Fortunist Monk Order [Monk]
Fortunist monks revere and worship the Fortunes, a multitude of divine spirits ranging from the most powerful—Lady Sun and Lord Moon—to the Seven Great Fortunes who each embody an important aspect of humanity, to the myriad kami that exist in all things. This is a fundamentally outward-looking philosophy focused on understanding the surrounding world. These monks cannot see or hear the kami the way the shugenja of the samurai caste can, but they devote their lives to understanding and serving them. Although they lack access to the secret lore of the shugenja families, a monk who earns the favor of a Fortune may find that kami heed their prayers and requests, answering them with powerful elemental effects.
- A monk’s Traits all begin at 2, just like any other character. Fortunists Monks begin with a +1 to any non-Void ring Trait.
- In addition to the benefits of their School, monk characters begin the game knowing three Kiho. They must meet all prerequisites in order to use these Kiho, however. Brotherhood monk characters gain 2 new Kiho each time they advance in School Rank.
- In addition to the Kiho listed above, a monk character may purchase additional Kiho by spending a number of Experience Points equal to the Kiho’s Mastery Level. These are essentially ‘bonus Kiho,’ and a character may never know more of these than his cumulative School Rank in all Monk Schools.
- Monks possess Glory 0 and Status 0. A monk’s Status may increase normally but gains only half the normal amount of Glory, since they eschew fame.
- All monks begin with the following outfit: Bo (or pair of jo), coarse and plain Traveling Clothing, a Scroll Satchel with prayers to the Fortunes, and 2 zeni.
The adherents of Kaimetsu-uo, the founder of the Mantis Clan, have a considerably different view of that heroic individual than the samurai who belong to the Clan he founded. They believe Kaimetsu-uo performed legendary deeds because he wanted to avoid the destruction that would have come if he had stayed and contested the claim to the Crab Clan’s leadership. The monks of the Temple of Kaimetsu-uo believe enlightenment comes from conciliation and peace with others.
Technique: The Path of Purity
- Devotion: Fortunist
- Benefit: +1 Willpower
- Honor: 4.5
- Skills: Defense, Jiujutsu, Lore: Theology (Fortunes), Meditation, any three Skills
Your soul dwells in a place of wisdom and serenity, and your ire is difficult to arouse under any circumstances. When making a Contested Social Skill Roll initiated by your opponent, you may use any Ring in place of the normal Trait used (typically Awareness) for the purposes of that roll.
Perhaps the most militant of all Brotherhood sects, the Temple of Osano-Wo stands apart from the other Fortunist orders because of its extraordinary focus on physical prowess and martial arts. Adherents believe enlightenment comes with hard work and physical exertion, and a well-trained body leads to a well-trained mind and soul. Monks of this order are notorious for ritually scarring their skin to mark the progress of their training, giving them an alarming appearance.
Technique: The Hand of Thunder
- Devotion: Fortunist
- Benefit: +1 Strength
- Honor: 4.5
- Skills: Battle, Jiujutsu 2, Lore: Theology (Fortunes), Meditation, any two Bugei Skills
The emphasis of the Thunderer’s monks on the purity of unarmed combat is obvious to all who encounter them. You gain a +0k1 bonus to all damage rolls stemming from unarmed attacks. This effect is cumulative with any other effects that allow you to roll or keep additional dice on unarmed damage.
Rokugan is a devout Empire filled with thousands of shrines and monasteries across the land. The Temples of the Thousand Fortunes are as diverse as the gods they revere. It is almost impossible to categorize all of the monks Temples of the Thousand Fortunes as one group, but most believe they must work diligently to prove worthy of enlightenment.
Technique: The Thousand Forms
- Devotion: Fortunist
- Benefit: +1 Agility
- Honor: 4.5
- Skills: Jiujutsu, Lore: History, Lore: Theology (Fortunes), any one Lore Skill, Meditation, any two Skills
There is no limit to the variety of blessings bestowed upon the loyal members of the Brotherhood by their divine patrons. You begin the game knowing four Kiho, rather than the normal three possessed by all Brotherhood monk characters. These do not count against the additional Kiho you can purchase with Experience Points (which you may do as normal).
Shinseist Monk Order [Monk]
Shinseist monks are devotees of the teachings of Shinsei, “the Little Teacher,” an enigmatic holy man who appeared to help guide the Kami and the people of Rokugan through the turbulent times at the dawn of the Empire. Shinseism is more inward looking than Fortunism, seeking Enlightenment from within. Shinsei taught that all came from the Void and all returns to the Void—that the divisions between the elements, and all things, are illusory. Monks who truly accept these truths can overcome the limitations of these illusions, utilizing the Elements to create seemingly supernatural effects. In truth, so a Shinseist Monk believes, to be one with the universe in this way is the most natural thing in the world.
- A monk’s Traits all begin at 2, just like any other character. Shinseist Monks begin with a Void of 3.
- In addition to the benefits of their School, monk characters begin the game knowing three Kiho. They must meet all prerequisites in order to use these Kiho, however. Brotherhood monk characters gain 2 new Kiho each time they advance in School Rank.
- In addition to the Kiho listed above, a monk character may purchase additional Kiho by spending a number of Experience Points equal to the Kiho’s Mastery Level. These are essentially ‘bonus Kiho,’ and a character may never know more of these than his cumulative School Rank in all Monk Schools.
- Monks possess Glory 0 and Status 0. A monk’s Status may increase normally but gains only half the normal amount of Glory, since they eschew fame.
- All monks begin with the following outfit: Bo (or pair of jo), coarse and plain Traveling Clothing, a Scroll Satchel with passages from the Tao, and 2 zeni.
When you select this "Family", pick one of the following schools:
Many sects believe that monks must retreat into seclusion to achieve harmony with the elements. The monks of the Four Temples sect know that man is a social creature and it is in his nature to interact with others. The Four Temples monks believe they must maintain a strong connection with civilization to unravel the mysteries of the world. The Four Temples monks remain in direct contact with the political heart of the Empire – indeed, one of its biggest monasteries lies within the Imperial capital. Four Temple monks may become advisors to major generals or daimyo, or they may travel the road, helping the unfortunate who cross their path.
Technique: Soul of Civility
- Devotion: Shintao
- Benefit: +1 Awareness
- Honor: 6.5
- Skills: Courtier, Etiquette, Jiujutsu, Lore: Theology (Shintao), Meditation, any two Skills
Brothers of the Four Temples are accustomed to interacting with extremely important visitors and receiving invitations to influential courts. When you spend a Void Point to augment a High Skill Roll or a Social Skill Roll, you gain +2k2 instead of the normal +1k1
A small sect that is not well known among those outside the Brotherhood, the monks of the Order of Heroes are among the most proactive sects in Rokugan. Adherents are followers of the Tao, the Thunder Dragon, and the Fortune Goemon (the Fortune of Heroes). They believe the potential for greatness exists within the soul of all men. With the proper encouragement, any samurai can become a hero of legend to inspire and teach others. The Order actively seeks out threats and problems that exist within the Empire, and then seeks out individuals who possess the proper talents to deal with the matter conclusively. In this way the Order has quietly assisted in the births of hundreds of heroes and legends, tales remembered in plays and novels throughout history. The Order remains all but unknown, however, since adherents consider it vital perform their duties without ever drawing attention to themselves.
Technique: Destiny’s Hand
- Devotion: Shintao
- Benefit: +1 Perception
- Honor: 4.5
- Skills: Athletics, Defense, Jiujutsu, Lore: Theology (pick an Emphasis), Meditation, any two Skills
The Order’s esoteric methods allow for the passage of chi from a monk to another without difficulty. You may spend a Void Point as a Free Action to confer a bonus of +1k1 to any one roll this round by an ally who has not yet taken his Turn. You may not enhance a roll that cannot normally benefit from Void Points (such as a damage roll, for instance).
When Rokugan desperately called for heroes to defeat the threat of the dark god Fu Leng, seven mortals sacrificed everything to save their Empire. The monks of the Shrine of the Seven Thunders honor these heroes by dedicating their entire lives to enlightenment through contemplation and tranquility. These monks rarely leave the monastery, choosing instead to become one with their environment.
Technique: Walk with the Prophet
- Devotion: Shintao
- Benefi t: +1 Stamina
- Honor: 4.5
- Skills: Athletics, Jiujutsu, Lore: Theology (Shintao), Lore (pick one), Meditation, any two Skills
Brothers of this shrine emphasize training in one element over all others. All three of your initial Kiho must be selected from the same element. Your Insight Rank is considered one higher for the purposes of meeting the Mastery Level of Kiho from this element.