(Day 5, EA) Fire!

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(Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Vutall » Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:15 am

((Players who are participating in the Games event may NOT participate in this event))

Fire has broken out across the streets of Tsuma as the Poison Water Sake House exploded! Franticly the samurai not at the Academy watching the Topaz Championship Games event, and the commoners of Tsuma all rush to help beat back the flames, but the fire burns hot and hungry!
Any number of players may join this thread. You have a risk of death. Participation in this thread disallows participation in the Games event.


You may choose one of two "scenes", Firefight, or Rescue.

A number of different approaches can be done to help fight the fires.

You may only make a number of rolls until you FAIL a number equal to your Stamina.

-Carry Water: Athletics / Reflexes, TN 20. You may call raises on this roll equal to your Strength Score instead of the usual limit on raises. Great Potential may not be used. Each success, and each successful raise (Exceptional Success has NO benefit) grant 10 Water Points

-Call Water Kami: Summon: Water at TN 25. You may call raises on this roll for extra quantity. Each successful cast takes either a Water or Void spell slot, and you are limited to the number of spells you can cast as per the normal spellcasting rules. If you fail a number of rolls equal to your Stamina, but still have slots remaining, you may not keep trying. Each successful cast, plus each Raise grants 10 Water points.

-Physically Beat the flames out: Strait Willpower Trait roll, at TN5. You may call additional raises to beat more of the fire. Additionally, each attempt at this roll REQUIRES you to take 1d10 (exploding) damage as the flames lick at you. Success on this roll, and each successful raise (Or exceptional success) grants 3 Water points.

Players need a total of 500 Water Points to fully put out the fires.

Additionally, a number of people are trapped in the burning rubble! Someone should help them!

You may only make a number of rolls until you FAIL a number equal to your Willpower

-Rescue Trapped Citizens: Athletics / Agility, TN 15. You may call raises on this roll to attempt to save multiple people. Additionally, each attempt at this roll REQUIRES you to take 1d10 (exploding) damage as the flames lick at you. Success on this roll, and each successful raise (or exceptional success) grants 1 Rescue Point.

-Treat the wounded with medicine: Medcine / Intelligence, TN 20. You may call raises on this roll to attempt to heal multiple people. Success on this roll, and each successful raise (or exceptional success) grants 2 Rescue Points.

-Treat the wounded with Invocations. Any spell you can cast that would heal a person grants 1 Rescue point if it heals 1-9, 2 points if it heals 10-19, 3 points if it heals 20-29, and so forth. Each successful cast takes either a Water or Void spell slot, and you are limited to the number of spells you can cast as per the normal spellcasting rules. If you fail a number of rolls equal to your Willpower, but still have slots remaining, you may not keep trying.

Players need a total of 50 Rescue points to fully save all of the citizens.

Event rewards will be revealed after this event comes to its conclusion. Hint: The better you do over the required amount, the more reward to all participants.
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Ikoma Nijiro
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Ikoma Nijiro » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:27 am

As the explosion's rock the ground underneath his feet, Nijiro notices that the local noodle shop has collapsed, trapping a peasant family of 4 underneath as the wood starts to smolder.

Seeing no one else around, he sighs and moves towards saving the family by moving the wood out of the way
Day 5 FIRE first rescue attempt calling two raises TN25 +1 vp on the roll: 6d10o10k5 26 (+1 rescue, +2 from raises=+3 total)

Nijiro gets three of the four out before the embers land on his arm

Day 5 FIRE 1st damage roll: 1d10o10 3

Grunting, he notices the little girl left in the rubble has a small dog near her, staying ever loyal by her side

"Oh for the love of..... Both of you, move out when I lift this Log!!!!!!"

Day 5 FIRE 2nd rescue attempt calling one raises TN20: 5d10o10k4 33 (+1, +1 for raise, +1 for exceptional=+3)

Slowly the girl moves out, but the dog waits, just smiling at the Lion, before finally leaping out casually, like nothing is wrong

Its the stare from the dog that causes Nijiro to pause, as the log he is holding starts to burst into flame!!!
Day 5 FIRE 2nd damage roll: 1d10o10 8 (8+3 damage=total of 11)

"OUCH!!!" Nijiro screams as he lets down the log, all the while a smiling dog just stares at him, twisting its head to one side as if to understand what the fuss is about.....

(Total +6 Rescue from Nijiro)
Lion Clan * Courtier maybe something else?* Bland
Honor: Expected - Glory: 3.0 - Status: 1.0 - Topaz Points 104
Carries: Spices, Fan, Chopsticks, Sake Cup, Personal Chop, Small Hand Mirror
Wakizashi is in room, not an adult yet.

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Yasuki Ginkarasu
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:44 am


Yasuki Ginkarasu has been punished a lot. Part of that punishment for having gotten in fights so often, was carrying water. There are, perhaps, very few samurai kids who have carried as much water as he has in his life.

He looks at the well, and at the buckets, and attacks. He runs and runs and runs, and gets buckets of water poured on many a fire.

A building catches a spark, and he's there to dump some water on it. A bush looks sideways at a flame, he's there, pouring water. Really, it could use the watering anyways. Oh, is that your bush Doji-sama? Well get out of here and help fight the fire or rescue people already then!

But there is really only so much smoke his body can handle, only so much running he can do. He is only one kid almost past his gempukku after all.

He finally stops when he figures out that he's worn a hole in the bucket. It won't carry anymore water. And really, he needed to get some clean air in him.

D5, EA: FIREFIGHT: Carry Water, 3 Raises: TN 35: 3#8d10o10k5 49 42 47 = 120
D5, EA: FIREFIGHT: Carry Water, 3 Raises: TN 35: 3#8d10o10k5 54 27 39 = 80, 1 Failure.
D5, EA: FIREFIGHT: Carry Water 3, 3 Raises: TN 35: 3#8d10o10k5 30 27 25 = 3 Failures.
200 Water Points
Crab Clan • Bushi • Yojimbo • Disfigured • Profile • Fire Brigade
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 3.7 (2.7 w/Crabs) • Infamy: 1.0 • Topaz Points: 209
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, sandals, coin purse, water bottle, small knife, map of Tsuma
“Strive for progress, not perfection.”

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Isawa Tanshin
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:45 am

Tanshin hears the call, and hitches his robes up above his legs to run towards the blaze!

He searches his satchel for the spell used to quell fire kami and fight fires. He had used it a few times to help villagers in battling blazes that would otherwise be catastrophic.

D5 EA - FIRE! Cast Extinguish +3R (160' Radius) TN 30: 7d10o10k5 38

The fires are heavily suppressed (100pts!) at the command of Tanshin. Seeing other samurai rushing to quench the remaining flames, he turns his attention to rescuing anyone caught in the explosion.

OOC - permission given by Vutall to perform rescue actions. - will consider this 1 action "taken" in that thread.
Last edited by Isawa Tanshin on Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
Wears: Robes, Prayer Beads, Travelling Pack
Carries: Sturdy Walking Staff (Bo)

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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Vutall » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:51 am

The fire kami in the area all flee, instantly leaving a number of structures that were on fire no longer burning, though the fires outside of Tanshin's invocations reach burn hotter as the fleeing kami join their brethren.

((Tanshin scores 100 water points, and as long as he makes no other rolls from the Firefight scene, he may instead participate in the Rescue scene)
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Mirai » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:53 am

As Nijiro brought people out, Mirai was ready to tend to their wounds. And tend to them she did. She stopped after the 14th person, as there were no more to heal.


Medicine/Intelligence 1-4, TN 20, 5k4 = 28, 30, 27, 50 - 16 Rescue Points
Medicine/Intelligence 5-8, TN 20, 5k4 = 23, 33, 40, 25 - 14 Rescue Points
Medicine/Intelligence 9-12, TN 20, 5k4 = 28, 18, 38, 31 - 10 Rescue Points, 1 Fail
Medicine/Intelligence, 13-15, TN 20, 5k4 = 34, 28, 36 - 10 Rescue Points

(Over 50 Rescue Points, so stopping)
Ronin | Bushi | Duelist | Versatile | Odd
Status: 0.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Low
Carries: Daishi, Ashigaru Armor, Travelling Pack

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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Mai » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:56 am

Mai starts off by changing the weather from sunny to rainy. As the rain begins to fall, she jumps into the building to begin rescuing people. Feeling the pain, she heals herself and begins looking for the other rescuers to help.

Mai will expend a Fire and an Air Spell Slot to move the Weather from Calm to Rain.

100 Water Points ((GM approved that she can both use this tech to effect the Water points and still do the Rescue Scene))

8 Rescue Points

Spell Slots:

2/3 Air
2/3 Fire
3/4 Void

Athletics/Agility VOID Prodigy 3 Raises (Re-Roll Again because I keep messing up the roll): 2#9d10o10k4 31 31
Athletics/Agility Prodigy 1 Raises: 7d10o10k3 28

Fire Damage: 3#1d10o10k1 5 6 8

Path to Inner Peace: 7d10o10k5 33
Mantis Clan Shugenja *Water * Thunder * Prodigy * Lucky

Status: 2.0 * Glory: 2.0 * Honor: What is Expected * Topaz Points: 42 * Unofficial Topaz Points: 108

Items: Scrolls, Jade

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Isawa Tanshin
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Isawa Tanshin » Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:12 am

Tanshin turns his attention to treating the wounds of the injured.

D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +3R TN 35: 8d10ro1o10k5 29
2nd Failure (1st being cast Extinguish)

D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +3R TN 35: 8d10ro1o10k5 31
3rd Failure ... uh oh!

D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 36
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 45
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 53
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 61
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 47
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 40
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 49
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 50
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 30
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 50
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 56
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 35
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 40
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 60
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 62
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 53
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 64
D5 EA - FIRE! Medicine Check +2R TN 30: 8d10ro1o10k5 26
In addition, he diagnoses several other ailments.
AKA Isawa Saiguren 最紅蓮
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Hero of the People
Honor: Exceptional 🐲 Status: 1.0 🐲Glory: 3.0 🐲 Topaz Points: 317 (Day 6)
Wears: Robes, Prayer Beads, Travelling Pack
Carries: Sturdy Walking Staff (Bo)

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Utaku Nesrin
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Utaku Nesrin » Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:35 am

Nesrin hears the shouting and joins the brigade with buckets, racing with several sloshing buckets in each hand to put out small any spark she sees, hopping up to douse rooftops, and run across--using the view from above to better spot the spreading flames.

A number of different approaches can be done to help fight the fires.

You may only make a number of rolls until you FAIL a number equal to your Stamina.

-Carry Water: Athletics / Reflexes, TN 20. You may call raises on this roll equal to your Strength Score instead of the usual limit on raises. Great Potential may not be used. Each success, and each successful raise (Exceptional Success has NO benefit) grant 10 Water Points

D5, EA Fire! Athletics/Reflexes, Daredevil Void +3k1, 3 raises, TN 35: 10d10o10k5 47
40 points

D5, EA Fire! Athletics/Reflexes, Daredevil Void +3k1, 3 raises, TN 35: 10d10o10k5 55
40 points

D5, EA Fire! Athletics/Reflexes, Daredevil Void +3k1, 3 raises, TN 35: 10d10o10k5 39
40 points

Total 120 Water points

Will stop since I think we don't want to go from fire to flood.
Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Battle Maiden * Honest and Fair * Hard to pronounce name
Honor: A Soul Above Question * Status: 1 * Glory: 3


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Matsu Qiang
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Matsu Qiang » Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:37 am

Burning down Crane cities was all very well during wartime, but in peacetime, fire was every man’s enemy. Matsu Qiang set to work carrying buckets of water, one after another. Tirelessly he worked to fight the fires, starting near the wells and fountains and moving from block to block. At first it was all they could do to slow the fire down, but as more firefighters came, they managed to encircle the flames and gradually extinguish them, until nothing was left but damp ashes and tendrils of smoke.

Day 5 Fire, carry water with no raises, REF/Athletics TN20: 3#5d10o10k3 24 32 21 30 points earned
Day 5 Fire, carry water with no raises (rolls 4 through 6), REF/Athletics TN20: 3#5d10o10k3 32 24 31 30 points earned
Day 5 Fire, carry water with no raises (rolls 7 through 9), REF/Athletics TN20: 3#5d10o10k3 30 18 29 20 points earned, 1 failure
Day 5 Fire, carry water with no raises (rolls 10 through 11), REF/Athletics TN20: 2#5d10o10k3 21 37 20 points earned
Day 5 Fire, carry water with no raises (rolls 12 through 13), REF/Athletics TN20: 2#5d10o10k3 19 20 10 points earned, 2nd failure
Day 5 Fire, carry water with no raises (roll 14), REF/Athletics TN20: 5d10o10k3 29 10 points earned
Day 5 Fire, carry water with no raises (roll 15), REF/Athletics TN20: 5d10o10k3 14 3rd failure

Total: 120 firefighting points earned
Lion Clan • Competitor • Crab Hands • Strong • Betrothed
Status 1.0 • Glory 5.3 • Exceptional Honor

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Kitsuki Asahi
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Kitsuki Asahi » Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:44 am

Asahi moved swiftly carrying water to the fire with the others. He wanted to help those trapped, but could see they were being rescued. He focused on fighting the fire, bringing water until he was exhausted.

- - -
(Day 5, EA) Fire!, Cary Water, Athletics/Reflexes TN 20, 3 rolls: 3#6d10o10k3 18 22 26

(Day 5, EA) Fire!, Cary Water, Athletics/Reflexes TN 20, 2 rolls: 2#6d10o10k3 29 10

(Day 5, EA) Fire!, Cary Water, Athletics/Reflexes 1CR, TN 25, 3 rolls, VP for each for +1k1: 3#7d10o10k4 27 33 23

5 successes + 2 raises

70 water points
Dragon ▪︎ Courtier ▪︎ Investigator ▪︎ Artisan ▪︎ Smith ▪︎ Unlucky
Status 1 ▪︎ Glory 1 ▪︎ Honor: Exceptional ▪︎ Topaz Points: 155

Carries: Wakizashi, Knife, Fan, Seal, Water

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Utaku Ichiro
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Utaku Ichiro » Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:11 am

Ichiro had no illusions about being the Topaz Champion. Were destiny to put him on that path he would accept it but it was not his goal which was good given how unlikely it would be. He had earned enough good grades to graduate with ease, the only metric that mattered in term of the competition, so when disaster struck there was no conflict in his actions at all. Heart, mind, and soul all chose the lives of others over playing games for a status he did not care for.

Again and again the Unicorn raced into burning buildings - sadly not all of them occupied, at least not by the still living - but again and again, more often than not he dragged people to safety.

As his hair singed away with a horrid stench he continued.

As his skin reddened he continued.

As his clothes burn and smoldered he continued.

As his skin blistered and bubbled he continued.

As vision faded and lungs burned he continued.

Only when he recognized that if he pushed any further another would have to risk their life to rescue him did he finally stop.

The charred and smoldering Unicorn collapsed in the street. The sheer agony of his raw nerves still not overcoming his satisfaction in knowing he had done all he could, saved all he could.

(Rescue: Not that it's needed, but it's what he'd do

Rescue 1, Athletics/Agility, 2 Raises, TN25 = Fail #1
Damage 1 = 5
Rescue 2, Athletics/Agility, 2 Raises, TN25 = Success - 3 RP
Damage 2 = 7 (12 total, no penalty)
Rescue 3, Athletics/Agility, 2 Raises, TN25 = Fail #2
Damage 3 = 4 (16 total, no penalty)
Rescue 4, Athletics/Agility, 2 Raises, TN25 = Success - 3 RP
Damage 4 = 7 (23 total, no penalty)
Rescue 5, Athletics/Agility, 2 Raises, TN25 = Success - 3 RP
Damage 5 = 3 (26 total, no penalty)
Rescue 6, Athletics/Agility, 2 Raises, TN25 = Exceptional Success - 4 RP
Damage 6 = 7 voided to 0 (26 total, no penalty, 2 Void remaining)
Rescue 7, Athletics/Agility, 2 Raises, TN25 = Fail #3
Damage 7 = 3 (29 total, +2, 2 Void remaining)
Rescue 8, Athletics/Agility, TN17 = Exceptional Success - 2 RP
Damage 8 = 8 voided to 0 (29 total, +2, 1 Void remaining)
Rescue 9, Athletics/Agility, TN17 = Success - 1 RP
Damage 9 = 7 (36 total, +2, 1 Void remaining)
Rescue 10, Athletics/Agility, TN17 = Success - 1 RP
Damage 10 = 4 (40 total, +7, 1 Void remaining)
Rescue 11, Athletics/Agility, TN22 = Success - 1 RP
Damage 11 = 2 (42 total, +7, 1 Void remaining)
Rescue 12, Athletics/Agility, TN22 = Exceptional Success - 2 RP
Damage 12 = 5 (47 total, +12, 1 Void remaining)
Rescue 13, Athletics/Agility, VP for +1k1, TN27 = Exceptional Success - 2 RP
Damage 13 = 5 (52 total, +12)
Rescue 14, Athletics/Agility, TN27 = Success - 1 RP
Damage 14 = 1 (53 total, +17)
Rescue 15, Athletics/Agility, TN32 = Fail #4
Damage 15 = 3 (56 total, +17)

Total: 23 Rescue Points, Crippled)
Unicorn • Bushi • Experienced • Enlightened • Ascetic • Heroic Muse
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 5.2 • Infamy: 0.5 • Topaz Points: 229

Gear in Tsuma: Poorly sized purple and ivory utilitarian travelling clothes, charred gold scarf, daisho, jade
Outside Tusma: Unicorn riding horse, riding armor, scimitar, daisho, ono, han-kyu and arrows, jade

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Miya Wyn
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Miya Wyn » Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:26 am

D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 1st Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 45 57 46 54
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 2nd Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 27 40 45 53
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 3nd Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 36 45 44 36
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 4th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 41 53 40 45
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 5th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 51 44 52 38
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 6th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 49 39 35 46
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 7th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 62 42 44 78
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 8th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 51 36 38 37
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 9th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 45 49 34 51
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 10th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 35 70 35 40
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 11th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 38 43 23 41
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 12th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 34 53 42 32
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 13th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 55 58 52 34
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 14th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 56 29 46 52
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 15th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 37 60 52 42
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 16th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 42 41 57 46
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 17th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 33 35 61 31
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 18th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 49 60 28 55
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 19th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 39 35 50 44
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 20th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 36 35 45 57
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 21th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 44 62 58 34
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 22th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 39 45 35 40
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 23th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 35 79 48 28
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 24th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 68 49 66 39
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 25th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 32 47 36 68
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 26th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 48 35 47 43
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 27th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 65 36 46 53
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 28th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 35 59 57 65
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 29th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 31 44 43 46
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 30th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 51 52 38 44
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 31th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 44 41 38 51
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 32th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 36 45 53 49
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 33th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 39 62 55 55
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 34th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 73 30 36 36
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 35h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 62 43 39 33
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 36h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 30 73 31 50
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 37h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 52 56 30 51
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 38h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 43 55 36 41
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 39h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 41 48 43 33
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 40th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 37 36 39 63
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 41h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 63 47 31 37
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 42h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 33 45 45 44
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 43h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 47 46 50 44
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 44h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 57 48 36 47
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 45h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 45 29 51 24
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 46h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 54 56 33 50
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 47h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 56 34 48 34
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 48h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 56 40 33 32
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 49h Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 35 74 52 40
D5 Fire Carry Water TN20 50th Roll Ath/Ref: 4#10d10o10k5 39 43 37 30
200 Success, 0 Failures, 2000 WP

Miya Wyn works quickly, mapping out the best spot to set up the bucket brigade, the closest water locations and passing them to others as he begins his own movements to bring the fire to a halt, including soaking surrounding buildings to keep it from spreading to the other rice paper structures.
Imperial Family * Artisan * Courtier * Benton's Blessing * Short * Idealistic * Prodigy
Dojo Points: 104 | Status 1.5 | Glory 6.0 | Honor: Above Question
| Topaz Points: 166
Equipment: Kimono, Ink Brush Kit, Journal, Several Scrolls

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Asako Saburo
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Asako Saburo » Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:39 am

Saburo, when sounds of distress were coming from the people of the city, forsook the whole matter of games. If the proctors did not understand... well, they did not understand. Frankly, he was of the view that there were more pressing matters to concern himself with. He joined with the young ronin girl and others in the relief efforts to help anyone who might have been injured.

Eventually, exhaustion would set in, but like so many others who were assisting, there would be no rest until everyone who could be saved was saved.

Segment Chosen: Rescue
Required Rolls: (Willpower 3)
(OOC: So it's basically unecessary at this stage, so I'm just rolling for the lols at this point. I think we hit 50 in one person's result. The rest is gravy.)

Path to Inner Peace Rolls: Water Slot 1: 22 - 2 pt, Water Slot 2: 21 - 2 pt, Water Slot 3: 43 - 4 pt, Void Slot 1: 16 - 1 pt, Void Slot 2: 17 - 1 pt, Void Slot 3: 16 - 1 pt

Total from mystical healing - 11

Mundane healing:
Medicine/Intelligence (6k5), all rolls at 1 Called Raise (TN 25)
First Eleven Rolls: 27, 28, 26, 20 (Fail 1), 37, 44, 30, 38, 39, 43, 52 - 10 Successes w/ 1 CR (40 pt), 1 Failure
Second Ten Rolls: 36, 52, 41, 20 (Fail 2), 29, 41, 27, 31, 28, 26 - 9 Successes w/ 1 CR (36 pt), 1 Failure
Third Ten Rolls: 47, 37, 29, 28, 31, 26, 35, 33, 47, 29 - 10 Successes w/ 1 CR (40 pt)
Fourth Ten Rolls: 32, 39, 28, 29, 73, 35, 27, 22 (3rd Failure) - 7 Successes w/ 1 CR (28 pt)

Gilding the Lily: 11+40+40+36+28 = 155 Rescue Points
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
Carries: Sturdy Clothes, Scroll Satchel, Inquisitor's Strike (Wakizashi, counts as Jade), Jade netsuke

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Utaku Nesrin
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Utaku Nesrin » Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:47 am

Nesrin stops, not entirely because the fires seem to be well under control, though they are. But Ichiro's gold scarf was recognizable, even at a distance and blackened with soot. That bit of gold falling to the ground drew her eye and she resumed leaping across the rooftops, dropping with a splash into the water that now runs through the streets. "Ichiro!" It's not a moment for carefully remembering honorifics.

She drops to one knee next to him. "Bishamon's stone balls," she mutters, checking to see if he's alive or speaking, afraid to touch blistered skin for fear of doing more damage. "Still here, Ichiro? You're supposed to be inspiring the heroes, not..." she stops. What inspires more than example?

"Healer!" she calls to the street, no idea if anyone is nearby. Prashant will surely be at the test, where she'd be too if the explosion hadn't caught her dawdling attention.
Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Battle Maiden * Honest and Fair * Hard to pronounce name
Honor: A Soul Above Question * Status: 1 * Glory: 3


"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself home" -Bashō
Speaking Tegensai

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Utaku Ichiro
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Utaku Ichiro » Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:58 am

The charred and blistered boy's eyes flicker slightly open and, despite the pain it causes, his blistered and melted lips crack into a soft laugh that ends in a coughing fit from smoke filled lungs.

"It... it only hurts... when I... exist."

He then lapses back into silence as he tries to reach the void to help solve that latter problem.
Unicorn • Bushi • Experienced • Enlightened • Ascetic • Heroic Muse
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 5.2 • Infamy: 0.5 • Topaz Points: 229

Gear in Tsuma: Poorly sized purple and ivory utilitarian travelling clothes, charred gold scarf, daisho, jade
Outside Tusma: Unicorn riding horse, riding armor, scimitar, daisho, ono, han-kyu and arrows, jade

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Iuchi Prashant
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Iuchi Prashant » Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:24 pm

Prashant should surely be at the test. He was actually eager to have another chance to play Go, and he was hoping to talk to Ikoma-sensei again.

But he had seen the smoke, he had heard the cries, and he remembered all too well what had happened the previous evening, and how the magistrates had mentioned burning the Sake House might be the only way to purify it.

So when he saw the smoke, he thought maybe something might have gone wrong...

As he runs from where he was to the Sake House, he sees some of the other contestants have also forgone their chance for points at the Games event to help fight the fire and save those trapped inside. He is still wondering what he might do to help when he hears Nesrin yelling Ichiro's name and crying for help and runs towards them.

"Washamo Nesrin! Ichiro-san!", he says as reaches them and drops straight to the ground besides them. He takes a look at Ichiro's wounds - he doesn't look too good, but it doesn't look like he's in immediate danger either. "Nesrin-san... he'll be ok".

After concentrating on his own Inner fire for a moment, He gets some water and other things to cool his burns, clean him and take off parts of his clothes that might be tightening burnt areas, working on him for some time. He then places his hands on him, helping soothe some more of the burns.

"Ichiro-san. Can you hear me?"

Day 5 EA - Meditation/ Void for TtVD - Fire. TN 20: 10d10o10k4 41
Day 5 EA - Fire! - Med/Int for Healing Ichiro. 2 CR. TN 25: 6d10o10k5 27
Day 5 EA - Fire! Wound healing - Ichiro: 3d10o10k1 18 = Total damage should be 56-18 = 38; should be 2 Wounds into -10?
Battle Healing used to heal another Rank - should place him 2 Wounds into -5, so 30 Wounds total?
Adult name: Iuchi Prashstam
Unicorn Clan * Shugenja/Artisan * "Pu-ra-what?" * Ascetic * Friendly smile * Monk-y

Honor: Exceptional * Status:1 * Glory:2.9 * Infamy: 0.5 * Topaz Pt: 211 (End D5)
Items: Purple/gray robes, sandals, trinket satchel, copy of the Tao, stone with 'cup' kanji.
Description Pt2
Speaking in Tegensai
Speaking in Ujik

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Utaku Ichiro
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Utaku Ichiro » Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:35 pm

(Matches my math)

Ichiro could not help but groan even as the pain faded, "Nothing a little sleep can't fix up, I'm sure."

His skin was still red as if he had spent days in the sun and neither medicine nor magic could assist with the loss of his hair and the damage of his clothing but his movements were largely unhindered.

"Thank you Prash...san."
Unicorn • Bushi • Experienced • Enlightened • Ascetic • Heroic Muse
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 5.2 • Infamy: 0.5 • Topaz Points: 229

Gear in Tsuma: Poorly sized purple and ivory utilitarian travelling clothes, charred gold scarf, daisho, jade
Outside Tusma: Unicorn riding horse, riding armor, scimitar, daisho, ono, han-kyu and arrows, jade

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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Mai » Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:38 pm

Mai notices the downed Unicorn. Once Prash is finished, "Iuchi-san, you're skill is remarkable." Mai was impressed. She only learned a little mundane healing. But the other Unicorn was still pretty hurt, so she turned her attention. "Utaku-san, may I ask the kami for help as well."
Mantis Clan Shugenja *Water * Thunder * Prodigy * Lucky

Status: 2.0 * Glory: 2.0 * Honor: What is Expected * Topaz Points: 42 * Unofficial Topaz Points: 108

Items: Scrolls, Jade

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Utaku Nesrin
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Re: (Day 5, EA) Fire!

Post by Utaku Nesrin » Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:39 pm

Utaku Ichiro wrote:
Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:58 am
The charred and blistered boy's eyes flicker slightly open and, despite the pain it causes, his blistered and melted lips crack into a soft laugh that ends in a coughing fit from smoke filled lungs.

"It... it only hurts... when I... exist."

He then lapses back into silence as he tries to reach the void to help solve that latter problem.
That sensation of not knowing whether to laugh, cry, or punch your critically injured friend is a new one. Nesrin has almost decided that the punching can wait until after survival is assured when she hears Prashant's rapid footsteps in he mud.

She shifts out of the way, willing to assist where she can...which isn't much other than being another set of hands. "He'd better be OK. I do not want to be the one to tell Himeko otherwise!"

As he sits up she frowns at him, her concern coming through with half-hearted scolding. "next time, at least wet that scarf of yours for some protection. I know you've got better than hay between your ears, Ichiro-san!"
Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Battle Maiden * Honest and Fair * Hard to pronounce name
Honor: A Soul Above Question * Status: 1 * Glory: 3


"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself home" -Bashō
Speaking Tegensai

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