(Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

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Bayushi Jiro
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Bayushi Jiro » Tue Aug 18, 2020 11:32 pm

Bayushi Jiro approaches first, dressed in his best kimono. After taking a moment to bow formally to Toshimoko, he says in a rich voice audible to all assembled, though the speech was addressed to Toshimoko:

"Kakita-dono, your hospitality is without equal, and your people remain truly the greatest artists and aesthetes of the Empire. Your sumptuous feast has surpassed all within my memory, and can only be rivaled by two: the Winter Court at Kyuden Bayushi some years ago, when, as a small child, I was permitted to take part in a feast feting the Son of Heaven, and a much humbler event...

Some time ago, my doshi Bayushi Kaidan and I were privileged to take tea with a leading light of the Empire. We are, of course, not the only ones that have been so favored. A life as long and a career as illustrious--Duelist, Courtier, Kenshinzen, Daimyo, Champion, Father, Brother" On the last word his eyes met Toshimoko's for the briefest of instants, to drive home the point--"as that of the man in question means that he took tea with many of the mighty and the wise in this Empire, but we were privileged, reckoned as we were only boys of small accomplishment and great dreams.

Our time together was brief, but in it Doji Satsume of Blessed Memory performed an act that I shall never forget--an act, I think, that encapsulates what it is to be Lord the Clan of Art, and Master the Stewards of the Empire's Soul. He challenged us and he inspired us with his words and with his presence. That you, Kakita-dono, your family and your people shared him with the Empire at large and, in this more personal sense, with two young sons of Bayushi, is a gift beyond price, and one that I can never forget. Consequently, it would honor me, my doshi, and my family if you were to accept from us this token of his memory--the silver teapot he gave to us, which I have been privileged to treasure all of the days between our visit together and this eclipsing act of kindness from another great lord of the Crane. By passing it to you, I feel that I can return to you some of the connection that you gave to all of us when he became the Emerald Champion, the guarantor of our security and the protector of the Son of Heaven."

He presents then a silver teapot, laced with designs so intricate that Toshimoko, being so close, would recognize that it is not from this world at all. In a sense, this teapot connects one not just with the living Satsume, but the one that dwells in the realms of the spirits.

Then Bayushi Jiro bowed deeply and withdrew to his seat.

D6, LE, Feast: Perform:Oratory/Awareness+1k1 Voice, 1 Raise Called: 7d10o10k6 35
* Scorpion Clan * Courtier * Rich Baritone * Twin * Terminally Pretty * Adult Name: Bayushi Tomohiro
Honor: Untrustworthy, Infamy: 1, Status: 2, Topaz Points: 254

Wearing: a lovely scarf, wakizashi, extravagant clothing This mask

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Bayushi Kaidan » Wed Aug 19, 2020 2:01 am

Kaidan was up next. He was wearing his more courtier like clothes. He still don't want to call attention to himself. He took out a small fox origami crafted by 'himself' the day before. "Honorable Kakita sama, you have given us an opportunity that many would like to have." He bowed. "This fox comes with a story. It was told to me by my grandmother back in Shinden Asahina." The Bayushi bowed as he started his performance.

"Once there was a Kitsune who met a Yuki no Onna. They met every winter month. They courted each other. Things went more serious and the Yuki no Onna was with child one winter. They couldn't take care of the child. The beautiful winter fox called the attention of lady Doji. Lady Doji spoke to both and asked them to let her keep their child." Kaidan paused. "Now I give you this white paper fox to take care as Lady Doji took in the winter fox."

//D6 LE Perform: Storytelling unskilled: 4d10k4 21
D5 LA Artisan: Origami 1 raise TN 20 paper fox: 6d10o10k4 60
Chosen Name: Bayushi Gakihiro
♦ Scorpion ♦ Bushi ♦ Androgenous ♦Hated by Ghosts ♦Hates Frogs ♦Random Samurai #46 ☆Insensitive ☆Wanderer ☆Silent ☆Dr. Antidote ☆Experienced 1
Only wears the Scorpion Mon
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Wed Aug 19, 2020 2:19 am

"Thank you for gracing us all with those tales, they will be remembered fondly."

As Jiro and Kaiden sit down, Bayushi Mei Lin approaches. She offers a gift of incense and per-fumes known to come from the Spice Islands of the Mantis.

Toshimoko visibly frowns and narrows his eyes a little at her, but she simply bows and sits back down.

Toshimoko quickly has a servant take it away.

((Phoenix are up! Asako Saburo, Kaito Haruki, Kaito Kai, Isawa Tanshin, and Shiba Toya NPC))
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Kaito Haruki
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Kaito Haruki » Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:45 am

In order to clear the tension a little bit, Haruki starts by posing a question. "Here's a question for the room: what does the miso soup, the fried chicken, and the steamed clams all have in common?" He pauses for the rhetorical question, "it's simple, they all have this as a key ingredient." Haruki then pulls out his gift, a simple bottle of cooking sake, one which everyone has seen every time they have walked through the kitchens. "Now you might be asking, how can so many different dishes all come from one bottle? The answer to that question is the same as to the question: how did I get here? It is the choices we make." He then hands the bottle Kakita Toshimoko-Sama. "Now normally I would not make a request when I give gifts, but I have one for this: when next we meet after the Topaz Championship, will you tell me what you made with it?"
Last edited by Kaito Haruki on Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Proper full name is Isawa Kunio of House Kaito: Bushi,Courtier Mons: Chest: Phoenix R Shoulder: Isawa L Shoulder: Kaito Honor: 6.1 Glory: 4.9 Status: 2 Wound Status: Healthy Phoenix Clan TP: 224
Water Bottle, Coin Purse, Fan, Jade Finger

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Wed Aug 19, 2020 8:14 pm

Isawa Tanshin stepped towards the head table wearing a new kimono. He kept his hands tucked into his sleeves as he approached. Tanshin bowed.

"Toshimoko-dono. I am honored to be among the many students that were chosen to compete in your esteemed championship. All of us are doing our best to bring honor and pride to our sensei, house, clan, and family. My gift to you is a kakejiku of wise words spoken to me by a proud father."

He withdraws his hands from his kimono, revealing the kakejiku. Written in excellent flowing calligraphy, it reads:

"To be a guide to ones sons and daughters is all a parent desires to be"
Isawa Tanshin wrote:
Wed Aug 19, 2020 6:44 am
D6 EA - Calligraphy/INT +1V TN 40 (4 Raises?): 9d10o10k6 61
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
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Asako Saburo
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Asako Saburo » Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:42 pm

Saburo, after his two clansmen approached, stepped forward and bowed low with a humble tone to his voice before drawing forth a statue of the fortune Jurojin. It was not necessarily of especially impressive quality, but there was a weathered element to it that said it had seen extensive use over the years. The Statue showed signs of regular use, as the offering bowl that it held was stained with old incense residue and resin for so long that no amount of cleaning would completely remove the signs of its use. It had clearly been cared for very well, but it was no new piece.

Setting it before him, Saburo bowed low and spoke in a polite, deferential tone. "Kakita Toshimoko-dono, this humble statue has traveled with me sinc my mother bequethed it to me in my tender youth, to watch over my growth. I have prayed nightly for the guidance, the protection and wisdom that Jurojin brings toward long life. It came with me to the Ruby Champion's lessons, and has traveled with me through the Isawa Mori. I believe that Jurojin continues to watch over me each day, and while I will pray nightly for his continued blessing in all trials of body, I wish for his warm gaze to watch upon your household every day, to bless it with continued long life." Proceeding through the three refusals properly, step after step, he made sure to show his sincerity in giving up the old heirloom of his younger years.

(-Small Statue of Jurojin, Value about 1 Koku + Sentimental Value heh.)
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:04 pm

((Skipping Kai but they can still post here if they wish))

Toshomoko seems quite pleased with Haruki's gift, gives a bit of a glare to Tanshin, but nods in thanks, and gives another thanks to Saburo.

Shiba Toya approaches and recites a poem about Toshimoko's time as a warrior, which has Toshimoko give a pleasant smile.

((Crane are up! Kakita Kenji and Kakita Kazuko, Kakita Riku NPC))
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Kakita Kenji
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Kakita Kenji » Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:32 pm

Kenji went up to Toshimoko and bowed deeply. In his hands he held a bottle of sake, but it seemed simple and inconspicuous.

"Born as simple rice, planted and harvested by the honest work of the Heimin, brewed carefully in order to bring out the best from that simple rice, then aged for its finest notes to come fore, this humble sake wine is a reminder of myself and my colleagues as we were born, trained, aged and improved, and are now finally ready to walk out into our roles in the world at our finest. I feel the deepest gratitude to be allowed to study at your academy and to blossom under your gaze as a humble servant and samurai of the Crane Clan." Kenji said and offered another deep bow to Toshimoko.

(Thanks Prash again!)
Crane Clan | Bushi & Artisan | Your friendly&idealistic neighbourhood Samurai | UTC +2 | Profile
Honour: Exceptional | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 5.0 | Infamy: 1.0 | Topaz Points: 95
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:36 am

((Skipping Kazuko, she can post here later if she wishes))

Toshimoko gives a pleasant smile to Kenji.

"I am certain I will find this exquisite. "

Kakita Ren presents a broken bokken, which is clearly worthless but makes Toshimoko laugh out loud and smile warmly.

((Lion are up! Matsu Qiang, Akodo Kichiro, Ikoma Eichiro, Ikoma Nijiro, Kitsu Tsubasa NPC))

After the Lion, Minor Clans and Ronin will be called forward due to intervention from PC actions!
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Ikoma Eichiro
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Ikoma Eichiro » Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:39 am

Eichiro allows all of his clan-mates to go before him, but when his turn comes he produces the box that he had been carrying. "Many years ago, before his retirement, my grandfather Ikoma Kerishima came to me and gave me this box. He said, 'Eichiro, this is an investment from our ancestors into your future, a future that I know will be bright. We Ikoma give voice to the histories and knowledge of our ancestors. We may not speak to them directly like the Kitsu, uphold their ideals like the Akodo or show their honor like the Matsu, but that link is as important as those. Take this, and when the time comes, and you will know it, give it as a gift of gratitude from our ancestors as well as from yourself.'"

"This," he presents the box, "is a 4th year of Hantei XXI vintage Shirinai Spiced wine, passed down by my family through the generations. It has survived war, peace, famine, and plenty. It has seen the Ki-Rin return to the Empire, and the struggle that came with it." He continues, describing historical events that occurred in his province over the many years. "This year, I will be putting down a new vintage to take this ones place, to pass on to my children and grandchildren so that some day, it may be given as a gift as well to a worthy host."

"Please, enjoy Kakita Toshimoko-sama. Enjoy and remember our past and plan for our future."
Lion Clan * Courtier * Lucky * Sage * Paragon of Honesty
Honor: Exceptional - Glory: 1.0 - Status: 1.0 - Topaz Points: Passing
Carries: Spices, Fan, Chopsticks, Sake Cup, Personal Chop, Small Hand Mirror
Wakizashi is in room, not an adult yet.

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Matsu Qiang
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Matsu Qiang » Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:59 am

"I'm afraid my gift is a trivial thing compared to the other fine things that have been presented so far," Matsu Qiang said modestly as he bowed before the headmaster. "Nevertheless, I hope Kakita-sama may find it of some minor interest."

The Lion produced a glittering, many-faceted piece of crystal from his sleeve. The flickering lantern light seemed to fill the crystal with brilliant, dancing stars.

"This is a zokujin crystal, taken from the ancient underground city recently discovered beneath Hirosaka," Qiang explained. "A small token from my youthful adventures at the Ruby Champion's dojo there. But I'm afraid its beauty is wasted on an ignorant person like myself. Surely, Kakita-sama would be a far better person to keep such an artifact."

Qiang bowed again as he presented the zokujin crystal to Toshimoko.
Lion Clan • Competitor • Crab Hands • Strong • Betrothed
Status 1.0 • Glory 5.3 • Exceptional Honor

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Akodo Kichiro
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Akodo Kichiro » Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:54 pm

"May I offer my deepest thanks Kakita-dono for hosting this event. A magnificent display of rokugan's next generation as all clans march towards a brighter tomorrow. Please allow me to express my gratitude." Kichiro sides a large decorated box before him and lifts off the top. Revealed within a sharp stand displaying an ornate signaling gunbai. A relic of war displaying the style of a generation prior now restored to pristine condition.

"Before I left home to begin my education my father gifted me this relic. An instrument that had helped define his successes across many fronts and elevate his career to be counted among the most respected of my kin. Several works published by the Ikoma review accomplishments and offer many commendations. I am proud, as his son, to find his legacy has found a place among the records of the war college." Kichiro picks up the fan off its stand and holds it up.

"Given as I left home to aspire and motivate me to maintain our honored lineage. Many times serving as an anchor to refocus on purpose and find my center. With your help, I have successful reached the end of my gempukku. Ready to earn the name of Akodo and answer destiny's call. To earn my own gunbai and bring glory to the empire." Kichiro returns the fan to its stand and bows deeply to the host.
Lion Clan • Bushi • Akodo Commander • Tactician
Honor: Exceptional - Glory: 1.0 - Status: 1.0 - Topaz Points 299 (Please donate a TP point to the needy)

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Ikoma Nijiro » Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:32 pm

At the end of the Lion contingent, Ikoma Nijiro approach is finally to Kakita Toshimoko. He brings with him a small wrapped box. As he moves forward he bows deeply. Inside the box is a Tea set. While the pattern is not by any means new, the set itself is pristine as it has been taken care of lovingly and preserving way for generations.

“ Honored Kakita Sama, this tea set, while it is not a great gift to one such as worthy and high as you, does indeed come with a story. Many generations ago, your ancestor, Kakita Renji Sama, was an emerald magistrate and came to my village seeking out a ronin band that was causing harm and damage throughout the empire. It was your ancestor who is able to stop the band near our village. The night that he spent in the village, he spent at an in drinking some very unique tea that comes from only one family. This is the same key set, lovingly preserved, by the family until this day. The families wish was to finally show the honor that your ancestor had given to the Lion, and wish to return that which should rightfully be yours. Please accept this paltry gift, Kakita sama.”
Lion Clan * Courtier maybe something else?* Bland
Honor: Expected - Glory: 3.0 - Status: 1.0 - Topaz Points 104
Carries: Spices, Fan, Chopsticks, Sake Cup, Personal Chop, Small Hand Mirror
Wakizashi is in room, not an adult yet.

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:14 pm

The last gift from the Lion, given by Kitsu Tsubasa is an elegant jeweled fan that once belonged to one of Toshimoko’s ancestors who married into the Lion Clan.

Toshimoko, who t first seemed to be a bit...cold...toward the Lion as they were presenting, eventually softens and gives a sense of heartfelt gratitude for the gifts.

After a few minutes of normal dinner, he is approached by Otomo Nobuko who has a brief conversation with him. Then he clears his throat and announces for the Minor Clans, and the ronin Mirai, to come forward to present their gifts.
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:08 pm

((Once the Minor Clans and Ronin present their gift, I'll give out the glory awards for this event))
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Toritaka Sasaiko
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Toritaka Sasaiko » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:23 am

Vutall wrote:
Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:14 pm
The last gift from the Lion, given by Kitsu Tsubasa is an elegant jeweled fan that once belonged to one of Toshimoko’s ancestors who married into the Lion Clan.

Toshimoko, who t first seemed to be a bit...cold...toward the Lion as they were presenting, eventually softens and gives a sense of heartfelt gratitude for the gifts.

After a few minutes of normal dinner, he is approached by Otomo Nobuko who has a brief conversation with him. Then he clears his throat and announces for the Minor Clans, and the ronin Mirai, to come forward to present their gifts.
Zashi wrote:
Mon Aug 24, 2020 7:53 pm
"I am not as good at formal presentations...but let me be your hype man."

Zashi vanishes, appearing a few minutes later looking like a Crane servant girl, his red hair missing and now surprisingly androgynous.

He steps ups head demurely bowed

"My ladies and lords...we humbly thank you for your hospitality" There is a flourish of shamisen, announcing Sasaiko amidst whirls of incense, making her appear almost ghostly on a fabulous approach.

(Part 1 of Zashi's gift is the performance to dress up the other presentations: Performance-TN 20-2 raises TN 30-Acting/Awarenesses-Gift: 8d10o10k5 44 2 raises plus exceptional success)
Sasaiko steps forward, bowing low as she does.

"If it please our most gracious host, the assembled contestants from the Minor Clans would present tokens of their thanks for the grace and excellence shown us here. From myself," and she offers a furled scroll; when opened, it shows a poem of adequate quality in a fine hand:
Sudden swooping strike
Falling like summer lightning
Stronger, whispering

"From Zashi of the Fox, in addition to the brief performance just now" she has offered the cluster of tsu fish eggs.

"From Mai of the Mantis," she offers forward the tea set, description of which is left to the player in question.

"From Kokyou of the Mantis," and she describes the statue of Toshimoko she has been told stands above Tsuma, now.

"And from Hitoshi of the Mantis," and she presents the ship-plans that the contestant had brought to the night's event, and which he had seemed so eager to give.

After moving through the refusals and re-offers, she concludes with "The hospitality of this place and its lord are greatly appreciated by the Younger Clans no less than their elders, and we are grateful to have the opportunity."

Bowing deeply, she withdraws.
Toritaka Noriko
Falcon * Phantom Hunter (Shug)
S 2.0 * G 2.1 * H As Expected

On-site: robes, sandals, and scroll satchel and scrolls, Seppun blade, Miya-made map of Tsuma; might have money
Off: the above + loaded traveling pack

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Kaito Kai
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Kaito Kai » Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:17 am

(Late post)

The laconic Kaito presented her gift. It was a roughly cylindrical container of bound wooden slats, closed at both ends except for a small hole at one end. A fortune-telling box, not too dissimilar from what one could find at a shrine. Though this one was handmade and lacquered by the presenter, who had some small talent at woodworking.

"May it foretell good and great things for you and your house."
Phoenix Clan • Miko (Monk) • Fortunate • Pacifist • For Something Greater • A Bit Odd
Honor: What Is Expected | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 2.6 | Topaz Points: 34
Gear: Priests Robes, Sandals, Fan, Divination Tools, Yumi

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Mirai » Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:42 am

What could a ronin give that a Crane lord could appreciate? Considering she was here on Crane koku to begin with, any gift bought would be like regifting something back to them. A ronin giving a Kakita lord art would have been like saying that the Kakita weren't already the masters of it. She didn't want to try to upstage any of the gifts from the clans either, to make it seem like a lordless wave woman could do better than those of position and society.

It was quite the pickle.

In the end, Mirai waited for things to wrap up and her host to depart before slipping a small paper crane into the pile of gifts that had yet to be taken away. Inside, set between its wings, was a small poem.

A wolf of no note/
Deserves no glory and fame/
Yet should honor you/
Pale shadow of your family/
Please accept this all the same

That seemed safe.

(Origami = 35, Poetry = 55
Ronin | Bushi | Duelist | Versatile | Odd
Status: 0.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Low
Carries: Daishi, Ashigaru Armor, Travelling Pack

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Kakita Kazuko
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Kakita Kazuko » Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:10 pm

Kazuko presents Toshimoko with a calligraphic work of art representing the struggles and obstacles one must overcome to achieve success.


D5 EE Calligraphy/Intelligence, TN30 (3 Raises for Quality, VP): 7d10o10k4 45 4 raises for quality

(sry for short pots but i figure a short one is better than none at all xd)
Crane Clan | Bushi | Profile | Way Better than Kotomi
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1.0 | Glory: 2.4 | TP: 252 (ty oleanderpoison!)
Equipment: Daisho/Light Armor where allowed, Fancy Clothes, Expensive Crane Hairpin (5 koku) and Earrings (2 koku), Fan

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:38 am

After all the gifts had been given, Toshimoko then turns his attention to the celebration feast, seemingly overall pleased by how the participants had performed in this test of etiquette.

((There will be glory awards given out for this at some point for each persons gift. Most will be small, 0.2, but a couple more, a couple less once I fully analyze it all))
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