(Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

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(Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 17, 2020 7:47 am

One by one, the different clans are called forward during the meal to present a gift from each of their members to Kakita Toshimoko to honor and thank him for hosting the tournament, as well as to be an example of how gifting when visiting a Court would go.

The Clan Order is as follows:

The gifts are presented in a traditional order based on the Imperials first, and then the Great Clans: first Dragon, then Crab, Unicorn, Scorpion, Phoenix, Crane, and Lion.

No allowance is made for the Minor Clans or for the Ronin....
Each player, in clan order above, is to post a single post here presenting their gift to Toshimoko. After the Lion clan finish with their gifts, there will be an event that the Minor Clan and Ronin players will need to participate in.
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Otomo Nobuko
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:50 pm

Nobuko was the first called forward. She was dressed in her most extravagant clothing - fitting for even the Imperial courts - and her hair was done up in a simple pile of braids with light adornments. A large difference was that she wore no gloves. Her habit put aside in preparation for the gift she intended to give.

She stepped forward before Toshimoko and sunk down into a bow appropriate for the man before her.

"Kakita-Dono," she said, polite and sweet, "It is an honor to visit you this day and to be allowed to stay as your guest in Tsuma. I have little I can give in way of thanks for such generosity, but it is my hope that you will allow me to play for you."

She gestured and from one side, Erina - also dressed appropriately, albeit in the uniform of those who serve Kakita Aoi's estate - shuffled forward three steps, bowed the whole way, and a travel koto balanced on her outstretched arms. The instrument was somewhat shorter than usually used for courtly performances, but it was not inappropriately so.
Imperial * Artisan * Courtier * Different School * Enlightened * Sacrosanct * Beautiful Soul * Experienced
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 3.5 | Glory: 4.5 | Final Topaz Points: 249
Beautiful Clothing, Fan, Gloves, Wicker Umbrella, Personal Chop, Knot of Happiness Netsuke, Bejeweled Lizard-Shaped Ear Cuff on Left Ear

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:53 pm

((Skipping the 3 refusals for this thread, though in a traditional court they are done))

Toshimoko nods with a smile.

"Thank you Otomo-san"
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:02 pm

Nobuko sat before the koto and played a song that was somewhat older, but still well-liked. She had found in some records at the Academy that it was popular in the courts during the years Toshimoko would have had his own gempukku and a for a little while after. Thus, it would likely hold a sense of nostalgia for him and she hoped that it would inspire a sense of peace and happiness.

With all that he had been dealing with as the host, and all that many of the contestants had incorrectly blamed him for, she felt it was only right to give him a gift worth remembering.

...and when she finished, it most certainly the sort of performance that had people talking for days - if not weeks - after.


Sensible, but didn't want to assume!
D6; LE; Celebration Gift; Koto/Awa + Honor + Glory: 10d10o10k7+3 78 + 4 Free Raises to Quality per practice threads + 4 Exceptional Raises to quality as well
+0.3 glory for successful Glory Roll; +0.8 glory for quality?
Last edited by Otomo Nobuko on Wed Aug 19, 2020 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Imperial * Artisan * Courtier * Different School * Enlightened * Sacrosanct * Beautiful Soul * Experienced
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 3.5 | Glory: 4.5 | Final Topaz Points: 249
Beautiful Clothing, Fan, Gloves, Wicker Umbrella, Personal Chop, Knot of Happiness Netsuke, Bejeweled Lizard-Shaped Ear Cuff on Left Ear

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:03 pm

Toshimoko closes his eyes and lets the music take him away for a time, and then gives another bow of his head in thanks to Nobuko.

((Wyn is up!))
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Miya Wyn
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Miya Wyn » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:13 pm

Wyn rises and approaches the Daimyo reverently, bowing low, "Kakita-domo, thank you for allowing us to visit your fair city. I am afraid there have been some... changes to the topography during our visit, you may not have noticed but there was a small fire yesterday and your citizens reacted admirably to it, stopping the flames from spreading and handling the inconvenience with great competency. To commemorate this event, and provide you with updated information on any changes made to your cities landscape during this disaster, I have drafted a new map of Tsuma for you, using the Miya mapping Techniques,

(Presents a Miya Rank 1 Tech Map, made with 6 Raises)

D5LE TEA /Cartography R1 Tech, 4R (1FR, 3CR) Void, Honor TN 35: 10d10o10k7 63
Imperial Family * Artisan * Courtier * Benton's Blessing * Short * Idealistic * Prodigy
Dojo Points: 104 | Status 1.5 | Glory 6.0 | Honor: Above Question
| Topaz Points: 166
Equipment: Kimono, Ink Brush Kit, Journal, Several Scrolls

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:18 pm

Toshimoko accepts the gift and looks at it for a moment.

"Thank you, this is fine work, Miya-san"

A servant then takes it away to be set down out of the way.

((Dragon Clan is up: So Togashi Dao, Kitsuki Asahi, and Mirumoto Hinata))
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Togashi Dao » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:35 pm

After seeing the Imperials yield the floor, Dao steps up with a small cloth held over an object in his right hand. He kneels before the assembled dignitaries and extends both hands forward, one holding the gift and the other gently holding hold of the cloth.

“My name is Dao, Kakita-dono, and through the generosity of your invitation, I will earn the right to bear the name of my Clan’s founder Togashi and become a full member of the Dragon Clan. There are not words or thanks enough I can offer to repay this honour, and all I can offer in return is this.”

He tugs the cloth off the object revealing a small round stone of polished black stone. “This small rock was once as big as my fist, my Lord. I found it while climbing the mountain towards the High House of Light several years ago and have carried it with me ever since. I have polished and smoothed and worked on this piece until it has revealed its purpose to me as a go stone of stunning appearance, a piece I have kept to remind me of that transitional moment in my life, moving from one stage of life to the next.”

He dips his head and extends his hands a little closer. “I hope that in months and years to come, you will be able to look upon this stone and think back to all the souls that you have helped to move from one phase of their life to the next here in Tsuma, at tournaments like these under your keen gaze and honourable example.”
Dragon Clan • Monk • Battlemaster •
Honor: Expected • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 1.7 • Infamy: 1,0
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:37 pm

Toshimoko takes the gift and gives a nod in thanks.

"I will cherish it til my time comes to ride the wheel again. Thank you, Togashi-san"

((Kitsuki Asahi is up!))
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Kitsuki Asahi » Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:13 am

Asahi approached and bowed with the deepest respect.

"I am Asahi, born into the Kitsuki, a humble student of the forge. To one who has crafted so many students into great samurai, Kakita-dono, I offer this simple statue."

The work he reveals is simple in design, an unfinished katana being forged, but the details elevate it into something unique and beautiful.
Dragon ▪︎ Courtier ▪︎ Investigator ▪︎ Artisan ▪︎ Smith ▪︎ Unlucky
Status 1 ▪︎ Glory 1 ▪︎ Honor: Exceptional ▪︎ Topaz Points: 155

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:31 am

Toshimoko nods in thanks

"This will go nicely in the Academy to inspire our Artisans. Thank you, Kitsuki-san.

Mirumoto Hinata approaches last for the Dragon and gives Toshimoko a book of stories and philosophies of some of the greatest Shinseist thinkers of the Dragon Clan, with the note that “you will need this in times to come.”

He thanks her, and a servant sets all of the gifts aside.

((Crab Clan is up! So Yasuki Ginkarasu, Kaiu Aiichiro, Kuni Yotsuo, and Yasuki Jun NPC))
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Kaiu Aiichiro » Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:17 am

A clean kimono (he in fact arrived there with his dirty, mudded student clothes and then changed in a separated room for the clean clothes he brought as well), he approaches Toshimoko and bows until his forehead touched the ground, getting back after. "Kakita-domo, my family is known for their ability in the forge. Where your students are recognized for their artistic taste, our students are in practicality. May this humble gift, forged by a Kaiu's hand at the Kakita grounds, represent both roles at once." He hands over to him the kaiken, blade full of bird filigrees and edge sharp.

(It is a small tanto that has +2 Quality).
◘ Crab Clan ♦ Bushi/Artisan ♦ ProfileJournal ♦ UTC -4 ♦ Rolls List Status | 2.0 ♦ Glory | 3.5 ♦ Topaz Points | 208
Health › Healthy (15) ♦ Honor › What is expected.
Carry › Sturdy clothing, sandals, haori, finger of jade, war fans, water bottle, fan, coin bag, 1 koku and 10 zeni.
Mons › Back: Crab Clan | Left shoulder: Kaiu | Right chest: Personal mon

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Kuni Yotsuo » Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:24 am

There was no hesitation in his actions, but he had a great deal of love for the object he was gifting to Toshimoko.

He presents a small statue of Jurojin that is beautifully handcrafted, though worn from years. It was obviously older than the samurai presenting it.

"Kakita-sama," he starts with a deep bow. "This statue was handcrafted by my sister years ago and sat in a shrine to Jurojin in my family's lands for many years before it was replaced with a newer representation. My sister gifted it to me to carry the blessing of health and long life with me wherever I walked. I now present it to you with hopes and wishes that you might share in that gift of health and long life."
Crab ѻ Monk ѻ Spirit Walker ѻ Obsessive ѻ Chosen by the Oracle of Earth ѻ Emissary of the Spirit Realms ѻ Friend of the Brotherhood ѻ Prodigy ѻ Profile
Honor: Expected ѻ Glory: 3.0 ѻ Status: 3.0 ѻ Topaz Points: 0
Carries: Fine clothing, incense brazier, small statue, ink brush kit, jade pendant, jade finger

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:48 am

Yasuki Ginkarasu walks forward.

He bows deeply.

"Kakita-sama, I had the honor to leap to Tsuma's defense. To do so, I grabbed this to help." He unwraps the simple wrapping, revealing....a bucket.

"I ran and ran, from river and well, dousing all I could. Until at last this faithful companion wore out." He lifts it up so Toshimoko and the court can see light through the bottom. "Truthfully I don't know when the hole formed, or how many times I ran on with it dripping out slower then I could run."

"May you keep it as a tool that gave its all to the task, until it could do no more. It's firefighting days are done."
Crab Clan • Bushi • Yojimbo • Disfigured • Profile • Fire Brigade
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 3.7 (2.7 w/Crabs) • Infamy: 1.0 • Topaz Points: 209
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, sandals, coin purse, water bottle, small knife, map of Tsuma
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:36 am

Toshimoko thanked each of the three Crab, giving nods of approval to each of the three. To Aiichiro, he says:

"The strength of Kaiu forged blades is well know. May it serve as an example for those in the Academy to strive not just for beauty but for exquisite strength as well."

To Yotsuo, he gives a deeper nod

"You honor me greatly with this and I will cherish it a my estate's Shrine."

The Ginkarasu:

"May this serve as a reminder to all both your bravery, and a call to action to all who look upon it to always protect Tsuma"

Jun comes up last and gifts Toshimoko a cask of Friendly Traveler Sake, arguably the best sake in Rokugan to which the old man gives a nod of thanks and a feint grin, his eyes eager in anticipation to taste the sake.

((Unicorn are up! So, Utaku Ichiro, Moto Ichiro, Ide Hazrat, Iuchi Prasant, Utaku Nesrin, and Moto Batbayar NPC, in any order))
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Utaku Nesrin » Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:54 am

Arrayed in her best (well, only) deel, the deep purple wool freshly brushed clear of pills and horsehair, Nesrin carries forward stoppered gourd decorated with simple carvings, and a scroll tied up with a ribbon of violet and goldenrod. She bows deeply before presenting the gift.

In gratitude for the Crane's hospitality, and for the long tradition of this event that brings so many together, creating friends that might otherwise never have met, I wanted to bring one of our traditions. Wherever there is a campfire on the plains or a gathering for celebration, there is sake, certainly, but also kumis, and airag." She lifts the gourd at the final word. "While on the road," she lifts the scroll, "there is the travel poetry that offers some small wisdom, and some small wit to enjoy. They find their way to celebrations as well, so offering one seemed appropriate for a celebration that so many travel so far for."

She does not recite the poem, as performance it not the offered gift.
A full glass finds friends
in almost all places
While stories sketched in sound
bring them near
Good brew is a boon for the spinner of tales
a bane for the braggart and brute.
So raise a cup in good cheer, but sip lightly when fierce
Thus your friends and your foes remain clear.
The poem and calligraphy are solid, but not outstanding.
Sometime before D6 Artisan: Travel Poetry/Awareness: 5d10o10k4 25
Sometime before D6 Calligraphy/Awareness: 5d10o10k4 29
Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Battle Maiden * Honest and Fair * Hard to pronounce name
Honor: A Soul Above Question * Status: 1 * Glory: 3


"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself home" -Bashō
Speaking Tegensai

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Iuchi Prashant » Tue Aug 18, 2020 10:01 am

After the Battle Maiden presents her gift and walks back, it is Prashant's turn to take a step forward. He's clad in simple robes, as usual, but his hair and clothes are well cared for, and he has some of his amulets adorning both of his ears, his neck and one of his fingers.

After bowing until his head almost touches the ground, he takes from his obi an ornament, approximately the size of his two hands, emulating the shape of a bird's eye view of the town of Tsuma, including some of its landmark areas and buildings. The amulet is made of simple, natural materials - twigs, dry and green leaves, flowers, small stones and such - but it is delicate, beautiful and surprisingly precise. On a closer inspection by one well acquainted with the area around Tsuma, it becomes clear that the materials used for the amulet have either been gathered from plants typical of the region, or are stones typically found in the area and very representative of it.

"Kakita-dono. I offer you this amulet, done in a style that combines the Unicorn's traditional art of amulet-making with the bountiful nature of your most graceful land, as a way to thank you and Tsuma for your hospitality and the opportunity to take part in this remarkable competition and celebration."

In the centre of the amulet, a set of dryer leaves and harder twigs has been used to create a structure resembling the top of the Temple to Amaterasu. As Prashant presents the gift to Toshimoko, he opens it, revealing a slightly larger, bright and beautiful stone - also typical of the region - with a carving of a haiku, with a very traditional season word and a general theme reminiscent of the Topaz Championship itself and its way of gifting the Empire samurai ready to serve with honour and skill.
First wind of the spring -
Trials met with joy and mettle
True hearts guide true hands
Adult name: Iuchi Prashstam
Unicorn Clan * Shugenja/Artisan * "Pu-ra-what?" * Ascetic * Friendly smile * Monk-y

Honor: Exceptional * Status:1 * Glory:2.9 * Infamy: 0.5 * Topaz Pt: 211 (End D5)
Items: Purple/gray robes, sandals, trinket satchel, copy of the Tao, stone with 'cup' kanji.
Description Pt2
Speaking in Tegensai
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Utaku Ichiro
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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Utaku Ichiro » Tue Aug 18, 2020 11:34 am

Ichiro, head shaved to remove the burnt remnants of hair, was somewhat uncomfortable as he had slightly outgrown the clothes he now wore - those he had previously worn during his time at the ruby dojo.

When it was his turn he bowed deeply to Toshimoko and presented the gift he had spent the previous evening preparing. The simple cloth armlet was carefully braided from three pieces of fabric - white, gold, and purple - and here and there the signs of char and burn could not be mistaken. Crafted from the few intact, and now purified, remnants of what he had worn during his time in the flames.

"As thanks for your hospitality, Kakita-sama, I offer this token. To me a reminder of duty, sacrifice, and honor - the three pillars of true samurai - and a testament that to hold those values in heart is to act on them without hesitation or fear." He bows once more, "Though one of your station needs no such reminder perhaps its tale can be used to inspire others to embrace those virtues."
Unicorn • Bushi • Experienced • Enlightened • Ascetic • Heroic Muse
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 5.2 • Infamy: 0.5 • Topaz Points: 229

Gear in Tsuma: Poorly sized purple and ivory utilitarian travelling clothes, charred gold scarf, daisho, jade
Outside Tusma: Unicorn riding horse, riding armor, scimitar, daisho, ono, han-kyu and arrows, jade

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Moto Ichiro » Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:04 pm

The other Ichiro approaches and bows "Thank you Kakita-dono for hosting us and presiding over the torunament." a simple thank you and a gift emerged a steel sculpture with a great amount of detail a crane about to take off one leg still on the ground wings spread the steel had been hardened like a weapon but polished and shined to almost mirror quality. "Careful around the wings Kakita-dono." he voiced gruffly as he extended the statue in both hands from a bowed position. Indeed if one looked closely the wings were not only detailed with individual feathers but also the edges were sharpened like that of a blade.

Sculpture was not his talent but he found it not so unlike making a weapon simply taking an image in your mind and making it come to life, his hands were agile enough and his eyes sharp enough.

D6 creating art gift artisan/blacksmithing, piece of art upgraded difficulty for quality difficulty 2 tn 20: 5d10 25
Unicorn Clan • Moto • Large • Confident * bushi
Honor: As Expected | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 3.2
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, Animal hide cloak

Zurui lizard pet TP: 254
speaking: Ujik, Mekhem, Senpet

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Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

Post by Vutall » Tue Aug 18, 2020 6:27 pm

Batbayar does not say much, but presents a caged songbird the Unicorn found in the western lands beyond Rokugan.

((Placeholder for Ide Hazrat, in cast they have a gift. Due to their IRL Health, going to pass over them but will add in if they do have somethng))

Kakita Toshimoko thanks each of the gift givers in turn, showing appreciation for each gift presented.

((Scorpion are up! Bayushi Jiro, Bayushi Kaiden, and Bayushi Mei Lin NPC))
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