Daily Combat Training
After warming up with the morning Kata, your Sensei pair you off with a trained Imperial ashigaru for combat training. They walk about the parade grounds, observing each fighting pair and taking notes, rarely commenting on anyone's form, but instead allowing each of you to show what you have learned over the past years at your own dojo as well as anything you may have picked up from your time here with them.
This is a repeatable event, and will happen over multiple days. Each day, you must select a Ring to use, at which point, you may not use that ring again for this event. Players should make a note in their Personal Forum with a topic called "Daily Combat Training " and note which days they used each ring.
Only characters with the Bushi, Monk, or Shinobi school tags may enter this event
In order to complete the training, you must do the following:
Select a ring to use (Not including Void), not using the same ring you have already selected before for this event.
Then, make a Meditation/Void check at TN6. If you succeed, you gain that ring as a bonus to your rolls for this event.
You may only be in a stance for the duration of this thread that corresponds to the ring you chose. They are as follows:
Air: Defense
Earth: Full Defense
Fire: Attack
Water: Full Attack
Your opponent will select the opposite stance of you, meaning
Attack will be met with Defense
Full Attack will be met with Full Defense
Defense will be met with Attack
Full Defense will be met with Full Attack
You will conduct combat over the course of 6 rounds. You will use the Physical trait of the ring you selected for all Attack and Defense rolls. Damage uses Strength, regardless of what Ring you selected. No maneuvers are allowed and you are always within 5ft of your opponent. You may not grapple, and you may not move out of combat. At the End of a round, you may bow to your opponent to end your event progress. If you are ever Down or worse, your opponent immediately ends the event and you claim your rewards.
Your opponent has an initiative of 2k1, a TN of 7 in defense, and 5+2k1 divided by 2 in full defense, an attack of 4k1 in attack, 6k2 in full attack, and a damage of 2k1. They will always keep the lowest damage dice. Their wound block is as follows:
0-10: Healthy
11-14: +3
15-18 +5
18-22: +10
23-26: +15
27-30 +20
31-34: Down
35-38: Out
39: Dead.
You will face a fresh opponent each event, starting with no wounds.
You are allowed to select any weapon you choose, but they are either wooden or dulled, and thus have a damage of 0k1. When rolling damage, you may select the lowest dice. If you bring your opponent to Down or worse, you will be docked 5 Dojo points, as well as suffer an honor loss equal to a Minor Breach of Etiquette. Additionally, you will lose 0.1 glory. If you have no glory, you will instead gain this as infamy.
Characters who have the following Disadvantages MUST select their highest damage dice: Brash, Cursed by the Realm: Toshigoku
Offensive Rewards:Defensive Rewards:
- -For every strike you land, you gain +1 Dojo Point.
- -If you land three strikes with the same weapon, you permanently gain +1 in the weapon skill you used. You may only gain this reward once per weapon skill.
- -If you manage to land three strikes with wound penalties, you gain the Strength of the Earth advantage. (Note: You will not have wound penalties unless you go into the event with them)
- -You may chose to switch to a different weapon at the start of each round, excluding any bows. If you are able to land a strike with three different weapon skills, you gain the Crab Hands advantage.
- -If you ever deal 15 or more damage from an Unarmed attack, you gain the Hands of Stone Advantage
- -If you have an attack roll explode twice, you gain the Great Potential advantage for that skill.
Other Rewards:
- -For every strike you defend (your opponent misses you), you gain +1 Dojo Point.
- -If you defend against three strikes, you permanently gain +1 Defense. You may only gain this reward once.
Special: On the final iteration of this event, if you have any combination of passing 3 rolls or having your opponent miss on three attacks in 3 of the 4 events (So either you passed at least 3 rolls in both your offense and had your opponent miss you 3 times in 1 defense, or passed at least 3 rolls in one offence and had your opponent miss you 3 times in both your defense, you gain the Bishamon's Blessing Advantage
- -If your initiative is 10 points or more higher than your opponent, you gain the Quick advantage. Void used to increase your initiative does not count for this.
- -At the end of the event (either after 6 rounds, or whenever you bow to your opponent to end it early), if you are not at the Down or Out wound rank, you gain a permanent +1 to the Mental and Physical Traits associated with the ring you selected. You may only gain this reward once per Trait.