Event: Extra Credit
- Kaiu Aiichiro
- Posts: 1770
- Joined: Sun May 17, 2020 10:27 pm
Re: Event: Extra Credit
Battle was a close one — they gave him a hard situation, but he managed to plan around it in a satisfactory, although not perfect, way. Jiujitsu was easier with all the training he got there, but still he had to use almost all his physical prowess. Now it was time for the subjects he didn't know yet. Supposedly.
"Pavarre? That's really far. It's across the Sea of Amaterasu, the one that coast the Crane shores and Shiro Shiba. In the fifth century they traded with the Empire, until empress Hantei Yugozohime-sama ended from day to night our trade agreement with them. This was the cause of the Battle of the White Stag, as they attacked Rokugan, although the emperor was brutally assassinated by those impure gaijin. As well, their language has those crude and rudimentary drawings that represent sounds." The influence of the tengu cloak made him associate this with that... thanks, Iuchi-san! "They eat meat and fish, although usually fish, and have a lot of strange traditions. One of them is to pick wooden or leather masks and paint them almost like... tengu! But with green and yellow too."
"About ghosts... Those are the soul of dead Rokugani which still hasn't ended their time in Ningen-do, or the realms as a whole. They are susceptible to the three sacred substances, yes, and a plucked bowstring can banish them. As well, there is a superstition on my lands that say that if you whistle at night, one will kidnap you. But it is told to scare children, isn't it?" The instructor gave no response, just made a hand signal for him to continue.
"About the Rokugani nature... It is greatly diverse, as righteous for the land chosen by the kami! We have the important forests of Shinomen Mori, which is said to have ghostly influence, Kitsune Mori, filled of foxes, Mori Isawa, the Holy Eye of the Needle and Hayashi no Uragirimono. The animals which predate each another can be organized in a food web, with degrees to each predator. Those webs tend to end at the third or fourth predator, as..." The instructor have him a hand signal to move on.
"The spirit realms are nine!" Thanks, Yotsuo-san. How did he even remember that? It can't be that cloak... "Meido is where spirits wait to be judged by Emma-O; Tengoku is the home for the Fortunes, Lady Sun, Lord Moon; Chikusudo is near Ningen-do and home to animal spirits; Sakkaku the realm for trickster spirits. Chikusudo is very well connected cosmologically, it overlaps frequently with Ningen-do and Sakkaku. Gaki-do is for those who lived dishonorably, Toshigoku is for those who died in senseless battles or with vengeance on their hearts. Yume-do is the realms of dreams, everyone travels there when we sleep, although it is maleable and for that we remember few. Yomi is the house of honored ancestors, those who completed the kharmic weel and earned the right to be there. Jigoku is the realm of pure evil. Fu Leng was imprisomned here, and it spawns countless oni beyong count, such as..." The instructor, quite uncomfortable, gave him a hand signal to move on.
"The elements are four, of couse. Air is the element of riddles and grace, Earth the element of stability and endurance, Water the element of flexibility, Fire is..." ...Not the best, cloak. You are making me think this but I'm not saying this. "...the one of power and invention. Void unites them all." He knows he was simply satisfactory.
He managed to run a long trail, like those they had when training at his dojo, but longer even if he had to make loops. He hoped that this did not distract from the next two ones, a calligraphy test for reading for a long time — he read a lot of books before, of course that was easy — and one to dodge land obstacles. Now, it was time for the subjects he was supposed to know best.
"Shugenja are the ones who talk with all spirits. The elemental kami, kitsune, the ancestors, all of those at their will-" The instructor gave him a signal to move on. He knew that trying to say too much would lead to that one time, so he started to get more conservative with his words. "Nezumi are our undoubted greatest allies against the Shadowlands, ratfolk who are protected against the taint. They have their own language and in the past were mindless, only to gain consciousness and mount their own society. They organize themselves in tribes and have poor memory. Also, they have a culture of ancestors just like us, although theirs go to Yume-do, and really fear Tomorrow."
"Architecture..." He closes his eyes for a bit, trying to concentrate, feeling as if his fire was consuming him from inside before opening them again. "All structures start with an engawa, which is sustended the wooden posts, which in turn are sustended over half-buried stones surrounded by a special mass. A row of uprights runs long the inside of the engawa, and the shoji sliding screens run between these." He takes a breath.
"Shoji are dividor frames of wood or bamboo and translucent sheet of paper tensioned with water. The shoji frame, koshi, is assembled with interlocking laths called kumiko. When there is no need for light transmission, fusuma is used. Unless reinforced at least three times, shoji are very weak and can't easily resist a blow of some sort." This was mildly important, he remember from his lessons, when building things for important people.
"Stone must be avoided when designing houses and temples, although it is great for all other purposes." The instructor frowned and almost made a gesture, until a sensei he didn't see turned his head in disapproval, and he stopped. This is true for the Crab. ""Posts and lintels support a large roof, which needs to be very visually impressive. Eaves are extended to cover too the engawa. The roof is composed of kawara, which are very heavy." And if necessary could be used as an improvised weapon, but they didn't need to hear that.
"Things get more impressive when you move outside houses, though." He smiled slightly, moving to his subject of interest, now that the instructor stopped asking about houses. "Temples, watchtowers, castles and walls." Kaiu. "Have exhorbitant use of stone for when there is a great need they too be defensive fortresses. The greater structures are often filled with hidden rooms and tunnels for availability in case of an attack." He looked to the instructor, indecisive if he should deepen on what is specific for the Crab. Sensei back home always said that the knowledge of the Kaiu was a cherished secret to be kept for those who really needed it. He takes a breather again.
""Temples, like I said before, should mostly use wood. Specifically wood from trees considered sacred. Usually they are made of a main hall that may or not be divided with various shoji according to necessity. Temples almost always try to merge their architecture in the nature." He looks at his watter bottle, taking a sip before still continuing.
""Yagura are very common in castle compounds. They need to have ease of access to arrows and material to feed the engines if they are present." He added, remembering that most rokugani didn't use engines at all. "They need to be reinforced with stone, imperatively, and are built in calculated spacements to maximize efficiency, garrisons usually near important inhabited spaces so soldiers may be called quickly."
"Castles are something else entirely. There are Kyuden, which are by nature very large and usually serving as the headquarters for clan champions and very important daimyo. The classification is given out based if it could hold an imperial court. Then there are Shiro, which are still military fortification frequently found near dangerous borders, having expansive storehouses in the event of a siege. The last category is Yashiki, smallest of them all, very smaller than Kyuden and Shiro, and usually lacking some of the defensive features, such as Yasuki Yashiki."
"Important and complex structures mostly always were projected by the Kaiu." The instructor frowns. The sensei still nodded to let Aiichiro continue "Examples should list the legendary tomb of Fu Leng, built by Kaiu Gineza, Kyuden Bayushi's labyrinth, the Great Wall and, of course, Rokugan Yogasha Shiro. The entire Otosan Uchi inner districts are also priceless sacred pieces of art and superior to all others." He added, not wanting to be branded a heretic or something like that. Imperial buildings should always receive more importance in comparison to anything else.
The instructor, finally, and honestly impressed, told him this time verbally. "Please move on to religious matters."
"The reverence of our ancestors is extremely important. As, in the Celestial Wheel, we advance as our souls are shaped in more perfect forms, we must honor those who came before, for the spirits of Yomi oversee us." He listened to the next question. "The great Fortunes are seven: Benten, of romantic love, Bishamon, of strength, Daikoku, of wealth, Ebisu, of honest work, Fukurokujin, of wisdom, Hotei, of contentment and Jurojin, of longevity."
Later the books were again brought apart and he prepared himself to the more cerimonialistic rites. It first started with trying to read the future based on sticks, but the Kaiu only thought on the coincidence for them to be organized and balanced in the way they were thrown. He managed to repeat the steps of the Tea Cerimony pretty well, and meditation was something he has been training so far — his posture and expression were adequated.
It was again time to go back to the lore studies, now those pertaining to Gaijin regions. He felt that they were increasing on difficulty slowly over time, trying to give him more obscure history details he shouldn't know about. "The Ivory Kingdoms are in the other side of the Shadowlands, in a sense. Their government consist of smaller principalities and their language is called Ivindi. On smaller principalities, it is quite of a mess, as they are not united as our Clans. But the Yodha are the warriors who defend the ocidental world from the touch of Fu Leng."
"The Burning Sands is the name given to the area west of Rokugan, frontier with the Unicorn and where they roamed for about seven centuries. It is a scorched open plain, full of dust storms and scorching heat, and gaijin civilizations and water alike are rare to be found there. The sorcerers of this land are known as sahir, and practice name magic like the Nezumi, which suggests some kind of bond between them and the Nezumi, although I haven't researched it yet."
What... did he just say on a test? He was pretty sure it was the cloak, nudging him towards research and curiosity. This thing could be good, then, in a sense. And he... He honestly liked the feeling of unbalanced fire within him. But he knows that he must too be vigilant. The one too strong on fire thinks he is many people at once.
Next subject was nevertheless Yobanjin. "Oh, aren't those the white Unicorn? Not the family, like, the special elit. Well, then-" The instructor made a gesture for him to stop with a hand and for the second time spoke, again in their muffed way as if they feared words unbound from their tongue. "No, child." Aiichiro started to be able to read him. Talking was his signal of respect. The Kaiu got up from the futon and bowed in respect, the instructor bowing back, before leaving the room without staying to see how others would perform — he needed to pray, still.
D9 Dog ~ Battle/Perception w 2 raises - Void + Force of Honor: TN 30: 10d10o10k4 30
D9 Dog ~ Jiujitsu/Agility w 1 raise - Hida Bonus +10: TN 25: 4d10o10k3+10 30
Following rolls are all Intelligence. Forgot to mark, sorry.
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Pavarre - TN 20: 5d10 38
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Ghosts - TN 20: 5d10 29
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Nature - TN 20: 5d10 26
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Spirit Realms - TN 20: 5d10 38
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Elements - TN 20: 5d10 24
D9 Dog ~ Athletics/Stamina + void - TN 20: 5d10o10k3 Dice kept: [9, 8, 3], 7, 7 resulting in 20
D9 Dog ~ Calligraphy/Willpower - TN 20: 5d10o10k3 26 (two explosions)
D9 Dog ~ Defense/Agility - TN 20: 5d10o10k3 Dice kept: [8, 8, 4], 5, 1 resulting in 20
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Shugenja/Intelligence w 2 raises - TN 30: 6d10o10k5 26 [1st FAIL]
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Nezumi/Intelligence w 2 raises - TN 30: 6d10o10k5 48 - Exceptional success
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Architecture w 3 raises - TN 35: 7d10o10k5 72 (four explosions) - 3 Exceptional successes
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Theology/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 31
D9 Dog ~ Divination/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 18 [2nd FAIL]
D9 Dog ~ Tea Cerimony/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 32
D9 Dog ~ Meditation/Void - TN 20: 5d10o10k3 22
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Ivory Kingdoms/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 32
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Burning Sands/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 23
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Yobanjin/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 19 [3rd FAIL]
Even results:
+1 Perception
+1 Stamina
+1 Agility
+1 Calligraphy
+1 Lore: Architecture
+29 DP
"Pavarre? That's really far. It's across the Sea of Amaterasu, the one that coast the Crane shores and Shiro Shiba. In the fifth century they traded with the Empire, until empress Hantei Yugozohime-sama ended from day to night our trade agreement with them. This was the cause of the Battle of the White Stag, as they attacked Rokugan, although the emperor was brutally assassinated by those impure gaijin. As well, their language has those crude and rudimentary drawings that represent sounds." The influence of the tengu cloak made him associate this with that... thanks, Iuchi-san! "They eat meat and fish, although usually fish, and have a lot of strange traditions. One of them is to pick wooden or leather masks and paint them almost like... tengu! But with green and yellow too."
"About ghosts... Those are the soul of dead Rokugani which still hasn't ended their time in Ningen-do, or the realms as a whole. They are susceptible to the three sacred substances, yes, and a plucked bowstring can banish them. As well, there is a superstition on my lands that say that if you whistle at night, one will kidnap you. But it is told to scare children, isn't it?" The instructor gave no response, just made a hand signal for him to continue.
"About the Rokugani nature... It is greatly diverse, as righteous for the land chosen by the kami! We have the important forests of Shinomen Mori, which is said to have ghostly influence, Kitsune Mori, filled of foxes, Mori Isawa, the Holy Eye of the Needle and Hayashi no Uragirimono. The animals which predate each another can be organized in a food web, with degrees to each predator. Those webs tend to end at the third or fourth predator, as..." The instructor have him a hand signal to move on.
"The spirit realms are nine!" Thanks, Yotsuo-san. How did he even remember that? It can't be that cloak... "Meido is where spirits wait to be judged by Emma-O; Tengoku is the home for the Fortunes, Lady Sun, Lord Moon; Chikusudo is near Ningen-do and home to animal spirits; Sakkaku the realm for trickster spirits. Chikusudo is very well connected cosmologically, it overlaps frequently with Ningen-do and Sakkaku. Gaki-do is for those who lived dishonorably, Toshigoku is for those who died in senseless battles or with vengeance on their hearts. Yume-do is the realms of dreams, everyone travels there when we sleep, although it is maleable and for that we remember few. Yomi is the house of honored ancestors, those who completed the kharmic weel and earned the right to be there. Jigoku is the realm of pure evil. Fu Leng was imprisomned here, and it spawns countless oni beyong count, such as..." The instructor, quite uncomfortable, gave him a hand signal to move on.
"The elements are four, of couse. Air is the element of riddles and grace, Earth the element of stability and endurance, Water the element of flexibility, Fire is..." ...Not the best, cloak. You are making me think this but I'm not saying this. "...the one of power and invention. Void unites them all." He knows he was simply satisfactory.
He managed to run a long trail, like those they had when training at his dojo, but longer even if he had to make loops. He hoped that this did not distract from the next two ones, a calligraphy test for reading for a long time — he read a lot of books before, of course that was easy — and one to dodge land obstacles. Now, it was time for the subjects he was supposed to know best.
"Shugenja are the ones who talk with all spirits. The elemental kami, kitsune, the ancestors, all of those at their will-" The instructor gave him a signal to move on. He knew that trying to say too much would lead to that one time, so he started to get more conservative with his words. "Nezumi are our undoubted greatest allies against the Shadowlands, ratfolk who are protected against the taint. They have their own language and in the past were mindless, only to gain consciousness and mount their own society. They organize themselves in tribes and have poor memory. Also, they have a culture of ancestors just like us, although theirs go to Yume-do, and really fear Tomorrow."
"Architecture..." He closes his eyes for a bit, trying to concentrate, feeling as if his fire was consuming him from inside before opening them again. "All structures start with an engawa, which is sustended the wooden posts, which in turn are sustended over half-buried stones surrounded by a special mass. A row of uprights runs long the inside of the engawa, and the shoji sliding screens run between these." He takes a breath.
"Shoji are dividor frames of wood or bamboo and translucent sheet of paper tensioned with water. The shoji frame, koshi, is assembled with interlocking laths called kumiko. When there is no need for light transmission, fusuma is used. Unless reinforced at least three times, shoji are very weak and can't easily resist a blow of some sort." This was mildly important, he remember from his lessons, when building things for important people.
"Stone must be avoided when designing houses and temples, although it is great for all other purposes." The instructor frowned and almost made a gesture, until a sensei he didn't see turned his head in disapproval, and he stopped. This is true for the Crab. ""Posts and lintels support a large roof, which needs to be very visually impressive. Eaves are extended to cover too the engawa. The roof is composed of kawara, which are very heavy." And if necessary could be used as an improvised weapon, but they didn't need to hear that.
"Things get more impressive when you move outside houses, though." He smiled slightly, moving to his subject of interest, now that the instructor stopped asking about houses. "Temples, watchtowers, castles and walls." Kaiu. "Have exhorbitant use of stone for when there is a great need they too be defensive fortresses. The greater structures are often filled with hidden rooms and tunnels for availability in case of an attack." He looked to the instructor, indecisive if he should deepen on what is specific for the Crab. Sensei back home always said that the knowledge of the Kaiu was a cherished secret to be kept for those who really needed it. He takes a breather again.
""Temples, like I said before, should mostly use wood. Specifically wood from trees considered sacred. Usually they are made of a main hall that may or not be divided with various shoji according to necessity. Temples almost always try to merge their architecture in the nature." He looks at his watter bottle, taking a sip before still continuing.
""Yagura are very common in castle compounds. They need to have ease of access to arrows and material to feed the engines if they are present." He added, remembering that most rokugani didn't use engines at all. "They need to be reinforced with stone, imperatively, and are built in calculated spacements to maximize efficiency, garrisons usually near important inhabited spaces so soldiers may be called quickly."
"Castles are something else entirely. There are Kyuden, which are by nature very large and usually serving as the headquarters for clan champions and very important daimyo. The classification is given out based if it could hold an imperial court. Then there are Shiro, which are still military fortification frequently found near dangerous borders, having expansive storehouses in the event of a siege. The last category is Yashiki, smallest of them all, very smaller than Kyuden and Shiro, and usually lacking some of the defensive features, such as Yasuki Yashiki."
"Important and complex structures mostly always were projected by the Kaiu." The instructor frowns. The sensei still nodded to let Aiichiro continue "Examples should list the legendary tomb of Fu Leng, built by Kaiu Gineza, Kyuden Bayushi's labyrinth, the Great Wall and, of course, Rokugan Yogasha Shiro. The entire Otosan Uchi inner districts are also priceless sacred pieces of art and superior to all others." He added, not wanting to be branded a heretic or something like that. Imperial buildings should always receive more importance in comparison to anything else.
The instructor, finally, and honestly impressed, told him this time verbally. "Please move on to religious matters."
"The reverence of our ancestors is extremely important. As, in the Celestial Wheel, we advance as our souls are shaped in more perfect forms, we must honor those who came before, for the spirits of Yomi oversee us." He listened to the next question. "The great Fortunes are seven: Benten, of romantic love, Bishamon, of strength, Daikoku, of wealth, Ebisu, of honest work, Fukurokujin, of wisdom, Hotei, of contentment and Jurojin, of longevity."
Later the books were again brought apart and he prepared himself to the more cerimonialistic rites. It first started with trying to read the future based on sticks, but the Kaiu only thought on the coincidence for them to be organized and balanced in the way they were thrown. He managed to repeat the steps of the Tea Cerimony pretty well, and meditation was something he has been training so far — his posture and expression were adequated.
It was again time to go back to the lore studies, now those pertaining to Gaijin regions. He felt that they were increasing on difficulty slowly over time, trying to give him more obscure history details he shouldn't know about. "The Ivory Kingdoms are in the other side of the Shadowlands, in a sense. Their government consist of smaller principalities and their language is called Ivindi. On smaller principalities, it is quite of a mess, as they are not united as our Clans. But the Yodha are the warriors who defend the ocidental world from the touch of Fu Leng."
"The Burning Sands is the name given to the area west of Rokugan, frontier with the Unicorn and where they roamed for about seven centuries. It is a scorched open plain, full of dust storms and scorching heat, and gaijin civilizations and water alike are rare to be found there. The sorcerers of this land are known as sahir, and practice name magic like the Nezumi, which suggests some kind of bond between them and the Nezumi, although I haven't researched it yet."
What... did he just say on a test? He was pretty sure it was the cloak, nudging him towards research and curiosity. This thing could be good, then, in a sense. And he... He honestly liked the feeling of unbalanced fire within him. But he knows that he must too be vigilant. The one too strong on fire thinks he is many people at once.
Next subject was nevertheless Yobanjin. "Oh, aren't those the white Unicorn? Not the family, like, the special elit. Well, then-" The instructor made a gesture for him to stop with a hand and for the second time spoke, again in their muffed way as if they feared words unbound from their tongue. "No, child." Aiichiro started to be able to read him. Talking was his signal of respect. The Kaiu got up from the futon and bowed in respect, the instructor bowing back, before leaving the room without staying to see how others would perform — he needed to pray, still.
D9 Dog ~ Battle/Perception w 2 raises - Void + Force of Honor: TN 30: 10d10o10k4 30
D9 Dog ~ Jiujitsu/Agility w 1 raise - Hida Bonus +10: TN 25: 4d10o10k3+10 30
Following rolls are all Intelligence. Forgot to mark, sorry.
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Pavarre - TN 20: 5d10 38
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Ghosts - TN 20: 5d10 29
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Nature - TN 20: 5d10 26
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Spirit Realms - TN 20: 5d10 38
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Elements - TN 20: 5d10 24
D9 Dog ~ Athletics/Stamina + void - TN 20: 5d10o10k3 Dice kept: [9, 8, 3], 7, 7 resulting in 20
D9 Dog ~ Calligraphy/Willpower - TN 20: 5d10o10k3 26 (two explosions)
D9 Dog ~ Defense/Agility - TN 20: 5d10o10k3 Dice kept: [8, 8, 4], 5, 1 resulting in 20
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Shugenja/Intelligence w 2 raises - TN 30: 6d10o10k5 26 [1st FAIL]
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Nezumi/Intelligence w 2 raises - TN 30: 6d10o10k5 48 - Exceptional success
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Architecture w 3 raises - TN 35: 7d10o10k5 72 (four explosions) - 3 Exceptional successes
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Theology/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 31
D9 Dog ~ Divination/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 18 [2nd FAIL]
D9 Dog ~ Tea Cerimony/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 32
D9 Dog ~ Meditation/Void - TN 20: 5d10o10k3 22
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Ivory Kingdoms/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 32
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Burning Sands/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 23
D9 Dog ~ Lore: Yobanjin/Intelligence - TN 20: 5d10 19 [3rd FAIL]
Even results:
+1 Perception
+1 Stamina
+1 Agility
+1 Calligraphy
+1 Lore: Architecture
+29 DP
Last edited by Kaiu Aiichiro on Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
◘ Crab Clan ♦ Bushi/Artisan ♦ Profile ♦ Journal ♦ UTC -4 ♦ Rolls List ◘ Status | 2.0 ♦ Glory | 3.5 ♦ Topaz Points | 208
Health › Healthy (15) ♦ Honor › What is expected.
Carry › Sturdy clothing, sandals, haori, finger of jade, war fans, water bottle, fan, coin bag, 1 koku and 10 zeni.
Mons › Back: Crab Clan | Left shoulder: Kaiu | Right chest: Personal mon
Health › Healthy (15) ♦ Honor › What is expected.
Carry › Sturdy clothing, sandals, haori, finger of jade, war fans, water bottle, fan, coin bag, 1 koku and 10 zeni.
Mons › Back: Crab Clan | Left shoulder: Kaiu | Right chest: Personal mon
- Utaku Nesrin
- Posts: 709
- Joined: Fri May 29, 2020 1:52 pm
Re: Event: Extra Credit
Things were not off to a promising start when her bow string snapped. And while the subsequent tests went mostly ok, they were definitely more difficult than previous challenges. Eventually, sheer fatigue began to fog her perception and speech and she realized that there was little use in continuing to court frustration.
Kyujutsu / Reflexes Add honor 6: 13 fail. 8 dice at 4 or less, I see how it is Orokos
Athletics (Running) / Stamina 23 +1 DP
Courtier / Stamina [ur=https://orokos.com/roll/827309l]24[/url] +1 DP
Forgot to set manually to avoid 2 explosions. only 1 happened so still within the disadvantage.
poor copy/paste left 'Athletics' at the beginning. Correct info after that and correct dice
Defense / Stamina 36 exceptional success for FR +2 DP
poor copy/paste left 'Athletics' at the beginning. Correct info after that and correct dice
Etiquette / Willpower 10, 8, 8, 3, 8 Reroll=8
so 18, 8, 8, 3, 8 = 18+8+8 = 34 exceptional success for FR +2 DP
poor copy/paste left 'Athletics' at the beginning. Correct info after that and correct dice
Battle / Perception 20 +1 DP
Calligraphy / Willpower 22 +1 DP
Investigation / Perception 12 Failure point #2
Sincerity / Awareness 8,5,9,7,8 17 Failure point #3
Total: 8 dojo points
Kyujutsu / Reflexes Add honor 6: 13 fail. 8 dice at 4 or less, I see how it is Orokos
Athletics (Running) / Stamina 23 +1 DP
Courtier / Stamina [ur=https://orokos.com/roll/827309l]24[/url] +1 DP
Forgot to set manually to avoid 2 explosions. only 1 happened so still within the disadvantage.
poor copy/paste left 'Athletics' at the beginning. Correct info after that and correct dice
Defense / Stamina 36 exceptional success for FR +2 DP
poor copy/paste left 'Athletics' at the beginning. Correct info after that and correct dice
Etiquette / Willpower 10, 8, 8, 3, 8 Reroll=8
so 18, 8, 8, 3, 8 = 18+8+8 = 34 exceptional success for FR +2 DP
poor copy/paste left 'Athletics' at the beginning. Correct info after that and correct dice
Battle / Perception 20 +1 DP
Calligraphy / Willpower 22 +1 DP
Investigation / Perception 12 Failure point #2
Sincerity / Awareness 8,5,9,7,8 17 Failure point #3
Total: 8 dojo points
Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Battle Maiden * Honest and Fair * Hard to pronounce name
Honor: A Soul Above Question * Status: 1 * Glory: 3
"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself home" -Bashō
Speaking Tegensai
Honor: A Soul Above Question * Status: 1 * Glory: 3
"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself home" -Bashō
Speaking Tegensai
Re: Event: Extra Credit
Extra credit? That didn’t sound like the mischievous redhead, but something seems to have lit a fire under the Fox. Sadly, it seemed that not a lot of the lessons that he did well in before seemed to sink in, and Zashi finds himself struggling at the things he once aced
D9 Dog: Meditation/Void-TN 20: 5d10o10k4 36 Pass, exceptional success for Raise (+2) Points
D9 Dog: Kyujutsu/Void, VP spent for 1k1, 1 raise, TN 25: 6d10o10k5 20 Fail (1 failure point)
D9 Dog: Divination/Void-1 raise, VP spent, TN 25: 6d10o10k5 29 +2 Points
D9 Dog: Tea Ceremony/Void-Tn 20: 4d10 36 Pass, raise from Exceptional success +2 points
D9 Dog: Sincerity/Awareness, 1 raise for 1k1, VP spent-TN 25: 6d10o10k3 24 Fail #2
Day 9 Dog, Defense/Reflexes-TN 20: 4d10o10k3 19 Fail 3
+6 Dojo Points
D9 Dog: Meditation/Void-TN 20: 5d10o10k4 36 Pass, exceptional success for Raise (+2) Points
D9 Dog: Kyujutsu/Void, VP spent for 1k1, 1 raise, TN 25: 6d10o10k5 20 Fail (1 failure point)
D9 Dog: Divination/Void-1 raise, VP spent, TN 25: 6d10o10k5 29 +2 Points
D9 Dog: Tea Ceremony/Void-Tn 20: 4d10 36 Pass, raise from Exceptional success +2 points
D9 Dog: Sincerity/Awareness, 1 raise for 1k1, VP spent-TN 25: 6d10o10k3 24 Fail #2
Day 9 Dog, Defense/Reflexes-TN 20: 4d10o10k3 19 Fail 3
+6 Dojo Points
Fox Clan | Shugenja | Smol | Quirky AF
"I may run and hide, but I'll never tell a lie."
Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 2.7| Status: 1.0 | Topaz Points:
"I may run and hide, but I'll never tell a lie."
Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 2.7| Status: 1.0 | Topaz Points:
- Bayushi Kaidan
- Posts: 868
- Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:35 pm
Re: Event: Extra Credit
Well, he had to try this but really seemed more like self sabotage than just getting the attention of anyone. Kaidan tried to get better but his state of mind wasn't really there.
D9 Dog Kyujutsu PER 1void for 1k1 TN 20: 5d10o10k3 16 1 failure
D9 Dog Sincerity AWA 1 void +1k1 TN 20: 5d10o10k4 19 2 failure
D9 Dog Lore Spirit realms INT last void +1k1: 5d10o10k4 34 passed keeping 8,2,7,3 +1 DP +1 int
D9 Dog Defense AGI TN 20: 4d10o10k3 20 passed +1 DP +1AGI
D9 Dog Battle AWA TN 20: 4d10o10k3 6 3 failed
+2 DP +1 Fire
D9 Dog Kyujutsu PER 1void for 1k1 TN 20: 5d10o10k3 16 1 failure
D9 Dog Sincerity AWA 1 void +1k1 TN 20: 5d10o10k4 19 2 failure
D9 Dog Lore Spirit realms INT last void +1k1: 5d10o10k4 34 passed keeping 8,2,7,3 +1 DP +1 int
D9 Dog Defense AGI TN 20: 4d10o10k3 20 passed +1 DP +1AGI
D9 Dog Battle AWA TN 20: 4d10o10k3 6 3 failed
+2 DP +1 Fire
Chosen Name: Bayushi Gakihiro
♦ Scorpion ♦ Bushi ♦ Androgenous ♦Hated by Ghosts ♦Hates Frogs ♦Random Samurai #46 ☆Insensitive ☆Wanderer ☆Silent ☆Dr. Antidote ☆Experienced 1
Only wears the Scorpion Mon
Honor: Untrustworthy Status: 1 Glory: 1
"I wear many mask, none is me"
♦ Scorpion ♦ Bushi ♦ Androgenous ♦Hated by Ghosts ♦Hates Frogs ♦Random Samurai #46 ☆Insensitive ☆Wanderer ☆Silent ☆Dr. Antidote ☆Experienced 1
Only wears the Scorpion Mon
Honor: Untrustworthy Status: 1 Glory: 1
"I wear many mask, none is me"
- Yogo Otoko
- Posts: 484
- Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:37 am
Re: Event: Extra Credit
Well, she tried.
Story of her time at the dojo really. She did what she could, took her lumps, and departed.
Athletics (Running)/Stamina, TN 20, 4k3 = 22 (Pass)
Jiujutsu (Martial Arts)/Agility, TN 20, Hida support, 4k3 = 37 (Pass, Exceptional)
Lore: Theology/Perception, TN 20, 5k3 = 31 (Pass, Exceptional)
Lore: Spirit Realms/Intelligence, TN 20, 4k3 = 16 (Fail 1)
Lore: Ghosts/Intelligence, TN 20, 4k3 = 16 (Fail 2)
Etiquette/Willpower, TN 20, 4k3 = 27 (Pass)
Defense/Stamina, TN 20, 4k3 = 10 (Fail 3)
+6 DP
Story of her time at the dojo really. She did what she could, took her lumps, and departed.
Athletics (Running)/Stamina, TN 20, 4k3 = 22 (Pass)
Jiujutsu (Martial Arts)/Agility, TN 20, Hida support, 4k3 = 37 (Pass, Exceptional)
Lore: Theology/Perception, TN 20, 5k3 = 31 (Pass, Exceptional)
Lore: Spirit Realms/Intelligence, TN 20, 4k3 = 16 (Fail 1)
Lore: Ghosts/Intelligence, TN 20, 4k3 = 16 (Fail 2)
Etiquette/Willpower, TN 20, 4k3 = 27 (Pass)
Defense/Stamina, TN 20, 4k3 = 10 (Fail 3)
+6 DP
Scorpion Clan + Shugenja + Cursed + Distant + Unicorn Trained + Haunted
Glory: 0.5 | Honor: Expected | Status: 0.5 | DP: 18
Theme Tune
Glory: 0.5 | Honor: Expected | Status: 0.5 | DP: 18
Theme Tune
Re: Event: Extra Credit
Wyn enters the field, today he is dressed in his full imperial court kimono for the first time in a week. He seems focused and prepared for the final tests, with an air of serenity about him.
He gives a knowing nod in the direction of Iuchi-san and after spending the last bit of time watching the other competitors, he begins by bowing low to the judges he begins with a series of quite accurate Kata, they are extremly controlled and measured and follows up with a display of Archery and Horsemanship.
As he moves on to his court skills, he falters somewhat surprisingly in the demonstration of manners of all things, but continues strong, moving on to more scholarly pursuits of Battle, Calligraphy, Hunting, and Theology.
Then suddenly, for no apparent reason he just stops, bowing again to the judges and leaves the field.
D9 Dog EC Training TN20, Def/Ref, +10 Hida 1 R TN25: 7d10o10k4+10 41
(2 DP keeping 6,5,4,2=27/25)
D9 Dog EC Training TN20,+10 Hida, Void, Athletics/Str - DD: 7d10o10k3+10 48
(1 DP, Keeping 7,2,1=20/20 +1 Strength) +1 Athletics
D9 Dog EC Training TN20,+10 Hida, Jiu/Agil: 6d10o10k3+10 32
(1 DP keeping 5,5,2=21/20)
D9 Dog EC Training TN20, Void, Horse/Ref: 5d10o10k4 20
1 DP
D9 Dog EC Training TN20, Kyu/Ref: 6d10o10k4 57
(2 DP Keeping 12,11,7,2=32/20) +1 Kyujitsu
D9 Dog EC Training TN20,Sin/Aware: 6d10o10k3 47
(1 DP Keeping 8,8,5=21/20) +1 Sincerity
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Eti/Will Void: 6d10o10k3 18
First Failure
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Court/Stam: 6d10o10k3 23
1 DP
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Calligraphy/Aware: 5d10o10k3 22
1 DP
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Battle/Perc: 5d10o10k3 23
1 DP
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Hunt/Aware: 5d10o10k3 21
1 DP
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Theo/per: 5d10o10k3 31
2 DP
+14 DP, +1 Strength, +1 Athletics, +1 Kyujitsu, +1 Sincerity - Sorry Realized I forgot to bring the skill/stat bumps down to the summery
He gives a knowing nod in the direction of Iuchi-san and after spending the last bit of time watching the other competitors, he begins by bowing low to the judges he begins with a series of quite accurate Kata, they are extremly controlled and measured and follows up with a display of Archery and Horsemanship.
As he moves on to his court skills, he falters somewhat surprisingly in the demonstration of manners of all things, but continues strong, moving on to more scholarly pursuits of Battle, Calligraphy, Hunting, and Theology.
Then suddenly, for no apparent reason he just stops, bowing again to the judges and leaves the field.
D9 Dog EC Training TN20, Def/Ref, +10 Hida 1 R TN25: 7d10o10k4+10 41
(2 DP keeping 6,5,4,2=27/25)
D9 Dog EC Training TN20,+10 Hida, Void, Athletics/Str - DD: 7d10o10k3+10 48
(1 DP, Keeping 7,2,1=20/20 +1 Strength) +1 Athletics
D9 Dog EC Training TN20,+10 Hida, Jiu/Agil: 6d10o10k3+10 32
(1 DP keeping 5,5,2=21/20)
D9 Dog EC Training TN20, Void, Horse/Ref: 5d10o10k4 20
1 DP
D9 Dog EC Training TN20, Kyu/Ref: 6d10o10k4 57
(2 DP Keeping 12,11,7,2=32/20) +1 Kyujitsu
D9 Dog EC Training TN20,Sin/Aware: 6d10o10k3 47
(1 DP Keeping 8,8,5=21/20) +1 Sincerity
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Eti/Will Void: 6d10o10k3 18
First Failure
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Court/Stam: 6d10o10k3 23
1 DP
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Calligraphy/Aware: 5d10o10k3 22
1 DP
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Battle/Perc: 5d10o10k3 23
1 DP
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Hunt/Aware: 5d10o10k3 21
1 DP
D9 dog EC Training Tn 20 Theo/per: 5d10o10k3 31
2 DP
+14 DP, +1 Strength, +1 Athletics, +1 Kyujitsu, +1 Sincerity - Sorry Realized I forgot to bring the skill/stat bumps down to the summery
Last edited by Miya Wyn on Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Imperial Family * Artisan * Courtier * Benton's Blessing * Short * Idealistic * Prodigy
Dojo Points: 104 | Status 1.5 | Glory 6.0 | Honor: Above Question | Topaz Points: 166
Equipment: Kimono, Ink Brush Kit, Journal, Several Scrolls
Dojo Points: 104 | Status 1.5 | Glory 6.0 | Honor: Above Question | Topaz Points: 166
Equipment: Kimono, Ink Brush Kit, Journal, Several Scrolls
- Iuchi Prashant
- Posts: 888
- Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:13 am
Re: Event: Extra Credit
This had been an important day. Prashant had done well, if not outstandingly so... and he and his colleagues had received some very important information on something dangerous and nefarious.
He had taken the time to focus before gathering with the others for this last show of skill. He felt unsure for a moment, but then just let go. He had done very well so far. In fact... everyone had given it their all. They had all done well - Agasha-dono had said so herself.
This was just a chance to show what they had learned - and a chance for those who hadn't shone so far to do so.
He walked around the training grounds for some time before starting himself, observing his colleagues, a warm, happy smile on his face. This had been a challenge, a great chance to learn... and also - despite the frightening surprise two days before - an enjoyable experience. He had got to know students from all over the Empire, as he expected... and he felt he had developed a closer bond to his own Unicorn kin than he might have if he had stayed in his own lands. And even so, there were quite a few students he hadn't had much chance to know so well.
He looked at the lithe Miya boy, one of the few who also hadn't started their exercises. They had not shared so much time together in the Dojo as he had with others, and yet... yet here they were, looking at their colleagues perform this last challenge, and...
As the Miya nods towards him, his usual gentle smile sprouts in his lips.
He spens some more time walking silently, looking at everyone... and apparently meditating. Meditating on something.
"Pelaikne parksi...*"
"Taisa... auñento**"
He finally starts precisely with the lessons of the day that had frustrated him so much - unarmed fighting. He hoped today, by doing his best, he could take his learning futher today... and show his capabilities in a way he couldn't during the first lesson on Jujutsu. During training, he had done a perfect kick, but he couldn't keep up with the grappling exercises. Today he would just have to manage a similarly skillful kick.
He failed. Spectacularly.
Perhaps it was the pressure he put on himself. Perhaps he just completely missed his timing and the control of his strength. Perhaps he was so focused on balance he lost all sense of it. In any case, what should have been a quick step forward followed by a high kick became the start of a backflip instead... its end being his butt hitting the ground squarely with a thud.
So much for a good start.
He got up from the blunder as graceously as the situation allowed - which is to say, not that much. He almost considering trying again - he was so sure he could do better than that! - but in the end he bowed to the bushi Sensei, and moved aside, closer to the Kitsuki, and sat down to meditate again.
Once more, he easily manages to find his centre, and restore some balance. Hopefully.
Maybe things could go better from there....
As he gets up again, he runs some laps around the yard, keeping a good pace for some time until the sensei told him that was enough.
Then finding the group of courtier Sensei, he deploys another long, but eloquent argument - this time about how learning at least the basics of some Gaijin cultures and languages might be a benefit to many samurai students.
Walking to the Akodo sensei, he repeats the lesson on how to withstand blows, and does so remarkably, standing unflinching despite well-placed blows to his arms, legs, and even one to his head.
He then proceeds to the Shugenja and Monks, and sits down - again in the Lotus position - to prepare for tests on more intellectual pursuits.
The first question, asked by Himeya-sensei, is on theological matters. And this time, his performance is indeed outstanding. His long hours reading, studying and meditating on the Tao, his lessons here, the odd pieces of knowledge he has on the strange Shinseist-like religion of the Tegensai people, and his acumen to understand, find connections and interesting comparisons on all of those matters draws the attention of the monks and the Sensei, and are met with their recognition in no uncertain terms.
His answers on appropriate battle strategies for different situations were appropriate, but when he came to writing down ancient texts, he lost some of his attention, looking at what others of his colleagues were doing... and ended up writing some of the kanji wrong.
Feeling more tired than frustrated - as he feels he could have done that in other circumstances, he starts what might be a long batch of questions on different subjects with one that is, in fact, very familiar to him, in more ways than one - the Burning Sands. And his knowledge of them is, indeed, remarkable - he recounts not only a variety of details from the Tegensai in the Pillars of the Sky, which he knows particularly well, but also of the lands surrounding them and even farther - the Ujik, the Ganzu along the Green River in the Hidden Valley, even the smaller peoples of the Emshaal and Ununzi on the banks of the Dead Lake... he continues enumerating peoples, landmarks and stories along the Sand Road, all the way to the Caliphate and the 'City of Books', Al-Zawira, in the Cradle of the World, and even mentions some things about peoples allegedly living beyond the Caliphate - Sogdians, Suhili, Bandar...
As he finally finishes his remarkable retelling of numerous stories and facts about the Burning Sands, he bows, looks once again at the others - most now already done - and sees as the Miya bows to the judges.
He bows low to the judges as well. "Sensei-sama, thank you for your patience", he says, smiling warmly, then bowing low again. "I ask for your permission to excuse myself from taking further tests".
After he gets up, he bows to the sensei again, nods to his closest colleagues as he crosses them, and leaves the field as well.
Day 9 Dog - Jujutsu (Martial Arts)/ Agility, 1 VP. TN 20: 6d10o10k3 7 - Fail 1/3 (seriously Orokos? 6 dice with a TOTAL SUM of 11? I see how it's gonna be...)
Day 9 Dog - Meditation/ Void. TN 20: 8d10o10k3 23 - 1 DP
Day 9 Dog - Athletics (Running)/ Stamina. TN 20: 6d10o10k4 24 - 1 DP
Day 9 Dog - Courtier/ Stamina. TN 20: 6d10o10k4 29 - 1 DP
Day 9 Dog - Defence/ Stamina, 1 VP. 2 Raises. TN 30: 8d10o10k5 32 - 3 DP
Day 9 Dog - Lore: Theology/ Intelligence, 1 VP. 2 Raises. TN 30: 8d10o10k5 51 - 2 Exceptional Raises, for a total of 4 Raises. 5 DP, +1 Lore: Theology
Day 9 Dog - Battle/ Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 28 - 1 DP
Day 9 Dog - Calligraphy/ Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 16 - Fail 2/3
Day 9 Dog - Lore: Burning Sands/ Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 65 - 3 Exceptional Raises (capped due to Void 3). 4 DP, +1 Lore: Burning Sands
+16 DP, +1 Lore: Theology, +1 Lore: Burning Sands. No Agi buff again
*Asking/searching for rightfulness/balance...
**And thus...the start.
EDIT: Just adding quotes where speaking : )
He had taken the time to focus before gathering with the others for this last show of skill. He felt unsure for a moment, but then just let go. He had done very well so far. In fact... everyone had given it their all. They had all done well - Agasha-dono had said so herself.
This was just a chance to show what they had learned - and a chance for those who hadn't shone so far to do so.
He walked around the training grounds for some time before starting himself, observing his colleagues, a warm, happy smile on his face. This had been a challenge, a great chance to learn... and also - despite the frightening surprise two days before - an enjoyable experience. He had got to know students from all over the Empire, as he expected... and he felt he had developed a closer bond to his own Unicorn kin than he might have if he had stayed in his own lands. And even so, there were quite a few students he hadn't had much chance to know so well.
He looked at the lithe Miya boy, one of the few who also hadn't started their exercises. They had not shared so much time together in the Dojo as he had with others, and yet... yet here they were, looking at their colleagues perform this last challenge, and...
As the Miya nods towards him, his usual gentle smile sprouts in his lips.
He spens some more time walking silently, looking at everyone... and apparently meditating. Meditating on something.
"Pelaikne parksi...*"
"Taisa... auñento**"
He finally starts precisely with the lessons of the day that had frustrated him so much - unarmed fighting. He hoped today, by doing his best, he could take his learning futher today... and show his capabilities in a way he couldn't during the first lesson on Jujutsu. During training, he had done a perfect kick, but he couldn't keep up with the grappling exercises. Today he would just have to manage a similarly skillful kick.
He failed. Spectacularly.
Perhaps it was the pressure he put on himself. Perhaps he just completely missed his timing and the control of his strength. Perhaps he was so focused on balance he lost all sense of it. In any case, what should have been a quick step forward followed by a high kick became the start of a backflip instead... its end being his butt hitting the ground squarely with a thud.
So much for a good start.
He got up from the blunder as graceously as the situation allowed - which is to say, not that much. He almost considering trying again - he was so sure he could do better than that! - but in the end he bowed to the bushi Sensei, and moved aside, closer to the Kitsuki, and sat down to meditate again.
Once more, he easily manages to find his centre, and restore some balance. Hopefully.
Maybe things could go better from there....
As he gets up again, he runs some laps around the yard, keeping a good pace for some time until the sensei told him that was enough.
Then finding the group of courtier Sensei, he deploys another long, but eloquent argument - this time about how learning at least the basics of some Gaijin cultures and languages might be a benefit to many samurai students.
Walking to the Akodo sensei, he repeats the lesson on how to withstand blows, and does so remarkably, standing unflinching despite well-placed blows to his arms, legs, and even one to his head.
He then proceeds to the Shugenja and Monks, and sits down - again in the Lotus position - to prepare for tests on more intellectual pursuits.
The first question, asked by Himeya-sensei, is on theological matters. And this time, his performance is indeed outstanding. His long hours reading, studying and meditating on the Tao, his lessons here, the odd pieces of knowledge he has on the strange Shinseist-like religion of the Tegensai people, and his acumen to understand, find connections and interesting comparisons on all of those matters draws the attention of the monks and the Sensei, and are met with their recognition in no uncertain terms.
His answers on appropriate battle strategies for different situations were appropriate, but when he came to writing down ancient texts, he lost some of his attention, looking at what others of his colleagues were doing... and ended up writing some of the kanji wrong.
Feeling more tired than frustrated - as he feels he could have done that in other circumstances, he starts what might be a long batch of questions on different subjects with one that is, in fact, very familiar to him, in more ways than one - the Burning Sands. And his knowledge of them is, indeed, remarkable - he recounts not only a variety of details from the Tegensai in the Pillars of the Sky, which he knows particularly well, but also of the lands surrounding them and even farther - the Ujik, the Ganzu along the Green River in the Hidden Valley, even the smaller peoples of the Emshaal and Ununzi on the banks of the Dead Lake... he continues enumerating peoples, landmarks and stories along the Sand Road, all the way to the Caliphate and the 'City of Books', Al-Zawira, in the Cradle of the World, and even mentions some things about peoples allegedly living beyond the Caliphate - Sogdians, Suhili, Bandar...
As he finally finishes his remarkable retelling of numerous stories and facts about the Burning Sands, he bows, looks once again at the others - most now already done - and sees as the Miya bows to the judges.
He bows low to the judges as well. "Sensei-sama, thank you for your patience", he says, smiling warmly, then bowing low again. "I ask for your permission to excuse myself from taking further tests".
After he gets up, he bows to the sensei again, nods to his closest colleagues as he crosses them, and leaves the field as well.
Day 9 Dog - Jujutsu (Martial Arts)/ Agility, 1 VP. TN 20: 6d10o10k3 7 - Fail 1/3 (seriously Orokos? 6 dice with a TOTAL SUM of 11? I see how it's gonna be...)
Day 9 Dog - Meditation/ Void. TN 20: 8d10o10k3 23 - 1 DP
Day 9 Dog - Athletics (Running)/ Stamina. TN 20: 6d10o10k4 24 - 1 DP
Day 9 Dog - Courtier/ Stamina. TN 20: 6d10o10k4 29 - 1 DP
Day 9 Dog - Defence/ Stamina, 1 VP. 2 Raises. TN 30: 8d10o10k5 32 - 3 DP
Day 9 Dog - Lore: Theology/ Intelligence, 1 VP. 2 Raises. TN 30: 8d10o10k5 51 - 2 Exceptional Raises, for a total of 4 Raises. 5 DP, +1 Lore: Theology
Day 9 Dog - Battle/ Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 28 - 1 DP
Day 9 Dog - Calligraphy/ Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 16 - Fail 2/3
Day 9 Dog - Lore: Burning Sands/ Intelligence, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 65 - 3 Exceptional Raises (capped due to Void 3). 4 DP, +1 Lore: Burning Sands
+16 DP, +1 Lore: Theology, +1 Lore: Burning Sands. No Agi buff again

*Asking/searching for rightfulness/balance...
**And thus...the start.
EDIT: Just adding quotes where speaking : )
Adult name: Iuchi Prashstam
Unicorn Clan * Shugenja/Artisan * "Pu-ra-what?" * Ascetic * Friendly smile * Monk-y
Honor: Exceptional * Status:1 * Glory:2.9 * Infamy: 0.5 * Topaz Pt: 211 (End D5)
Items: Purple/gray robes, sandals, trinket satchel, copy of the Tao, stone with 'cup' kanji.
Description Pt2
Speaking in Tegensai
Speaking in Ujik
Unicorn Clan * Shugenja/Artisan * "Pu-ra-what?" * Ascetic * Friendly smile * Monk-y
Honor: Exceptional * Status:1 * Glory:2.9 * Infamy: 0.5 * Topaz Pt: 211 (End D5)
Items: Purple/gray robes, sandals, trinket satchel, copy of the Tao, stone with 'cup' kanji.
Description Pt2
Speaking in Tegensai
Speaking in Ujik
Re: Event: Extra Credit
This event closes in roughly 4 hours from this post.
Mai: + 33 Dojo Points, + 1 Athletics, + 1 Courtier, + 1 Kyujutsu, + 1 Intelligence
Utaku Ichiro: +26 Dojo Points, +1 Horsemanship, +1 Battle
Asako Saburo: +30 Dojo Points, +1 Strength, +1 Courtier, +1 Sincerity
Bayushi Jiro: +8 Dojo Points, +1 Kyujutsu
Yasuki Ginkarasu: +15 Dojo Points, +1 Void, +1 Courtier
Moto Ichiro: +18 Dojo Points, +1 Athletics, +1 Juiutsu, +1 Meditation
Kaito Haruki: +17 Dojo Points, +1 Reflexes, +1 Battle
Kakita Kazuko: No reward
Asako Sanzo: +26 Dojo Points
Doji Sakura: +4 Dojo Points
Kakita Kenji: +12 Dojo Points, +1 Defense, +1 Juijutsu
Kuni Yotsuo: +16 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms
Kokyou: +13 Dojo Points, +1 Reflexes
Otomo Nobuko: +16 Dojo Points, +1 Sincerity, +1 Agility
Soshi Shiso: +15 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Ghosts
Togashi Dao: +14 Dojo Points, +1 Kyujutsu, +1Juijutsu, +1 Battle
Toritaka Sasaiko: +9 Dojo Points, +1 Kyujutsu
Matsu Qiang: +23 Dojo Points, +1 Strength, +1 Battle, +1 Investigation, +1 Courtier
Isawa Tanshin: +6 Dojo Points
Kaiu Aiichiro: +29 Dojo Points, +1 Perception, +1 Stamina, +1 Agility, +1 Calligraphy, +1 Lore: Architecture
Utaku Nesrin: +8 Dojo Points
Zashi: +6 Dojo Points
Bayushi Kaidan: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Fire
Yogo Otoko: +6 Dojo Points
Miya Wyn: +14 Dojo Points
Iuchi Prashant: +16 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Theology, +1 Lore: Gaijin Cultures: Burning Sands
Kaito Kai: +16 Dojo Points, +1 Agility, +1 Jiujutsu, +1 Courtier, +1 Lore: Ghosts
Mai: + 33 Dojo Points, + 1 Athletics, + 1 Courtier, + 1 Kyujutsu, + 1 Intelligence
Utaku Ichiro: +26 Dojo Points, +1 Horsemanship, +1 Battle
Asako Saburo: +30 Dojo Points, +1 Strength, +1 Courtier, +1 Sincerity
Bayushi Jiro: +8 Dojo Points, +1 Kyujutsu
Yasuki Ginkarasu: +15 Dojo Points, +1 Void, +1 Courtier
Moto Ichiro: +18 Dojo Points, +1 Athletics, +1 Juiutsu, +1 Meditation
Kaito Haruki: +17 Dojo Points, +1 Reflexes, +1 Battle
Kakita Kazuko: No reward
Asako Sanzo: +26 Dojo Points
Doji Sakura: +4 Dojo Points
Kakita Kenji: +12 Dojo Points, +1 Defense, +1 Juijutsu
Kuni Yotsuo: +16 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms
Kokyou: +13 Dojo Points, +1 Reflexes
Otomo Nobuko: +16 Dojo Points, +1 Sincerity, +1 Agility
Soshi Shiso: +15 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Ghosts
Togashi Dao: +14 Dojo Points, +1 Kyujutsu, +1Juijutsu, +1 Battle
Toritaka Sasaiko: +9 Dojo Points, +1 Kyujutsu
Matsu Qiang: +23 Dojo Points, +1 Strength, +1 Battle, +1 Investigation, +1 Courtier
Isawa Tanshin: +6 Dojo Points
Kaiu Aiichiro: +29 Dojo Points, +1 Perception, +1 Stamina, +1 Agility, +1 Calligraphy, +1 Lore: Architecture
Utaku Nesrin: +8 Dojo Points
Zashi: +6 Dojo Points
Bayushi Kaidan: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Fire
Yogo Otoko: +6 Dojo Points
Miya Wyn: +14 Dojo Points
Iuchi Prashant: +16 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Theology, +1 Lore: Gaijin Cultures: Burning Sands
Kaito Kai: +16 Dojo Points, +1 Agility, +1 Jiujutsu, +1 Courtier, +1 Lore: Ghosts
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.
Re: Event: Extra Credit
Kai made up for some lost ground, though their cursory grasp of certain subjects they thought they knew let them down at the end.
A surprisingly mediocre performance from skills Kai had thought they had honed proficiency in dampened their spirits somewhat.
D9 Extra Credit - Defense/Agility, VP for 1k1, TN20: 4d10o10k3 34 1x Exceptional Roll
D9 Extra Credit - Jiujutsu/Strength, VP for 1k1, TN20: 4d10o10k3 43 2x Exceptional Roll
D9 Extra Credit - Courtier/Stamina, VP for 1k1, TN20: 4d10o10k3 50 3x Exceptional Roll
D9 Extra Credit - Divination/Void, TN20: 7d10o10k4 28
D9 Extra Credit - Kyujutsu/Void, TN20: 7d10o10k4 27
D9 Extra Credit - Meditation/Void, TN20: 9d10o10k4 22
D9 Extra Credit - Lore:Spirit Realms/Int, TN20: 6d10o10k3 18 Failure 1/3
D9 Extra Credit - Lore:Ghosts/Int AND Lore:Gaijin: Yobanjin/Int, TN20: 2#4d10o10k3 40 20 2x Exceptional Roll on Lore: Ghosts
D9 Extra Credit - Battle/Perc, TN20: 4d10o10k3 26
D9 Extra Credit - Calligraphy/Int, TN20: 4d10o10k3 15 Failure 2/3
D9 Extra Credit - Investigation/Per, TN20: 4d10o10k3 10 Failure 3/3
+1 Agility
+1 Jiujutsu
+1 Courtier
+1 Lore: Ghosts
+16 Dojo Points
A surprisingly mediocre performance from skills Kai had thought they had honed proficiency in dampened their spirits somewhat.
D9 Extra Credit - Defense/Agility, VP for 1k1, TN20: 4d10o10k3 34 1x Exceptional Roll
D9 Extra Credit - Jiujutsu/Strength, VP for 1k1, TN20: 4d10o10k3 43 2x Exceptional Roll
D9 Extra Credit - Courtier/Stamina, VP for 1k1, TN20: 4d10o10k3 50 3x Exceptional Roll
D9 Extra Credit - Divination/Void, TN20: 7d10o10k4 28
D9 Extra Credit - Kyujutsu/Void, TN20: 7d10o10k4 27
D9 Extra Credit - Meditation/Void, TN20: 9d10o10k4 22
D9 Extra Credit - Lore:Spirit Realms/Int, TN20: 6d10o10k3 18 Failure 1/3
D9 Extra Credit - Lore:Ghosts/Int AND Lore:Gaijin: Yobanjin/Int, TN20: 2#4d10o10k3 40 20 2x Exceptional Roll on Lore: Ghosts
D9 Extra Credit - Battle/Perc, TN20: 4d10o10k3 26
D9 Extra Credit - Calligraphy/Int, TN20: 4d10o10k3 15 Failure 2/3
D9 Extra Credit - Investigation/Per, TN20: 4d10o10k3 10 Failure 3/3
+1 Agility
+1 Jiujutsu
+1 Courtier
+1 Lore: Ghosts
+16 Dojo Points
Phoenix Clan • Miko (Monk) • Fortunate • Pacifist • For Something Greater • A Bit Odd
Honor: What Is Expected | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 2.6 | Topaz Points: 34
Gear: Priests Robes, Sandals, Fan, Divination Tools, Yumi
Honor: What Is Expected | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 2.6 | Topaz Points: 34
Gear: Priests Robes, Sandals, Fan, Divination Tools, Yumi