(Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:49 pm

The "cat" lets out a final yowl in pain and its body disappears, a faint wisp of light as the spirit returns to Gaki-Do.

A few moments later however, a harsh, metallic grating sound can be heard as a laughter rings out.

"Pooooooooooor kiiiiiitttttyyy"

The voice says.

"It juussssst wanted a meeeeeeeal."

Suddenly, 5 spirits appear, terrible looking things appear in the hallway...

D6 LN Initiative: 5#4d10o10k4 12 9 12 18 23
Gaki A Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki B Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki C Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki D Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki E Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0

Round 2:
Akodo Kichiro: 43, Stance: Center, TN: 20, -20ft away. In center stance on Round 2, so no action
Bayushi Kaidan: 39, Stance Defense, TN 37 (25), -20ft away <-----Current Actor
Kokyou: 34 (+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -20ft away
Toritaka Sasaiko: 34, Stance Attack, TN 25, -20 ft away
Togashi Dao: 32(+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -20ft away
Gaki E: 23, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
Gaki D: 18, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
Kaiu Aiichiro: 17 (+3 at end of round if not first), Stance: Full Attack, TN 10, -20ft away
Gaki A: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
Gaki C: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
Gaki B: 9, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:58 pm

All participants must make a Fear 3 check, which is a Strait Willpower Trait Roll+ Honor Rank at TN 20. Failure of this roll means you suffer -3k0 to all rolls for the remainder of the combat.

If a participant fails a roll to resist Fear by 15 or more, they are overwhelmed by fear and flee, unable to participate in the combat.
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Togashi Dao
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Togashi Dao » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:00 pm

The chill from the spirits nearly causes Dao to freeze up before them, but his honour carries him through the worst of it...

D6 LN Fear Willpower + Honor + VP TN20: 4d10o10+5 21
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Toritaka Sasaiko
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Toritaka Sasaiko » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:04 pm

This is exactly what Sasaiko has trained to handle.

She feels the fear.

She lets it pass through her and over her.

When it is gone, she remains.

(Fear roll passed at 25, https://orokos.com/roll/838856.)
Toritaka Noriko
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Kaiu Aiichiro
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Kaiu Aiichiro » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:05 pm

He was trained to fight oni. The gaki were less scary than goblins. Which was somewhat scary (goblins are a little scary), but still.

(Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death) - Who's scared of ghosts? Willpower+Honor vs Fear TN 20: 4d10o10+5 35
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Kokyou » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:07 pm

Kokyou doesn't know what that frightful feeling means. He cocks his head back, analyzing how weird those creatures are. He nearly cringes, but they are far too ghastly to be considered... ugly.

D6, LN, Fear 3 TN 15: 3d10o10k3+6 22
Mantis • Bushi • Shugenja • Jock • Charismatic • Dashing • Buff • Stud • Proud • Smug • Hero • Unique
DescriptionTheme • Honor: A Soul Above Question • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 6.1 • Infamy 1.0

TN to be recognized: 15
Wears: Sturdy Clothing, Coin Purse, Pipe, Fan
Combat: Light Armor, 2 Kama, 2 Tanto

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Bayushi Kaidan
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Bayushi Kaidan » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:19 pm

Kaidan sighed, switching his stance to ready his attack on the Gaki closest to him (Asuming Gaki A). He moved to right but stroke left but it was unfruitful attack.

//D6 LN Willpower vs Fear TN 20: 3d10o10k3+2 21
D6 LN Attack on Gaki A 2 raises for Feint Tn 35: 7d10o10k5 26

ATN: 30
Chosen Name: Bayushi Gakihiro
♦ Scorpion ♦ Bushi ♦ Androgenous ♦Hated by Ghosts ♦Hates Frogs ♦Random Samurai #46 ☆Insensitive ☆Wanderer ☆Silent ☆Dr. Antidote ☆Experienced 1
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:21 pm

The spirit lets out a laugh as Kaidan tries to strike it, again the harsh metallic sound filling the room


Gaki A Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki B Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki C Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki D Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki E Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0

Round 2:
Akodo Kichiro: 43, Stance: Center, TN: 20, -20ft away. In center stance on Round 2, so no action
Bayushi Kaidan: 39, Attack, TN 30 (25), -Engaged with Gaki A, -Acted
Kokyou: 34 (+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -20ft away <-----Current Actor
Toritaka Sasaiko: 34, Stance Attack, TN 25, -20 ft away
Togashi Dao: 32(+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -20ft away
Gaki E: 23, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
Gaki D: 18, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
Kaiu Aiichiro: 17 (+3 at end of round if not first), Stance: Full Attack, TN 10, -20ft away
Gaki A: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Kaidan
Gaki C: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
Gaki B: 9, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Kokyou » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:26 pm

Kokyou runs forward and prepares a flying kick that flies a bit too off his target.

D6, LN, Jujutsu/Agility 35 (25 +3 Raises Extra Damage: 2 with Bishamon) + Rank 1 Tech: 10d10o10k5 31
Stance: Attack
Mantis • Bushi • Shugenja • Jock • Charismatic • Dashing • Buff • Stud • Proud • Smug • Hero • Unique
DescriptionTheme • Honor: A Soul Above Question • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 6.1 • Infamy 1.0

TN to be recognized: 15
Wears: Sturdy Clothing, Coin Purse, Pipe, Fan
Combat: Light Armor, 2 Kama, 2 Tanto

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Toritaka Sasaiko
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Toritaka Sasaiko » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:26 pm

The sudden commotion from others causes Sasaiko to misspeak her prayer. Green light glimmers for a second, then fades away.

(Initiative 34
Stance: Attack
Casting Jade Strike; casting roll unless interrupted vs TN 25 for Gaki E, D, A, and C is 20, so failure
ATN 25
No Wounds
3 VP remain
2 Earth slots remain)
Toritaka Noriko
Falcon * Phantom Hunter (Shug)
S 2.0 * G 2.1 * H As Expected

On-site: robes, sandals, and scroll satchel and scrolls, Seppun blade, Miya-made map of Tsuma; might have money
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:28 pm

"The kaaaaamiii can't heaaaaaaar you ghooooost hunter!"


Gaki A Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki B Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki C Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki D Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki E Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0

Round 2:
Akodo Kichiro: 43, Stance: Center, TN: 20, -20ft away. In center stance on Round 2, so no action
Bayushi Kaidan: 39, Attack, TN 30 (25), -Engaged with Gaki A, -Acted
Kokyou: 34 (+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki E, Acted
Toritaka Sasaiko: 34, Stance Attack, TN 25, -20 ft away, Acted
Togashi Dao: 32(+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -20ft away <-----Current Actor
Gaki E: 23, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Kokyou
Gaki D: 18, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
Kaiu Aiichiro: 17 (+3 at end of round if not first), Stance: Full Attack, TN 10, -20ft away
Gaki A: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Kaidan
Gaki C: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
Gaki B: 9, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
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Togashi Dao
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Togashi Dao » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:30 pm

Dao sees multiple foes materialise and moves in to try and help his friends.

He unleashes a mighty punch at the first spirit he sees (Gaki E) but it only seems a minor inconvenience to the creature.

Stance: Attack
ATN: 25
Wounds: 0
Void remaining: 4


D6, LN, Jujutsu/Agility 35 (25 +3 Raises Extra Damage: 2 with Bishamon) + Rank 1 Tech: 10d10o10k4 37

D6 LN Gaki punch damage: (8d10o10k3-5)/2 10
Last edited by Togashi Dao on Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Akodo Kichiro
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Akodo Kichiro » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:30 pm

Eyes wide in shock at the sight of this ghastly abomination. There is a small tremble throughout him as these supernatural monsters bring out long forgotten memories.

D6:LN Gaki Battle Fear Check: 3d10o10k3+6 33

Kichiro regains control of himself and focuses hard on the enemy. "Not like before... This time it will be different." A wrathful flare sparks within him.
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:40 pm

As Dao's fists pass through the Gaki, he feels a shiver come across him as the Gaki's fingers come close to to touching him..

D6 LN Attack vs Dao: 4d10o10k4 22

The next Gaki turns to Sasaiko and moves to her, slashing with its claws (free action move 15ft, within 5ft engagement range), but the Falcon is able to avoid the blow, a cool sensation filling the air.

D6 LN Attack vs Sasaiko: 4d10o10k4 23


Gaki A Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=10
Gaki B Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki C Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki D Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki E Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0

Round 2:
Akodo Kichiro: 43, Stance: Center, TN: 20, -20ft away. In center stance on Round 2, so no action
Bayushi Kaidan: 39, Attack, TN 30 (25), -Engaged with Gaki A, -Acted
Kokyou: 34 (+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki E, Acted
Toritaka Sasaiko: 34, Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki D, Acted
Togashi Dao: 32(+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki E - Acted
Gaki E: 23, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Kokyou and Dao
Gaki D: 18, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Sasaiko
Kaiu Aiichiro: 17 (+3 at end of round if not first), Stance: Full Attack, TN 10, -20ft away <-----Current Actor
Gaki A: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Kaidan
Gaki C: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
Gaki B: 9, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -20 ft away
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Kaiu Aiichiro » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:58 pm

Stance: Full Attack
Putting a wakizashi in Kaidan's hand and giving a katana's handle to the Akodo, he faces the ill spirits with a loud "KI-YAH!" to warn off the sleeping students and attacks the nearbiest foul (Gaki A).

(Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death) - Kenjutsu/Agility, four raises (Bishamon's Blessing - Extra Attack), final TN 40: 10d10o10k7+5 67

Two exceptional sucesses - Extra damage (+2k0)

(Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death) - Damage: 5d10o10k2 14 -5 = 9

(Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death) - Seppun Blade - Kenjutsu/Agility - Feint (One raise called - Bishamon's), final TN 25: 10d10o10k7+5 71

Three exceptional sucesses - Extra Damage (+3k0)

(Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death) - Seppun Blade - Damage + Extra Damage + Feint: 7d10o10k2+5 21 -5 = 16

Free Action - Hand Sword
Free Action - Hand Sword
Free Action - Walk 15ft
Complex Action - Attack
26 total damage.
◘ Crab Clan ♦ Bushi/Artisan ♦ ProfileJournal ♦ UTC -4 ♦ Rolls List Status | 2.0 ♦ Glory | 3.5 ♦ Topaz Points | 208
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Vutall » Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:08 am

The gaki lets out an ear splitting screech and then disappears into a ball of light, it's corporeal form banished.

Seeing one of their numbers dispatched, the two unengaged Gaki swoop down on Aiichiro, their claws raking at him

D6 LN Attacks vs Aiichiro, TN 10: 2#4d10o10k4 10 43

The claws dig deep, leaving bloody cuts all across his chest

D6 LN Damage vs Aiichiro: 2#3d10o10k3 18 25

43 damage to Aiichiro


Gaki B Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki C Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki D Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki E Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0

Round 3:
Akodo Kichiro: 43, Stance: Center, TN: 20, -20ft away. Gain +1k1+Void to one roll, <-----Current Actor
Bayushi Kaidan: 39, Attack, TN 30 (25), -Engaged with Gaki A,
Kokyou: 38 (+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki E,
Togashi Dao: 36(+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki E
Toritaka Sasaiko: 34, Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki
Kaiu Aiichiro: 23 (+3 at end of round if not first), Stance: Full Attack, TN 10, -Engaged with Gaki C and B
Gaki E: 23, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Kokyou and Dao
Gaki D: 18, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Sasaiko
Gaki C: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Aiichiro
Gaki B: 9, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Aiichiro
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Vutall » Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:14 am

Ghosting Akodo Kichiro

Seeing Aiichiro take multiple attacks, the Akodo springs into action!

D6 LN Attack: 7d10o10k3+5 52

Gains +2k0 bonus damage from exceptional success

D6 LN Damage vs Gaki C: 10d10o10k3+5 27
-5 from reduction =22, half from spirit=11 damage to Gaki C

Void for +10 ATN til Round 4

Gaki B Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki C Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=11
Gaki D Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki E Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Kaiu Aiichiro: 33, +2

Round 3:
Akodo Kichiro: 43, Stance: Center, TN: (30)20, -Engaged with Gaki C, Acted
Bayushi Kaidan: 39, Attack, TN 30 (25), -20ft from Gaki, <-----Current Actor
Kokyou: 38 (+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki E,
Togashi Dao: 36(+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki E
Toritaka Sasaiko: 34, Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki
Kaiu Aiichiro: 23 (+3 at end of round if not first), Stance: Full Attack, TN 10, -Engaged with Gaki C and B
Gaki E: 23, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Kokyou and Dao
Gaki D: 18, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Sasaiko
Gaki C: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Aiichiro and Kichiro
Gaki B: 9, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Aiichiro
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Kaiu Aiichiro
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Kaiu Aiichiro » Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:22 am

(Void for -10 damage, so he gets 33 wounds and is Grazed with +2 to TNs)
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Carry › Sturdy clothing, sandals, haori, finger of jade, war fans, water bottle, fan, coin bag, 1 koku and 10 zeni.
Mons › Back: Crab Clan | Left shoulder: Kaiu | Right chest: Personal mon

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Bayushi Kaidan
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Bayushi Kaidan » Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:46 am

Seeing Aiichiro flanked Kaidan moved to attack.

//D6 LN Attack Gaki C: 7d10o10k5 26

D6 LN Damage Gaki C normal sword: 6d10k2 17
Total Damage: 6
Chosen Name: Bayushi Gakihiro
♦ Scorpion ♦ Bushi ♦ Androgenous ♦Hated by Ghosts ♦Hates Frogs ♦Random Samurai #46 ☆Insensitive ☆Wanderer ☆Silent ☆Dr. Antidote ☆Experienced 1
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Re: (Day 6, LN) DEADLY EVENT: Hallway: Curiosity killed the...(CW: Ghosts, Potential Death)

Post by Vutall » Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:49 am

The blade passes through the Gaki, causing it to sneer at Kaidan.


Gaki B Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki C Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=27
Gaki D Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Gaki E Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: Dead.=0
Kaiu Aiichiro: 33, +2

Round 3:
Akodo Kichiro: 43, Stance: Attack, TN: (30)20, -Engaged with Gaki C, Acted
Bayushi Kaidan: 39, Attack, TN 30 (25), -engaged with Gaki C, Acted
Kokyou: 38 (+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki E, <-----Current Actor
Togashi Dao: 36(+4 at end of round if not first), Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki E
Toritaka Sasaiko: 34, Stance Attack, TN 25, -Engaged with Gaki
Kaiu Aiichiro: 23 (+3 at end of round if not first), Stance: Full Attack, TN 10, -Engaged with Gaki C and B
Gaki E: 23, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Kokyou and Dao
Gaki D: 18, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Sasaiko
Gaki C: 12, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Aiichiro, Kaidan, and Kichiro
Gaki B: 9, Stance: Attack, TN: 25, Reduction 5, then half damage if not Jade, Crystal, or Obsidian -Engaged with Aiichir
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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