New Winds Part 2 Preview: Ronin and Gaijin
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 12:37 am
When creating a Ronin pick one of the following three options. Gaijin characters must take Option #3.
Option #1: Peasant
You are a peasant who has somehow managed to find yourself a daisho and imitate the samurai caste.
Option #2: Clan Ronin
You are a Great Clan Samurai who has either been Roninized, or is on a Musha Shuyo
Option #3: True Ronin, or Gaijin
You are either a Ronin, who has been a Ronin from birth, or you are a Gaijin who has come into Rokugan to explore despite the great risk of what would happen to you knowing the laws that all Gaijin are forbidden from being in the Empire outside of the Unicorn city of Khanbulak. (And even there the law states all Gaijin must leave the Empire at sun down)
Urban Region
Cities are places where trade flourishes, cultures meet, and many different types of people mix and mingle. Some city dwellers love the press of bodies, the clamor of the marketplace, and the cacophony of conversation, debate, and rumormongering. Others only see humanity packed into boxes; the stink of blood, sweat, and tears; and rampant crime. The prospect of wealth in urban areas draws a steady supply of labor but also spurs on the abuse and marginalization of that labor. Folk stories warn of the decadence and immorality of the cities—and only some of these are false. Nevertheless, as industry grows, merchants, scholars, thieves, soldiers, sailors, and laborers continue to flock to cities to mingle, work, and trade. To city folk, their home brings to them commerce and ideas of varying worth from across Rokugan and the rest of the world. This eclectic and exciting environment may foster the spread of heretical ideals. Change comes slowly to Rokugan, but the cities usually spark that change. The sedate, seasonal pace of the farmlands shifts to one of daily hubbub in urban settings. For agrarian people, those who live in the cities appear as alien and strange as any spirit
+1 Awareness
what does your character know?
All residents of urban regions have a greater awareness of the following topics:
Rural Farmland Region
Though many may think the city is the embodiment of civilization, rural farmland tends to better reflect the organizing power of people and governments. Whether tilling the fields of gentle plains or clearing forests to make use of nutrient-rich soil, a flat, even field represents the taming of the wilds. Food is the core of any prosperous civilization, and without fertile land entire empires quickly crumble. Food is a force that can both unify and stratify people; all must eat, but the luxury of exotic spices, fruits, or vegetables sets the wealthy apart. Poets exalt the serenity of the quiet countryside, the whisper of grass and grain in the wind, and the tranquility of hard work tilling the soil. Some governmental officials move to rural areas for the peace and quiet. Some even think themselves rustic despite their servants and elegant mansions. This tranquility is sometimes temporary, however: armies may march across fields and plains, destroying grass and crops, churning these symbols of civilization into broken sod. If a natural disaster tears through such isolated countryside, roads become impassable, crops fail, and the land becomes wild. The farmers suffer the most when wars, disasters, and governmental neglect destroy their livelihood. Farmers tame the land and carry the weight of civilization on their backs. They keenly understand the balance between nature and humanity.
+1 Stamina
what does your character know?
All residents of rural farmland regions have a greater awareness of the following topics:
Sea, River, or Lake Region
The sea, the source of salt and fish but also storms, provides and takes away in equal measure. Wise fishers respect the power of the waves and the devastating effects of floods. Tempestuous, unpredictable, dangerous. Understandable, life-giving, nourishing. All these things are true of the water, and anyone who has spent a substantial amount of time near it knows this. Rivers and lakes may often be placid, but their power for good and ill must still be appreciated. They can overflow and flood, and they can drown people. Rivers and lakes can facilitate transportation, serve as navigational markers, and of course provide fresh water and fish. Architects and builders utilize water wheels and dams to harness water’s power without depleting it. Water has strong ties to trade and travel. Fishers, sailors, and merchants transport their wares on the water. Rivers act as arteries for the circulation of society, passing goods, news, and people up and down, bringing life and vitality to every place they touch.
+1 Perception
what does your character know?
All residents of a sea, river, or lake region have a greater awareness of the following topics:
Forest Region
Forests are wildernesses, some with trees more ancient than Rokugan itself. In some forests, reality blends and shifts, and spirits whisper to one another in the murk. If one enters a forest unprepared, it is only a matter of time before such a person succumbs to either the whims of the spirits or the will of the wilds. Verdant and lush, forests resound with the melody of birdcalls, rustling leaves, and creaking wood as ancient trees settle into the soil. A wise person learns to live with the wild, perhaps even tame it a little, but they always absorb a bit of that wildness into themselves. In turn, the forests draw outcasts: bandits, hermits, and whole villages that wish to be left out of battles between warring nobles. These people develop their own idiosyncratic cultural practices, esoteric rituals, and even words, all influenced by the might of nature. Travelers often claim that trolls, tengu, or strange human-sized serpents still live in the forests. While “civilized” city folk scoff at these stories, those who live among the trees know better.
+1 Willpower
what does your character know?
All residents of a forest region have a greater awareness of the following topics:
Mountain Region
In the mountains, the peaks reach to the Heavens, and the air is thin and cold. Artists have captured the purity of these lands with stark lines and minimalist detail, illustrating their beauty and detachment from the rest of the world. Though scholars see the mountains as a boundary between the sky and earth or as a wall dividing Rokugan, they often ignore the truth that they act as both a barrier and a door. This environment is perfect for monks and those seeking Enlightenment. Supplicants travel the harsh summit paths, casting off distractions such as love and companionship, civilization and luxury, and money and violence. The austere lands demand fierce independence, exposing repressed weaknesses and revealing surprising strengths. The responsibility for failures here lies completely in the supplicant, and if death claims them, at least they are closer to the gods. Yet plenty of people have no time for such impractical, wasteful aims. Villagers and hunters, the hardiest of people, can make a harsh but honest living even in the mountains. Generations have lived here, passing on the knowledge of how to survive and thrive. Lest one pity their existence, one should remember that these people enjoy a freedom from the Great Clans and worldly cares unlike anyone else in Rokugan.
+1 Void. you must take the Touched by the Void Disadvantage. This does not grant any bonus XP.
what does your character know?
All mountain region residents have a greater awareness of the following topics:
Haunted Region
Brooding skies smother the land, and jagged peaks cut the Heavens. Unfamiliar animals and plants, changed by or escaped from Jigoku, assault the eyes with strange colors, textures, and movements. Even lands east of the Kaiu Wall look, feel, and smell slightly off: a little bitter and sour. Such lands, effected by the Taint or otherwise desecrated by foul acts, may be most common near the Wall, but other such places dot the landscape in Rokugan and beyond its borders. The Yodha of the Ivory Kingdoms know the vile creations of the Taint all too well as they vigilantly guard the border between the Ghostlands and their gleaming cities. When dealing with Tainted earth, creatures, and objects, peasants and rōnin have little protection. Even well-equipped samurai can fall victim to the evils of Jigoku, so those even less familiar with its dangers and lack necessary precautions like jade, must constantly be on the lookout for the soul-threatening, creeping imbalance. But the Taint isn’t the only spiritual concern in the Empire. Scattered all throughout Rokugan the effects of ghosts, kansen, and desecrated places can be felt. Hungry spirits may be trapped in the realm of mortals, or they might wander in from the unregulated slums of idō. Spiritually corrupted, haunted, or otherwise staining places can exist all over the Empire, and those who hail from regions with such hazards may view the world as a much more dangerous place.
+1 Intelligence
what does your character know?
All residents of haunted regions have a greater awareness of the following topics:
Gaijin Backgrounds
Ujik of the Plains of Wind and Stone
The Ujik are a nomadic people who live on expansive, grassy plains sprawling north and west of Rokugan. However, Ujik is an umbrella term encompassing many disparate, largely nomadic tribes. All share a broadly similar ethnicity, but interactions with other cultures bordering the vast ranges of the Ujik have introduced some variety. The tribes also each practice customs and hold beliefs often distinct from those of other tribes. For instance, several revere the Lords of Death, a religion rooted in the cycle of birth-life-death that permeates the natural world. Others hold different beliefs, such as reverence for the earth and sky. Many groups revere multiple sets of deities along with ancestors. Accordingly, the Ujik rarely act as a unified whole. Alliances and rivalries constantly ebb, flow, and shift among the tribes. The Ujik do tell stories of a time when they were united under a great warlord; if this is true, their hardiness, unconventional military tactics, and sheer numbers would have posed a formidable threat to any foe.
One thing that does unite the Ujik is the central role that horses play in their lives. The Ujik claim that a child can be born, raised, and live out their life on horseback, their feet never touching the ground. While this is apocryphal, the Ujik mastery of horses is unsurpassed, allowing the tribes to move great distances while scouting, tracking, hunting, and fighting from horseback as easily as other cultures do on foot.
The Ujik are a proud—even stubborn—people, generally stoic, but fierce in battle and given to boisterous outbursts of humor. Their most basic social unit, the family, can include multiple spouses and span several generations. Families live and roam independently, each led by a family head chosen by criteria unique to that family. At certain times of year, or in response to certain events—for example, at midsummer, or when the last snow has melted off a particular mountain—families join with others from their tribe. These gatherings can eventually include an entire tribe, or even several tribes. Such a massed assembly of Ujik is a raucous event.
Those Rokugani who do happen to meet Ujik tribespeople find that, despite the idiosyncrasies of the particular tribe, many are reminiscent of the Moto family of the Unicorn, at least to most Rokugani. When the Unicorn returned to the Empire in the early ninth century, they brought with them a large cadre of Ujik who had sworn loyalty to the ami Shinjo. These Ujik became the Moto family. There is still much interaction between the Unicorn and those Ujik tribes whose ranges approach the Empire’s western boundaries.
Ring Increase: +1 Strength, Gain the Language: Ujik Advantage
what does your character know?
All Ujik characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:
Qamarists in the Cradle of the World
The Cradle of the World, located far to the west of the Empire, is a place of which few Rokugani are even aware. This is partly because of sheer distance, and partly because of the so-called Burning Sands, which, by one Unicorn account, are a “bleak, sun-drenched land of shifting sand and barren rock, where water is a commodity as precious as gold.” A Rokugani making the arduous journey would be stunned by the Cradle—a broad expanse of land stretching between two great rivers, so lush and green that it might be the most fertile place in the world.
Thanks to this bountiful landscape, a large and sophisticated civilization thrives in the Cradle. This is the Qamarist Caliphate, a powerful nation-state that has, over time, come to incorporate a diversity of ethnic groups. These are described by a bewildering variety of names: Nehiri, Sogdans, Suhili, Bandar, Ganzu, and many others. However, all are devoted to Qamarism. This monotheistic religion declares that a succession of mortal messengers, acting on behalf of a supreme deity, have passed down to humans a series of divine laws and values. Now collected into a sacred codex, these form the foundation of virtually every aspect of life in the Caliphate. The caliph, who is hailed as the rightful inheritor of the Nameless Prophet, rules over the Caliphate, seeking to maintain unity among diverse and fractious ethnic groups.
The people of the Caliphate are extremely diverse in their languages, customs, dress, and behavior. They do exhibit some broad commonalities, however. For instance, because of the extremely hot climate, all tend to dress in loose-fitting clothing, particularly garments made of cotton. The heat also shapes their day-to-day behavior; for instance, it is common for them to spend the hottest parts of the day resting or performing only minor tasks. And while amarism is subject to some variations in interpretation, giving rise to a number of sects, Qamarists generally view those not of their faith with at least some degree of wariness. When they do offer their hospitality, though, Qamarists are a most sociable people, showing courtesy and respect to their guests that would rival that of any home in the Empire.
Ring Increase: +1 Agility and Languages: Qamari
what does your character know?
All Qamarist characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:
Yodha of the Ghostlands
The Ivory Kingdoms, described in detail starting on page 196, are bordered along a large portion of their eastern edge by a region of thick, gloomy, tangled forests inhabited by evil spirits and terrifying monsters. These “Ghostlands” are, in fact, a natural rainforested area affected by the southernmost and westernmost reaches of the Shadowlands, the vile realm that borders the southern margin of Rokugan. A dedicated group known as the Yodha, which is organized into cadres of supremely skilled warriors, wages a never-ending struggle to hold back these evil forces, just as the Crab Clan does in Rokugan. More details are provided about the Ghostlands, and the Yodha, on page 202.
All Yodha are skilled warriors adept at fighting in the most closed and inhospitable terrain imaginable. They are also adept at recognizing and combating corrupt supernatural powers, using mystical substances such as gold and coral to enhance their formidable fighting skills. However, the grim nature of their endless battle against the Ghostlands has permeated the Yodha psyche. They tend to be dour and taciturn and are particularly suspicious of those they do not know well. To the Yodha, this distrust is justified among their most fearsome opponents are the shapeshifting monstrosities known as rakshasa, whose queen harbors a relentless hatred for the Ivory Kingdoms. Due to the nature of their enemies, the Yodha are supremely careful, thoughtful, and deliberate, spending days—sometimes weeks— stalking and observing their enemies, striking only when the moment is right.
Ring Increase: +1 Willpower and Languages: Yodha
what does your character know?
All Yodha characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:
The central region of the Ivory Kingdoms is dominated by a vast plateau known as the Sonagiri, or Golden Mountain. Ringed by soaring, snowcapped mountains and cut by the mighty Heeratand, or River of Diamonds, the expansive and fertile Sonagiri is the most densely populated part of the Ivory Kingdoms. Bhavyatapura, the City of Splendor, occupies the Heeratand in the center of the Sonagiri. Although they are collectively known as Sheelavaan, which simply means “urbane,” the people of Bhavyatapura are diverse in the extreme, comprising a multitude of ethnicities, social castes, languages, religious beliefs, and cultural backgrounds.
As their name implies, the Sheelavaan are generally sophisticated, gregarious, and eloquent. They are used to living in the cramped confines of a massive city; many find the rural countryside and wilderness areas quite off-putting. Most Sheelavaan are accustomed to bargaining and cajoling their way through a complex web of barter economies and currency systems, a skill that they readily apply to nearly any sort of commercial, social, or cultural interaction. They also have a facility for languages, an important skill when living in a place where the dominant tongue may change several times along the length of a single street. More information on Bhavyatapura and the Sheelavaan can be found starting on page 200.
Ring Increase: +1 Awareness and Language: Sheelavaan
what does your character know?
Regardless of a Sheelavaan’s particular ethnicity, culture, or religious background, they have a greater awareness of the following topics:
Option 3 Ronin Schools:
Artisan of the Roads [Artisan]
-New School, created from scratch
Those that travel outside of the high society of Rokugan know that there is so much more to art than expensive materials and fleeting trends. Artisans of the road are adept at scrounging up suitable materials in almost any circumstance, using their surroundings as inspiration to create inventive and visually interesting pieces of art from everyday items, substances, and the nature that lives around them. They are also skilled at convincing and befriending peasants, which is necessary for both acquiring supplies on a tight budget and also finding customers to fund the next artistic endeavor.
Mystic of the Mountain [Monk, Courtier] [/b]
-New School, created from scratch
Some travel simply for the joy of it. Those that wish to free their hearts from the jealousy that comes from coveting the positions of the higher castes may choose the path of the sage of the mountain. These individuals care more for the journey than the destination and make sure to dole out as many nuggets of wisdom as they can. Those that walk the winding path of the storyteller are just as content sitting around a fire with strangers as they are sharing a drink with friends. But they know much more than stories; these wandering monks are capable of exerting deadly force on those who would attack their allies, their time on the road spent on the practice of unarmed martial arts and storytelling in equal measure.
The Wandering Blade [Bushi]
-New School, Created from Scratch
The rōnin’s path is a difficult one each day is a struggle for survival. For some, the road becomes their mantra. They walk the way of the gleaming blade, the glint of the arrow, the approach of steady resolve. These warriors have honed their skill in their preferred style and have become adept at protecting what they have, for fate has seen fit to bestow them very little but their weapon and their ferocity in battle. While wielding their signature weapon, the power and skill of these fearsome combatants rival the training of even the samurai of the Great Clans.
Student of the Talon [Bushi, Shinobi]
-New School, created from scratch
Those that follow the art of the talon are adept at landing critical blows from a distance with spears, bows, or other ranged weapons. The distance and precision with which they strike is reminiscent of a viper’s bite, rapid and deadly. This art is most common among hunters who have spent much of their lives quietly taking down prey to feed their families, or rōnin that either took a fancy to the dance of spears or the distance of a bow in their former lives, or those who have lost their sword and have little choice but to learn a new method of making a livelihood on the fringes of society.
Treasure Hunter [Courtier, Bushi]
-New School, created from scratch
Rokugan is a land filled with a rich and ancient history dating back before the fall of the divine Kami. Before Hantei and his siblings blessed the people with the tools to build an Empire, myriad old species existed across the hills, valleys, rivers, coasts, and mountains. Rōnin, peasants, and gaijin alike sometimes dedicate their lives to hunting down the treasures these and others have left behind, though they rarely turn their noses up at new treasures, either. Those that walk this path are usually roguish smooth talkers, adept at dodging in and out of dangerous situations as if they were simply taking a stroll through a garden. With a talent for quick thinking and a discerning eye, treasure hunters are able to travel the lands seeking untold riches from the ancient past and the dangerous present.
School of Leaves [Shinobi, Courtier]
-New school, created from scratch
Some outsiders have faded away from the judgmental eye of a culture that seeks only to look down upon them. Those that are sick of being treated as social pariahs may become precisely what society deems them to be: untrustworthy outcasts who slink about the shadows, preying on those who would scoff at their presence. Those that follow the school of leaves excel at sowing chaos wherever they go, lying in wait for the perfect opportunity to strike at those who would look at them with contempt, whether with a blade, a bow, or a carefully crafted word.
Voice of the Wilds [Shugenja, Courtier]
-Self Taught Shugenja
When identified, those with the ability to call upon the kami that are not born into the samurai class are sometimes taken to be raised as one, their low birth typically being considered as a small mistake in the cosmic scheme of things. However, some latent talents manifest later, or in ways that are harder to discern, and so their relationship with the kami is usually strange. These shugenja have received no formal training but have developed a knack for quickly building positive relationships with the kami around them. Their tendency to be more in tune with nature allows a Voice of the Wilds character to request powerful aid in advance, though they lack the discipline to call upon kami suddenly without first building a rapport. Though these strange shugenja can learn specific invocations over time, they typically find formal study difficult.
Worldly Rōnin Path [Bushi, Courtier]
-Generic Ronin Rank 1, change benefit to Willpower
Individuals may come to walk the rōnin’s path for many reasons. These “wave men” adrift upon the sea of fate may be former clan samurai fallen from grace, unlucky samurai whose master was killed or demoted, or even children born to samurai parents out of wedlock or under other contentious circumstances. Many do not have a formal sensei anymore—if they ever did—and so the world itself is their teacher. As they must adapt to survive, many rōnin rely on a particular skill to make their way in the world, whether that be as mercenaries, as traveling merchants or performers, or as guides or guardians for specific roads, rivers, or mountain passes.
Kolat Saboteur Conspiracy [Shinobi]
-New School, created from scratch
Kolat Saboteurs are known in the Empire’s criminal underworld as some of the best assassins available for hire. In truth, these infiltrators and sleeper agents are devoted members of the Kolat, a secretive and subversive affiliation of sects devoted to ending Rokugani reverence of the Celestial Heavens, and establishing humanity as its own ruler. The earnings from these criminal activities provide a significant and largely untraceable income stream for the cell leader. Kolat Saboteurs pursue many different ends for different sects, but their overarching agenda is to bring about the “age of humanity.” A saboteur's true purpose is to undertake missions for the Kolat, as instructed by their handler—another individual within their branch of the conspiracy whose identity may or may not be known to the saboteur, as many members of the sect live under a cover identity.
Mercenary Ninja Training [Shinobi]
-New School, created from scratch
Without family, honor, or remorse, Mercenary Ninja move without a trace to ply their lethal trade in search of fortune. Consisting of highly skilled commoners and former Great Clan shinobi, they exist as disposable and deniable assets lying in wait among the shadows of Rokugan. Daimyō and nobles purchase the loyalty of Mercenary Ninja to have them kill and steal with ruthless efficiency—for unlike shinobi who serve the Great Clans, they serve only their own interests. When not otherwise engaged, Mercenary Ninja generally live simple lives. No formal schools exist for such lawless individuals, but some Mercenary Ninja train under a mentor, while others create their own cadres
Option 3 Gaijin Schools
New School Tag: Sage
Gaijin are unable to speak with the Kami, but they still have spiritual abilities that manifest in other ways, such as calling on the Djinn.
Ujik Diviner School [Sage]
-New School, created from scratch
The Ujik represent a wide range of groups along the Sand Road and elsewhere. The Ujik groups that the Unicorn Clan most notably deal with place their faith in the hands of the Lords of Death, countless honored ancestors that ascended to godhood and now govern the laws and realms of life and death. Diviners are individuals that have the natural talent and courage to call upon the wisdom of these arbiters of human mortality. The first vision a Diviner is given once they ask for insight is their own end, so that they will always remember that though they wield the knowledge of the Lords of Death, they cannot escape the fate of all flesh and blood.
Qamarist Shield Bearer Tradition [Bushi, Sage]
-New School, created from scratch
The proud and formidable guard of the Qamarist Caliphate Empire use their advanced knowledge of the alchemical arts to prepare themselves for battle; their imposing command of shields, spears, and swords to control the battlefield; and their medicinal prowess to quickly recover from otherwise grave injuries. A shield bearer looms above others in combat, protecting their allies with a ferocity borne from years of intense, grueling training. Though they come from a land of abundance, the warrior-scholars of the Cradle of the World have been trained to survive with only their shield and their sword in the harshest of conditions, traveling far and wide to seek information and prospects for the caliph.
Qamarist Alchemist Tradition [Sage]
-New School, created from scratch
The Qamarist Caliphate boasts some of the most gifted alchemists in all of the known world. These mathematicians and scientists have researched and experimented under the blessing of generations of caliphs in order to unlock the secrets of reliably creating various elixirs, draughts, and concoctions to enhance the human body, among other things. To be selected as such an alchemist is an extremely high honor, and these individuals are known for their perseverance, patience, and inventive nature. They are also known for their curiosity and desire to learn.
-New School, created from scratch.
In the Ivory Kingdoms there are individuals who have become so tuned to their inner energy, or lojas, that they have unlocked the ability to infuse others with it. These sages often go on long pilgrimages, seeking out the truths of the world in their travels. Their technique takes years to master, but their ability to enhance their allies’ bodies and minds has turned the tide of many battles. Though they are revered, they tend to be seen as omens of ill luck, as their presence is often associated with difficult times.
Ivory Kingdoms Dancing Blades Tradition [Bushi]
-New School, created from scratch
The Dancing Blades tradition is a unique set of training techniques that seeks to prepare warriors both mentally and physically for becoming wielders of astras, or implements of the gods. These combatants are capable of taking on multiple enemies at once by guiding their blades in broad, slashing attacks. Warriors of this school are said to look as though they are dancing as they fight, adapting to their opponent’s attack with a grace and ferocity that is both mesmerizing and terrifying
Option #1: Peasant
You are a peasant who has somehow managed to find yourself a daisho and imitate the samurai caste.
- Gains no family bonus or School; gains an additional 25 Experience Points during character creation
- Must purchase the Disadvantage Social Disadvantage: Ronin and Dark Secret: Peasant
- Starting Honor: 2.5
- Outfit: Ashigaru or Light Armor, Tattered Clothing, Daisho, Traveling Pack
- Must seek out Ronin or Gaijin schools when increasing in Insight Rank (You do not need the Multiple Schools advantage for this). If you are somehow given a Clan, you may then take clan schools (by using Multiple schools)
Option #2: Clan Ronin
You are a Great Clan Samurai who has either been Roninized, or is on a Musha Shuyo
- Created as normal for a clan-affiliated samurai
- Must purchase the Disadvantage Social Disadvantage: Ronin
- May not gain additional ranks in starting School
- Must seek out Ronin or Gaijin schools when increasing in Insight Rank (You do not need the Multiple Schools advantage for this) unless you are on Musha Shuyo, at which point you return to your original clan school.
Option #3: True Ronin, or Gaijin
You are either a Ronin, who has been a Ronin from birth, or you are a Gaijin who has come into Rokugan to explore despite the great risk of what would happen to you knowing the laws that all Gaijin are forbidden from being in the Empire outside of the Unicorn city of Khanbulak. (And even there the law states all Gaijin must leave the Empire at sun down)
- Select a Ronin or Gaijin Background.
- Must purchase the Disadvantage Social Disadvantage: Ronin, or Dark Secret: Gaijin and Gaijin Name Disadvantages if you are a Gaijin.
- Begin with one Ronin School, or a Gaijin school if you are Gaijin
- Must seek out Ronin or Gaijin schools when increasing in Insight Rank (You do not need the Multiple Schools advantage for this). If you are somehow given a Clan, you may then take clan schools (by using Multiple schools)
Urban Region
Cities are places where trade flourishes, cultures meet, and many different types of people mix and mingle. Some city dwellers love the press of bodies, the clamor of the marketplace, and the cacophony of conversation, debate, and rumormongering. Others only see humanity packed into boxes; the stink of blood, sweat, and tears; and rampant crime. The prospect of wealth in urban areas draws a steady supply of labor but also spurs on the abuse and marginalization of that labor. Folk stories warn of the decadence and immorality of the cities—and only some of these are false. Nevertheless, as industry grows, merchants, scholars, thieves, soldiers, sailors, and laborers continue to flock to cities to mingle, work, and trade. To city folk, their home brings to them commerce and ideas of varying worth from across Rokugan and the rest of the world. This eclectic and exciting environment may foster the spread of heretical ideals. Change comes slowly to Rokugan, but the cities usually spark that change. The sedate, seasonal pace of the farmlands shifts to one of daily hubbub in urban settings. For agrarian people, those who live in the cities appear as alien and strange as any spirit
+1 Awareness
what does your character know?
All residents of urban regions have a greater awareness of the following topics:
- You have a general awareness of the political climate within your city of origin. You can name major families, prominent merchants, and other leaders in the city as well as their respective positions and allegiances.
- You know the layout and local residents in the neighborhood where you grew up or where you live now, along with any unusual features, shortcuts, or hidden wonders in your chosen area of the city.
- You have knowledge of the impact of crime, poverty, or political unrest that you have experienced in your city during your lifetime.
- Due to the cosmopolitan culture of cities, you have made many connections during your time in your city. You personally have a family member, friend, or business associate who has traveled abroad or knows about political or business dealings in another land.
- You have moderate knowledge of some form of crime or legitimate trade related to the industry or commerce of your city.
Rural Farmland Region
Though many may think the city is the embodiment of civilization, rural farmland tends to better reflect the organizing power of people and governments. Whether tilling the fields of gentle plains or clearing forests to make use of nutrient-rich soil, a flat, even field represents the taming of the wilds. Food is the core of any prosperous civilization, and without fertile land entire empires quickly crumble. Food is a force that can both unify and stratify people; all must eat, but the luxury of exotic spices, fruits, or vegetables sets the wealthy apart. Poets exalt the serenity of the quiet countryside, the whisper of grass and grain in the wind, and the tranquility of hard work tilling the soil. Some governmental officials move to rural areas for the peace and quiet. Some even think themselves rustic despite their servants and elegant mansions. This tranquility is sometimes temporary, however: armies may march across fields and plains, destroying grass and crops, churning these symbols of civilization into broken sod. If a natural disaster tears through such isolated countryside, roads become impassable, crops fail, and the land becomes wild. The farmers suffer the most when wars, disasters, and governmental neglect destroy their livelihood. Farmers tame the land and carry the weight of civilization on their backs. They keenly understand the balance between nature and humanity.
+1 Stamina
what does your character know?
All residents of rural farmland regions have a greater awareness of the following topics:
- You have general knowledge of the political climate within your region. You can name major families, prosperous local farmers, and important government officials to whom your family or local community reports.
- You grew up hearing stories from your parents, grandparents, and greatgrandparents of major political upheavals or forces that moved through your region and can relate either detailed or exaggerated accounts of any notable events that may have taken place in your family members’ lifetimes.
- You are aware of past and predicted harvest times, the timing of the seasons, and any peculiar weather phenomena in your region. You are also keenly aware of the impact of any events (political or otherwise) that interfere with your community’s livelihood: the harvest.
- You have inherited a strong oral tradition and can sing or recite folk songs or stories passed down from your ancestors.
- You have a working knowledge of agricultural practices and how to make a living in your region.
- You are largely unaware of larger political movements and concerns, and your cultural awareness is mostly confined to your local community.
Sea, River, or Lake Region
The sea, the source of salt and fish but also storms, provides and takes away in equal measure. Wise fishers respect the power of the waves and the devastating effects of floods. Tempestuous, unpredictable, dangerous. Understandable, life-giving, nourishing. All these things are true of the water, and anyone who has spent a substantial amount of time near it knows this. Rivers and lakes may often be placid, but their power for good and ill must still be appreciated. They can overflow and flood, and they can drown people. Rivers and lakes can facilitate transportation, serve as navigational markers, and of course provide fresh water and fish. Architects and builders utilize water wheels and dams to harness water’s power without depleting it. Water has strong ties to trade and travel. Fishers, sailors, and merchants transport their wares on the water. Rivers act as arteries for the circulation of society, passing goods, news, and people up and down, bringing life and vitality to every place they touch.
+1 Perception
what does your character know?
All residents of a sea, river, or lake region have a greater awareness of the following topics:
- You have a general awareness of the politics of cities and strongholds connected by the trade routes along your river or body of water. You can name major merchants, family heads, and significant leaders in these areas, and you know their respective positions and allegiances.
- You either have experience with, or have heard stories of, the extreme destructive power of water and the devastation wrought by storms, floods, and violent natural and unnatural phenomena that comes from living so close to water. Conversely, you are also aware of the advantages (both social and material) that come from harnessing the power of water.
- Your life near the waves has taught you how to prepare for floods and hurricanes, and how to travel on the water, whether by swimming, piloting watercraft, or other means.
- You know stories of heroes or antagonists who either prevailed over, or succumbed to, the local waters of your region, and their significance.
- You are familiar with folk songs and tales passed down in your local community, particularly those that portray the spiritual and natural hazards of the water, and can recite at least one from memory.
- You have exposure to cultural customs from distant regions that trade with your people.
Forest Region
Forests are wildernesses, some with trees more ancient than Rokugan itself. In some forests, reality blends and shifts, and spirits whisper to one another in the murk. If one enters a forest unprepared, it is only a matter of time before such a person succumbs to either the whims of the spirits or the will of the wilds. Verdant and lush, forests resound with the melody of birdcalls, rustling leaves, and creaking wood as ancient trees settle into the soil. A wise person learns to live with the wild, perhaps even tame it a little, but they always absorb a bit of that wildness into themselves. In turn, the forests draw outcasts: bandits, hermits, and whole villages that wish to be left out of battles between warring nobles. These people develop their own idiosyncratic cultural practices, esoteric rituals, and even words, all influenced by the might of nature. Travelers often claim that trolls, tengu, or strange human-sized serpents still live in the forests. While “civilized” city folk scoff at these stories, those who live among the trees know better.
+1 Willpower
what does your character know?
All residents of a forest region have a greater awareness of the following topics:
- You have a general awareness of the politics and border disputes that affect your region. You know the names of major nobles, family heads, and other leaders, and you are aware of their respective positions and allegiances.
- You are aware of any legends and stories, of spirits or otherwise, that are popular or seem dangerous in your region.
- Your experience navigating dense foliage and shrouded terrain has given you basic instincts that help you avoid getting lost and to find your way again in wilderness circumstances.
- You are able to forage, and you possess basic knowledge of hunting techniques, which helps you survive in the forest. You know how to prepare what you find and hunt for consumption.
- You value the power and terror of the deep undergrowth and have a healthy respect for the dangers of your region due to either first- or secondhand experience of these hazards.
- You have working knowledge of animal behaviors and are familiar with the local wildlife of your region.
Mountain Region
In the mountains, the peaks reach to the Heavens, and the air is thin and cold. Artists have captured the purity of these lands with stark lines and minimalist detail, illustrating their beauty and detachment from the rest of the world. Though scholars see the mountains as a boundary between the sky and earth or as a wall dividing Rokugan, they often ignore the truth that they act as both a barrier and a door. This environment is perfect for monks and those seeking Enlightenment. Supplicants travel the harsh summit paths, casting off distractions such as love and companionship, civilization and luxury, and money and violence. The austere lands demand fierce independence, exposing repressed weaknesses and revealing surprising strengths. The responsibility for failures here lies completely in the supplicant, and if death claims them, at least they are closer to the gods. Yet plenty of people have no time for such impractical, wasteful aims. Villagers and hunters, the hardiest of people, can make a harsh but honest living even in the mountains. Generations have lived here, passing on the knowledge of how to survive and thrive. Lest one pity their existence, one should remember that these people enjoy a freedom from the Great Clans and worldly cares unlike anyone else in Rokugan.
+1 Void. you must take the Touched by the Void Disadvantage. This does not grant any bonus XP.
what does your character know?
All mountain region residents have a greater awareness of the following topics:
- You have a general awareness of the politics of your region. You can name major nobles, family heads, and other leaders, and you know their respective positions and allegiances.
- Having lived in the mountains in your early life, you know major trails and pilgrimage routes, either from traveling them yourself or from hearing from others who take them. You also possess an understanding of the convictions and tenets of nearby monasteries from the pilgrims and adherents who travel along these routes.
- You have a unique understanding of the demands of living in such an extreme environment and have learned how to survive and secure food and water for yourself by foraging, hunting, or both. You have experience traversing your region and thus can handle similar terrain. You are also familiar with how to navigate steep slopes in extreme weather conditions.
- You are able to identify the names of peaks and features of the mountains and valleys of your region, and you can recall associated myths, tales, or firsthand accounts relating to them.
Haunted Region
Brooding skies smother the land, and jagged peaks cut the Heavens. Unfamiliar animals and plants, changed by or escaped from Jigoku, assault the eyes with strange colors, textures, and movements. Even lands east of the Kaiu Wall look, feel, and smell slightly off: a little bitter and sour. Such lands, effected by the Taint or otherwise desecrated by foul acts, may be most common near the Wall, but other such places dot the landscape in Rokugan and beyond its borders. The Yodha of the Ivory Kingdoms know the vile creations of the Taint all too well as they vigilantly guard the border between the Ghostlands and their gleaming cities. When dealing with Tainted earth, creatures, and objects, peasants and rōnin have little protection. Even well-equipped samurai can fall victim to the evils of Jigoku, so those even less familiar with its dangers and lack necessary precautions like jade, must constantly be on the lookout for the soul-threatening, creeping imbalance. But the Taint isn’t the only spiritual concern in the Empire. Scattered all throughout Rokugan the effects of ghosts, kansen, and desecrated places can be felt. Hungry spirits may be trapped in the realm of mortals, or they might wander in from the unregulated slums of idō. Spiritually corrupted, haunted, or otherwise staining places can exist all over the Empire, and those who hail from regions with such hazards may view the world as a much more dangerous place.
+1 Intelligence
what does your character know?
All residents of haunted regions have a greater awareness of the following topics:
- You have a general awareness of the politics of your region, and you can name major nobles, family heads, and other leaders in your area. You know their respective positions and allegiances.
- Your exposure to the everyday evils of the Taint or another haunted place has numbed you to the strange and the supernatural. Firsthand or secondhand experiences of loss and decay have given you a hard-bitten edge, or at the very least relentless pragmatism when faced with the evils from beyond the Wall.
- You have a general knowledge of either farming, mining, or another marketable technique, based on where you were raised.
- You are familiar with the signs of either the Taint or hauntings, and can identify such effects much earlier than others can.
Gaijin Backgrounds
Ujik of the Plains of Wind and Stone
The Ujik are a nomadic people who live on expansive, grassy plains sprawling north and west of Rokugan. However, Ujik is an umbrella term encompassing many disparate, largely nomadic tribes. All share a broadly similar ethnicity, but interactions with other cultures bordering the vast ranges of the Ujik have introduced some variety. The tribes also each practice customs and hold beliefs often distinct from those of other tribes. For instance, several revere the Lords of Death, a religion rooted in the cycle of birth-life-death that permeates the natural world. Others hold different beliefs, such as reverence for the earth and sky. Many groups revere multiple sets of deities along with ancestors. Accordingly, the Ujik rarely act as a unified whole. Alliances and rivalries constantly ebb, flow, and shift among the tribes. The Ujik do tell stories of a time when they were united under a great warlord; if this is true, their hardiness, unconventional military tactics, and sheer numbers would have posed a formidable threat to any foe.
One thing that does unite the Ujik is the central role that horses play in their lives. The Ujik claim that a child can be born, raised, and live out their life on horseback, their feet never touching the ground. While this is apocryphal, the Ujik mastery of horses is unsurpassed, allowing the tribes to move great distances while scouting, tracking, hunting, and fighting from horseback as easily as other cultures do on foot.
The Ujik are a proud—even stubborn—people, generally stoic, but fierce in battle and given to boisterous outbursts of humor. Their most basic social unit, the family, can include multiple spouses and span several generations. Families live and roam independently, each led by a family head chosen by criteria unique to that family. At certain times of year, or in response to certain events—for example, at midsummer, or when the last snow has melted off a particular mountain—families join with others from their tribe. These gatherings can eventually include an entire tribe, or even several tribes. Such a massed assembly of Ujik is a raucous event.
Those Rokugani who do happen to meet Ujik tribespeople find that, despite the idiosyncrasies of the particular tribe, many are reminiscent of the Moto family of the Unicorn, at least to most Rokugani. When the Unicorn returned to the Empire in the early ninth century, they brought with them a large cadre of Ujik who had sworn loyalty to the ami Shinjo. These Ujik became the Moto family. There is still much interaction between the Unicorn and those Ujik tribes whose ranges approach the Empire’s western boundaries.
Ring Increase: +1 Strength, Gain the Language: Ujik Advantage
what does your character know?
All Ujik characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:
- You have a detailed knowledge of the tribes that make up the Ujik people. You know the various tribal leaders, the specific customs and beliefs of the tribes, and their respective rivalries and allegiances. You also have a reasonable understanding of the numerous dialects of the Ujik language used by the different tribes.
- You are an expert in handling and riding horses, as well as in tending to herd animals such as sheep, goats, camels, and cattle. You are also well versed in eking out a living from a harsh and barren land, being skilled at navigating, tracking, hunting, and herbalism in such places.
- You are skilled in mounted combat. Ujik begin play with a Unicorn warhouse.
Qamarists in the Cradle of the World
The Cradle of the World, located far to the west of the Empire, is a place of which few Rokugani are even aware. This is partly because of sheer distance, and partly because of the so-called Burning Sands, which, by one Unicorn account, are a “bleak, sun-drenched land of shifting sand and barren rock, where water is a commodity as precious as gold.” A Rokugani making the arduous journey would be stunned by the Cradle—a broad expanse of land stretching between two great rivers, so lush and green that it might be the most fertile place in the world.
Thanks to this bountiful landscape, a large and sophisticated civilization thrives in the Cradle. This is the Qamarist Caliphate, a powerful nation-state that has, over time, come to incorporate a diversity of ethnic groups. These are described by a bewildering variety of names: Nehiri, Sogdans, Suhili, Bandar, Ganzu, and many others. However, all are devoted to Qamarism. This monotheistic religion declares that a succession of mortal messengers, acting on behalf of a supreme deity, have passed down to humans a series of divine laws and values. Now collected into a sacred codex, these form the foundation of virtually every aspect of life in the Caliphate. The caliph, who is hailed as the rightful inheritor of the Nameless Prophet, rules over the Caliphate, seeking to maintain unity among diverse and fractious ethnic groups.
The people of the Caliphate are extremely diverse in their languages, customs, dress, and behavior. They do exhibit some broad commonalities, however. For instance, because of the extremely hot climate, all tend to dress in loose-fitting clothing, particularly garments made of cotton. The heat also shapes their day-to-day behavior; for instance, it is common for them to spend the hottest parts of the day resting or performing only minor tasks. And while amarism is subject to some variations in interpretation, giving rise to a number of sects, Qamarists generally view those not of their faith with at least some degree of wariness. When they do offer their hospitality, though, Qamarists are a most sociable people, showing courtesy and respect to their guests that would rival that of any home in the Empire.
Ring Increase: +1 Agility and Languages: Qamari
what does your character know?
All Qamarist characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:
- You have a good knowledge of the various ethnic groups that fall under the sway of the Caliphate. You know the various important figures and specific customs of each group and their respective rivalries and allegiances. You also speak the language of at least one such group—your own—fluently, and you are at least conversant with the languages of most of the others.
- You have detailed knowledge of the Caliphate, including both the secular and religious politics that affect it. You also know about the caliph as well as the important and influential people who surround the caliph.
- You are familiar with what, to the Rokugani, would be strange folklore, some of which supposedly arises from a time before mortals. This includes creatures such as the foul undead ghul; the powerful and dangerous spirits known as djinn; the massive eagle known as roc; and the shahmaran, or Queen of the Snakes, which may be a reference to the enigmatic creatures known in Rokugan as the naga.
Yodha of the Ghostlands
The Ivory Kingdoms, described in detail starting on page 196, are bordered along a large portion of their eastern edge by a region of thick, gloomy, tangled forests inhabited by evil spirits and terrifying monsters. These “Ghostlands” are, in fact, a natural rainforested area affected by the southernmost and westernmost reaches of the Shadowlands, the vile realm that borders the southern margin of Rokugan. A dedicated group known as the Yodha, which is organized into cadres of supremely skilled warriors, wages a never-ending struggle to hold back these evil forces, just as the Crab Clan does in Rokugan. More details are provided about the Ghostlands, and the Yodha, on page 202.
All Yodha are skilled warriors adept at fighting in the most closed and inhospitable terrain imaginable. They are also adept at recognizing and combating corrupt supernatural powers, using mystical substances such as gold and coral to enhance their formidable fighting skills. However, the grim nature of their endless battle against the Ghostlands has permeated the Yodha psyche. They tend to be dour and taciturn and are particularly suspicious of those they do not know well. To the Yodha, this distrust is justified among their most fearsome opponents are the shapeshifting monstrosities known as rakshasa, whose queen harbors a relentless hatred for the Ivory Kingdoms. Due to the nature of their enemies, the Yodha are supremely careful, thoughtful, and deliberate, spending days—sometimes weeks— stalking and observing their enemies, striking only when the moment is right.
Ring Increase: +1 Willpower and Languages: Yodha
what does your character know?
All Yodha characters have a greater awareness of the following topics:
- You have a good knowledge of the many political entities that make up the Ivory Kingdoms and of the secular and religious tensions, rivalries, and alliances that exist among them. That said, there are gaps and flaws in that knowledge, as the numerous kingdoms and relationships among them are constantly changing. Yodha speak their own language and the common language spoken by most citizens of the Ivory Kingdoms, as well as the languages of those kingdoms and states close to the Ghostlands.
- You have a detailed understanding of Shadowlands threats insofar as they apply to the Ivory Kingdoms. While the Shadowlands Taint functions the same as it does in Rokugan, many other Shadowlands aspects you know about are different, reflecting the different creatures in the Ghostlands and the ways your group has developed to combat them. For example, you know about the nature of rakshasa. The more traditionalist Yodhaviya, who dwell outside the Ghostlands, are particularly adept at recognizing these dangerous creatures irrespective of the form they assume. You also know that, with application of the correct rituals, gold and coral are powerful weapons against the Shadowlands and its minions.
- Yodhaniya—particularly those who wage war deep in the Ghostlands rainforest— know how to purify even the most fouled food and water using a ritual known as Nikta. You are also aware of the existence of the Pillars of Purity, ancient and mysterious stone columns that stand astride the Nadati River, removing the taint from its waters as they flow past.
- The Yodha, like most citizens of the Ivory Kingdoms, not only know the naga are real but have come to know the naga well, including some aspects of their language and culture. Known in the Ivory Kingdoms as shahmaran, naga are common in the region.
The central region of the Ivory Kingdoms is dominated by a vast plateau known as the Sonagiri, or Golden Mountain. Ringed by soaring, snowcapped mountains and cut by the mighty Heeratand, or River of Diamonds, the expansive and fertile Sonagiri is the most densely populated part of the Ivory Kingdoms. Bhavyatapura, the City of Splendor, occupies the Heeratand in the center of the Sonagiri. Although they are collectively known as Sheelavaan, which simply means “urbane,” the people of Bhavyatapura are diverse in the extreme, comprising a multitude of ethnicities, social castes, languages, religious beliefs, and cultural backgrounds.
As their name implies, the Sheelavaan are generally sophisticated, gregarious, and eloquent. They are used to living in the cramped confines of a massive city; many find the rural countryside and wilderness areas quite off-putting. Most Sheelavaan are accustomed to bargaining and cajoling their way through a complex web of barter economies and currency systems, a skill that they readily apply to nearly any sort of commercial, social, or cultural interaction. They also have a facility for languages, an important skill when living in a place where the dominant tongue may change several times along the length of a single street. More information on Bhavyatapura and the Sheelavaan can be found starting on page 200.
Ring Increase: +1 Awareness and Language: Sheelavaan
what does your character know?
Regardless of a Sheelavaan’s particular ethnicity, culture, or religious background, they have a greater awareness of the following topics:
- You have a general knowledge of the many factions that make up the Ivory Kingdoms, but they are particularly aware of those specific to Bhavyatapura. This includes the many rivalries and alliances that exist in this massive, rambling city. You speak your own language as well as the common language of the Ivory Kingdoms, and often one or more languages of the various factions in Bhavyatapura.
- You are most at home in urban areas and have a great facility for quickly understanding not just the physical layout of a city, but also its key power structures, factions, and underlying tensions.
- You have a good understanding of trade and commerce, being able to discern the value of most goods and items and to bargain for favorable prices or trades. More generally, you tend to be quite persuasive in any dealings you have with others—particularly those not familiar with the eloquence of the Sheelavaan.
- Close proximity to the naga has given you an even better knowledge of the enigmatic serpent folk than most—at least, to the extent any human can understand this mysterious species. The Sheelavaan, like most citizens of the Ivory Kingdoms, not only know the naga are real but have come to know the naga well, including some aspects of their language and culture. Known in the Ivory Kingdoms as shahmaran, naga are common in the region.
Option 3 Ronin Schools:
Artisan of the Roads [Artisan]
-New School, created from scratch
Those that travel outside of the high society of Rokugan know that there is so much more to art than expensive materials and fleeting trends. Artisans of the road are adept at scrounging up suitable materials in almost any circumstance, using their surroundings as inspiration to create inventive and visually interesting pieces of art from everyday items, substances, and the nature that lives around them. They are also skilled at convincing and befriending peasants, which is necessary for both acquiring supplies on a tight budget and also finding customers to fund the next artistic endeavor.
- Benefit: +1 Awareness
- Skills: Commerce, Etiquette, Sincerity, Any 3 Artisan Skills, Hunting
- Honor: 3.0
- Outfit: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Art Supplies, Traveling Pack, 1 koku
- Rank 1: - Resourceful Artistry
Once per game session, you may scavenge supplies for your craft worth an amount of koku equal to your school rank. This might include finding plants to make paints, wood for carvings, horsehair for brushes, or convincing peasants to give you parchment, ink, or other supplies.
When working with natural materials such as wood, stone, or whatever can be found in nature, you gain +1k0 on any Artisan or Craft Skill Roll.
Mystic of the Mountain [Monk, Courtier] [/b]
-New School, created from scratch
Some travel simply for the joy of it. Those that wish to free their hearts from the jealousy that comes from coveting the positions of the higher castes may choose the path of the sage of the mountain. These individuals care more for the journey than the destination and make sure to dole out as many nuggets of wisdom as they can. Those that walk the winding path of the storyteller are just as content sitting around a fire with strangers as they are sharing a drink with friends. But they know much more than stories; these wandering monks are capable of exerting deadly force on those who would attack their allies, their time on the road spent on the practice of unarmed martial arts and storytelling in equal measure.
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Skills: Perform: Storytelling, Any 2 Lore skills, Defense, Etiquette, Sincerity, Juijutsu
- Honor: 4.0
- Outfit: Monk robes, Wakizashi, Traveling Pack, 5 Zeni
- Rank 1: -
You gain one free Kiho. When you are fighting unarmed, any opponent attacking you or a target you are guarding with a melee weapon suffers a penalty of -Xk0 to his attacking Skill Roll, where X equals half your ranks in Perform: Storytelling, rounded down. This penalty cannot apply to more opponents within the same Round than your Insight Rank.
The Wandering Blade [Bushi]
-New School, Created from Scratch
The rōnin’s path is a difficult one each day is a struggle for survival. For some, the road becomes their mantra. They walk the way of the gleaming blade, the glint of the arrow, the approach of steady resolve. These warriors have honed their skill in their preferred style and have become adept at protecting what they have, for fate has seen fit to bestow them very little but their weapon and their ferocity in battle. While wielding their signature weapon, the power and skill of these fearsome combatants rival the training of even the samurai of the Great Clans.
- Benefit: +1 Strength
- Skills: Any 1 Weapon Skill (Pick Weapon Emphasis) at rank 2, Athletics, Defense, Battle, Sincerity, Any 1 Skill
- Honor: 3.5
- Outfit: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Any 1 Weapon, Traveling Pack, 1 koku
- Rank 1: -
Choose a signature weapon (or unarmed). When using said weapon, gain +1k0 to attack rolls. Additionally, when you perform a maneuver with said weapon, reduce the number of raises required to perform the maneuver by 1 (to a minimum of 1)
Student of the Talon [Bushi, Shinobi]
-New School, created from scratch
Those that follow the art of the talon are adept at landing critical blows from a distance with spears, bows, or other ranged weapons. The distance and precision with which they strike is reminiscent of a viper’s bite, rapid and deadly. This art is most common among hunters who have spent much of their lives quietly taking down prey to feed their families, or rōnin that either took a fancy to the dance of spears or the distance of a bow in their former lives, or those who have lost their sword and have little choice but to learn a new method of making a livelihood on the fringes of society.
- Benefit: +1 Reflexes
- Skills: Athletics, Hunting, 1 Weapon Skill, Kyujutsu, Sincerity, Stealth, Any 1 non High skill
- Honor: 3.0
- Outfit: Sturdy Clothing, Wakizashi, 1 weapon (Spear, Polearm, Stave, or Bow), Traveling Pack, 1 koku
- Rank 1: -
When you are using spears, polearms, staves, or bows, if any of your damage dice explode, gain a bonus +x to your final damage, where X is equal to your ranks in the weapon skill used.
Treasure Hunter [Courtier, Bushi]
-New School, created from scratch
Rokugan is a land filled with a rich and ancient history dating back before the fall of the divine Kami. Before Hantei and his siblings blessed the people with the tools to build an Empire, myriad old species existed across the hills, valleys, rivers, coasts, and mountains. Rōnin, peasants, and gaijin alike sometimes dedicate their lives to hunting down the treasures these and others have left behind, though they rarely turn their noses up at new treasures, either. Those that walk this path are usually roguish smooth talkers, adept at dodging in and out of dangerous situations as if they were simply taking a stroll through a garden. With a talent for quick thinking and a discerning eye, treasure hunters are able to travel the lands seeking untold riches from the ancient past and the dangerous present.
- Benefit: +1 Perception
- Skills: Investigation, Hunting, Courtier, Commerce, Kenjutsu, Athletics, Any 1 skill
- Honor: 2.5
- Outfit: Sturdy Clothing, 50ft rope, Daisho, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- Rank 1: -
When making an investigation roll to notice traps or spot an ambush, you gain a bonus of +1k1 to your roll. You reduce all falling damage you rake by -xk0, where X is equal to your insight rank.
School of Leaves [Shinobi, Courtier]
-New school, created from scratch
Some outsiders have faded away from the judgmental eye of a culture that seeks only to look down upon them. Those that are sick of being treated as social pariahs may become precisely what society deems them to be: untrustworthy outcasts who slink about the shadows, preying on those who would scoff at their presence. Those that follow the school of leaves excel at sowing chaos wherever they go, lying in wait for the perfect opportunity to strike at those who would look at them with contempt, whether with a blade, a bow, or a carefully crafted word.
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Skills: Athletics, Stealth, Acting, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Sincerity (Deceit), Any 1 Low skill
- Honor: 2.5
- Outfit: Dark clothing, daisho, any 1 ninjutsu weapon or 5 shuriken, traveling pack, 1 koku
- Rank 1: -
You gain a +1k0 bonus to any School Skill roll made against a member of the samurai caste. Attack rolls only gain this bonus if you are attacking from a hidden position.
Voice of the Wilds [Shugenja, Courtier]
-Self Taught Shugenja
When identified, those with the ability to call upon the kami that are not born into the samurai class are sometimes taken to be raised as one, their low birth typically being considered as a small mistake in the cosmic scheme of things. However, some latent talents manifest later, or in ways that are harder to discern, and so their relationship with the kami is usually strange. These shugenja have received no formal training but have developed a knack for quickly building positive relationships with the kami around them. Their tendency to be more in tune with nature allows a Voice of the Wilds character to request powerful aid in advance, though they lack the discipline to call upon kami suddenly without first building a rapport. Though these strange shugenja can learn specific invocations over time, they typically find formal study difficult.
- Benefit: +1 Willpower
- Skills: Athletics, Hunting, Meditation, Spellcraft, any three non-High Skills
- Honor: 4.0
- Outfit: Sturdy Robes, Wakizashi, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, 5 bu
- Affinity/Deficiency: You may choose any one non-Void Element in which to have an Affinity. You automatically gain a Deficiency in the opposing Element (Fire opposes Water, Air opposes Earth) and in any one other Element of your choice.
- Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, and any five spells you can cast (no spells may be in Elements for which you have a Deficiency).
- Rank 1: -
When you spend a Void Point on a Spellcasting Roll, you add +2k2 instead of +1k1. Unfortunately, you do not automatically gain additional spells when you advance in Rank; you must seek them out on your own.
Worldly Rōnin Path [Bushi, Courtier]
-Generic Ronin Rank 1, change benefit to Willpower
Individuals may come to walk the rōnin’s path for many reasons. These “wave men” adrift upon the sea of fate may be former clan samurai fallen from grace, unlucky samurai whose master was killed or demoted, or even children born to samurai parents out of wedlock or under other contentious circumstances. Many do not have a formal sensei anymore—if they ever did—and so the world itself is their teacher. As they must adapt to survive, many rōnin rely on a particular skill to make their way in the world, whether that be as mercenaries, as traveling merchants or performers, or as guides or guardians for specific roads, rivers, or mountain passes.
- Benefit: +1 Willpower
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Hunting, Intimidation, Kenjutsu, Knives, any one Weapon Skill
- Honor: 4.5
- Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 1 koku
- Rank 1: -
When you are suffering TN penalties due to Wounds, you may make an Earth Roll (ignoring Wound TN penalties) during the Reactions Stage of each Round, with a TN equal to 5 + 5x the number of Wound Ranks you are currently suffering. If the roll is successful, you may ignore the effects of your Wound penalties until the next Reactions Stage. This Technique does not work once you reach the Down or Out Wound Ranks.
Kolat Saboteur Conspiracy [Shinobi]
-New School, created from scratch
Kolat Saboteurs are known in the Empire’s criminal underworld as some of the best assassins available for hire. In truth, these infiltrators and sleeper agents are devoted members of the Kolat, a secretive and subversive affiliation of sects devoted to ending Rokugani reverence of the Celestial Heavens, and establishing humanity as its own ruler. The earnings from these criminal activities provide a significant and largely untraceable income stream for the cell leader. Kolat Saboteurs pursue many different ends for different sects, but their overarching agenda is to bring about the “age of humanity.” A saboteur's true purpose is to undertake missions for the Kolat, as instructed by their handler—another individual within their branch of the conspiracy whose identity may or may not be known to the saboteur, as many members of the sect live under a cover identity.
- Benefit: +1 Awareness
- Skills: Sincerity (Deceit), Forgery, Stealth, Acting, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Any 1 Skill
- Honor: 0.5
- Outfit: Sturdy clothing, Daisho, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
- Rank 1: -
You must take the Dark Secret: Kolat disadvantage. You gain the Forbidden Knowledge: Kolat advantage.
Once per game session, you may reveal that an NPC in that scene is the target of your current assignment. The GM then decides what your assignment entails, such as sabotaging the target’s current activities, framing them for a crime, killing them, or even making sure they survive to play their part in a long and sinister plot. Until the end of the session, when you make a skill check targeting the chosen NPC, you may reroll a number of dice up to your school rank.
Mercenary Ninja Training [Shinobi]
-New School, created from scratch
Without family, honor, or remorse, Mercenary Ninja move without a trace to ply their lethal trade in search of fortune. Consisting of highly skilled commoners and former Great Clan shinobi, they exist as disposable and deniable assets lying in wait among the shadows of Rokugan. Daimyō and nobles purchase the loyalty of Mercenary Ninja to have them kill and steal with ruthless efficiency—for unlike shinobi who serve the Great Clans, they serve only their own interests. When not otherwise engaged, Mercenary Ninja generally live simple lives. No formal schools exist for such lawless individuals, but some Mercenary Ninja train under a mentor, while others create their own cadres
[*]Benefit: +1 Agility
[*]Skills: Athletics, Stealth, Acting, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Sincerity (Deceit), Any 1 Low skill
[*]Honor: 0.0
[*]Outfit: Dark clothing, daisho, any 1 ninjutsu weapon or 5 shuriken, traveling pack, 1 koku
- Rank 1: -
When you perform a check to hide, move stealthily, or deceive others as to your true identity, any Void point you use to increase the roll instead grants +3k1. You are considered an outlaw in the eyes of the empire, and if you are ever captured, you will be executed without question.
Option 3 Gaijin Schools
New School Tag: Sage
Gaijin are unable to speak with the Kami, but they still have spiritual abilities that manifest in other ways, such as calling on the Djinn.
Ujik Diviner School [Sage]
-New School, created from scratch
The Ujik represent a wide range of groups along the Sand Road and elsewhere. The Ujik groups that the Unicorn Clan most notably deal with place their faith in the hands of the Lords of Death, countless honored ancestors that ascended to godhood and now govern the laws and realms of life and death. Diviners are individuals that have the natural talent and courage to call upon the wisdom of these arbiters of human mortality. The first vision a Diviner is given once they ask for insight is their own end, so that they will always remember that though they wield the knowledge of the Lords of Death, they cannot escape the fate of all flesh and blood.
- Benefit: +1 Intelligence
- Skills: Spellcasting, Divination, Horsemanship, Archery (counts as Kyujutsu) Swordsmanship (Counts as Kenjutsu), Athletics, Animal Handling
- Integrity (Counts as Honor): 4.0
- Outfit: Unicorn War Horse, Scimitar, Han-Kyu Traveling Pack, 3 koku (equivalent)
- Rank 1: -
At the beginning of each day, you may spend one hour in meditation and make a Divination Skill Roll, at a basic TN of 15. If successful, you gain a +1k0 bonus die, and you may Raise on the roll to gain addition bonus dice up to your Water Ring. You may spend these +1k0 bonus dice on any skill made during the rest of the day. Unused dice are lost at nightfall.
Your spellcasting are prayers to the gods of death and thus require spoken words to be cast. You cast spells as a Rokugany shugenja would, but you do not have an affinity or deficiency. Your spells are all memorized when you pick them, and you do not use spell scrolls. You may only cast Elemental (Non-Void) spells, up to mastery level 5
Qamarist Shield Bearer Tradition [Bushi, Sage]
-New School, created from scratch
The proud and formidable guard of the Qamarist Caliphate Empire use their advanced knowledge of the alchemical arts to prepare themselves for battle; their imposing command of shields, spears, and swords to control the battlefield; and their medicinal prowess to quickly recover from otherwise grave injuries. A shield bearer looms above others in combat, protecting their allies with a ferocity borne from years of intense, grueling training. Though they come from a land of abundance, the warrior-scholars of the Cradle of the World have been trained to survive with only their shield and their sword in the harshest of conditions, traveling far and wide to seek information and prospects for the caliph.
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Skills: Archery (Counts as Kyujutsu), Defense, Hand-to-Hand (Counts as juijutsu), Medicine, Craft: Alchemy, Spears, Swordsmanship (Counts as kenjutsu), Spellcasting.
- Integrity (Counts as Honor): 5
- Outfit: Sword (3k2), shield, spear (yari), bow (Han-kyu), light armor, alchemical supplies, elegant clothing, Traveling Pack 10 koku (equivalent)
- Rank 1: -
Once per round when wielding a shield, if you or your target you are guarding is missed by a melee attack, you may immedietly make a shield bash against your opponent. Make a Defense/Agility check against your opponents Armor TN. If you succeed, they are dazed for 1 round
Your spellcasting is instead creation of alchemical potions, and instead of having access to all elemental spells up to rank 3. You only may use elemental spells that have the Personal target. You must first creation a potion by passing a Craft (Potion) / Intelligence roll of TN 20, and then conducting your spellcraft/ring roll as if casting a spell as a shugenja to infuse the potion with magical properties. Potions must be drank to have an effect. You may only have a number of potions stored equal to your void ring.
Qamarist Alchemist Tradition [Sage]
-New School, created from scratch
The Qamarist Caliphate boasts some of the most gifted alchemists in all of the known world. These mathematicians and scientists have researched and experimented under the blessing of generations of caliphs in order to unlock the secrets of reliably creating various elixirs, draughts, and concoctions to enhance the human body, among other things. To be selected as such an alchemist is an extremely high honor, and these individuals are known for their perseverance, patience, and inventive nature. They are also known for their curiosity and desire to learn.
Ivory Kingdoms Sage Tradition [Sage, Bushi]Techniques
- Benefit: +1 Intelligence
- Skills: Courtesy (Counts as Etiquette), Medicine, Craft: Alchemy, Any Lore skill, Spellcasting, Athletics, Defense
- Integrity (Counts as Honor): 5
- Outfit: Elegant Clothing, Alchemical Supplies, Traveling Pack, 10 koku (equivalent)
- Rank 1: -
You may throw your potions instead of drinking them. Throwing is a Complex Action to throw it. If trying to hit an opponent, use Athetics/Agility vs their armor TN. Potions may be thrown a distance equal to your Athletics times strength. Once the potion is thrown and the glass broken, the spell stored inside is cast immedietly.
Your spellcasting is instead creation of alchemical potions, and instead of having access to all elemental spells up to rank 3. You must first creation a potion by passing a Craft (Potion) / Intelligence roll of TN 20, and then conducting your spellcraft/ring roll as if casting a spell as a shugenja to infuse the potion with magical properties. Your potions may either be drank or thrown to be activated. You may never have more potions stored than your Ring for the potion you are storing. (So for example, a starting character could have 2 air, 2 earth, 2 fire, 2 water)
-New School, created from scratch.
In the Ivory Kingdoms there are individuals who have become so tuned to their inner energy, or lojas, that they have unlocked the ability to infuse others with it. These sages often go on long pilgrimages, seeking out the truths of the world in their travels. Their technique takes years to master, but their ability to enhance their allies’ bodies and minds has turned the tide of many battles. Though they are revered, they tend to be seen as omens of ill luck, as their presence is often associated with difficult times.
- Benefit: +1 Intelligence
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Hand-to-Hand (Counts as juijutsu), Knives, Medicine, Meditation, any one High skill.
- Integrity (Counts as Honor):5.0
- Outfit: Simple Clothing, Any 2 Knives, Traveling Pack, 5 koku (equivalent)
- Rank 1: -
Instead of spellcasting, you gain kiho and may purchase them as if you were a non-brotherhood monk. You start with 2 Kiho. When you are under the effects of a Kiho, you may spend any number of void points as a free action to end the kiho for yourself and instead have it target an ally of your choice. The kiho stays active on your ally for a number of rounds equal to the amount of void points you spent.
Ivory Kingdoms Dancing Blades Tradition [Bushi]
-New School, created from scratch
The Dancing Blades tradition is a unique set of training techniques that seeks to prepare warriors both mentally and physically for becoming wielders of astras, or implements of the gods. These combatants are capable of taking on multiple enemies at once by guiding their blades in broad, slashing attacks. Warriors of this school are said to look as though they are dancing as they fight, adapting to their opponent’s attack with a grace and ferocity that is both mesmerizing and terrifying
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Skills: Defense, Swordsmanship (Countr as Kenjutsu), Intimidation, Perform: Dance, Athletics, Courtesy (Counts as Etiquette), Any 1 skill
- Integrity (Counts as Honor):4.5
- Outfit: two sword (3k2), ashigaru armor, sturdy clothes, traveling pack, 5 koku (equivalent)
- Rank 1: -
You do not suffer off-hand penalties for having a sword in your off hand. When you are in Defense or Full defense, you may add your ranks of Perform: Dance to your armor TN. Once per skirmish, when you successfully hit an opponent when you have a sword in both hands, you may instead spend a void point to hit (using the same attack roll vs their armored TN) all opponents (within reach), dividing your damage roll equally between them.