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Show Me Your Stance

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:00 am
by Utaku Ichiro
(Posted with permission from Vutall)

Two duelists, known to each other only be reputation, meet by moonlight on a bridge. A brief bow, a flash of steel, a drop of blood flicked into the darkened waters below as the defeated touches the cut, sure to scar, upon their cheek.

Romantic? Yes. But also more likely to happen in stories than in life. While samurai have the right to duel for any reason risking life or limb solely to see who is best can often be seen as wasting a daimyo's resources on petty matters. Oh, if one has insulted your sensei or your dojo then honor is in question and must be satisfied but for a simple test of prowess four words often suffice: "Show me your stance!"

Though it has been used to settle disputes on very rare occasions, much as other alternatives to dueling, few samurai would accept it as such and it is mainly a display of skill.


'Show Me Your Stance' follows all the rules of dueling up to the Strike phase. If one duelist won Focus by 5 points or more they are given the chance to strike but are expected to decline. The opponent is then given the opportunity to strike and is expected to decline. If no duelist surpassed the other by 5 or more both take the choice simultaneously.

If a duelist won Focus by 5 or more and neither duelist chose to strike their stance is shown to be superior. Bluster all they want afterwards their opponent knows this to be true in their heart.

If neither duelist won Focus by 5 or more and neither chose to strike it is a draw. Neither has been proven superior this day.

If a duelist, or duelists, chose to strike they have attempted to commit murder. If there are witnesses to this despicable act they will be lucky to be granted seppuku and more likely cast out or executed for their crimes. If there were no witnesses then, while the dishonor stands, the act itself can often be hidden behind claims of a shi duel or duel to first blood gone wrong. Tales of this tactic by the Scorpion are many though surely they are apocryphal....

Re: Show Me Your Stance

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:09 am
by Doji Kotomi
The concept is interesting, and I like it for non-legal matters or matters of honour. However it would need to be something agreed upon by both players - as people we don't want to hurt other PCs but in character a duel of honour to first blood isn't murder

Re: Show Me Your Stance

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:15 am
by Utaku Ichiro
Definitely not. This would not be considered a duel in an in-game legal sense (hence why striking is attempted murder, unlike a shi duel) even if it uses the duel mechanics. It is a test of skill between willing participants.

Re: Show Me Your Stance

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:15 am
by Vutall
It's a nice way to have some folks go "GRRR" at each other without risk.

Re: Show Me Your Stance

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:36 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
Shouldn't the one with the higher focus roll by 5 have the superior stance? This says Assessment. That just proves they're better at reading their opponent, not at dueling.

Re: Show Me Your Stance

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:26 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
Whoops, good eye- yes focus, not assessment.
