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Yogo Otoko
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Post by Yogo Otoko » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:03 am

Otoko found a table to herself, or at least, a spot along the mess hall benches that was her own. There had been one or two over the past week she had met that she considered acquaintances, but none that she immediately saw. She imagined they were off taking baths, or training with some of the sensei. She knew most all had caught one or two of their eyes over the training they had done. She knew more than one had shown some spark of exceptionalism, that many had climbed the ladder of the dojo rankings and done their family and clan proud.

As a Yogo, Otoko had never expected to do either. That wasn't to say she'd expected to do poorly, and really, she hadn't. While there had been a few areas that she'd never trained in that she'd shown small sparks of talent with, there were many more she'd shown her lack. At the same time, those areas she'd shown skill with had been merely adequate, never exceptional. She'd caught no eyes, other than if one thought that the tengu had somehow specifically woken her up somehow. The Mantis had both shown her a bit more attention, but she gave more room out of caution to the one, and knew that the other would likely show attention to her grandmother just the same.

Thus, she ate and drank alone. To say she was content would be wrong, but she had never really ever been content. Contentment was an emotion, and emotion led to sin. It was a mechanical act, a process of going on. The food helped her live, and to live was to serve. There was little else to it.
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Asako Sanzo
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Re: Dinner

Post by Asako Sanzo » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:22 am

Sanzo sat down. There was a good amount of space here for his generous helping of the day's food: a bunch of fried rice and a small, many-colored mound of sushi. The young bush really didn't hold back when it came to food. He says a quiet prayer to Inari in thanks, and just as he's about to dig in...

"Ah! Scorpion-san! I trust the day has found you well?"

He pops a modest-sized piece of sushi in his mouth, thoroughly enjoying it while waiting for the Scorpion.
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
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Re: Dinner

Post by Yogo Otoko » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:27 am

This wasn't the first time she'd been joined for dinner by an energetic young samurai, so she was a bit used to it by now.

Looking up from her food, Otoko gave a slow seated bow before speaking up softly. "How does a day find someone?"
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Re: Dinner

Post by Asako Sanzo » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:46 am

Sanzo returns the bow.

"A sort of figure of speech. Just as this sushi finds my stomach most agreeable!" He says with a chuckle before devouring another piece of sushi.

"The cooks have really outdone themselves today."
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
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Re: Dinner

Post by Yogo Otoko » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:56 am

The tall girl's head remained slightly tilted in a curious fashion. "...Un. Did they do poorly on previous days?"
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Re: Dinner

Post by Asako Sanzo » Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:07 am

"Oh, not at all, not at all. It's just that today's meal is just really, really good!"

He eats more sushi.

"Don't you agree?"
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
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Re: Dinner

Post by Yogo Otoko » Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:59 am

Otoko looked to the sushi on her own dish and gave a soft shrug. "...In the places I have lived, there is no real sushi to speak of, so I am uncertain as to what makes a good sushi or not. It is not unpleasant, if that helps."
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Re: Dinner

Post by Asako Sanzo » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:32 am

"Hmmm well, no sushi, eh? Then I guess I should ask what foods do you enjoy? Or dislike, for that matter? I'm not too familiar with Scorpion cuisine."

He eats more sushi.
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
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Re: Dinner

Post by Yogo Otoko » Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:09 pm

The girl was silent a moment in thought. "...Yogo cuisine is not very typical of Scorpion cuisine I think. Our lands are poor for growing, and rivers are few and shallow. Rice is a small side for meals, which consist mostly of tofu, pickled vegetables, and simple noodles."

A pause. "I have spent some time training at Shiro Iuchi as well. Three-Sides River is not too far away, but far enough that mostly dried fish are eaten. They eat a lot of wild bird as well, like pheasant, and sometimes even beef."
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Re: Dinner

Post by Asako Sanzo » Wed Jul 15, 2020 4:14 am

"I see... well Asako cuisine, and I guess Phoenix cuisine, is pretty traditional, very similar to the Crane diet. We've got some pretty good coastline to fish from, and our lands have a variety of climates for a variety of fruits and vegetables and whatnot."

He eats some more.

"That's interesting, though, studying with the Unicorn. I've heard their lands are like a sea of grass. The views must have been amazing."
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
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Re: Dinner

Post by Yogo Otoko » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:37 am

"If one's idea of amazing is a sea of grass, their lands most certainly do not disappoint." Diplomatic.
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Re: Dinner

Post by Asako Sanzo » Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:31 pm

"Swaths of gold and green, whose blades bow in waves to the wind, whose color shines respendently in the light of the morning sun."

He sighs after creating the image in his mind.

"I think I should like to paint that someday."
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
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Re: Dinner

Post by Yogo Otoko » Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:39 am

"Asako-san is a painter?" She wasn't the most interested in art, but he seemed to be. It was at least a point of conversation.
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Re: Dinner

Post by Asako Sanzo » Thu Jul 16, 2020 4:07 am

"I have a hand for it, though, it's really more of a hobby. The works of the Shiba Artisans d we definitely far outpace anything I could hope to make."

He eats some more sushi.
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
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Re: Dinner

Post by Yogo Otoko » Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:12 am

"The Shiba Artisans paint as a part of their duty though. It would be strange for you to match their skill. That does not take away from what you have learned however. I am certain it is quite fine indeed."
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Re: Dinner

Post by Asako Sanzo » Thu Jul 16, 2020 6:28 am

"I've got some modest skill, though it has been a little while. I haven't really found the time to paint anything lately, what with traveling here and all of the training. Hmmm... maybe tomorrow or the day after... Do you know of anything interesting around here that would look interesting?"
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Re: Dinner

Post by Yogo Otoko » Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:13 am

She shook her head softly. "...I am afraid I would be the last person to know what is good to paint and what is not. Perhaps a bird in a tree?"
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Re: Dinner

Post by Asako Sanzo » Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:00 am

"A classic and beautiful artistic subject... but perhaps one that is a bit overused... I was thinking something more unique to the locale, something to reflect my time here." Sanzo considers various options in his mind.
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
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Re: Dinner

Post by Yogo Otoko » Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:39 am

Unique to the locale... really, it was all the same to her. Still, she gave it some proper thought. "...This place is much like any other. I cannot think of a single thing that I would call unique... except perhaps the tunnels beneath that I heard about."
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Re: Dinner

Post by Asako Sanzo » Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:16 am

"Hmmm... that does sound pretty neat... though, it might be hard to find enough light down there to paint anything! And besides, aren't there guards making sure nothing comes in or out?"
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
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