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(Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:14 am
by Vutall
- Air is precise, distant, and analytical. Air does not approach the matter directly, but with care, subtlety, and planning.
- Earth is firm, grounded, and cautious. Earth prefers to act decisively, but only after due consideration.
- Fire is passionate, inventive, and direct. Fire acts swiftly and with overwhelming force.
- Water is flexible, responsive, and powerful. Water acts with confidence, flowing around the problem until it finds a solution.
- Void is the element of no element, the mind of no mind. Void does not think, plan, or react. Void simply acts, moving in accordance with instinct and the natural path of the cosmos
After an opportunity to change out of their sparring outfits, the students all gather in the Garden and are met by Bayushi Moriko, Kitsuki Tai Yu, and Hida Goroharu
Tai Yu gives a bow to everyone and says:
"Much of what you have demonstrated thus far is important, but all of it is meaningless without something to live for. Art is the expression of that something, and today you will first write down, and then perform a piece of poetry in whatever way you see fit to express the words."
The judges ask each student to write their poem and create their art to represent the theme of the poem written based on the topic that they give them. The topic themes tend to be based on virtues of Bushidō, or abstract concepts such as “impermanence” or “hope.”
Judge Ring Hint: Tai Yu then takes a puff from her pipe and says "It is not we who are the poets, it is the universe itself,
Event Rules:
Participants: Unlimited (Mandatory Event)
Spells: Allowed, Each roll is considered a "Round". You cast the spell just before the event begins and may not cast during.
Kiho: Allowed, each roll is considered a "Round", Kiho must be activated at the start of the event, not during.
Kata: Not Allowed, as this is not a Combat.
Tattoos: Allowed, as each roll is considered a "Round" and you may use free actions at any time.
You may NOT target an opponent with any of these abilities before the event begins.
If you purposefully harm an opponent outside of the realm of the Sumai event (By winning the contested Jiujutsu roll) or the Weaponry event (By winning the contested Weapon roll) you loose 1.0 honor and 10 topaz points. If you do so a second time, you will be sent home in shame, removed from the tournament (and thus the game)
Also please remember that Spellcasting in Rokugan is a very spiritual thing, and to ask for the kami to do something for you is an incredibly rare thing and should not be done lightly.
Select a Ring to use during this event. Unless the roll specifically mentions a trait, you must use that ring for the entire event.
First, players must write down their poem using Calligraphy / Mental, TN 20
Then, players must make 2 rolls, all at TN 20, picking one skill (and subskill) of the following to roll to express their poem. Any artisan or perform can be chosen, as it is interpretive! (Note: The two rolls use the SAME skill you selected, so if you picked Artisan: Weaponsmith, you would make two Artisan: Weaponsmith rolls)
Acting / Mental
Artisan (Any) / Mental
Perform (Any) / Mental
-The student gains 1 Topaz Point per passed roll
-Additionally, students may gain an additional +2 points per successful raise
-Exceptional Success Raises may be utilized if you possess the skill you are rolling, each exceptional success (Up to your Void) granting +1 points
-If a student passes all 3 rolls, they are deemed to have sufficient knowledge of the Arts, passing the event and are awarded 5 Topaz Points
At the end of the event, the three sensei will reveal which Ring they felt was the most appropriate and you will gain +7 Topaz Points if you used it.
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:34 pm
by Vutall
((Please follow the Time rules for the items you create listed in the Crafting Rules thread. This means that if an object takes longer than 3 hours to create, you won't finish it in this event, and the judges are looking at how you work as a representation of your poem, not the completed item. Only 1 of the 2 rolls counts toward the crafting of the item, the second roll is strictly for the judges.
There are no facilities to decrease the crafting difficulty, as you are in the Gardens
Further clarification: The player gets to choose what difficulty item it is and to determine how you craft it, use the crafting rules and TNs, but to count points, the TN is 20.
Wooden objects made instead of their metal counterpart are half difficulty and time in hours to complete.
if you are trying to craft something with a difficulty of 6, you'd need to make a TN 40 to be considered a passing roll for that craft, but if you beat TN20, you met the judges expectation
so, you could roll a 30, and make no progress on the item, but succeed in impressing the judge
you can claim whatever difficulty you want
if you did a difficulty 1, your craft to succeed roll would be tn 15, and if you rolled a 15, you'd make the item, but you still failed to impress the judges, since they want TN20))
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:35 pm
by Mai
Ring: Void
Mai did not have a good test. She messed up her calligraphy. Her weaponsmithing started out real good. And then she tried to show off and ruined her piece.
Artistry Even Calligraphy, Weaponsmithing, Weaponsmithing/Void VOID 2 Raises (May Luck failures):
3#7d10o10k5 23 43 25 +6 Topaz Points (Assuming Would Penalties don't change it after the resolution of Weaponry Test)
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 3:37 pm
by Bayushi Jiro
Ring: Void
Told to compose a work on the subject of love, Bayushi Tomohiro was momentarily thrown. It was not at all what he had expected. But once given a task, he had to follow through. In a moment, the poem was written in lines of perfectly formed script.
First most precious spark
Stirred in the the heart's gathered thatch
Fed by hopeful glance
A fragile spark, the wind's toy;
His every look's a shelter.
D4, EA, Artistry: Calligraphy/Void+Void 3 raises called tn=30:
7d10o10k5 66 Exceptional Success (10 Topaz Points)
He then rose from his kneeling position to deliver the poem to the judges. His sonorous voice executed the haiku perfectly, conveying the emotion of the piece to the precise degree of propriety. That is, until he reached the final two lines, where his voice told the strain of conveying the uncertainty within his own heart. Unfortunately, a single tear emerged from the corner of his eye and the judges were unable to give him the full marks he piece perhaps deserved. Bowing his head before their rightful judgment, he withdrew to ponder whether he ought to continue in the competition if he was unable to comport himself in the manner appropriate to its prestige.
D4, EA, Perform: Poetry/Void+1k1 Voice, +1k1 Void 2 raises called.:
7d10o10k6 36 Success (5 Topaz Points)
D4, EA, Perform: Poetry/Void+1k1 Voice, +1k1 Void 2 raises called.:
7d10o10k6 27 Failure.
15 total Topaz Points, prior to Ring results.
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:24 pm
by Kaiu Aiichiro
Element: Fire
The words in expression and what to live for felt dull to him, who saw his art as a mean to reach a practical outcome. Not that all things were meaningless, he was no brute to think so. Just... Kaiu did things differently, on his mind. Regardless, he didn't expect artisanship to come in play. Needed to live up for the good they said of him.
(Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry - Calligraphy/Intelligence TN 20 - 3 raises:
8d10o10k5 54
(+1 for passed roll, +6 per sucessful raise, +1 for exceptional raise)
(Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry - Craft: Weaponsmithing/Intelligence TN 20 > 3 raises > +1k0 for school skill > -5 TN for mastery ability (final TN with raises: 30):
9d10o10k5 49
(+1 for passed roll, +6 per sucessful raise, +1 for exceptional raise)
(Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry - Craft: Weaponsmithing/Intelligence TN 20 > 3 raises > +1k0 for school skill > -5 TN for mastery ability (final TN with raises: 30):
9d10o10k5 47
(+1 for passed roll, +6 per sucessful raise, +1 for exceptional raise)
Still, he managed not to demonstrate only his abilities in the craft but actually to finish his craft (4 time raises = -24 hours).
(OOC: Technically this is the crafting roll of a difficulty 2 weapon, so we leaving this with a +2 Quality tanto).
+5 for passing all rolls
29 points in total.
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:42 pm
by Bayushi Kaidan
This was Kaidan chance to shine but that calligraphy is not really his forte. He will give it a try. He kept his kitten warm inside his kimono hoping she will behave.
She wiggled around not allowing Kaidan write the kanji in a pretty matter.
He started his performance.
"Water drops from sky
Spring comes with blooming roses
Death comes at cold nights."
He felt that he was trying to over achieve so he toned it down.
D4 EA Animal handling Kitten stay in clothes TN 20:
5d10o10k4 27
ring: Void
D4 EA Caligraphy void TN20:
4d10o10k3 17 failed
D4 EA Acting Void 1CR TN 25:
8d10o10k3 26 +3 TP
D4 EA Acting Void TN 20:
8d10o10k3 22+1TP
+4 TP
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:41 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko is given a haiku on the future:
In returning spring
The flower opens gladly
Joy to who see it
Her copy of it is in a fair hand, and her responses to it fall upon the ears and heart happily:
Some eyes, of course, will see more
Bring happier for it
Look on it who will
The spring flower opening
To be plucked by one
For whom it is ever fresh
However petals wrinkle
(Selected Ring: Void
Writing the Poem, TN 20, passed at 28,; +1 Topaz
Artisan: Poetry, TN Raised once to 25, passed at 31,; +3 Topaz
Artisan: Poetry, TN Raised once to 25, passed at 32,; +3 Topaz
+5 Topaz for passing all three
+12 Topaz for the event prior to Ring announcement)
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:54 pm
by Zashi
Zashi impresses.
Void ring
Artistry Event-Calligraphy and Acting(same skill rank)/Void-3 raises TN 35-VP spent on each:
3#8d10o10k5 52 44 35
3 passes with 3 raises (1 exceptional success) for 27 points pending ring
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:00 am
by Ikoma Eichiro
((Ring Selected: Void))
Eichiro was more a spoken word than a written word kinda guy, but he tried his best drawing on inspiration that hit him as the ink flowed on to the page.
A moment in thanks,
Honor for aid received,
Old flowing river.
D4 EA: Artistry Calligraphy, VOID, 1 raise TN25:
5d10o10k4 32
1 point for success, 2 points for raise for a total of 3 points.
He begins to speak, softly at first. He speaks about the river that flows near this city. How somewhere there is a small stream that feeds into this river, a small trickle of water from a mountain or from rainfall merging with other small streams into something bigger, something larger.
D4 EA: Artistry Perform (Oratory), VOID, 2 raises. TN 30:
9d10o10k4 38
1 point for success, 4 points for raises for a total of 5 points.
As he speaks, his voice grows from making you lean forward to hear him to making you lean back to allow it to wash over you like the river about which he speaks. He speaks about how we all travel upon it, depend on it, how it's strength is not to be toyed with and yet how gentle it can be to those that respect it. Eichiro's voice fills the garden, a true trained Ikoma Bard at work.
D4 EA: Artistry Perform (Oratory) 2, VOID, 2 raises. TN 30:
9d10o10k4 40
1 point for success, 4 points for raises, 1 point for exceptional success for a total of 6 points.
5 points for succeeding, total of 19 points before ring bonus.
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:07 am
by Kitsuki Asahi
A spark fanned to flame
Inspiration shaped and cooled
A soul forged to serve
There wasn't enough time to craft the blade he wished. But, he could make something smaller, a knife, simple but beautiful.
- - -
Ring: Void
(Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry, Calligraphy/Void, TN 20, Soul of Artistry, VP for +1k1:
6d10o10k5 43 +1 pt
(Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry, Weaponsmithing/Void, 4CR, TN 40, Inheritance, VP for +1k1, 2 rolls, Water Hammer Citizen:
2#10d10o10k6 46 68 +20 pts
Passed all three: 5 pts
Total: 26 pts
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:36 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu focused hard on writing down a poem to start, picking his words carefully.
Raindrops on water
No, it is a dancing stone
He then pours everything he's learned from watching Aiichiro into making a working tanto, trying to give the blade a semblance of the water that he pictures in his mind.
He's amazed at the end, when he's completed it successfully, holding it up for the judges, and maybe his friends, to see.
D4 EE: Artistry: Calligraphy/Void TN 20:
4d10o10k3 26 +1 TP
D4 EE: Artistry: Artisan: Weaponsmithing/Void, Bond Aiichiro, Void 2 Raises, Making Tanto:
6d10o10k4 37 +5 TP
D4 EE: Artistry: Artisan: Weaponsmithing/Void, Bond Nobuko, Void 2 Raises, Making Tanto, Roll 2:
6d10o10k4 31 +5 TP
11+5 for all 3, 16 Topaz Points!
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:50 am
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro was not the most artistic soul he had in fact on more than one occasion discussed his lack of affection for the disciplines but if it was an expectation for him he would try, he knew the basics he sat with the brush and wrote the poem with a clear Hand.
Watch how fire transforms
heat fold harden earth reforged
fire flame creation
It wouldn't win any awards but it was serviceable for his purposes and as he recited it to the judges he crafted a Kusurigama the weapon of sturdy quality and sound craftsmanship. He presented it to the judges who found the work acceptable if unremarkable.
Ring: void
D4 arts calligraphy/void weaponsmithing/void vp +1k1 for all 3 rolls tn 20 all three rolls:
3#5d10o10k4 20 26 29 3 points (1 for each roll) 5 points for passing all 3 rolls.
total before ring decision
8 points
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:58 am
by Kuni Yotsuo
This was not Yotsuo's strong point. He had done no training in any artistic endeavors other than his basic calligraphy. And in the end, his instincts failed him. The poem that he wrote was simply malformed, lacking the proper structure.
Though to be fair, when he told the story of Chuso's adventure, a dog spirit from from Chikushudo, people did find it quite entertaining. He didn't really impress anyone, and it was clear that this was an area in which he needed much more training, but the fantastical worlds he had access to were clearly a limitless source of inspiration if he did decide to take up arts seriously.
Ring: Void
D4 EA, Artistry, Calligraphy / Void, VP +1k1, 1 CR, TN 25:
6d10o10k5 23 +0 points
D4 EA, Artistry, Perform: Storytelling / Void, VP Phantom Rank, TN 20:
2#5d10o10k4 30 37 +4 points
Topaz Points: 4 before ring reveal
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 2:09 am
by Kokyou
Kokyou writes a good poem for the first time in his life.
Winds blowing sails
Too far from home they travel
Find home over seas
With a deep breath, he starts to make a piece of clay take shape with speed. Then, the Earth, once again, started to talk with him uninvited. Kokyou tries to control it, but cannot focus. With a sudden jerk of his head to fend off the sound, he mistakingly uses too much pressure, and ruins the sculpture of a wave.
Bad omens?
D4, EA, Calligraphy/Void TN 20:
5d10o10k4 33 +1 TP pass, +1 TP exceptional
D4, EA, Artisan (Sculpture)/Void TN 25 (20 + 1 Raise) + VP:
6d10o10k5 25 +1 TP pass, +2 TP raise
D4, EA, Artisan (Sculpture)/Void TN 20:
5d10o10k4 12
Total: 5 TP
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 2:16 am
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji thought, he wanted to work into his poem the experience of the last days.
fire in my soul
endless struggle against fate
only love remains
He then took it upon himself to recite this poem. He cleared his throat and started singing. It was a beautiful performance, not too dazzling, but appropriate.
Ring: Void
D4 EA Calligraphy/Void TN 20:
6d10o10k4 49 +3 Points
D4 EA Perform:Song/Void TN20:
2#5d10o10k4 22 27 +2 Point
+5 Points for 3 Successes
10 Points + Ring
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:16 am
by Otomo Nobuko
After her performance in the morning's test, Nobuko was feeling very contemplative. Thus far, in all the tests but the ones that she had confidence in, she had allowed the universe to carry her. It was only in the last, against Kokyou, that anything had broken through to catch her off-guard. And still, she had succeeded in winning out.
She listened to the instructions and recalled it was in Kitsuki-Sensei's class that she had first felt the odd clarity she now found more and more in her daily life. The odd way everything seemed connected. The way the world seemed to fill her and guide her hand when she stepped away from what she knew and allowed it to guide her.
Art was something she knew. Something she had spent her entire school life studying. She knew the techniques, the theory, the philosophy... She
knew this.
But... had she ever allowed herself to listen to what the universe had to say about art?
Bayushi Moriko conferred with the others before asking that she create something on the topic of karma.
Nobuko took a deep breath, picked up her brush, shut her eyes, and
Past and future meet
Clashing steel to guide our fates
Under wings spread wide
There were better poems. And perhaps it would not seem like she had picked up on anything special by writing what looked to be a poem about the Topaz Championship itself. But there was something else there. Something that those who had taken tea with an Ancestor might recognize.
Whether they did or not, didn't matter. And they wouldn't hear it anyway. She took the paper the poem was written on and used it to fold her creation. Though she did not come close to completing it in the time given,
it's intended form was clear and her technique unquestionable.
Ring Choice: Void
D4; EA; Calligraphy/Trait:
6d10o10k4 34 +1 Pass; (34-20)/10=1.4 Exceptional +1 (2)
D4; EA; Origami/Void + Void:
9d10o10k5 58 +1 Pass; (58-20)/10=3.8 Execptional +3 (4)
D4; EA; Origami/Void + Void:
9d10o10k5 39+1 Pass; (39-20)/10=1.9 Execptional +1 (2)
+5 for passing all rolls
Total: 13 before ring reveal
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:41 am
by Kakita Kazuko
While trying to make her calligraphy all fancy and full of meaning, Kazuko finds herself staring at Kenji too long as he recites his poem, smearing ink across the paper. Well, it's still readable, the sensei are clearly unhappy by her work... Her acting is impeccable though, perhaps even surpassing the likes of Kaidan.
Benten's tender gaze
My dream and reality
On converging paths
D4 EA Calligraphy/Void, TN35 (3 Raises):
8d10o10k5 31 Fail. (shit i should've voided oops hit that 22%)
D4 EA Acting/Void, TN25 (1 Raise, Void for skill):
6d10o10k5 37 +4 TP (+1 Pass, +2 Raise, +1 Exceptional)
D4 EA Acting/Void, TN25 (1 Raise, Void for skill):
6d10o10k5 47 +5 TP (+1 Pass, +2 Raise, +2 Exceptional)
Result: +9 TP (16 if ring is Void)
(sry i suck at making poems also im tired af)
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 7:59 am
by Miya Wyn
Wyn begins by writing his poem on the back of the parchment, being very careful to watch his handwriting as he does, doing his best to combine the rules of Unicorn Travel Poetry with traditional Rokugani Haiku writing.
Silver Scimitar
Summer Storms Sing Symphony
Desert Rose Rides
Crimson Smile Stops Chest
Crescent Curls and Chestnut Eyes
Does Destiny Call
He then sketches a map of the north western corner of the empire, near the burning sands, paying close attention to the mountains and water features. He completes the map in such a way that those looking at it from a certain angle may even see a face in the map, though this is of course and inadvertent trick of the light of course.
D4 EA Artisan : Calligraphy/Void Spend Void TN 20:
7d10o10k4 27
+1 Topaz Point
D4 EA Artisan :Cartography/Void Spend Void 1RTN 25:
9d10o10k4+5 32
+3 Topaz Points (4)
D4 EA Artisan :Cartography/Void Spend Void 1RTN 25:
9d10o10k4+5 40
+4 Topaz Points (8)
+5 For passing (13) Total Points Before Ring
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 8:30 am
by Togashi Dao
Dao sat quietly, calligraphy brush in hand as he tried to puzzle out the poem to express the emotions of hope and promise.
Eventually he settled on a simple little five line tanka, but the hardest part was next. Dao was not a skilled artisan, in fact he was only trained rudimentarily in one relevant skill. He could tattoo it.
He was resigned to being his own guinea pig in this experiment when a volunteer stepped up
From a small sapling
Grows the mightiest of trees
Experience shared
The future of the Empire
In the next generation
D4 EA Call/Void + VP, 2CR TN30:
7d10o10k6 39 (5 points: 1 success, 4 Called raises)
D4 EA Art: Tattoo/Void + VP, 2CR TN30:
2#7d10o10k6 35 60 (5 points: 1 success, 4 called raises + 8 points: 1 success, 4 called raises, 3 exceptional raises)
5 bonus points for succeeding on all rolls.
Total = 23 topaz points before ring reveal.
Re: (Day 4, EA) Mandatory Event: Artistry
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:36 am
by Mirai
Mirai's calligraphy ended up being quite exceptional. Her poem ended up being an esoteric poem about courage.
The little pup grows
Still small, he has far to go
Ravaged by the world
They find courage in others
And radiate it themselves.
She then created a work of origami that was a small brown dog that ingeniously unfolded into a larger, more powerful looking one with a few folds.
Void selected
Calligraphy/Void, TN 20, 5k4 =
37 (2 TP)
Artisan: Origami, 2 raises each, TN 30, 6k5 =
34, 44 (15 TP)
17 TP