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Kakita Kazuko vs Kitsu Tsubasa NPC

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 12:37 am
by Vutall
Please conduct your match here

Re: Kakita Kazuko vs Kitsu Tsubasa NPC

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:05 am
by Kakita Kazuko
(fluff later)


Ring: Void
D2 EA Animal Handling/Void, TN15: 5d10k5 40 Pass.
D2 EA Horsemanship (Rokugani Pony)/Void, TN15 (3 Raises): 6d10o10k5 21 Fail (supposed to be tn 30 typo sorry)
D2 EA Athletics/Void, TN30 (2 Raises): 7d10o10k5 56 +7 TP (+1 Pass, +4 Raise, +2 Exceptional)
D2 EA Horsemanship (Rokugani Pony)/Void, TN30 (2 Raises): 6d10o10k5 44 +6 TP (+1 Pass, +4 Raise, +1 Exceptional)
D2 EA Animal Handling/Void, TN30 (Void for skill, 1 Raise): 6d10o10k5 31 +3 TP (+1 Pass, +2 Raise)
D2 EA Horsemanship/Void, TN35 (Void, 2 Raises): 7d10o10k6 26 Fail. (damn i really hit that 7% to get 26 or less with this roll huh)

Re: Kakita Kazuko vs Kitsu Tsubasa NPC

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:19 am
by Vutall
Tsubasa tries to mount the horse and it seems quite jittery and annoyed with him, clearly expecting someone with more skill with horses to be riding it. At first, it takes off in a dead gallop, but then when Tsubasa tries to maneuver the horse it doesnt respond to his commands and instead takes the flagpole too wide. The horse then begins to slow down, so much so that the SHugenja is unable to get a good enough speed for the lance to properly slide into the ring. Finally, the horse crosses the finish line in a slow walk, the poor Kitsu with a wide eyed expression on his face.

((Rolls, Water))
D3 Horseback Riding - Animal Handling: 5d10o10k4 11, failed, TNs +10

D3 Horseback Riding - Horsemanship 1 , TN25: 4d10o10k3 51 Pass, 4 points

D3 Horseback Riding - Athletics TN 30: 4d10o10k3 14, Fail

D3 Horseback Riding - Horsemanship 2, TN30: 4d10o10k3 29, Fail

D3 Horseback Riding - Animal Handling 2 TN35: 4d10o10k3 20, Fail

D3 Horseback Riding - Horsemanship 3 TN35: 4d10o10k3 16, Fail

4 points not counting ring