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Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:29 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
Moto-sensei had always sworn by kumis to cure a hangover. Sadly that was not to be found here, nor any other lightly alcoholic beverages. Thus the evening found Ichiro slowly savoring one of the potent cups of sake to see if it would settle head and stomach.
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:34 pm
by Kokyou
Kokyou's eyes widen as if all the Fortunes had looked down open him for the best chance ever in his life to comfort her after the challenges today. What a chance to... score!
The Mantis approaches with a sly smile and his ever so charming semi-narrowed eye. A strong, sound voice greets the Utaku as he takes a seat nearby, "How ye doin'?"
Wait. Wasn't that Himeko drinking?
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:44 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
Amusingly, or frustratingly, depending on who you asked it was not the first time such a mistake had been made.
Ichrio grins and adopts a slightly higher pitch to his voice as he pretends to fan himself, "Oh, if it isn't great Kokyou! Why I hear you killed almost as many goblins as my brother."
A laugh and he slides a cup of sake over to the Mantis.
"Sorry to disappoint, Kokyou, but I'm doing well."
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:52 pm
by Kokyou
"Ye be as witty as a drunken parrot, ye lily-livered, salty landlubber!" He cracks a laugh, confessing, "That pretty girly face all o'er ye."
With a snort, he completes, "Almost?! Wha' a farse. If I had more daggers, thar wouldna be a single goblin left fer th' Crab's winter."
Kokyou checks the cup for a moment, and looks back to Ichiro, "We were told we could nah drink spirits. Ye aware, right?"
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:57 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
Another chuckle and a sip of the sake, "But you didn't and I did. As for the drink well if that is a rule I seem to have missed it." He shrugs a little, "And if it is one then I assume it's just another test - like not being allowed to sneak out of the dojo. Too deep in your cups to pass, you've proven you're not worth passing, but if you can balance duty with life well then you're on the way to being proper samurai."
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:00 pm
by Kokyou
He takes a deep breath and indulges in transgression by taking the cup up in a toast before downing its content, "To the Utaku. Kampai!"
He sucks his teeth and exhales, savoring the burn.
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:03 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
He drinks, properly not just a sip, from his glass.
"How does the competition fare so far?"
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:05 pm
by Kokyou
He gives a condescending shrug, saying, "Quite easygoin'. Ye?"
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:20 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
"So far, so good. Today was rougher than anticipated but that was my own failing and I'll own that." He chuckles and shakes his head, "I'd say never get in a drinking contest with a tanuki, let alone multiple of them, but, let's be honest, the story is worth the cost."
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:01 am
by Kokyou
Kokyou shakes his head, saying, "Wha'?" He looks to the empty cup and back at Ichiro, repeating, "Wha'?"
He looks sideways and back at Ichiro, "Be this grog strong like this 'n ye're already natterin' nonsense, or 'ave ye been drinkin' far longer than me. Tanuki Contest?"
The Mantis cocks his head back is disbelief.
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:42 am
by Utaku Ichiro
"Apparently some of the denizens of Sakkaku enjoy this establishment as well. They also, apparently, cheat. But that's my fault for not catching on."
He shakes his head, "I mean after ancient hidden cities, rocks that control the earth, and ghosts it's hardly any more far fetched now, is it?"
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 1:06 am
by Kokyou
"I be sorry. Might be me fault. Bein' so extraordinary must unsettle th' fabric o' Ningen-do with me presence." He says, grining. "Too bad I wasn't around. Th' Tanuki sound... interestin', indeed."
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 1:10 am
by Utaku Ichiro
"Indeed." He laughs then leans in conspiratorially, "If you get a chance to drink against them find some way to distract them then switch your cups. That should do the trick and give them a heck of a surprise."
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 1:14 am
by Kokyou
"I shall keep that in mind. Cup switcheroo." He nods, speaking in a lower tone due discretion. "Wha' was th' wager?"
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 1:16 am
by Utaku Ichiro
"Apparently a decent bit of coin and one of said cups. It seems Kaiu-san was the victor in the end... not that any of us remember."
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 1:19 am
by Kokyou
"One o' said cups..."Kokyou narrows an eye, as his nostrils scent for treasure, "Kaiu-san, ye say. Mighty interestin'."
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 1:41 am
by Utaku Ichiro
Ichiro shakes his head, "Always incorrigible. Well if you wager it against your own trinket make sure he's using a different cup for the contest."
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 1:57 am
by Kokyou
"I 'ave no trinket t' wager anymore." He says, considering the item already part of the Clan's treasure under his constant and private guard. "Why a different cup –– wha' does it do?"
D3, EE, Sincerity/Awareness:
6d10o10k5 55
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:07 am
by Utaku Ichiro
"I'm impressed you would pass up on such an interesting object. As for the cup it is of the tanuki with the same benefits."
Re: Hair of the Dog, Test of Heroes (D3, EE, Open but expecting)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:06 am
by Kokyou
"O' course nah. I be mighty interested in this cup, indeed. Wha' are its... benefits, ye mentioned?" He sincerely maintains omitting anything related to the Zokujin stone, and guides the topic elsewhere.
D3, EE, Sincerity/Awareness:
6d10o10k5 26