Sasaiko struggles to mount the horse; it is fractious, and she is not accustomed to such things. Slightly out of control, she holds on as the horse races to the flag, and she grabs it with a grace that belies her unsteady seat. Getting back to the start, though, is a damned challenge; it takes her four tries to get the horse back to the start, and six more to get the ring.
The frustration tells upon her, and her
onfails. So does her seat. When she picks herself up off of the ground and dusts off, she bows to the victorious Mantis and the judges before stalking off to clean up as best as she can.
(Using Fire
NOTE: If your roll on any Horsemanship roll is 10 or less, the horse bucks you off and you suffer 2k1 (exploding) damage, keeping high dice, and cannot continue rolling in the event, your opponent winning.
Mount the horse: Animal Handling / Intelligence, TN 15 (failure on this roll increases the Horsemanship rolls TNs by 10); failed at 9:
Ride the course to the flag; Horsemanship (Rokugani Pony) / Physical, TN 25; passed at 48, Topaz; +1 Topaz for first-attempt pass, +2 Topaz for Exceptional Successes
Grab flag: Athletics / Physical, TN 20; Pass at 21, Topaz
Ride the course to the start: Horsemanship (Rokugani Pony) / Physical, TN 30 (miscoded as 25 initially); fail at 19,, plus two additional failures before unscored success
Ride the course to the ring and lance it: Animal Handling / Physical 25; fail at 20,, plus four additional attempts before unscored success.
Return to the start: Horsemanship / Physical, TN 35; fail at 32,, losing Honor equivalent to Low Skill, retries lead to falling off for 6 Wounds, which Sasaiko ignores at Earth 4,