Martial Forms

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Yogo Otoko
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Martial Forms

Post by Yogo Otoko » Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:47 am

The sensei said that the hour of the Serpent was for practicing with weapons. Otoko had given efforts to practicing with a few weapons over the past week, but it still wasn't really her thing. The only weapon she normally would have kept with her was her wakizashi, and even then, she hardly saw any reason to take it out of its scabbard.

Instead, she decided to just sit outside. Finding a spot with some shade, and finding a mat to sit on, Otoko kept a bokken beside her for appearances. Not that she even picked it up if people passed. She seemed almost meditative in seiza, but her eyes were open and she looked to the sky. There was more listlessness than anything.
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Otomo Nobuko
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Re: Martial Forms

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:33 am

Eventually, Otoko was joined by Nobuko, who sat down and started the breathing exercises they had gone over the day before in meditation class. She was quiet for some time, centering herself without the distraction that attempting to practice battle forms might bring. Otoko's chosen spot a good place to gain some much needed inner peace.

When she opened her eyes once more, whatever had been troubling her seemed to have passed for at least a moment.

Then she turned to look at the other girl... who was looking up at the sky...

Nobuko tilted her head upward, and then whispered, "I am not certain we will see rain again until at least tomorrow."

D8 Serpent Meditation/Void: 3d10o10k2 23
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Re: Martial Forms

Post by Yogo Otoko » Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:16 pm

The masked girl did not change the direction of her gaze at all, speaking up lowly. "...Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? ....Or is it neither?"
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Re: Martial Forms

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:33 pm

"A good thing, I think," she answered. "It means we can remain here without needing to call for umbrellas. It would be terrible to be rained on right now."
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Re: Martial Forms

Post by Yogo Otoko » Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:42 am

She finally looked over and gave a slow, seated bow. Her head tilted a bit curiously before she nodded. "...As you say. I have my own umbrella, but I do not mind being rained on as much. I use it more to stay in the shade on a hot day."

"...Yogo Otoko,"
she added after a pause.
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Re: Martial Forms

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:47 am

She knew who the young lady was, but was pleased with the introduction and bowed back, "Otomo Nobuko. I have an umbrella as well, but have taken to the habit of leaving it in our sleeping quarters. The Sensei have been very strict about what we can and cannot have with us during lessons."

Even her gloves had to be removed during lessons that could lead to damage to her hands. Very rude of them, but not a rudeness she could made a fuss over without losing face.

"I am not very fond of rain if I am in it. But I do like how it makes the world look when it is coming down past a window. So long as it's not too hard."
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Re: Martial Forms

Post by Yogo Otoko » Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:53 am

"An Imperial should not be in the rain if it can be helped," she said with a faint nod. "It is also strange for an Otomo to be in battle, hai?"
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Re: Martial Forms

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:57 am

"For most of the family, yes," she agreed. "I should have as well. Last night. Did you hear about it?"
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Re: Martial Forms

Post by Yogo Otoko » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:36 am

She gave a small nod again. There was no point denying the rumors. "Though I do not know a lot about what happened. You look well regardless."
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Re: Martial Forms

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:58 am

"Asako-sensei arrived shortly after I fell, I am told, and saw to my injuries as soon as the battle allowed." One hand shifted slightly to press against her stomach in an unconscious manner. "I have never been healed by the kami before. Not in my memory. It is... truly an experience. To have all traces removed by their blessings."

She titled her head in curiosity, "Do they always wipe away the possibility of scars? Or was that simply a courtesy in my case?"
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