburo assistance. Their first call to the water kami does not have great success, the burns just too great, fire kami still lingering around Saburo:

Path to Inner Peace, IR3+Spellcasting+Affinity: 9d10o10k4 28+5 from FR=22 healed

The healer closes their eyes and takes a deep breath, centering themselves again before attempting to call the kami a second time. They fare little better, but with the two combined efforts, Saburo does look healthier.

Path to Inner Peace, IR3+Spellcasting+Affinity: 9d10o10k4+5 35=25 healed
=47 total healed.
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Isawa Tanshin
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:18 am

Tanshin did not expect Saburo to fall so easily. He was frozen in place as Saburo collapsed in a smoldering heap.
He was barely aware of the crowd. He could hear the strident calls of the judge, but he scarcely heard what was being said.

He took a step to approach and offer help, but Sasaiko was already there, soon followed by the tournament healers. He was reminded of the ink vortex just the day before, and thought it best to let them work. The kami could heal Saburo, or just as easily snuff out what little remained, or even take from someone else to heal Saburo.
He had seen that before. He did not care to relive it.
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
Wears: Robes, Prayer Beads, Travelling Pack
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Asako Saburo
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Asako Saburo » Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:20 am

The first spell cast caused Saburo's eyes to open and a ragged, wet cough to echo in the space between them all. His head hurt like hell, and there was a vicious red mark that covered the side of his face. He grimaced in pain but did not cry out, waiting patiently for the second spell to be cast as his eyes fluttered towards Sasaiko. When it was done, he started to get to a seated position and gave a bow to the shugenja first. "Thank you," he said shakily before his eyes turned towards Isawa Tanshin and he offered him the exact minimal bow necessary in that moment, raising his head from the inclination, an indication that he accepted the result of the duel.

"Cousin. You are the superior Taryu-Jiai duelist," he said, voice rough and raw. "But I will remain here a moment, as my fiance is clearly importuning with the kami. Your bout with her will begin in time, and I will give offerings to Jurojin for sparing my life today. Tomorrow? I believe you will be Topaz Champion. Honor to you. However, Mai-sama was wiser than the two of us together."

A cough and his eyes narrowed. "Do not regret, but learn. Now leave me to my fiance. We will not speak again unless our lord or station demands it." With that, he turned from Tanshin only if he was certain the other had departed, to focus his attention on Sasaiko.
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
Carries: Sturdy Clothes, Scroll Satchel, Inquisitor's Strike (Wakizashi, counts as Jade), Jade netsuke

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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Toritaka Sasaiko » Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:35 am

By the time Sasaiko is done, Saburo is awake and aware and speaking.

Oh, Saburo! she thinks as she sees his face, and she quickly hides her hands where they have ash and stain upon them.

"Thank you, kind Kami," she breathes out, sotto voce, and she notes the healer hard by. "But it seems the matter is attended to."

And I could not help.

"Can you stand, Asako-san?" she asks, ready to lift him if it is needed.

What I can do for him, I will do for him.
Toritaka Noriko
Falcon * Phantom Hunter (Shug)
S 2.0 * G 2.1 * H As Expected

On-site: robes, sandals, and scroll satchel and scrolls, Seppun blade, Miya-made map of Tsuma; might have money
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Asako Saburo
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Asako Saburo » Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:02 am

He gave her a look when he saw the way that she spoke and managed a pained smile as he nodded to her. I am the healer, Sasaiko dear. That is how this will always be. You are the rock, and I am the healer. Don't give me that look. Slowly, he started to rise before grunting. The wound was healed, but ... The empire and its predilections be damned, she was allowed to help a wounded samurai up.

"I will admit that a hand of assistance would be appreciated. My feet need to be steady when I rise, after all," he said softy, offering one arm for her to help. "Heh... tell me. Is it as bad as I think it looks?" Kokyou might actually be able to joke at his expense now for his appearance. Kami, but that was something.
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Toritaka Sasaiko » Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:12 am

She stands, herself, grips the offered arm and hauls hi up with no evident difficulty.

Releasing it, she remarks "I don't know how bad you think it looks, but your mirror will surprise you."

She looks at his face again. "There is scarring. Some of the hair may not grow back. But it looks like the functional parts remain in place, which is to the good." She manages a grin. "And some might say it adds some character."

The grin broadens. "Makes for a more fearsome enforcer of the law, too."
Toritaka Noriko
Falcon * Phantom Hunter (Shug)
S 2.0 * G 2.1 * H As Expected

On-site: robes, sandals, and scroll satchel and scrolls, Seppun blade, Miya-made map of Tsuma; might have money
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Isawa Tanshin
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Mon Aug 24, 2020 7:46 am

Tanshin found relief in Saburo's recovery, however his words cut.

Tanshin retreated to a quieter area of the dojo to meditate for what was to come.

D7 LA Meditation TN 20: 7d10o10k4 30
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
Wears: Robes, Prayer Beads, Travelling Pack
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Asako Saburo
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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Asako Saburo » Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:40 am

"That is something, at least. I was never a paragon of beauty to begin with," he managed to quip. It was a little hollow coming out of his lips, but his sight wasn't damaged so there was that. His lid wanted to droop a bit, but he could still see without a headache. No permanent harm there. Just... cosmetic, and in the end? She was right. He'd probably scare the hell out of a lawbreaker.

"I suppose they will know my face and come to fear it for the things that they cannot see. Would you help me over to the stands? As long as the healers do not insist, which I doubt after that healing magic, I would prefer to rest there and watch your bout." He paid no attention to Tanshin's departure at this point, however, and Sasaiko might notice that he seemed to be openly, pointedly ignoring the boy. No bitter grimace or anger. Just a deadpan, active ignoring.
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
Carries: Sturdy Clothes, Scroll Satchel, Inquisitor's Strike (Wakizashi, counts as Jade), Jade netsuke

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Re: D7 LA Round 2 Isawa Tanshin vs Asako Saburo

Post by Toritaka Sasaiko » Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:59 pm

"Of course, Asako-san," she replies, careful to maintain at least that much decorum for him.

Noting the healer's nod, she offers a short bow before offering herself as a help to him and guiding him towards the stands. She remains strong, even now.

"But you'll need a new kimono soonest. I'd be happy to look for one with you later."

If she notes the ignoring, she does not comment on it. It'd spoil the whole effect, really.
Toritaka Noriko
Falcon * Phantom Hunter (Shug)
S 2.0 * G 2.1 * H As Expected

On-site: robes, sandals, and scroll satchel and scrolls, Seppun blade, Miya-made map of Tsuma; might have money
Off: the above + loaded traveling pack

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