Letter Thread!
Please remember the rules for all of the following threads!
Yasuki Ginkarasu's Day Off, Clear Water Village, Crab Lands: Yasuki Ginkarasu's thread.You may post 1 thread and participate in up to 3 other persons threads.
This pregame represents the roughly year time period between Part 1 and Part 2.
When you make your thread, the title should be: (X Clan Lands) - Title, where X is whatever clan lands the thread is taking place in.
Absolutely NO gm interaction will occur during the Pre-Game, and NO dice rolling is allowed.
Mantis Clan Paradise, Mantis Lands, Kokyou Tour Guide: Kokyou's thread.
Mura Minami Chushin/South Hub Village, Imperial lands, the Kabuki's Dance Inn, 1 Month Until Topaz, Imperial Lands! Woot: Mirai's thread.
Kakita Academy, Tsuma, Crane Lands: Doji Kotomi's thread.
Kyuden Isawa, Phoenix Lands: Kaito Haruki's thread