Emperor: Hantei Jodan, the XXXVIII Emperor of Rokugan (m)

Empress: Hantei Hochiahime (f)
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Crown Prince: Hantei Sotorii (m)

Additional Children
-Hantei Daisetsu (m)

Court Positions:
Imperial Advisor: Bayushi Kachiko (f)

Married to Bayushi Shoju. Has a son named Bayushi Dairu
Imperial Astrologer: Seppun Seimei (?)
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Crab Imperial Ambassador: Yasuki Oguri (?)

Dragon Imperial Ambassador: Kitsuki Yaruma (?)

Lion Imperial Ambassador: Ikoma Ujiaki (m)

Phoenix Imperial Ambassador: Asako Tsuki (?)

Unicorn Imperial Ambassador: Ide Tadaji (m)
-See Unicorn
Imperial Cartographer: Miya Bunji (m)
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Miya Bunji is a respected Herald of the Miya Family and a skilled cartographer. He often spends many months away from his home, charting areas of the Empire that are difficult to access. He has personally found several swaths of fertile land tucked away in obscure places, which has put him in favorable graces with his lord, Miya Satoshi, and has brought glory to his family. Unfortunately for Bunji, while he was away last year his wife Hanae and his daughter Nanako were lost to a tsunami that crushed the northern coast of the Crane Lands
Imperial Chancellor: Kakita Yoshi (m)
-See Crane
Imperial Guard Captain: Seppun Ishikawa (m)

Born in Otosan Uchi during a New Year’s festival, Sep-pun Ishikawa showed martial skill from an early age, and his parents arranged for him to be trained by the Kakita. Initially posted as an ordinary member of the Imperial House Guard, he soon drew positive notice from his superiors, especially Emerald Champion Doji Satsume. Satsume appointed him as an Emerald Magistrate and, after Ishikawa distinguished himself in that role, named him captain of the Seppun Honor Guard
Ishikawa is a deceptively ordinary-looking man and a surprisingly gentle one, noted during his tenure as an Emerald Magistrate for the consideration he showed to the lower castes. A romantic at heart, he secretly longs for a woman who is already betrothed to another—though he knows such emotions could compromise him in his duties. Nevertheless, he is an honorable and dedicated bushi and takes his duty to the Hantei Family extremely seriously. Due to his past experience as a magistrate, he knows the value of having trust-worthy allies and contacts throughout the Empire and is always on the lookout for more, assessing honorable visitors
Imperial Herald: Miya Satoshi (m)
-See Imperial Families
Imperial Legion Commander: Kitsu Chiemi (?)
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Imperial Scribe: Miya Chinatsu (?)
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Spiritual Advisor: Isawa Kaede (f)
-See Phoenix
Jeweled Positions:
Emerald Champion: None, Agasha Sumiko is Acting until a new one can be found.
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Jade Champion: Unfilled position for centuries
Ruby Champion: Agasha Sumiko (f)

Agasha Sumiko is a pale, powerful Dragon bushi who has been the Ruby Champion for several years and is now also acting as Emerald Champion until a new one can be chosen. She is extremely busy, hardly sleeping or eating for the sake of her duties. Despite her sharp focus on her tasks, she claims she wants to learn the truth of Satsume’s death. Perhaps she is being honest about it, or perhaps she simply views “truth” as “what is best for the Empire.”
Topaz Champion: Kitsuke Yuikimi (f)
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Emerald Ambassadors
Crab Emerald Ambassador: Hida Mikoro (?)
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Crane Emerald Ambassador: Asahina Tadane (?)
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Dragon Emerald Ambassador: Mirumoto Tanetsu (?)
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Lion Emerald Ambassador: Kitsu Tsuguri (?)
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Phoenix Emerald Ambassador: Shiba Sono (?)
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Scorpion Emerald Ambassador: Bayushi Negi (?)
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Unicorn Emerald Ambassador: Shinjo Akiba (f)
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