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(D5; EE) A Very Froggy Funeral

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:58 am
by Otomo Nobuko
After the very eventful afternoon wound to an end, Nobuko gathered - in the rain - with those who had said they were interested in honoring the poor souls of the frogs who had met their deaths in some very painful and sudden ways the day before. Once gathered, she led the way out of town and to a large pond that had a fairly active community of frogs - if the songs that were being sung as Lady Sun began to sink were any indication.

Her servant, Erina, carried her umbrella to keep the rain off until they arrived at the site.

The songs died down at the approach of the samurai but did not quite stop. Nobuko - an urn in hand that the hinin had assured her held the ashes of the frogs she'd brought to be seen to - sat down at the edge of the pond. Erina stepped back as instructed to allow the rain to fall on Nobuko now that she was where she needed to be for prayer. She settled the urn just in front of her and clapped her hands before bowing her head. She began saying a prayer that the souls of the frogs find rebirth in a better form, for though their deaths were surely a sign of poor karma, she hoped that the swiftness of it meant they had repaid some of their soul's debts.

She continued with this solemn prayer for some time before giving a final prayer to the Minor Fortune of Frogs to thank them for watching over the tiny creatures and bringing luck wherever they hopped.

The next step would be to cast the ashes into the pond, but she waited to do so - giving others a chance to lead a prayer themselves if they so chose.

Re: (D5; EE) A Very Froggy Funeral

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 1:45 pm
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Very muddy from hunting, Ginkarasu made sure he made it to support his friends efforts. He was feeling a bit froggy himself.

Re: (D5; EE) A Very Froggy Funeral

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:34 pm
by Miya Wyn
Wyn will come to attend the funeral in support of his fellow Imperial.

Re: (D5; EE) A Very Froggy Funeral

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:30 am
by Kaiu Aiichiro
He appeared to fulfill his word, but also curious on how things would unroll from them. Not that he was in any good state better than any other hunters. He had not a lot of expectatives, to be honest. His mind was confused, holding a dumb grudge he didn't even knew why and how it started anymore, unsure if it should just drop it for his own sake or hold on it.
He had made a case by reason that Nobuko was almost from a different world, et cetera, et cetera, against his own mind a thousand times now. The prayer rang on his ears, however. Because he was long set in the mindset that a hundred soldiers died in the Wall everyday and no one cared, and got desensitized long for that fact. Caring about the death of random animals one was not even close to broke this pattern. For the first time he was not just annoying himself by discussing against himself, but genuinely felt bad of the still unjustified malice he held against her for so long.
He knew now not only that he was wrong but also was in a good mood to change things... Why. Couldn't. Him. Why did this petty thing persist when he wished it did not?
Sometimes he wished that he was as rational people believed him to be. Even if he wished to make some frog-prayer now, his mind was too inquiet to say anything half-useful, so he just stood shut.

Re: (D5; EE) A Very Froggy Funeral

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:17 am
by Utaku Nesrin
A bit late to spot things, Nesrin hurried a bit to make up for it, splashing through the spring rain in the dim twilight. She slows as she sees the small group silhouetted against the last of the light on the water, not wanting to disrupt thing with the sound of running footsteps.

She isn't really sure what prayer one would offer for frogs. Did Emma-O oversee them moving into a new incarnation? What was the next step up for frogs? What kind of karma did a samurai need to accrue to fall far enough to be a frog? None of these were suitable questions for the moment though, so she offers apologetic nods if noticed, rain dripping from her braid.

Re: (D5; EE) A Very Froggy Funeral

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 11:31 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
With no one else breaking their silence, Nobuko bowed to the pond, the urn in her arms, and held the position for a count of nine heartbeats. When she straightened, she looked to Erina to bring the umbrella over to cover her momentarily. She didn't want rainwater to get into the urn when she opened i.

The urn opened easily, it was the kind made to allow ashes to be scattered. It would be a little difficult to do so in the rain, as they likely wouldn't go as far across the water. But so long as they became one with the water of the pond, it wouldn't be a terrible thing if it didn't scatter as much as she'd originally envisioned.

With the urn open she held it out before her, Erina keeping the umbrella over it rather than her mistress, and titled it so that the ashes could begin trickling out. Once they did, she started to carefully walk the perimeter of the pond. In lieu of the wind scattering them, she could try to do the work herself.

Being as they were frogs and their bodies had been quite small, there wasn't a lot of ashes to spread. So when it was done, she closed the lid and accepted a small braided rope from Erina. The rope was tied around the urn just tight enough it would not come undone and could hold the lid shut. Then she placed the empty urn a little bit away from the pond proper, under a tree, where any frog spirits that might come to call it home could have a good view of the watery spot.

Once it was placed, she backed up, bowing as she did so, and saying another prayer for the spirits of the area to accept the urn as a sign of their great respect and hope for a peaceful existence.

Nobuko did not speak until she had backed away from the pond and the song of the frogs had increased once more. Then she smiled at those gathered, and bowed to the group, "Thank you so much for joining me in this. I know that the small creatures are not often thought of as important, but the deaths of all are creatures in the celestial order should be shown some measure of respect. Especially after having occurred through an effort to be of help."

She rose and waved Erina over to hold the umbrella up for those wanted to gather close and seek relief from the rain. She did not step under it herself as she laughed and wrung her hands nervously, "I hope I did not perform the rites incorrectly for their spirits. They were not human in this life, so I tried do what I thought would be appropriate for such."

Re: (D5; EE) A Very Froggy Funeral

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:08 am
by Kaiu Aiichiro
"All of that was beautiful. If the frogs reincarnate into a better of them, what do you think they would reincarnate in? Like, is a lizard better than a frog, or a lion better than a frog? I think that horses, lions and the Unicorn birds should be better than a frog. Or a pet monkey, cat, fish or dog."

Re: (D5; EE) A Very Froggy Funeral

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:31 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
"You gave them respect, when their destiny was changed." He sighs a little. "Not many would do so."

Re: (D5; EE) A Very Froggy Funeral

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:30 am
by Otomo Nobuko
"I don't know that there are levels among the animals in our realm," she answered Aiichiro, giving it some thought as she recalled her lessons on the karmic wheel. "Animals are so often driven by their instincts that only those who are reborn within Chikushuko are aware enough of their actions to effect their karma. Those born within Nigen-do, unless especially intelligent, are mostly living out a sentence for poor karma in one or more previous lives. They remain there until the sentence is served. Since their awareness of their actions is limited, how much they can influence or correct their karma is limited as well. Though I do think that if someone is reborn as an animal who is pampered and well cared for, their time within Nigen-do as an animal is likely drawing to an end. A better life is usually a sign of better karma."

Nobuko looked to Ginkarasu, nodding at his words, "That is, sadly, very true. I suppose it's to be expected. And performing funerals for every animal removed from this life by accident is not possible. But those that I have touched myself... It is appropriate, I think. The responsibility for cutting short their time is mine and so the responsibility for ensuring they can find their way before Emma-O once more is mine as well."

D5; EE; Theology Fluff roll!: 8d10o10k6 40

Re: (D5; EE) A Very Froggy Funeral

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:23 am
by Utaku Nesrin
Nesrin watches the service, occasionally swiping the rain from her eyes to better see. "So those will likely be frogs once again. This seems a thoughtful thing to send them on their way."