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The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 8:55 am
by Bayushi Jiro
Something of a tradition of the pbp games: the categorizing of characters based on the bios. This will become more useful as the population grows over the next month.

Otomo Nobuko: 16
Asako Saburo: 15
Bayushi Jiro: 15
Kakita Kenji: 15
Ikoma Mikazuki: 15
Isawa Tanshin: 15
Iuchi Prashant: 15
Kitsune Setsuna: 15
Mirumoto Masuyo: 15
Seppun Suzuran: 15
Akodo Yui: 14
Asako Sanzo: 14
Bayushi Kaidan: 14
Ikoma Shizuru: 14
Kaiu Aiichiro: 14
Kitsuki Kimoi: 14
Kitsuki Shara: 14
Kokyou: 14
Kuni Yotsuo: 14
Moto Ichiro: 14
Togashi Minashigo: 14
Toritaka Sasaiko: 14
Utaku Nesrin: 14
Yasuki Ginkarasu: 14
Yogo Otoko: 14
Zashi: 14
Doji Sakura: 13
Kaito Haruki: 13
Kitsu Akio: 13
Mai: 13
Miya Wyn: 13
Togashi Dao: 13
Utaku Ichiro: 13

Moto Ichiro: 5'10
Yogo Otoko: 5'10
Iuchi Prashant: 5'7
Bayushi Jiro: 5'6
Bayushi Kaidan: 5'6
Kokyou: 5'6
Seppun Suzuran: 5'6
Utaku Ichiro: 5'5
Utaku Nesrin: 5'5
Kaito Haruki: 5'4
Kaito Kai: 5'4
Kaiu Aiichiro: 5'4
Kakita Kenji: 5'4
Mai: 5'4
Ikoma Shizuru: 5'3
Kitsune Setsuna: 162 cm [5'3]
Otomo Nobuko: 5'3
Yasuki Ginkarasu: 5'3
Asako Saburo: 5'2
Kitsu Akio: 5'2
Togashi Dao: 5'2
Togashi Minashigo: 5'2
Asako Sanzo: 5'1
Isawa Tanshin: 5'1
Toritaka Sasaiko: 5'1
Ikoma Mikazuki: 5'0
Kitsuki Kimoi: 5'0
Mirumoto Masuyo: 5'0
Miya Wyn: 4'10
Akodo Yui: 4'9
Kuni Yotsuo: 4'8
Zashi: 4'8
Doji Sakura: 4'7

Togashi Dao: Slightly Overweight
Kaito Haruki: Buff and Lean
Moto Ichiro: Muscular Athletic
Miya Wyn: Lean, Athletic
Toritaka Sasaiko: Solid
Togashi Minashigo: Lean, Athletic
Utaku Ichiro: Lithely Athletic
Asako Saburo: Athletic and Slight
Kokyou: Athletic, Slender
Kaiu Aiichiro: Somewhat Athletic
Akodo Yui: Tomboyish
Seppun Suzuran: Stolid, but Graceful
Yasuki Ginkarasu: Wiry
Bayushi Kaidan: Cute
Utaku Nesrin: Healthy
Asako Sanzo: Average
Ikoma Mikazuki: Average
Kaito Kai: Average
Kakita Kenji: Average
Kitsune Setsuna: Slim
Kitsu Akio: Thin
Otomo Nobuko: Thin
Yogo Otoko: Thin
Iuchi Prashant: Willowy, but Resilient
Isawa Tanshin: Slight, but Strong
Doji Sakura: Lithe
Mirumoto Masuyo: Lithe
Kuni Yotsuo: Willowy
Bayushi Jiro: Slender
Ikoma Shizuru: Svelte
Zashi: Petite
Kitsuki Shara: Skinny, Gangly
Kitsuki Kimoi: A Bit Underweight

Asako Saburo: Black
Asako Sanzo: Black
Bayushi Jiro: Black
Bayushi Kaidan: Black
Ikoma Mikazuki: Black
Ikoma Shizuru: Black
Isawa Tanshin: Black
Kaito Kai: Black
Kaiu Aiichiro: Black
Kuni Yotsuo: Black
Kokyou: Short, Black
Mai: Black
Otomo Nobuko: Black
Togashi Dao: Black Curls
Togashi Minashigo: Black
Toritaka Sasaiko: Black
Utaku Ichiro: Black
Utaku Nesrin: Black
Yasuki Ginkarasu: Black
Yogo Otoko: Black
Iuchi Prashant: Dark Brown
Kitsuki Shara: Dark Brown
Mirumoto Masuyo: Dark Brown
Miya Wyn: Dark Brown
Kakita Kenji: Brown
Moto Ichiro: Brown
Seppun Suzuran: Brown
Kitsuki Kimoi: Light Brown
Zashi: Red
Akodo Yui: Blonde
Kitsu Akio: Blond
Kitsune Setsuna: Silver
Doji Sakura: White
Kaito Haruki: White

Kaiu Aiichiro: Black
Yasuki Ginkarasu: Deep Brown
Iuchi Prashant: Dark Brown
Kitsuki Shara: Dark Brown
Toritaka Sasaiko: Dark
Asako Sanzo: Brown
Bayushi Jiro: Brown
Ikoma Mikazuki: Brown
Ikoma Shizuru: Brown
Isawa Tanshin: Brown
Kaito Kai: Brown
Kakita Kenji: Brown
Mai: Brown
Mirumoto Masuyo: Brown
Miya Wyn: Brown
Moto Ichiro: Brown
Togashi Dao: Brown
Utaku Nesrin: Wide and also Brown
Yogo Otoko: Brown
Otomo Nobuko: Golden Brown
Kuni Yotsuo: Amber
Akodo Yui: Golden
Kitsu Akio: Golden
Seppun Suzuran: Golden
Asako Saburo: Jaundiced Yellow
Kitsune Setsuna: Incarnadine
Utaku Ichiro: Hazel
Kaito Haruki: Dark Blue
Doji Sakura: Blue
Kokyou: Blue
Bayushi Kaidan: Bluish-grey
Togashi Minashigo: Grey
Zashi: Grey

When I grow up, I'm gonna be a(n)...

Doji Sakura
Iuchi Prashant
Kaiu Aiichiro (Engineer)
Miya Wyn
Otomo Nobuko

Akodo Yui
Asako Sanzo
Bayushi Kaidan
Ikoma Mikazuki
Kaito Haruki
Kakita Kenji
Kitsuki Kimoi
Moto Ichiro
Seppun Suzuran
Togashi Minashigo
Utaku Ichiro
Utaku Nesrin
Yasuki Ginkarasu

Bayushi Jiro
Ikoma Shizuru
Kitsuki KImoi
Miya Wyn
Otomo Nobuko


Asako Saburo
Iuchi Prashant
Isawa Tanshin
Kitsu Akio
Kitsune Setsuna
Toritaka Sasaiko
Yogo Otoko

Ise Zumi
Kitsuki Shara
Mirumoto Masuyo
Togashi Dao

Kaito Monks *Tip of the Hat to Miya-sama for the elucidation*
Kaito Kai

Kuni Yotsuo

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 11:06 am
by Ikoma Shizuru
I changed my character's eyes to brown, meant to do it before I posted but I forgot to.

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 6:17 pm
by Doji Sakura
I'm the smolest and the youngest! Weeee

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:15 am
by Miya Wyn
I just fixed my height, but I don't think I am in your database anyway.

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:40 am
by Bayushi Jiro
Updated through Zashi.

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:50 am
by Kaito Kai
Bayushi Jiro wrote:
Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:40 am
Updated through Zashi.
I'm missing from most of the demographic information. :(

*makes a note of this in onryou grudge book*

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:54 am
by Miya Wyn
He is also marking all the Kaito Monks as ??? which seems odd :)

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:55 am
by Bayushi Jiro
Correction: I thought I was updated. Let me fix that.

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:16 am
by Kaito Haruki
I am actually not a monk, but a bushi. Figured I should go ahead and address that now since we're starting in a matter of hours now.

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:18 am
by Bayushi Jiro

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:23 am
by Toritaka Sasaiko
*is missing*


Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:55 am
by Bayushi Jiro
Not sure what happened there. I entered your information before. Must not have clicked submit before exiting the window. Ah, well.

*drinks falcon tears*

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:22 am
by Mai
Mai has been left off the age bracket. She is 13.

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:10 pm
by Doji Sakura
Kuni Yotsuo: 4'8
Zashi: 4'8

Can these two grow an inch? :lol:

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:53 pm
by Soshi Shiso
Such a low blow. ;)

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:03 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Doji Sakura wrote:
Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:10 pm
Kuni Yotsuo: 4'8
Zashi: 4'8

Can these two grow an inch? :lol:
You could shrink one :D

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:13 am
by Doji Sakura

I could...

Do I really want to be the smollest that badly?

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:18 am
by Bayushi Jiro
I conceded that there might be large people, so I wasn't likely to be tallest at 5'6. But Prashant's 5'7 is galling.

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:53 am
by Kaiu Aiichiro
I'm in the top of the eye color chart! :lol:

Re: The Cast Stats Thread!

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:26 am
by Doji Sakura
Lowered my height by 1 inch. Sakura is smol