Poll: What happens with the corrupted ancient Zokujin city below Hirosaka?


What happens with the underground city?

The entrance is sealed up forever, the city discovery kept quiet and eventually forgotten over time.
No votes
The governor ignores the report, leading to Hirosaka eventually getting attacked by a large "goblin" force, destroying much of the city
A small expedition led by the Imperials of Hirosaka is conducted, but after heavy resistance and the loss of all expedition members, the city sealed with a warning to never open it again.
The discovery of the city makes its way to the Imperial Court, where different clans put together a large task force to clear out and secure the underground city
Total votes: 27

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Poll: What happens with the corrupted ancient Zokujin city below Hirosaka?

Post by Vutall » Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:46 am

Due to the actions of the Ronin Keisa and the students at the Ruby Champion's temporary dojo, an ancient Zokujin City has been found underneath the city of Hirosaka. Unfortunately, at some point in its past, the citizens of the city were infected with the taint, slowly turning the entire city into a bastion of corrupted "goblins", or rather, Zokujin who had been mutated by Jigoku's power.

After the attack on the Dojo, the city's Governor has to decide what to do with this miraculous, but also deadly discovery.

This poll runs until the end of Day 10.
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Kaiu Aiichiro
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Re: Poll: What happens with the corrupted ancient Zokujin city below Hirosaka?

Post by Kaiu Aiichiro » Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:52 am

I'm up for fourth position just because of what could be discovered.
◘ Crab Clan ♦ Bushi/Artisan ♦ ProfileJournal ♦ UTC -4 ♦ Rolls List Status | 2.0 ♦ Glory | 3.5 ♦ Topaz Points | 208
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Kakita Kenji
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Re: Poll: What happens with the corrupted ancient Zokujin city below Hirosaka?

Post by Kakita Kenji » Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:54 am

Supporting forth because curiosity killed the cat
Crane Clan | Bushi & Artisan | Your friendly&idealistic neighbourhood Samurai | UTC +2 | Profile
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Re: Poll: What happens with the corrupted ancient Zokujin city below Hirosaka?

Post by Kaito Haruki » Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:55 am

Same, zokujin never seem to get any love in games.
Proper full name is Isawa Kunio of House Kaito: Bushi,Courtier Mons: Chest: Phoenix R Shoulder: Isawa L Shoulder: Kaito Honor: 6.1 Glory: 4.9 Status: 2 Wound Status: Healthy Phoenix Clan TP: 224
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Utaku Ichiro
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Re: Poll: What happens with the corrupted ancient Zokujin city below Hirosaka?

Post by Utaku Ichiro » Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:56 am

As much as I love the mental horror movies I'm making for 2 and 3 I also want us to get to explore it someday which means 4 will have to win.
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Re: Poll: What happens with the corrupted ancient Zokujin city below Hirosaka?

Post by Bayushi Jiro » Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:09 am

Number 2 is pretty on-theme from what I've learned about the Governor.
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Re: Poll: What happens with the corrupted ancient Zokujin city below Hirosaka?

Post by Mai » Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:55 am

I voted for the future potential game.
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Re: Poll: What happens with the corrupted ancient Zokujin city below Hirosaka?

Post by Vutall » Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:22 am

The discovery of the city makes its way to the Imperial Court, where different clans put together a large task force to clear out and secure the underground city

This will be a future Campaign Game option.
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