The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

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Asako Saburo
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The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Asako Saburo » Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:01 am

The copy of the Subtlety of the Court was open in front of Saburo once again. For whatever reason, he seemed to be hell-bent on getting through the Otomo's treatise multiple times in his time here. He read with the intensity of a man just a shade possessed, frowning and taking a few notes on a scroll next to him.

No, no... that never works for me. What does she mean that a pleasant smile can affect others? When I smile it makes people cringe and shy away... Unless I wish to convince them to fear me that won't do at all, and if I want that I can just burn them to cinders to...


No, sensei would not approve. There must be something else in here.

And so the reading continued.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Kokyou » Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:01 am

Fresh from his bath at the castle grounds, Kokyou walks by whistling a happy tune and dancing a big. All that with a big smile on his face.

Notiching the taciturn Asako, he approaches, saying, "Wha' be th' matter, lad? It looks like ye lost yer duffle into a bilge filled pit."
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Asako Saburo » Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:06 am


The fuck did he say?

"Kohai." He carefully set the scroll down, turned and faced the Mantis who had approached offered him an appropriate bow. Yes. this was the bug boy from the other day with the falcon offering tea. The one who kept paying rapt attention to the sensei's every word and motion. Ok, he had said something. Is this man chittering in that foul-mouthed rat language? Do they speak that among the mantis? Mother mentioned they sometimes knew other languages. It sounds like the throttled something and it's stuck in his ...

The hell was a bilge? Blink, blink. Right. Conversation. "I am attempting to glean the details of Otomo Madoko-sama's treatise on the nuances of the courts in preparation of our studies later this week."
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Kokyou » Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:47 am

"Ah! That's interestin'. 'ave ye learned anythin' useful?" He asks while peeking on the paper to check it out –– even it upside down.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Asako Saburo » Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:07 am

"It was an application of Sun Tao's treatises to matters of court. The application of it to actual court is difficult because I have limited experience with such things. But I am familiar with both Sun Tao and Akodo's writings. There is merit to the idea." Which is to say that it was basically a way to treat the courts as a battleground. "I find that I like the idea of a general, or a courtier and magistrate needing to be fathomless, difficult to decipher or ascertain."

He would.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Kokyou » Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:38 am

"Yar. Aye! Th' more ye don't show, th' more ye 'ave. Th' more ye do, th' less th' others know. That's how th' loot be safely kept around th' secret isles 'n deep down inside Daidoji Yono's Locker." Kokyou nods, narrowing an eye.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Asako Saburo » Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:10 am

... Right, so ... I only understand every third word this man is saying. I'm going to nod while he talks so it looks like I'm listening and keep the commentary vague because... damned bugs.

He attempted a smile. It was probably one of the more off-putting gestures he was capable of, mostly because it was obvious that he never did it more than semi-irregularly. "I believe, yes. Because an opponent who does not know what you are thinking is not ready to respond. I have been told her treatise assumes a bit too much confrontation and that the court is not actually so cut throat. But, as I said, I have little experience in such matters." A shrug. "However, it is one of the most well known treatises of the court, and we are expected to study such things while here."
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Kokyou » Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:18 am

"'tis a fine read, aye aye. Although I rather much more practice it out in the field. Too much readyin' how t' wield a blade won't teach ye how t' actually strike someone else, unless, well, ye go thar 'n strike 'em."

He mentions, smiling back at Saburo. "I am glad I be makin' ye feel happier already. Good smile, whelp."
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Asako Saburo » Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:43 am

I don't feel happier, Mantis. I'm supposed to smile in conversation occasionally.

He grunted and the smile returned to its more normal neutral expression as the two spoke. "Yes and no. Muscle memory and physical skills, I think, are taught much more through physical experience. A book of kata only tells me how to hold the sword. With social skills, some of it is experienced in the nuance of the writing itself." A shrug. "But practical knowledge is always needed at a certain point one way or another."
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Kokyou » Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:56 am

"Blimey. Let's train that smile o' yer a bit more, then. 'twas good, but thar's much t' improve. So, tell, me: wha' makes ye happy?" Kokyou nods, confident he's going to be the best social training mate Saburo would have. Willpower, specially. More than awareness.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Asako Saburo » Sat Jun 27, 2020 2:51 am

"Happiness is a fleeting emotion that excites the humors and befuddles the mind. I am rarely happy. But, if you mean contentment as the fortune Hotei speaks of, I do not often experience true contentment. I feel it most when my body aches from the strain and I can feel myself growing stronger." Yep, good luck on that one Kokyou. This kid thought of happiness as a disease that ruined his edge.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Kokyou » Sat Jun 27, 2020 3:19 am

"That's a true full-pocketed cur o' fortune's mentality! Ye scurvy seadog. Me uncles would even fight t' 'ave someone wit' yer mettle at thar boats. Ye 'ave a great future ahead. Findin' joy in sufferin' be key t' VICTORY!" He gives the boy a firm tap on the shoulder.

He adds, still nodding in agreement. "Akodo-kami blood be mighty admirable. No wonder he had an eyepatch."
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Asako Saburo » Sat Jun 27, 2020 4:56 am

I am certain that, whatever this foul-mouthed bug boy is saying it is somehow meant to be a wretched insult at my expense. It would make sense. But I can't understand a word of that ... OH! HE SAID AKODO! I KNOW AKODO!

"Hai. I strive to take after Akodo no Kami as well as Shiba no Kami in my dealings and capacities. To endure is samurai." He almost felt proud of himself to have deciphered one word this man had said in this moment. He really did. Kokyou was ... he didn't necessarily dislike him or like him. He couldn't understand him enough to decide on the matter.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Kokyou » Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:38 am

"Aye. Samurai are keen t' batten down the hatches without lamentin' thar grog spilt durin' a wicked storm." He inhales, tapping Saburo's shoulder again. "When I 'ave me ship, I 'll make sure I save ye a spot on it. I would even conscript yer services, if Fortunes permit. If, o' course, ye manage t' hold yer guts durin' a week sailin' in the briny deep without pukin'."
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Asako Saburo » Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:55 am

His eyes did narrow somewhat at the physical contact. Reaching up, he brushed his shoulder clear of the non-existent dust and gave Kokyou a 'stop doing that' look before grunting once. He'd picked up enough to hear some of the intent. "If my lord requires naval service of me, I am certain that the topic can be broached at that time." Said in all the tone of someone who expected that as a cold da in hell.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Kokyou » Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:59 am

"If ye don't puke." Kokyou reinforces.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Asako Saburo » Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:17 pm

His eyes narrowed. "As much as I am aware my complexion belies a certain frailty of health," he said having picked that one up very clearly. "I assure you that I am not actually ill. My body has simply taken ... time to develop. I will retain my constitution in whatever task is put before me."

He'd hurl his guts out. No question about it.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Kokyou » Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:38 am

“Yer complexion be somethin' ye 'ave t' take strength from. Yer socketed eyes. Those pointed cheek bones. The cadavéric expression o' yer lips. Ye’re a dreadful visage, me hearty. Use it. I would hang yer face o'er me mast t' spread terror or me foes!” He mentions, remembering how the Crab used something similar to that to great effect.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Asako Saburo » Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:50 am

"Intimidation is a tool beneath me," he said woodenly, shaking his head and grunting again, clearly not liking that thought. "And I am well aware of my wan appearance. It is a matter of filling it out with time. If I must intimidate another, I would prefer it to be with the force of heaven's fire raining down upon the. Osano Wo is an intimidating force."

Even more intimidating when conjured by someone that looked like death walking.
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Re: The Subtlety of Saburo (Open)

Post by Kokyou » Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:15 am

"Ye don't needs t' willingly intimidate. Jus' look as ye do normally. 'tis thar already. Believe me. I am nah easily spooked, but when I saw ye wakin' up last mornin', lad, I prayed. T' Benten-kami a bit more emphatically."
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