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New Crafting Rules Feedback pt2

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:30 pm
by Vutall
Here's a revised list:

Hello all!

So, I've been working on new crafting rules and I'd like to collaborate on them. Here is what I have so far:

If a character wants to make a new item, they must make a check using the appropriate Artisan/Craft skill, with the TN set by checking on the crafting difficulty of the completed item and multiplying that by 5, then adding 10. They must acquire the materials needed to make the item (which could be anything from a brush and ink to a forge and steel). Afterward, they need to spend a number of time to make the item equal to the difficulty in hours to make. (In play by this equals a number timeslots equal to difficulty divided by 3, minimum 1). Every 3 hours the character must pass this roll, with every failure adding an additional 3 hours to create the item.

Non-standard Material add the following modifiers to Crafting difficulty
Jade: +6
Obsidian: +9
Crystal: +9
Gemstones: +4
Precious Metals: +3

Here are an example of some Artisan skills that you can use:
-Artisan: Poetry
-Artisan: Ikebana
-Artisan: Bonsai
-Artisan: Gardening
-Artisan: Origami
-Artisan: Painting
-Artisan: Sculture
-Artisan: Tattooing
-Artisan: Blacksmithing (This also can be used to make chain weapons)
-Artisan: Brewing (This takes Months instead of Hours)
-Artisan: Carpentry (This also can be used to make wooden weapons)
-Artisan: Cartography
-Artisan: Cobbling
-Artisan: Cooking
-Artisan: Masonry
-Artisan: Poison (This does not use the crafting rules, but instead the poisons set TN as listed)
-Artisan: Pottery
-Artisan: Shipbuilding (This takes Months instead of Hours)
-Artisan: Tailoring (Requires either already made textiles, or a weaver to make the textile)
-Artisan: Weaving (Making textiles or woven objects like baskets)
-Artisan: Jewler (for making jewelry, requires a Gemcutter to first cut gems)
-Artisan: Gemcutter (For cutting gems)

Basic art such as sculptures, origami, letters, poetry, bansai, pottery, paintings, and ikebana are all crafting difficulty 1, which represents a normal, acceptable work of art. While raises on these works do increase their appeak, for truly wonderful art, the artisan must increase the difficulty (from 1-5, with 1 being normal and 5 being something that belongs in a museum)

Depending on what you are making, food has variable difficulty. It starts at base 1, which represents an individual dish for just yourself, all the way up to difficulty 5, which would be making food for an entire castle. Then, the type of dish, which adds +0-+5 difficulty depending on what ingredients used. +0 being common ingredients found in Rokugan and +5 being imported ingredients from a far away land. Price will vary based on ingredients. If you use spices, this can decrease the difficulty by 2 (to a minimum of 1) Please note than in general, Samurai do not cook large meals, but instead would make one dish and then direct servants on how to ake it for large audiences.

Tattooing is different than normal, in that it takes a cumulative TN instead of the normal artisan roll. You may conduct one Artisan: Tattoing roll per day per person you are working on. The TN is set by the GM depending on the description of the intricacy of the tattoo. Every roll you make adds to the comulative TN, which once exceeded means the tattoo is complete. If you ever roll 10 or less however, the work is marred and has visible mistakes.

Special: The skills above gain the following:

Mastery Level 3/5/7: Reduce the final TN of your checks by 5 (so -5 at rank 3, -10 at rank 5, and -15 at rank 7)

Characters may call raises on these rolls as follows:
-Quality: Each successful raise increases the quality of the item being made. (No mechanical benefit)
-Time: Each successful raise decreases the total time required to make the item by 30 minutes.

For weapons and armor, it uses the above rules, but changes the time to equal a number of days instead of hours. (The exception is crafting arrows and wooden weapons which takes hours as above) Every day, the character must pass this roll, with every failure adding an additional day. Additionally, using the proper facilities grants a reduction of the difficulty used to determine the TN depending on the facility used. For example, if you were using the forges of the Kakita Swordsmiths, you would get a reduction of diffoculty of 4, but using the forge at the Hirosaka Dojo would only be a reduction of difficulty of 1. (The minimum is always 1)

The following Artisan skills are used for making weapons and armor:
-Artisan: Armorsmithing
-Artisan: Blacksmithing (Used to make chain weapons)
-Artisan: Carpentry (Used to make wooden weapons)
-Artisan: Weaponsmith
-Artisan: Boywer & Fletcher (Used to make bows and arrows)

Special: The skills above gain the following:

Mastery Level 3/5/7: Reduce the final TN of your checks by 5 (so -5 at rank 3, -10 at rank 5, and -15 at rank 7)

Characters may call raises on these rolls as follows:
-Quality: Each successful raise increases the quality of the item being made. (No mechanical benefit)
-Time: Each successful raise decreases the total time required to make the item by 6 Hours (24 hours in a day).

Special: Weaponsmiths may make a number of raises to imbude one special quality on a weapon at Rank 5:

Balanced: The wielder gains +1k0 on attack rolls using this weapon. Raises: 4
Radiant: This weapon counts as Jade for the purpose of attacking Invulnerable targets. Raises: 6
Signature: This weapon bears a unique signature stamp, identifying it with its creator. Raises: 2
Swift: The wielder gains +5 to his Initiative score while using this weapon. Raises: 4
True: This weapon decreases the target’s Reduction by the wielder’s Strength. Raises: 6
Unbreakable: This weapon cannot be broken. Raises: 5

At Weaponsmithing 7, A smith of a clan that possesses a Sacred Weapon may attempt to make one. The smith must call 7 raises to make a sacred weapon. A smith may only attempt to create a Sacred Weapon of their own clan. A Crane can only attempt to make Kakita Blades, a Crab may only attempt to make Kaiu Blades, and so forth, and must receive permission from their clan to make the item. Additional Extraordinary properties may be added to the weapon by calling the appropriate raises listed above, so a Swift Kaiu blade would require 11 raises.

Core Rulebook
Much less expensive to produce than either light or heavy samurai armor, ashigaru armor is also lighter, less restrictive, and less protective than traditional light and heavy armor. It consists of plates that protect the head, torso, and upper legs. It is not unheard of for scouts among the samurai caste to wear ashigaru armor in lieu of traditional samurai armor to afford them greater mobility in the execution of their duties. Ronin also wear it because of its affordability.
c Bonus to Armor TN: +3
c Reduction: 1
c Price: 5 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 2 Koku of materials.

Far and away the most common armor worn by samurai in the armies of the Great Clans, light armor is the standard by which other armor is measured. The overlapping plates protect primarily the torso, head, upper arms and upper legs, but the lower arms and legs are left largely uncovered in order to prevent excessive loss of mobility or range of movement. Light armor is generally favored by scouts and infantry, particularly infantry that needs to move quickly on the battlefield.
c Bonus to Armor TN: +5 c Reduction: 3
c Special Rules: Wearing light armor increases the TN of all Athletics and Stealth rolls by 5.
c Price: 25 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 5
-Crafting Cost: 12 Koku of materials.

While light armor is frequently worn by scouts or rapid infantry, heavy armor is preferred by troops on the front lines or those who are expected to be in the thickest part of the fi ghting. Heavy armor protects the entire body, including the arms, legs, hands, feet, and face, which is protected by a full helm called a kabuto. While the wearer’s mobility is signifi cantly impacted, many consider the increased protection well worth the effort.
c Bonus to Armor TN: +10
c Reduction: 5
c Special Rules: Wearing heavy armor increases the TN of all Skill Rolls using Agility or Reflexes by 5.
c Price: 40 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 7
-Crafting Cost: 20 Koku of materials.

A modifi ed version of light armor, riding armor is designed to be worn by soldiers on horseback, and the plates have been reoriented in order to defl ect blows from troops on foot. This customization dramatically increases the effectiveness of the armor, but only so long as the wearer is on horseback.
c Bonus to Armor TN: +4, +12 while on horseback
c Reduction: 4
c Special Rules: Riding armor is considered heavy armor for the purposes of mechanical effects that specify armor type, including Techniques, Advantages, etc. Wearing riding armor increases the TN of all Agility and Refl exes rolls by +5 unless the wearer is on horseback.
c Price: 55 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 6
-Crafting Cost: 20 Koku of materials.

There are a variety of different arrows used by archers in Rokugan, all with a heavily specialized purpose, and all produced relatively inexpensively. The DR of an individual arrow is added to the Strength of the bow used to fi re it to determine the total amount of dice used for the damage roll.

c Armor Piercing: These arrows replace the broader head of the Willow Leaf with a narrow spike intended to punch through armored plates. They are effective in penetrating armor, but sacrifi ce some of the damage inflicted.
c Flesh Cutter: These arrows have broader, sometimes barbed, heads intended to infl ict tremendous damage on unarmored targets. They are almost useless against armored targets and cannot be fi red as far as a standard Willow Leaf arrow, but against unarmored targets they are devastatingly effective.
c Humming Bulb: These arrows have a blunt, hollow tip that produces a loud whistling sound when fi red. They are used for signaling or sounding alarms, and generally do little damage.
c Rope Cutter: Rope Cutters have broad, crescent shaped heads intended to cut rope or other similar items, such as banner strings and the like.
c Willow Leaf (Ya): The willow leaf or ya arrow is the standard arrow used by archers throughout the Empire. This is the arrow used to teach samurai archery beginning in their childhood, and the type used by the greatest archers in the land. Three quarters of all arrows carried by a typical archer are Willow Leaf arrows

Armor Piercing 1k1 2 bu Ignores the Armor TN bonus provided by armor
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.
-Crafring Special: Succes grants 10

Flesh Cutter 2k3 5 bu Double the Armor TN bonus provided by armor; ½ range provided by armor; ½ range
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.
-Crafring Special: Succes grants 10

Humming Bulb 0k1 5 bu Makes a loud whistling sound
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.
-Crafring Special: Succes grants 10

Rope Cutter 1k1 3 bu 2 Free Raises for Called Shots against inanimate objects; ½ range
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.
-Crafring Special: Succes grants 10

Willow Leaf 2k2 1 bu None
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.
-Crafring Special: Succes grants 10

Although they do not have the prestige associated with them that the daisho has, bows are still considered a principal weapon for samurai. They are far less expensive to produce, for one thing, and place the wielder at less risk when facing one’s enemies. Bows are traditionally carried unstrung to avoid stretching or breaking the bowstring. A skilled archer has been trained to string a bow extremely quickly, however, and is rarely at a disadvantage unless ambushed. A bow adds its strength rating to the fi rst number of the DR of the arrow being fi red. For example, a character wielding a yumi (Strength 3) fi ring a Willow Leaf arrow (DR 2k2) would roll a total of 5k2 for damage. However, a character whose Strength is less than that of the bow he is wielding uses his Strength instead of the bow’s Strength. All bows have a range listed. This is the maximum possible range that an arrow can be fi red using this bow without incurring penalties. A bow can fi re an arrow an additional distance up to twice listed range, but suffers a -1k0 penalty to the attack roll for every extra 50’ beyond the listed range. Bows fi red against opponents currently in melee range with the archer also incur a penalty of -10 to the total of the attack roll.

Thrown Weapons
While bows are the most common ranged weapon, they are by no means the only ones employed by samurai. Numerous other weapons can be used at range, although generally their range is significantly less than that of a bow. Knives and wakizashi can be thrown using the Athletics Skill. Various spears can be thrown using the Spears Skill, and the Ninjutsu Skill allows a character to throw shuriken and tsubute as ranged weapons. Unless otherwise specified, thrown weapons add the wielder’s Strength to the weapon’s DR when determining damage, just as melee weapons do.

Designed to be fi red from horseback, the dai-kyu is composed of multiple pieces of wood, horn, or sinew bound together with glue. These are easily the most powerful of the standard bows used by armed forces in Rokugan, and are considered nearly as valuable by an archer as his katana.
c Keywords: Large
c Strength: 4 (Minimum Strength 3 required to wield)
c Range: 500’ c Special Rules: Increase the TN of all attack rolls by +10 if used on foot.
c Price: 25 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 12 Koku of materials.

HAN-KYU Smaller than the yumi and generally easier to use and carry, the han-kyu is a popular bow for use by traveling magistrates or scouts who depend upon speed and stealth. A han-kyu is typically crafted from a single piece of wood or horn.
c Keywords: Small
c Strength: 1
c Range: 100’
c Special Rules: Increase the TN of all attack rolls by +10 if used from horseback.
c Price: 6 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 3 Koku of materials.

This is the basic bow carried by infantry archers, and by samurai who travel independently of armies or other large groups. It is a powerful bow, although not quite as powerful as the dai-kyu, but its curvature makes it inconvenient to use on horseback.
c Keywords: Large
c Strength: 3
c Range: 250’
c Special Rules: Increase the TN of all attack rolls by +10 if used from horseback.
c Price: 20 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 5
-Crafting Cost: 10 Koku of materials.

Chain weapons are extremely uncommon, due to the sheer diffi culty of their use. There are countless variants of these weapons, but all are comprised of one or two weapons attached by a length of chain. Some are a weapon linked to a weight, while others may have two weapons. They are traditionally wielded by twirling one or both ends and swinging them at one’s opponent, either striking them outright or entangling them so that they can be struck with the weapon at the other end.

The most common chain weapon, the kusarigama is particularly popular with samurai of the Mantis Clan. It is essentially a kama (see Knives) attached at the base of the handle to a length of chain roughly fi ve to six feet long. The other end of the chain is attached to a weight, typically a metal cylinder or sphere.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 0k2 (kama end), 0k1 (weighted end)
c Price: 5 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 2 Koku of materials.

The kyoketsu-shogi is more of a tool than a weapon, but can be used to attack an opponent without great diffi culty. Popular among ninja and other criminals, this weapon is a metal grappling hook attached to length of chain or, more frequently, a silken rope. The other end of the rope is weighted to hold it steady while someone climbs the rope to whatever target the grappling hook has been secured to.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 0k1
c Special Rules: Double an opponent’s bonus to Armor TN from armor.
c Price: 9 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 4 bu of materials.

This inexpensive weapon is a length of chain with weights on both ends. Traditionally these have been small to medium sized cylindrical weights, although in the Crab lands it has recently become more popular to use large spherical weights instead.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 1k1
c Price: 3 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 Koku of materials.

The term heavy weapons applies to a number of different weapons that can be grouped together primarily because of their size and increased damage capacity. Heavy weapons require two hands to wield effectively.

A massive two-handed war hammer popular in the Crab Clan, the dai tsuchi is one of the more effective tools the samurai of Rokugan have against the large, well-armored creatures of the Shadowlands that occasionally threaten the Empire. In trained hands, the dai tsuchi focuses its force in a very small area and can shatter armor or the thick hide of demons without great difficulty.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 5k2
c Price: 15 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 5
-Crafting Cost: 7 Koku of materials.

The masakari is actually a one-handed ax, a variant of the axes used by woodsmen and lumber harvesters throughout the Empire. It is signifi cantly smaller than the other heavy weapons, but is wielded in much the same manner, hence its inclusion in this category.
c Keywords: Medium
c DR: 2k3
c Price: 8 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 4 Koku of materials.

ONO The ono is a large two-handed ax that can easily be used to fell trees or to sever limbs. The sheer force that can be channeled by an overhand strike into the thin edge of an axe blade results in perhaps the most devastating personal weapon that a trained warrior can wield.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 0k4
c Price: 20 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 5
-Crafting Cost: 10 Koku of materials.

The tetsubo has been the signature weapon of many great Crab Clan heroes, particularly during the Clan War, and as such has become quite a symbol for many young aspiring Hida warriors. A tetsubo is essentially a metal club with steel (or in rare cases jade) studs embedded along its length. This simple design is unparalleled for shattering armor and other hardened targets.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 3k3
c Price: 20 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 5
-Crafting Cost: 10 Koku of materials.

Knives are small, easily concealed blades that are popular among dishonorable individuals because they can be hidden and taken into places where one is not supposed to have a weapon. More honorable individuals like to keep them on hand for mundane tasks that would bring dishonor to a katana or wakizashi. Knives can be thrown as ranged weapons up to twenty feet.

The aiguchi and tanto are both very simple, basic knives with few differences save that the aiguchi possesses a hilt guard and the tanto does not. Many samurai carry a tanto for grooming purposes.
c Keywords: Small
c DR: 1k1
c Price: 1 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 2 bu of materials.

JITTE & SAI The jitte and sai are weapons that were adapted from farming implements during the early days of the Empire, and which have slowly gained acceptance with the samurai caste since that time. The jitte in particular is an accepted symbol of a magisterial position. Both are steel cylinders roughly a foot long that possess a short handle and a blunt tip. Both possess metal prongs that originate from the divide between the handle and the blade; the jitte has one prong while the sai has two symmetrical prongs. The jitte and sai have gradually gained acceptance among samurai primarily because they are ideal weapons to use for disarming someone without infl icting any signifi cant damage.
c Keywords: Small
c DR: 1k1
c Price: 5 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 2 bu of materials.

The kama was improvised from a sickle of sorts, and the vast majority of kama in the Empire are still being used in the fi elds by farmers to harvest crops. However, the kama has also become the signature weapon of a great many Mantis samurai, particularly among the Yoritomo family, so it is generally regarded as a weapon even if it is perfectly acceptable for peasants to possess them.
c Keywords: Peasant, Small
c DR: 0k2
c Price: 5 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 2 bu of materials.

No honorable samurai would ever consider utilizing so disgusting a weapon as those grouped together as ninja weapons. These are filthy, reprehensible tools utilized by honorless cowards who lack the courage and ability to face their foes with a sword in hand. Still, there are defi nite advantages to such weapons, although most of that comes with extensive training more so than from the weapons themselves. Using a Ninjutsu weapon, like a weapon with the Peasant descriptor, is considered a Low Skill.

The blowgun is a popular weapon among ninja because it is inexpensive, simple to use, and can be used outside of combat as a breathing implement while submerged (which comes up more often than one might imagine for ninja). Small darts are placed within the tube and then propelled at the target by blowing through it forcefully. Although the darts infl ict virtually no damage, they are usually poisoned, which is the real benefi t to using this weapon in the fi rst place. Blowguns have an effective range of fifty feet.
c Keywords: Medium
c DR: 1 Wound
c Special Rules: Triple an opponent’s Armor TN bonus from armor. The damage increase from the Ninjutsu Skill increases the blowgun’s damage to 1k1 at Rank 3 and 2k1 at Rank 7. Reloading a blowgun is a Free Action.
c Price: 8 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 4 Zeni of materials.
-Crafting Special: Making this is considered Using a Low Skill

The shuriken is perhaps the defi nitive tool for ninja, and one that immediately identifi es them as a member of their profession. A shuriken is a small metal disk with sharpened edges or flat spikes that protrude out from the center. They are cheaply made, easily concealed or disguised, disposable, and simple to produce in large numbers. Shuriken can be and often are coated with poison. Because of their size, shuriken do not add the wielder’s Strength to their DR when used as ranged weapons, and their damage dice do not explode.
c Keywords: Small
c DR: 1k1
c Special Rules: Shuriken may be thrown up to twentyfi ve feet.
c Price: 2 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 2 bu of materials.
-Crafting Special: Making this is considered Using a Low SKill
-Crafting Special: Completion creates 10

The opposite of shuriken in many ways, tsubute are small, blunt, disc-shaped stones that have been ground down deliberately to be used as thrown weapons. Ninja skilled in the use of the tsubute can easily improvise a substitute if the weapon is not available; any round stone will suffi ce. Tsubute have very little value as offensive weapons and are used more as a tool for distraction and harassment. Because of their small size, tsubute do not add the wielder’s Strength to their DR when used as ranged weapons, and their damage dice do not explode.
c Keywords: Small
c DR: 1k1
c Special Rules: Tsubute may be thrown up to thirty feet.
c Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

Polearms and their sister weapons, spears, are very similar in many regards. Both are long weapons that can be used to keep an opponent at a distance or to attack opponents on horseback from foot. They have been separated into two groups to prevent any one Weapon Skill from granting profi ciency over too wide a range of weapons

A bisento is a wooden shaft with a heavy sword blade at the end. The blade is heavier than that of a katana or nagamaki, and the bisento can be a dangerously top-heavy weapon in the hands of someone not trained in its use. It is a popular weapon among certain sects of sohei, or warrior monks, but beyond that it is not commonly seen.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 3k3
c Price: 12 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 5
-Crafting Cost: 6 Koku of materials.

NAGAMAKI The nagamaki is basically a sword blade (although not as well-made as that of the katana) attached to a short wooden pole. It is designed to be a lighter weapon, wielded in one hand, and combines the virtues of the sword with the leverage of a hafted weapon.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 2k3
c Price: 8 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 4 Koku of materials.

NAGINATA The naginata is the most respected hafted weapon used in Rokugan, and is particularly popular among samurai-ko and the warriors of the Phoenix Clan. The naginata is similar to the bisento in that it is a sword blade attached to the end of a spear shaft. It is lighter than the bisento, and longer than the nagamaki.
c Keywords: Large, Samurai
c DR: 3k2
c Price: 10 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 6
-Crafting Cost: 5 Koku of materials.

The sasumata is also known as the “man catcher” due to its original purpose, which was to detain without causing any signifi cant damage. The weapon is a four-foot wooden shaft with a barbed crescent blade at the end. This end was used to trap an opponent against the ground or a wall without infl icting damage, assuming the target does not struggle. Magistrates and their deputies use the sasumata to detain drunken or disorderly samurai.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 0k2
c Special Rules: The sasumata may be used to initiate and maintain a grapple.
c Price: 6 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 3 Koku of materials.

While the sasumata is meant to capture via pinning, the sodegarami is meant to detain by entangling the garments of a target. The four-foot wooden shaft has a t-shaped metal head covered in hooks and barbs, making it easy to snag an opponent’s clothing and secure it.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 1k1
c Special Rules: The sodegarami may be used to initiate and maintain a grapple.
c Price: 6 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 3 Koku of materials.

Spears are similar in almost every respect to polearms, and can generally be described as a steel weapon mounted on a long wooden pole. Several kinds of spears can be used as thrown weapons, and as thrown weapons the wielder adds his Strength to the DR when determining damage in the same manner as melee weapons.
Even the Mantis Clan has not truly embraced the use of the kumade as a weapon. It is essentially a rake, consisting of a wooden handle with a sharpened metal tip at one end and a series of metal hooks at the other. The hooked end is used to pull stumps or weeds from the ground, while the spear-like end is used to prod or puncture objects in the way and then move them aside to be collected later. The generally fl imsy construction of the kumade is the principal reason it has not been adopted for use as a weapon by the Yoritomo family.
c Keywords: Large, Peasant
c DR: 1k1
c Special Rules: If a kumade inflicts more than 25 Wounds in a single attack, it breaks. c
Price: 3 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

The mai chong is a curious and unique weapon, developed and used almost exclusively by the samurai of the Boar Clan deep in the Twilight Mountains. A handful of travelers who have visited the Boar lands took to the weapon, and passed the teachings regarding its use on to their children or students. While it is not unheard of to find a samurai wielding the mai chong outside the Boar province, it is extremely rare. The mai chong is an eight foot wooden shaft with a foot long metal tip. The tip has three points, one forward-facing and two at right angles to the first. There are two metal spikes facing outward from the forward point as well, allowing both slashing attacks as well as thrusting.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 0k3
c Special Rules: The mai chong can be thrown accurately up to 25’.
c Price: 20 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 6
-Crafting Cost: 10 Koku of materials.

The lance is a weapon adapted from gaijin cultures, and is virtually never seen outside the ranks of Unicorn or Ox samurai. The lance is used only from horseback, where it is braced under the rider’s shoulder with the tip pointing outward. The horse is then spurred to a gallop and the sharpened tip of the long, wooden shaft is levied against a target. The effects can be devastating, although most lances shatter upon impact. The lance is very poorly designed for anything other than a charging attack, and is virtually useless under any other combat circumstances.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 3k4
c Special Rules: The listed DR only applies if the lance is used from horseback and used to make an attack directly following a Move Action. Under any other circumstances, it possesses DR 1k2. Using the lance in melee combat without a Move Action increases the TN of all attack rolls by +5 on horseback and +10 on foot. A lance shatters if it infl icts more than 30 Wounds in one attack.
c Price: 20 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 10 Koku of materials.

The nage-yari is essentially a javelin, a shorter but slightly heavier version of the yari. It is roughly 3 to 4 feet in length with a metal tip, and can be used effectively in melee combat or thrown short distances.
c Keywords: Medium
c DR: 1k2
c Special Rules: The nage-yari may be thrown accurately up to 50’.
c Price: 3 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 Koku of materials.

YARI The yari is a basic spear, six to eight feet in length. It is used two handed when wielded on foot, and one handed when on horseback. Yari are typically given to ashigaru legions and anti-cavalry forces. Like the nage-yari, it can be thrown short distances with limited accuracy.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 2k2
c Special Rules: The yari can be thrown a maximum range of 30’, and has DR 1k2 when thrown.
c Price: 5 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 2 Koku of materials.

Staves are simple to make and easy to wield. They are popular among the peasant castes because they are not generally regarded as weapons and because they are also popular among the monks of the Brotherhood of Shinsei, whom the peasants greatly revere and admire. Because they are so light and blunt, staves are spectacularly ineffective against most armored targets. Double the Armor TN bonus conferred by an opponent’s armor when they are being attacked using a staff or staves

The simplest and most common weapon in the Empire, the bo is a simple wooden staff 5 to 6 feet in length. It is used as a walking staff by travelers and monks, and doubles as a weapon for those bold enough to use it. Like most staves, the bo has almost no power to defeat armor.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 1k2
c Price: 2 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

JO The jo is essentially half of a bo, and is a short staff roughly 3 feet in length. They are often used in pairs to deliver a rapid series of concussive strikes.
c Keywords: Medium
c DR: 0k2
c Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

MACHI-KANSHISHA This extremely unconventional weapon is, more or less, a metal smoking pipe. It is an effective weapon because of its size and shape, which is a hollow metal tube roughly three feet in length. In addition to its use as a smoking implement, it can also be used to stun an opponent via a sharp blow to the head. The machi-kanshisha pipe is seen almost exclusively in the hands of the Kaeru family that governs the City of the Rich Frog.
c Keywords: Medium
c DR: 0k2
c Price: 20 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 10 Koku of materials.

An adapted threshing tool, the nunchaku is simple to build and surprisingly effective. It consists of two foot-long wooden handles connected by a foot-long length of chain. Nunchaku are a very poor weapon unless the wielder is skilled in their use, in which case their use is beautiful to watch and delivers a relentless fl urry of bludgeoning strikes.
c Keywords: Peasant, Small
c DR: 1k2
c Price: 3 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

Crescent Blade & Shield: The sang kauw is a peculiar weapon only seen in the hands of those who choose to study exotic fi ghting styles. It is a three to four foot wooden shaft with a metal spike on each end. The crescent blade sang kauw has a crescent-shaped blade in the center that can be used to fend off attackers, while the shield sang kauw has a metal shield for increased protection.
c Keywords: Medium
c DR: 1k2 (crescent blade), 2k1 (shield sang kauw)
c Price: 10 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 6
-Crafting Cost: 5 Koku of materials.

TONFA The tonfa has its origin as the handle of a millstone. It consists of a wooden shaft roughly the length of a man’s forearm, with a handle on the side that allows it to be held along the forearm. Held in this manner it is an effective defensive tool, but can also be spun as an offensive weapon.
c Keywords: Medium, Peasant
c DR: 0k3
c Price: 5 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 2 bu of materials.

The sword, specifically the katana, is the sacred weapon of the samurai. Other blades are similar to the katana, but none have the sheer symbolic weight that the sacred blade possesses, and thus they are used quite infrequently in comparison.

The katana is the quintessential weapon of the samurai caste. It represents the soul of the samurai who carries it, and while typically only bushi or those trained in the blade’s use carry them with them at all times, all samurai typically have one that they own, even if it remains in their home. Courtiers and shugenja do not usually carry a katana with them because doing so implies they are trained in its use, which would in turn place an expectation upon them to defend themselves. A katana is typically kept within a family and handed down from generation to generation. The eldest child in a generation receives his grandfather’s blade. However, it is possible for a samurai who serves his lord well to possess multiple katana, including not only his grandfather’s blade, but a blade bestowed for valorous service, another from an appointment to the position of Imperial magistrate, etc
c Keywords: Medium, Samurai
c DR: 3k2
c Special Rules: A character may spend one Void Point to increase a damage roll made using a katana by 1k1 (Void Points cannot normally be spent to enhance damage rolls). Only one Void Point may be spent in this manner, even if the character has an ability that would allow him to spend more than one Void Point per round.
c Price: Because of the symbolic nature of the katana and the diffi culty in producing the folded steel that makes up the blade, they are not generally vailable for sale.
-Crafting Difficulty: 7
-Crafting Cost: 12 Koku of materials.

NINJA-TO As reviled as the katana is revered, the ninja-to is the favored weapon of the ninja. Ninja often put their blades to esoteric uses such as climbing in addition to combat. Unlike other swords, ninja-to are crudely made, unattractive, and easily broken. A ninja who loses his weapon can easily replace it without signifi cant expense.
c Keywords: Medium, Ninja
c DR: 2k2
c Special Rules: The ninja-to is a medium weapon, but is considered a small weapon for the purposes of concealment. If a ninja-to infl icts more than 40 Wounds in a single attack, its blade breaks.
c Price: 5 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 5
-Crafting Cost: 2 Koku of materials.
-Crafting Special: Making this is considered Using a Low Skill

The no-dachi is perhaps the largest weapon commonly wielded by samurai. It is similar in most respects to the katana, save that it is 5 to 7 feet in length. It was conceived as primarily an anti-cavalry weapon, at which it excels. Brash or highlytrained bushi also wield it in melee, however, which is diffi cult but highly effective when mastered.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 3k3
c Price: 30 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 8
-Crafting Cost: 15 Koku of materials.

The parangu is basically a machete, a thin metal blade made of unfolded steel and used in a harsh chopping motion to clear underbrush and other vegetation out of the path for farming or making one’s way through the wilderness. The parangu is popular aboard Mantis ships for cutting ropes or cloth without having to worry about protecting one’s katana. Parangu are typically made of scrap metal and have a high chance of breaking in combat with a true blade.
c Keywords: Medium, Peasant
c DR: 2k2
c Special Rules: If a parangu infl icts more than 30 Wounds in a single attack, its blade breaks.
c Price: 10 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 5 bu of materials.

A heavy, curved blade that originated far beyond the boundaries of the Emerald Empire, the scimitar was brought back to Rokugan by the Unicorn Clan after their eight centuries of wandering the world at large. It is rarely made of folded steel, and as such has limited durability compared to the katana, and only sees use among Unicorn samurai, primarily the Moto family.
c Keywords: Medium
c DR: 2k3
c Price: 20 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 5
-Crafting Cost: 10 Koku of materials.

While the katana represents the soul of a samurai, the wakizashi represents his honor. Every member of the samurai caste, even the most pious shugenja or delicate artisan, possesses a wakizashi that signifi es his or her station. Wakizashi are not always carried by such individuals, but they are never far away, and are always taken with them even when traveling. Because of its status as a symbol of the bearer’s honor, it is the wakizashi with which the ritual of seppuku is performed.
c Keywords: Medium, Samurai
c DR: 2k2
c Special Rules: A wakizashi may be thrown up to 20’ as a ranged weapon.
c Price: 15 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 6
-Crafting Cost: 7 Koku of materials.

There are a variety of war fans, also known as tessen, that are popular throughout the Empire. Different styles have varying levels of popularity depending upon the Clan in question, although they are certainly most popular in the Lion and Crane lands. Some are short metal shafts with small circular or shaped metal sheets attached, and bear only a passing resemblance to fans.
c Keywords: Small
c DR: 0k1
c Price: 5 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 2 Koku of materials.

Miscellaneous Equipment
There is a variety of equipment commonly found in the hands of samurai and other castes beyond weapons and armor.

c Backpack: Rokugani backpacks are built upon wicker frames, making them fairly rigid. Price: 3 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Ball, Kemari: A leather ball used to play kemari, a popular game. Price: 5 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 2 zeni of materials.

c Baskets: The most common container, crafted from wicker. Sometimes worn as hats. Price: 1 to 5 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Blacksmith’s Hammer: Necessary for an armorer or weaponsmith to craft. Price: 3 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Blanket: A coarse blanket appropriate for travel, often used stacked for warmth. Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Bottle of Bleach/Dye: Used primarily for clothesmaking and hair coloration. Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Bottle of Sake: Rice wine, a very popular beverage among bushi. Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Bottle of Shochu: A very strong, distilled alcoholic beverage. Price: 2 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Bottle, Empty: Clay or occasionally imported glass, used for storing liquids for travel. Price: 1 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Books and Scrolls: Sturdy records used for journals and recording new information. Price: 1-10 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 1bu of materials.

c Bowyer’s Kit: Used for maintenance of bow and arrows. Price: 2 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Brazier: Vessel for holding burning substances or for heating liquids. Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Bucket: A metal vessel with a handle, primarily for toting water. Price: 1 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Candle: A simple, hand-dipped candle. Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.
-Crafting Special: Crafting this makes 10

c Chest: Wooden chest with a lock for storing precious items. Price: 2 bu (wood), 8 bu (metal)
-Crafting Difficulty: 2 (wood) 3 (Metal)
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu (wood) 4 bu (metal) of materials.

c Chopsticks: Eating utensils. Price: 1 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.
-Crafting Special: Crafting this makes 10

c Cloth, Silk Bolt: Used for mending, protective wrapping, etc. Price: 2 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 2 koku of materials.

c Coin Purse: A small, easily concealed bag. Price: 3 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Daisho Stand: Easily disassembled and carried, this is a stand for displaying one’s daisho and tanto. Price: 1 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 2 buof materials.

c Dice and Dice Cup: Used primarily for gambling. Price: 25 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 12 zeni of materials.

c Divination Kit: Sets of coins or carved sticks used for divining. Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Finger of Jade: Rare, and used to ward off the Shadowlands. Price: 1 koku if it can be found at all.
-Crafting Difficulty: 5
-Crafting Cost: 1 koku of materials.

c Fishing Kit: Consists of a hook, strong string, a small net, and a cleaning knife. Price: 10 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Flint and Steel: Useful for creating sparks and lighting fires. Price: 1 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Furoshiki Sack: A sturdy silken bag with a drawstring. Price: 1 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Games, Traveling: Small sets of go, shogi, or other games. Price: 1 bu and up
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Grapple Hook: An iron hook meant to be attached to a rope for climbing. Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Kiseru: A simple smoking pipe. Price: 3 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Kubi Bukuro: A net bag for holding and displaying the severed head of an enemy. Price: 2 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Lanterns: Used for decoration and illumination. Price: 1 bu (paper), 4 bu (metal)
-Crafting Difficulty: 1 (paper) 3 (metal)
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni (paper) 2 bu (metal) of materials.

c Lantern Oil: A fl ask with two hours of oil. Price: 3 zeni per flask
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Medicine Kit: Needle and thread, cloth bandages, herbal disinfectants (10 uses). Price: 1 bu and up
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Mirrors: Glass or metal, polished to a high sheen. Price: 3 bu to 2 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 3 (metal) 5 (glass)
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu (metal) 1 koku (glass) of materials.

c Mortar & Pestle: Used to grind and mix ingredients. Price: 2 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Musical Instruments: Common samples include the samisen, biwa, flute, and drum. Price: 1 to 5 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 2bu of materials.

c Palanquin: Elaborate personal carriage, carried by servants. Price: 10 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 6
-Crafting Cost: 5 koku of materials.

c Paper: Ideal for writing for scrolls or “books.” Price: 1 bu per 5 sheets
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.
-Crafting Special: Creating this makes 5

c Parchment & Charcoal: Cheaper alternative to brush and ink. 3 zeni for 10 of each
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.
-Crafting Special: Creating this makes 10

c Personal Seal or Chop: Used to sign formal documents and verify identities. Price: 4 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 2bu of materials.

c Pillow Book: Small, loosely bound book about romance, adventure, or poetry. Price: 3 zeni to 1 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Pot, Iron: Used for cooking while traveling. Price: 15 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 7 zeni of materials.

c Quiver: Cloth satchel for arrows (holds up to 60). Price: 20 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 10 zeni of materials.

c Rope: Varying quality made of hemp, hair, or silk. Price: 5 zeni per foot of reasonable quality rope
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 2 zeni per 5ft of materials.

c Sake Cup: Guests often bring their own cup to events. Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Shovel: A simple digging tool. Price: 5 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 2 zeni of materials.

c Small Back Banner: Identify name, rank, family, and Clan. Price: 1 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 2 bu of materials.

c Small Folding Stool: Carried by soldiers to conserve strength. Price: 3 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Small Knife: Used for carving or personal grooming. Price: 5 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 2 zeni of materials.

c Spices: Used to add flavor to food while traveling, or for barter. Price: 1 to 5 bu for small bottle
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Sweets: Popular snacks include small cakes, candies, buns, or honeyed rice. Price: 1 bu for 4 servings
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.
-Crafting Special: Crafting this makes 4 servings

c Tatami Mat: Used for sitting or sleeping on the ground or floor. Price: 2 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Tattoo Needles: Made of steel or bamboo. Price: 1 bu per set
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

c Tea Set: Necessary to perform the sacred tea ceremony. Price: 1 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 2 bu of materials.

c Tent, Chomchog: A large and elaborate tent favored by the Unicorn. Price: 20 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 7
-Crafting Cost: 10 koku of materials.

c Tent, Small: Suitable for two people. Price: 1 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 2 bu of materials.

c Tent, Yurt: Smaller than the chomchog but still larger than average, favored by the Unicorn. Price: 10 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 5
-Crafting Cost: 5 koku of materials.

c Traveling Rations: Dried rice or fish, wrapped in paper. Price: 5 zeni per meal
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Umbrella: Made of wicker and silk to hold off the elements. Price: 2 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Walking Stick: A simple cane to aid in walking. Not suitable for a weapon. Price: 1 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Whetstone: Used to sharpen weapons, but not the katana or wakizashi. Price 1 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c Writing Box: The sumi-e box, contains brushes, ink stones, a water bowl, and sand. Price: 1 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

Clothing & Accessories
c Cap, Courtier’s: Peaked cap popular among courtiers and bureaucrats. Price: 2 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Fan, Courtier’s: Paper fan with customized patterns. Price: 40 zeni and up
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 20 zeni of materials.

c Hakama: Knee-length trousers. Price: 75 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 37 zeni of materials.

c Haori: Jacket-like garment worn over a kimono. Price: 25 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 12 zeni of materials.

c Kataginu: Vest-like garment worn over kimono to emphasize shoulders. Price: 40 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 20 zeni of materials.

c Kimono: The basic robe worn by all samurai. Comes with belt/sash (obi). Price: 1 bu and up
-Crafting Difficulty: 6
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Makeup Kit: Face powders and paints. Price: 1 koku
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 2 bu of materials.

c Mask: Vary from silk to metal (mempo). Often intricately patterned. Price: 3 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1 (silk) 3 (Metal)
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Netsuke: Jewelry such as earring, ring, bracelet, etc. Price: 1 bu Clothing & Accessories
-Crafting Difficulty: 1 (wood) 3 (metal)
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni (wood) 1bu (metal) of materials.

c Obi Pouch: A small pouch that fastens to the belt. Price: 25 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 12 zeni of materials.

c Perfume: Made from various herbs and common substances. Price: 2 bu per small bottle
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Sandals: The simplest and most common form of footwear. Price: 50 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 25 zeni of materials.

c Snow Shoes: Wide-framed shoes to prevent sinking in the snow. Price: 2 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Traveling Cloak: Thick coat worn over clothes while traveling. Price: 75 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 4
-Crafting Cost: 37 zeni of materials.

c Wide-brimmed Straw Hat: Used for protecting the face from the sun. Price: 1 zeni
-Crafting Difficulty: 1
-Crafting Cost: 1 zeni of materials.

c War Paint, Vial: Popular among Crab, Unicorn, and Lion warriors. Price: 3 bu
-Crafting Difficulty: 2
-Crafting Cost: 1 bu of materials.

c Wig: Used for disguise or to gain attention in court. Price: 1 bu each
-Crafting Difficulty: 3
-Crafting Cost: 5 zeni of materials.

(Below are additional items that have not yet had difficulty and crafting price added)
Imperial Histories
Nageteppo (Smoke)
c Keywords: Ninja, Small
c Range: 30’
c Damage: 1k1
c Craft: Craft: Explosives / Intelligence at TN 25, and requires access to gaijin pepper and alchemical supplies.

Making nageteppo is a touchy business; failing to hit TN 10 when doing so results in a small explosion, inflicting 2k1 damage for smoke nageteppo. Standard smoke nageteppo are used to confuse enemies during an ambush or to cover a retreat. They are small and relatively fragile egg-shaped devices containing a mixture of gunpowder and alchemical substances. Throwing a nageteppo is a Simple Action. When they are broken (either by accident, crushing, or most commonly by being thrown against a hard surface) the contents ignite and emit a thick cloud of choking white smoke. The smoke covers an area roughly 15’ diameter and obscures all vision within (those inside the smoke are considered to be Blind). The smoke normally lasts five Rounds before it disperses, although it can be blown away in a single Round by a strong wind. If a smoke nageteppo directly strikes a person, the burning smoke charge inflicts 1k1 damage per Round for two Rounds (or until extinguished with dousing, smothering, etc).

Nageteppo (IncendiarY)
c Keywords: Ninja, Small
c Range: 25’
c Damage: 3k2 (ignores 3 points of Reduction)
c Craft: Craft: Explosives / Intelligence at TN 25, and requires access to gaijin pepper and alchemical supplies.

Making nageteppo is a touchy business; failing to hit TN 10 when doing so results in a small explosion, inflicting 3k2 damage for incendiary nageteppo.
Incendiary nageteppo are somewhat larger and more awkward to throw than their smoke-making counterparts. They are usually used to ignite fires during surprise attacks or raids—for example, shinobi who are targeting an enemy supply dump will bring incendiary nageteppo. They are similar in design to smoke nageteppo, but are larger and the gunpowder/alchemical mixture inside is designed to explode and burn fiercely rather than merely emitting smoke. Throwing a nageteppo is a Simple Action. When an incendiary nageteppo is broken the contents ignite violently and spray outward, igniting everything within 5’. Someone who is directly hit by an incendiary nageteppo will take 3k2 damage per Round for three Rounds (or until the fire is doused/smothered). Someone who is caught in the spray radius takes 1k1 damage per Round instead. The fire from an incendiary nageteppo is hot enough to ignore 3 points of Reduction.

Demolition charge
c Skill to Craft: Craft: Explosives / Intelligence at TN 30, plus access to gaijin pepper. Failure to hit TN 10 when crafting a demolition charge results in an explosion, inflicting normal damage for the charge.
c Skill to Set: Engineering: Siege /Intelligence at TN 30, or Craft: Explosives / Intelligence at TN 20. Either way, setting a demolition charge requires fifteen minutes per charge. Missing the roll by 15 or more results in immediate detonation.
c Damage: 9k6 to all within a 10’ radius
c Area: 7k5 damage out to a 30’ radius, 4k3 out to a 50’ radius.

Demolition charges are most commonly used to destroy bridges or buildings, breach walls or castles, or otherwise destroy large and resilient targets. More rarely, they may be used as mines, placing them on a battlefield and igniting them when enemy troops march over the position. (This latter usage is extremely risky, since if any of the enemy troops escape alive they will be able to report the use of forbidden gunpowder on the battlefield.) Once a demolition charge is set, it must be detonated. This is normally done by introducing flame to the charge— such as by firing a flaming arrow at it, or leaving a burning piece of rope or cloth which will reach the charge after a certain amount of time. Clever shinobi have also devised ways to detonate demolition charges by means of physical mechanisms and incendiaries (such as placing a nageteppo which will crack at the right moment). After the Agasha invent hanabi (fireworks), Rokugani ninja use hanabi fuses to ignore demolition charges, a much more reliable method. Damage from demolition charges is gunpowder damage, which means it ignores Reduction on living targets. It also ignores 20 points of Reduction on inanimate targets (buildings, castles, etc). Shinobi sometimes use smaller charges for more limited targets—GMs may represent this by reducing the damage dice and explosive radius.

As a basic rule, any time a nageteppo is thrown there is a 1-in-10 chance that it is a “fizzle” that produces only a small useless puff of smoke or a brief, inconsequential flame. Likewise, any time a demolition charge is detonated, there is a 1-in-10 chance that it fails to explode. A demolition charge that does not detonate can be re-set for another attempt; this requires a repeat of the earlier Engineering or Craft roll at +5 to the TN (thus also increasing the risk of accidental discharge).

Naishou Province
The Magari-Yari The so-called magari-yari is an unusual type of spear used almost exclusively by the Lion Clan and particularly by the Matsu Elite Spearmen. It is easily recognized by its triple-bladed head, which sets it apart from the standard single-headed Rokugani yari. Although the Matsu family as a whole favors the katana, a number of famous Matsu warriors have employed the magariyari, such as the notorious Clan War hero Matsu “the Butcher” Gohei.
c Keywords: Large
c DR: 3k2
c Special Rules: The magari-yari may be thrown a maximum range of 30’, and has a DR of 2k2 when thrown.
c Price: 7 koku.

Secrets of the Empire
the sling
A humble weapon dismissed by the typical samurai, the sling is essentially a length of cord or sash with a pouch in the center for holding a stone. The wielder holds both ends in one hand and whirls the sling to build momentum, finally releasing one end and flicking his wrist to unleash the stone. This allows a stone to be hurled much farther than by hand alone. Although most samurai would never consider using such a crude weapon, monks and ashigaru have no such qualms, and ronin, Sparrow samurai, and Unicorn samurai have all been known to use the weapon from time to time. Members of the Sparrow Clan consider the sling to be an acceptable weapon despite its peasant origins, and should not lose Honor when using a sling. At the GM’s option, this can also be true for Unicorn samurai, especially those who are more in tune with their gaijin legacy.

c Keywords: Small, Peasant
c Range: 100’ c DR: 1k2
c Special Rules: The sling uses the Athletics / Agility Skill to attack; GMs may opt to allow a Sling Emphasis. Strength is not added to the DR for slings. Reduction is doubled against sling attack

The Book of Water
c Keyword: Large
c Skill: Chain Weapons
c DR: 1k2
c Special Rules: The dragon beard hook may be used to initiate and maintain a grapple at a distance of up to 30 feet.
c Price: 4 koku

c Keyword: Large, Ninja
c Skill: Chain Weapons
c DR: 1k1
c Special Rules: Rope darts may be used to initiate and maintain a grapple at a distance of up to 15 feet.
c Price: 5 bu

c Keywords: Large, Monk, Ninja
c Skill: Staves
c DR: 2k2
c Price: 1 koku

c Keywords: Peasant, Large
c Skill: Staves
c DR: 1k2
c Special Rules: If a pitchfork inflicts more than 20 Wounds with a single attack, it breaks.
c Price: 3 bu

c Keywords: Peasant, Improvised
c Skill: Jiujutsu (Improvised Weapons)
c DR: 0k1
c Special Rules: Enemies hit with a torch must roll Reflexes at TN 10 to avoid catching on fire. Foes who are set on fire take 1k1 fire damage during the Reactions Stage of each Round until they extinguish the fire (such as by jumping into water, or taking a Complex Action to smother the flames).
c Price: 1 bu

The Great Clans

Kaiu Armor
Obviously, the armor created by a Kaiu Engineer of Rank 3 or higher is a significant benefit to bushi everywhere. Such armor is almost never available for non-Crab samurai, however, for it is immediately put to use in the war against the Shadowlands. At the GM’s discretion, a Crab character may acquire a set of Kaiu Armor during play, but this will generally incur major obligations and is likely to cost a small fortune (a minimum of five to ten times the normal cost for that type of armor). Kaiu characters may of course produce the armor and give it as gifts, but those selling it for profit will quickly attract the severe ire of their superiors for betraying their duty to the clan. If GMs wish to allow it, Kaiu Armor can be purchased as a Granted Advantage with a cost equal to 3 + the creator’s School Rank.

Beastmaster’s Claws
A unique weapon crafted only among the Matsu Beastmasters, the Beastmaster’s Claws is a small bar of metal that fits within a closed fist. Small flat metal rods extend from this bar between the fingers of the Beastmaster’s clenched fist, each ending in small curved blades that resemble a lion’s claws. This allows a Beastmaster to fight in a manner similar to his pride. The weapon is considered a Knife for rules purposes and has the Small property, with a DR of 0k2. This weapon is considered highly unconventional by the Empire as a whole, and is not seen outside the ranks of the Beastmasters (even within the Lion Clan). Anyone outside of the Lion Clan using the weapon loses one point of Honor per skirmish for doing so, as well as probably giving grave insult to any Lion who witnesses its use.

Gaijin Goods
The Unicorn Clan is one of three clans that supply gaijin curiosities to Rokugan’s internal market—the other two being the Mantis and the Tortoise. Although the Empire officially eschews contact with the outside world, in reality there is always a market for strange and exotic trinkets that can be used as conversation pieces at the next court dinner. Herewith are the gaijin items most likely to be found in the wagons of Unicorn trade caravans:
Astrolabe (made from copper)
Boardgames (chess, checkers, backgammon, etc)
Books (cloth-bound or leather-bound)
Boxes, metal or wood (exotic design, engravings, etc)
Carpets (woven, embroidered, etc)
Dried exotic fruits (dates, figs, raisins)
Dried meat (beef, lamb, goat)
Dried nuts (almonds, peanuts, cashews, etc.)
Earthenware (exotic pottery, etc)
Furs Glass (bottle or goblet)
Ivory (sculptures or jewelry)
Jewelry and gems
Kumis (fermented mare’s milk)
Lamp oil (refined petroleum)
Leather bags or shoes
Leather saddles
Metal utensils (forks and spoons)
Oil lanterns (made from brass, with glass panes)
Olive oil
Papyrus paper
Spices and herbs (foreign/exotic)
Weaponry (scimitar, katar, kukri, longsword, shield, etc.)
Wine, spiced Wine, vinegar
Truly rare items could include maps of the Burning Sands, Ashalan crysteel weapons, spyglasses, or pieces of crystal.

The Imperial Archives
Yobanjin Ring-Sword
Many of the Yobanjin fight with the so-called “ring sword,” a sword with large looped rings in the hilt which are used to try to snare enemy blades. Mechanically, a ring-sword functions in the same way as a Rokugani sword, including the requirement to use a Simple Action…

c Keywords: Medium, Gaijin
c DR: 2k2
c Price: 10 koku

Oyumi (crossbow)
Within the Empire, the crossbow – known to the Rokugani as the oyumi – is a weapon used only occasionally by bandits or other criminals. The oyumi’s physical concept was originally devised by the Kaiu family of the Crab as a massive siege weapon, used to hurl giant spears at oni and other Shadowlands beasts. Smaller-scale versions were eventually developed, but the Rokugani found them to be crude and lacking in the artistry and beauty of the bow, and largely rejected their usage. The Yobanjin, however, feel no special scruples over distinguishing between “honorable” and “peasant” weapons, and use the crossbow freely. Indeed, some tribes employ it preferentially over the bow, especially those who rely heavily on flying mounts such as eagles or wyrms. (A loaded crossbow can be fired one-handed, unlike a bow.)

c Keywords: Medium, Peasant
c DR: 4k2 c Range: 150’
c Special Rule: Reloading a crossbow requires two Complex Actions.
c Price: 5 koku c Note: A crossbow relies on its own mechanical force to deliver damage, and thus does not add the wielder’s Strength to its DR.

Re: New Crafting Rules Feedback pt2

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:14 am
by Kaito Haruki
So for those special quailites, they apply only to melee weapons and not bows and arrows? Also will there be special qualities for armor making?

Re: New Crafting Rules Feedback pt2

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:16 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
How would this type of advantage, that reduces time needed to craft based on item cost, change/affect these rules?

Your time spent within Water Hammer City has given you an affinity for crafting, even if you have not devoted your life to the pursuit of such things. You gain one rank in a Craft Skill of your choice (this may not take you over the maximum beginning rank of 4). When determining the time required to craft any particular item, the cost of the item is considered one coin type smaller for you (for example, an item that has a cost measured in koku would determine its crafting time as if it were measured in bu, and an item with a cost measured in bu would determine the time as if it were measured in zeni).

Re: New Crafting Rules Feedback pt2

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:30 am
by Vutall
The special qualities do not apply to bows and arrows, and no special bonuses to Armor (since that would make Kaiu armor way less special)

The advantage would reduce the Difficulty by 1 for time purposes

Re: New Crafting Rules Feedback pt2

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:35 am
by Kaito Haruki
So do the raise rules apply each time you roll? Thus granting the possibility of reducing time each interval?

Re: New Crafting Rules Feedback pt2

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:51 am
by Vutall
Yes. Same with the weapon special stuff, you have to call those raises on every roll.

Re: New Crafting Rules Feedback pt2

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:53 am
by Kaito Haruki
Also since I have cooking as a school skill now, do we need to talk about how difficult it is to make food?

Re: New Crafting Rules Feedback pt2

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:38 am
by Vutall
Added a food section