Waking the Dragon

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Mirumoto Masuyo
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Waking the Dragon

Post by Mirumoto Masuyo » Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:31 pm

Masuyo snapped awake, at first confused why the futon was for once somewhat comfortable. Nothing looked right either. Other students appeared to be in various states of wakefulness. Shoji divided off a small section, that appeared to be at least all Dragon. It seemed pretty packed, all things considered.

At that point she remembered why she was here and was pointed at a bucket for the purpose of washing oneself by a servant. She took minimal time to cleanse herself and adjust her chest wrap and hakama, her tattoo gleaming proudly on her slightly damp back. She still hadn't adjusted to being allowed hair, and the shoulder length strands distracted her til she tied them up and back. Let's hope I don't get tattooed there. I kind of like the hair.
Dragon Clan * Monk * Tattooed! * Daredevil * Ascetic
Status: 0.5 | Glory: 0.5 | Honour: What is expected
Equipment: Hakama and chest wrap, two jade fingers, two worn books, parchment and charcoal

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Yogo Otoko
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Re: Waking the Dragon

Post by Yogo Otoko » Mon Jun 22, 2020 3:50 am

It seemed one of the other student's was already bathing a bit. She was a good bit taller than Masuyo, with long, thin arms and legs. Her hair was a lot longer as well, straight and black and hanging down just touching the ground were she sat. Her skin was quite more pale than the Dragon girl's as well, unmarred by scar or tattoo. Overall, it was quite like night and day.

The girl's impassive face glanced over at the tattooed woman and tilted her head a bit, staring a bit openly a moment, though her languid gaze wasn't overly roaming. She gave a slight seated bow, but seemed more than content to just run a comb slowly though her damp hair rather than speak.
Scorpion Clan + Shugenja + Cursed + Distant + Unicorn Trained + Haunted
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Mirumoto Masuyo
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Re: Waking the Dragon

Post by Mirumoto Masuyo » Mon Jun 22, 2020 5:55 am

Masuyo flushed slightly at the stunning beauty of the other. "E-eto... y-your hair is beautiful. Do you wear any accessories?" Foot meet mouth....

"A-ano... I mean... Masuyo. My name is Mirumoto Masuyo, student of the high house of light." She bowed low, hoping the other woman wouldn't see her expression.
Dragon Clan * Monk * Tattooed! * Daredevil * Ascetic
Status: 0.5 | Glory: 0.5 | Honour: What is expected
Equipment: Hakama and chest wrap, two jade fingers, two worn books, parchment and charcoal

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Yogo Otoko
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Re: Waking the Dragon

Post by Yogo Otoko » Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:08 am

The other girl seemed to just take things in stride. She gave no real reaction to Masuyo's embarrassment, for good or for ill. Finally however, she hook her head slowly, and spoke in a quiet, impassive voice. "Yogo Otoko... and I do not normally. My teachers said it was better to leave it loose..."
Scorpion Clan + Shugenja + Cursed + Distant + Unicorn Trained + Haunted
Glory: 0.5 | Honor: Expected | Status: 0.5 | DP: 18
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Mirumoto Masuyo
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Re: Waking the Dragon

Post by Mirumoto Masuyo » Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:22 pm

If anything in the Scorpion's voice unnerved Masuyo, she hid it well. "That is wise of them, it might actually detract from your natural beauty. Then again, it might be similar to how artisans put that one small flaw in at the end intentionally."

"You are... Scorpion? Are you from Ryoko Owari?" Masuyo was sure that was the name of that place she was warned about.

She finished adjusting the chest wrap and made sure little of her back was covered so as to show as much of her Carp tattoo as possible. This tattoo did nothing of use but it was very skillfully drawn and a thing to be proud of.
Dragon Clan * Monk * Tattooed! * Daredevil * Ascetic
Status: 0.5 | Glory: 0.5 | Honour: What is expected
Equipment: Hakama and chest wrap, two jade fingers, two worn books, parchment and charcoal

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Yogo Otoko
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Re: Waking the Dragon

Post by Yogo Otoko » Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:43 pm

The small Mirumoto seemed quite talkative. It wasn't Otoko's sort of thing, Still, there were many things like that, and she took them all in stride.

"The Yogo are Scorpion, yes. I am not from Ryoko Owari Toshi, as most of my family are not unless assigned there. The lands of the Yogo are north. I come from Shiro Yogo."
Scorpion Clan + Shugenja + Cursed + Distant + Unicorn Trained + Haunted
Glory: 0.5 | Honor: Expected | Status: 0.5 | DP: 18
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Mirumoto Masuyo
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Re: Waking the Dragon

Post by Mirumoto Masuyo » Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:14 pm

Ah. So this Scorpion is not from the very bad place. Therefore, this is...a good Scorpion? She is talking to me, after all.

"Shiro Yogo, eh?" She looked over the Yogo once more. "Are Yogo trained in the ways of the court? You said your sensei said to wear your hair down." Seems like a courtier way of life. The Scorpion really are dangerously beautiful. I wonder why they are made to hide behind masks. Perhaps as to not tempt other samurai away from their duties?
Dragon Clan * Monk * Tattooed! * Daredevil * Ascetic
Status: 0.5 | Glory: 0.5 | Honour: What is expected
Equipment: Hakama and chest wrap, two jade fingers, two worn books, parchment and charcoal

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Yogo Otoko
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Re: Waking the Dragon

Post by Yogo Otoko » Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:43 am

Otoko's head was tilted as she brushed out her hair, so her shaking it was a bit askance. "...the Yogo are generally... shugenja. Very rarely courtiers. Not trained by my family though. Iuchi trained."
Scorpion Clan + Shugenja + Cursed + Distant + Unicorn Trained + Haunted
Glory: 0.5 | Honor: Expected | Status: 0.5 | DP: 18
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