- Early Morning, Outskirts: A Meeting on the Road [This is a limited event]
- Late Morning, The House of the Laughing Carp: Outburst at the Inn [This is a limited event]
- Late Night, The House of the Laughing Carp: Midnight Tea [This event is unlimited, but only members of the same clan can post in the relevant thread]
Day 2: Dragon 24, 1123
- Late Morning, Kakita Academy: Welcome Ceremony [This is an unlimited event]
- Early Afternoon, Kakita Academy: Sumai [This is an unlimited 1v1 event utilizing the Juijutsu Skil, the player who wins 3 contested rolls is the winner] Judge: Hida Goroharu
- Late Afternoon, Kakita Academy: Heraldry [This is an unlimited event utilizing the Lore: Heraldry skill, 5 rolls, scaling in difficulty, must pass 4/5] Judge: Doji Murashige
Day 3: Dragon 25, 1123
- Late Morning, Outskirts: Obstacle Course [This is an unlimited 1v1 event utilizing the Athletics skill, 7 rolls, with options for sabotage. Player with more points is the winner ] Judge: Kakita Naomori
- Early Afternoon, Outskirts: Horseback Riding [This is an unlimited 1v1 event utilizing the Animal Handling, Athletics, and Horsemanship skills, 6 rolls, player with more points is the winner]Judge: Utaku Oichi
- Late Afternoon, Kakita Academy: Culture [This is an unlimited event utilizing the Etiquette, Lore: History, and Lore: Bushido skills, 3 rolls, must pass 4 of 5 rolls and one of each type] Judges: Shosuro Tomoe, Doji Murashige, and Ikoma Ikehata
Day 4: Dragon 26, 1123
- Late Morning, Kakita Academy: Weaponry [This is an unlimited 1v1 event utilizing the Kenjutsu, Spears, Polearms, and Staves skills, the player who wins 3 contested rolls is the winner] Judges: Akodo Eiko and Kakita Toshimoko
- Early Afternoon, Kakita Academy: Artistry [This is an unlimited event utilizing the Acting, Artisan, or Perform skills, and Calligraphy. 2 rolls, choosing 1 roll from Acting, Artisan, or Perform, must pass both ] Judges: Bayushi Moriko, Kitsuki Tai Yu, and Hida Goroharu
- Late Evening, Poisoned Water Sake House: Bar Fight! [This is a limited event]
Day 5: Dragon 27, 1123
- Late Morning, Kakita Academy: Law [This is an unlimited event utilizing the Lore: Law and Lore: Theology skills, three rolls, must pass all three, must pass one of each type] Judges: Akodo Eiko, Asako Himeya, and Bayushi Kiriko
- Early Afternoon, Streets: FIRE! [This is an unlimited event, but participation prevents you from participating in the Games event]
- Early Afternoon, Kakita Academy: Games [This is an unlimited 1v1 event utilizing different games skills based on school tag, the player who passes 3 contested rolls is the winner] Judge: Ikoma Ikehata
Day 6: Dragon 28, 1123 Full Moon
- Late Morning, Kakita Academy: Archery [This is an unlimited event utilizing the Kyujutsu skill, must pass 3 rolls] Judge: Kakita Naomori
- Late Afternoon, Streets: Tsu Fish Smuggling [This is an unlimited event]
- Early Evening, Outskirts: Hunting [This is an unlimited event utilizing the Investigation, Hunting, and Spears or Kyujutsu skills, must pass each roll once, shugenja replacing spears/kyujutsu with a second hunting] Judge: Hiruma Kagehiro
- Late Evening, Kakita Estate: Celebration Feast [This is an unlimited event, players are expected to bring a gift for the host]
Day 7: Serpent 1, 1123
- Late Morning, Kakita Academy: Tournament, Part 1 [Only those who have earned 75 Topaz points may participate]
Courtier Debates - Early Afternoon, ???: ??? [This is a limited event]
- Late Afternoon, Kakita Academy: Tournament, Part 2 [Only those who proceeded from Part 1 may participate]
- Early Evening, Kakita Academy: Tournament, Part 3 [Only those who proceeded from Part 2 may participate]
- Late Evening, Kakita Academy: Tournament, Part 4/Gempuku Ceremony [Only those who proceeded in part 3 may participate in the tournament, all may participate in the Gempuku Ceremony
Street Brawl
Player Disadvantage Triggers