Looking for a kindred soul (Expecting, but open)

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Iuchi Prashant
Posts: 888
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:13 am

Re: Looking for a kindred soul (Expecting, but open)

Post by Iuchi Prashant » Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:29 am

The Unicorn nods happily. "Hai, it's settled then".

Adult name: Iuchi Prashstam
Unicorn Clan * Shugenja/Artisan * "Pu-ra-what?" * Ascetic * Friendly smile * Monk-y

Honor: Exceptional * Status:1 * Glory:2.9 * Infamy: 0.5 * Topaz Pt: 211 (End D5)
Items: Purple/gray robes, sandals, trinket satchel, copy of the Tao, stone with 'cup' kanji.
Description Pt2
Speaking in Tegensai
Speaking in Ujik

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