Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 6:09 am
Always open to hearing what our players think of things, so please post your (polite) critiques, feedback, and suggestions about stuff here!
Topaz Championship, 1123 in the FFG L5R Setting, Using AEGs 4th Edition Rules
Rank 1: Shikigami Creator
You may create Shikigami, which are small origami paper dolls. In order to do so, you must spend a spell slot and make a Craft:Shikigami/Intelligence roll with a TN of 20. A Shikigami has 1 in all skills and rings except Void. They have an Earth 1 for wounds (regardless of Earth ring), a TN of 10 (Regardless of Reflexes). and a damage of 1k1. They may wield Small weapons. You may spend additional spell slots to increase the ring of the Shikigami that matches the spell slot spent by +1. There is no limit to how many spell slots you can expend. Once created, Shikigami will do whatever you instruct them to do, but you must be within 100ft of them, or they die, leaving behind a simple paper doll. You may have a number of Shikigami equal to your School Rank. You not lose honor for using a Low skill. You gain a free raise on spells with the Illusion keyword.
Rank 1: Shikigami Creator
You may create Shikigami, which are small origami paper dolls. In order to do so, you must spend a spell slot and make a Craft:Shikigami/Intelligence roll with a TN of 20. A Shikigami has 1 in all skills and rings except Void. They have an Earth 1 for wounds (regardless of Earth ring), a TN of 10 (Regardless of Reflexes). and a damage of 1k1. They may wield Small weapons. You may spend additional spell slots (Except Void) to increase the ring of the Shikigami that matches the spell slot spent by +1. The limit to the number of spell slots you may expend in this manner is equal to your school rank per ring. Once created, Shikigami will do whatever you instruct them to do, but you must be within 100ft of them, or they die, leaving behind a simple paper doll. You may have a number of Shikigami equal to your School Rank. While you have Shikigami alive, you do not regain the spell slots used during its creation. You not lose honor for using a Low skill. You gain a free raise on spells with the Illusion keyword.
+All schools that have the [Monk] tag gain the ability to make Attacks as a Simple Action when they reach School Rank 3 when utilizing the following weapons: Unarmed, Improvised Weapons, Bo Staff, Jo Staff , Sang Kuaw, Three-Section Staff, Tonfa, Nunchaku, Bisento. When a character makes two Simple attacks in a turn, they must call two Raises for no further effect on their second attack or the attack will automatically fail.This does not apply to the Extra Attack Maneuver bonus attack.
Note: Kaito Shine Keepers add Yumi to the list of weapons above.
How would these interact?DANCE OF THE FLAMES
c Ring/Mastery: Fire 6
c Type: Martial
Filling one’s chi with the power of Fire has considerable effects on one’s speed as well as one’s temperament. While this Kiho is in effect, you may make unarmed attacks as a Simple Action rather than a Complex Action. You must make an unarmed attack against an opponent (rather than an ally or inanimate object) every Round while this Kiho is active, or its effects end immediately.
Okay, this has always bugged me. Honesty versus Investigation rolled like this is saying the more perceptive and trained in Investigation your character is, the more likely they are to (incorrectly) believe a character is lying.Contested Sincerity (Honesty) vs Investigation
If a player would NOT believe the story they are told, but the story is true, they would roll their Investigation against the players Sincerity (Honesty).
If Investigation wins, the character thinks it is a lie.
When I DM, if Honesty beats Investigation, the character finds it true and as alarming the speaker tries to make it look like. He gets the point across, even if it does not change their course of action. For example, Sachiko found an oni in the middle of the Crane winter count and is trying to convince the daimyo that this is real and because of this the dancing ballad should be called out IMMEDIATELY. The daimyo isolates the castle and call for the ballad to be made at a nearby manor, instead of canceling the dance.Seppun Suzuran wrote: ↑Sun May 24, 2020 11:45 pmOkay, this has always bugged me. Honesty versus Investigation rolled like this is saying the more perceptive and trained in Investigation your character is, the more likely they are to (incorrectly) believe a character is lying.Contested Sincerity (Honesty) vs Investigation
If a player would NOT believe the story they are told, but the story is true, they would roll their Investigation against the players Sincerity (Honesty).
If Investigation wins, the character thinks it is a lie.
I can think of a few alternatives, but wondering your take on it.
Special Note about Sincerity: The point of Sincerity is that it is something the character rolling it believes to be true. If I say the Sky is Red, when it is clearly blue, and I win the contested roll, people will think I believe the sky is Red, but still know that the Sky is blue.
Yeah, it's...odd. It also penalizes the person using Sincerity (Honesty) because the higher they roll, if a character didn't believe them at first, then the investigation roll will likely still show that they don't believe them because the Sincerity roll was high.Seppun Suzuran wrote: ↑Mon May 25, 2020 1:41 amThe only reason I bring it up is, as a GM, I never like it when a character feels penalized for being competent. And a higher Investigation/Perception making it more difficult to believe someone when they are actually telling the truth goes against that for me.
Contested Sincerity (Honesty) vs Sincerity (Honesty)
If two players are trying to same something they both think is true, the player with the higher roll in a contested roll between them would be believed more.
Contested Sincerity (Honesty) vs Sincerity (Deceit)
If one player is telling a truth and one player is telling a lie, the character with the higher roll in a contested roll is the more believable one.
Contested Investigation vs Sincerity (Honesty)
If you do not believe someone, you can roll investigation to see if they are being honest with you. Failure does not mean the Sincerity roll is not true, but more the Investigation roll not being able to get a good read on how they feel about it. The Sincerity roller can voluntarily fail this roll, letting the investigator see the truth of their statement.
--Note: If OOC a player wants to believe, they do not need to take into consideration the roll and can just accept that they are being told the truth, but remember to look at it through their characters eyes when making the consideration
Special Note about Sincerity: The point of Sincerity is that it is something the character rolling it believes to be true, not that is the actual truth. If I say the Sky is Red, when it is clearly blue, the roll is to have people will think I believe the sky is red, but still know that the Sky is blue.Contested Sincerity (Deceit) vs Investigation
If a player would NOT believe a story they are told, and the story is a lie, they would roll their Investigation against the players Sincerity (Deceit).
If Investigation wins, they know the character is lying.
If Sincerity wins, then the lie is thought to be true.