Approved Families

Character Creation/Returning Character rules for New Winds Part 2
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Approved Families

Post by Vutall » Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:41 am

Crab Families
Hida (Strength)
Hiruma (Agility)
Kaiu (Intelligence)
Kuni (Intelligence)
Yasuki (Awareness)

Crane Families
Asahina (Intelligence)
Daidoji (Stamina)
Doji (Awareness)
Kakita (Agility)

Agasha (Perception)
Kitsuki (Awareness)
Mirumoto (Agility)
Togashi Order (Reflexes)

Akodo (Agility)
Ikoma (Awareness)
Kitsu (Intelligence)
Matsu (Strength)

Asako (Awareness)
Isawa (Willpower)
Kaito (Perception) [New]
Shiba (Perception)

Bayushi (Agility)
Shosuro (Awareness)
Soshi (Intelligence)
Yogo (Willpower, Must take Yogo Curse without granting bonus XP) [Changed from Core]

Ide (Perception)
Iuchi (Intelligence)
Moto (Agility)
Shinjo (Reflexes)
Utaku (Stamina)

Imperial Families

Miya (Reflexes, +0.5 Status)
Otomo (Intelligence, +0.5 Status)
Seppun (Agility, +0.5 Status)

Minor Clan Families

Kasuga (Perception)
Kitsune Shapeshifter (None) [New]
Mantis (Any excluding Void) [Changed from Core]
Shika (Perception) [New]
Toritaka (Perception)

Ronin "Families"
Urban Region (Awareness)
Rural Farmland Region (Stamina)
Sea, River, or Lake Region (Perception)
Forest Region (Willpower)
Mountain Region (Void. you must take the Touched by the Void Disadvantage. This does not grant any bonus XP. )
Haunted Region (Intelligence)

Gaijin "Families"
Ujik of the Plains of Wind and Stone (Strength, Gain the Language: Ujik Advantage)
Qamarists in the Cradle of the World (Agility and Languages: Qamari)
Yodha of the Ghostlands (Willpower and Languages: Yodha)
The Sheelavaan of Bhavyatapura (Awareness and Language: Sheelavaan)
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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