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Togashi Dao vs Shiba Tōya NPC

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 12:35 am
by Vutall
Please conduct your match here

Re: Togashi Dao vs Shiba Tōya NPC

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:28 pm
by Togashi Dao
Dao approached the course when his name was called. "Ohayo Shiba-san, may the Fortunes smile on both our efforts today." He greeted his opponent jovially but with a respectful bow.

The bow he offered Oichi however, was deeper and held for longer, even moreso than required for their difference in station. Rising from the bow he headed towards his steed, the Lion tattoo on his shoulder flaring, as he chanted a quiet sutra to himself.

The mount accepted him without qualms and they made their way around the course efficiently and with obvious teamwork.

There was one small hiccup as Dao missed the ring on his first attempt, but he recovered to rectify his error in aim and finish the rest of the course.

Dismounting, he seemed far more fatigued than the other riders, but after a bit of a sit down, during which he was almost surrounded by the scent of an ocean breeze, he seemed fully recovered.


D3 HORSES. Activate Kiho TN15: 8d10o10k5 32

D3 HORSES. Animal handling/Int TN15: 5d10 33

D3 HORSES. Horsemanship #1. Honor bonus. 3CR. TN30: 10d10o10k5 42 (8 points: 1 success, 6 called raises, 1 exceptional raise)

D3 HORSES. Athletics/Agi. VP 1k1 2CR. TN30: 7d10o10k5 37 (5 points: 1 success, 4 called raises)

D3 HORSES. Horsemanship #2. VP 1k1. 2CR TN30: 8d10o10k5 40 (6 points: 1 success, 4 Called raises, 1 exceptional raise)

D3 HORSES. Handling/Agility. VP for skill. TN20: 5d10o10k4 16
D3 Handling/Agi. Attempt 2: 4d10 20

D3 HORSES. Horsemanship #3. VP 1k1, 1CR. TN30: 8d10o10k5 44 (4 point: 1 success, 2 c aslled raise, 1 exceptional raise)

Total points (excluding victory and ring bonii) = 23

Re: Togashi Dao vs Shiba Tōya NPC

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 6:19 pm
by Vutall
"May the kami be with you, Togashi-san"

Tōya bows to Dao before mounting his horse and pushing it to take off. Unfortunately for the Shiba, the horse by this point is too exhausted and for most of the race, it does not respond well to his commands and either veers too much from the course, or slows down to allow Dao to overtake him. Showing his expert skill with his spear training, Tōya is still able to lance the ring despite the horses exhaustion however.

((Rolls, Fire))

D3 Horseback Riding - Animal Handling: 5d10o10k4 27

D3 Horseback Riding - Horsemanship 1, 5 raises, void +2k2 TN40: 6d10o10k5 21, Fail

D3 Horseback Riding - Athletics, 5 raises, Void +2k2, TN 40: 6d10o10k5 33, Fail

D3 Horseback Riding - Horsemanship 2, 4 raises, Void +2k2 TN40: 6d10o10k5 25, Fail

D3 Horseback Riding - Animal Handling 2 3 raises, Void +2k2 TN40: 6d10o10k5 56, Pass, 8 points

D3 Horseback Riding - Horsemanship 3,3 raises, Void +2k2, TN 40: 6d10o10k5 36, Fail

8 points not counting ring