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Isawa Tanshin vs Toritaka Sasaiko

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:54 pm
by Vutall
Please conduct your match here

Re: Isawa Tanshin vs Toritaka Sasaiko

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:57 am
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin once again entreated the kami to aid him in his contests. This time, seeking the aid of the Water kami. He reached within himself for the will to control the fickle spirits.

D3 LM Willpower Check +1 VP: 5d10o10k5 57
and beseeched their aid:
D3 LM Cast Reversal of Fortunes +2R +1FR +1V TN 25: 5d10o10k4 29 3 Total Raises

He bowed to the fellow Shugenja lined up next to him, Toritaka Sasaiko.
"Good Luck! May the spirits guide us both on the path before us." He smiled reassuringly, giving no intent of cheating.

He waited for the flag to drop...
D3 LM Initiative: 2#3d10o10k2 21 14 Choosing 21.

Re: Isawa Tanshin vs Toritaka Sasaiko

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:52 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko returns the bow. "Strength and honor to you, Isawa-san."

But when the flag drops, she is off like a shot (Initiative 43). Long training in the outdoors lets her flow like Water towards her goal and gives her a rangy stride that she puts to good use (Athletics 31), and she eschews base cheating. It would be unworthy of her betrothed, and a dangerous thing for a Minor Clanner to try, to boot.

She clears the first obstacle not only easily, but with panache (Athletics 43 vs TN 20), moving ahead with ease.

(Using Water
Topaz points from Sprint 1: pending.
Topaz points from Obstacle 1: 5--2 for passing on first try, 1 for Called Raise, 2 for Exceptional successes
Will post remaining rolls after Tanshin's attempt on Sprint and Obstacle 1)

Re: Isawa Tanshin vs Toritaka Sasaiko

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:12 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin was surprised by how quickly Sasaiko leapt off the starting line. No longer feeling that Strength would help him in the heat, he decides that Agility (FIRE) would serve him better.

D2,LM Athletics/AGI: 2#8d10o10k5 29 42 Chose 42
Tanshin pumps his arms and legs to try and over-take the Falcon-swift Sasaiko!
He barely touches the bridge as he sails on to the next encounter!
D3,LM Wooden Bridge Athletics/AGI +4 R TN 35: 2#8d10o10k5 47 24

He sprints to the next obstacle!
D3 LM Athletics(Running)/AGI +2R: 2#8d10o10k5-10 26 24
... and swings deftly from the ropes to the other side.
D3 LM Ropes Athletics/AGI +3R TN 35: 2#8d10o10k5 37 27

He dashes to the last obstacle!
D3 LM Athletics(Running)/AGI +2R: 2#8d10o10k5-10 30 52

At this point, Tanshin can feel the blessings of the Kami leave his body. He was on his own now.
He takes a running start, and attempts to get purchase with his foot and redirect himself to the top of the wall!
D3 LM Wall Athletics/AGI +2R TN 30: 8d10o10k5 36

He lands deftly on the other side, and exhaustedly makes the final leg of the race.
D3 LM Athletics(Running)/AGI +1R: 8d10o10k5-5 28

Re: Isawa Tanshin vs Toritaka Sasaiko

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:34 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Cockiness at her early success catches up with Sasaiko quickly enough, as she attempts and fails obstacles while the Phoenix breezes by her. But she endures, and climbs out of the mudholes that embrace her, and she manages to push herself past the Phoenix on the end of the race.

Muddy as she is, she bows to him afterward.

"It was a good race, Isawa-san. Thank you for the exercise!"

(Sprint 2, 21,
Obstacle 2, fail at 18,
Climbed out in one,
Sprint 3, 29,
Obstacle 3, Raised to TN 30, failed at 28,
Climbed out in one,
Sprint 4, 36,

No Topaz points for Sprint 1, since I lost it.
+2 Topaz points for Sprint 4, since I won it.
Looks like +7 Topaz for me, before possible Ring award.)

Re: Isawa Tanshin vs Toritaka Sasaiko

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:46 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin bowed to Sasaiko after they had both caught their breath.

"You ran well, Sasaiko-san. You are very gifted, a credit to your family and clan. "

Re: Isawa Tanshin vs Toritaka Sasaiko

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:43 am
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin stepped away from the competitions to a place overlooking the run of the river where he meditated.

D3 LM Meditation TN20: 7d10o10k4 28

2 Void Points restored.

Re: Isawa Tanshin vs Toritaka Sasaiko

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:49 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko bows and makes an /exit.