Final Character Sheets (New Winds Part 1 Players ONLY)

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Final Character Sheets (New Winds Part 1 Players ONLY)

Post by Vutall » Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:24 pm

Hello everyone, I am beginning to update your character sheets to the end of Day 10, in the post called Final Character Sheet and Math. Once you see a reply in that thread, you should double check to make sure everything is there.

Additionally, I will be posting in this thread how much each character earned, so I can determine the bonus XP you earn for participating in Part 1.
(* could change with school skill selection)

Note: This XP total also includes the starting 25, any bonus from disadvantages (Up to +5), and the +6 earned during game, as well as any other special XP awards (Such as Higher Purpose)

Asako Saburo:
Rings: 158, Skills: 91. Total: 249

Togashi Dao:
Rings: 174, Skills: 61. Total: 235

Moto Ichiro:
Rings: 146, Skills: 79. Total: 225

Rings: 162, Skills: 63. Total: 225

Kaito Haruki:
Rings: 138, Skills: 81. Total: 219

Kuni Yatsuo:
Rings: 150, Skills: 59. Total: 209*

Matsu Qiang:
Rings: 138, Skills: 71. Total: 209

Asako Sanzo:
Rings: 152, Skills: 55. Total: 207

Kakita Kenji:
Rings: 134, Skills: 73. Total: 207

Iuchi Prashant
Rings: 134, Skills: 75. Total: 209

Miya Wyn:
Rings: 126, Skills: 77. Total: 203

Kaiu Aiichiro:
Rings: 142, Skills: 59. Total: 201

Rings: 146, Skills: 50. Total: 196

Utaku Ichiro:
Rings: 142, Skills: 53. Total: 195

Yasuki Ginkarasu:
Rings: 150, Skills: 39 Total: 189

Kaito Kai:
Rings: 106, Skills: 64. Total: 170

Isawa Tanshin:
Rings: 118, Skills: 42. Total: 160

Kakita Kazuko:
Rings: 98, Skills: 57. Total: 155

Rings: 122, Skills: 31. Total: 153

Bayushi Kaiden:
Rings: 106, Skills: 34. Total: 140

Doji Sakura:
Rings: 86, Skills: 49. Total: 135

Bayushi Jiro:
Rings: 78, Skills: 55. Total: 133

Otomo Nobuko:
Rings: 72, Skills: 58. Total: 130

Soshi Shiso:
Rings: 74, Skills: 56. Total: 130*

Utaku Nesrin:
Rings: 64, Skills: 63. Total: 127

Toritaka Sasiko:
Rings: 70, Skills: 54. Total: 124

Yogo Otoko:
Rings: 68, Skills: 35. Total: 103*
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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Re: Final Character Sheets

Post by Vutall » Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:12 pm

Character will gain the following BONUS XP at the end of D10 They may only use the XP in the Ring category to increase Traits/Void, and may only use the XP in the Skills category to increase/purchase skills or emphasis's. Any unused XP may be stored, but may only be used to purchase the category the XP was granted in.

To double check my math:
Highest Ring XP: 174-Ring XP you earned in the post above=Bonus Ring XP
Highest Skill XP: 91-Skill XP you earned in the post above=Bonus Skill/Emphasis XP

In total, when you take your Total XP from the post above and add the bonus ring and skill xp from this post, you should have a total of 265

Asako Saburo:
Rings: 16, Skills: 0.

Togashi Dao:
Rings: 0, Skills: 30.

Moto Ichiro:
Rings: 28, Skills: 12.

Rings: 12, Skills: 28

Kaito Haruki:
Rings: 36, Skills: 10

Kuni Yatsuo:
Rings: 24, Skills: 32

Matsu Qiang:
Rings: 36, Skills: 20

Asako Sanzo:
Rings: 22, Skills: 36

Kakita Kenji:
Rings: 40, Skills: 18

Iuchi Prashant
40 Rings, 16 Skills

Miya Wyn:
Rings: 48, Skills: 14

Kaiu Aiichiro:
Rings: 32, Skills: 32

Utaku Ichiro:
Rings: 32, Skills: 38

Rings: 28, Skills: 41

Yasuki Ginkarasu:
Rings: 24, Skills: 52

Kaito Kai:
Rings: 68, Skills: 27

Isawa Tanshin:
Rings: 56, Skills: 49

Kakita Kazuko:
Rings: 76, Skills: 35

Rings: 52, Skills: 60

Bayushi Kaiden:
Rings: 68, Skills: 57

Doji Sakura:
Rings: 88, Skills: 42

Bayushi Jiro:
Rings: 96, Skills: 36

Otomo Nobuko:
Rings: 102, Skills: 33

Soshi Shiso:
Rings: 88, Skills: 34

Utaku Nesrin:
Rings: 110, Skills: 28

Toritaka Sasiko:
Rings: 104, Skills: 37

Yogo Otoko:
Awaiting Final Character Sheet Updates (See your Private Forum)
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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Re: Final Character Sheets

Post by Vutall » Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:58 pm

Please post your purchases with these in your private forums.


I will look them over and say approved or not, then update your sheet.

THEN you may use that sheet to create your Part 2 character, following the part 2 character creation here: viewtopic.php?f=222&t=1052#p14005

I want you to EMAIL me your part 2 character. Also make sure you use the new character sheet template (Including all the text for bonds, ,aster abilities, advantages and the like), or it will be rejected:

Template here: viewtopic.php?f=222&t=1052#p14011
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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