Imperial Lands - Shiro Yogasha: The Castle of the Emerald Champion and Takahara Village

Specific Locations Within Rokugan
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Imperial Lands - Shiro Yogasha: The Castle of the Emerald Champion and Takahara Village

Post by Vutall » Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:41 pm

Shiro Yogasha, the castle of the Emerald Champion, has been the primary home of the Emerald Champion for centuries. The stronghold is located on a hill bordered by wide, empty plains, making the approach of visitors or enemies visible far in advance. Inside the castle walls are numerous courtyards and spacious halls, and the buildings’ sloped roofs are topped with glistening, emerald-colored tiles. The luxurious grandeur of the main keep suits the prestigious office that commands it

Not far from Shiro Yogasha sits Takahara Village. Its residents enjoy the protection of the Emerald Champion; in return, they care for the fertile farmland that feeds the castle. Beyond the village lie the Plains of the Emerald Champion, the empty grass fields that give the castle’s lookout towers their panoramic view. Any force that might threaten the castle can be easily spotted long before they would arrive, yet another reason why the castle has never been attacked.
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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