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Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:31 pm
by Vutall
Inside the dojo, a temporary wall has been constructed out of shoji screens. When the students enter, they are asked to go to the left if they are shugenja trained, and the right if they are not. On the left side, there are many instruments of divination tools, where on the right there are scrolls and books, as well as carved representations of different fortunes and Kami, as well as a makeshift shrine.
Sensei: Asako Himeya
-The rules for this event are as follows: You will need to the following checks, all at TN6.

Players who have the following Disadvantages have these TN's increased by +2: Disbeliever, Haunted, Momoku

Players who have the following advantages gain +1 to their rolls: Chosen by the Oracles, Enlightened, Inner Gift: Lesser Prophecy,

All Schools EXCEPT Shugenja must roll the following:
Lore: Theology / Stamina, to represent your ability to read through the dry text without getting bored
Lore: Theology / Perception to represent your ability to notice important bits of the text for everyday life
Lore: Theology / Intelligence to represent your ability to store the information learned and recite it well.

Shugenja must roll the following:
Divination / Void, to represent your ability to channel the divination
Divination / Perception to represent your ability to recognize the sign the divination tells you
Divination / Intelligence to represent your ability to properly interpret the divination.

Dual tagged schools can choose freely which set of rolls to make.

Special Rule: Non Shugenja Participating in the Divination rolls:
Convincing a Sensei you belong in a different group for instruction:

There are some students (Shinobi in particular) who may believe that an event would be required for them to know what is being taught despite not being the proper school tag to participate.

In this case, a student may attempt to persuade, or convince, the sensei running the event that you should participate. In order to do so, a student make first make a post in the event and attempt a Courtier (Manipulation) / Awareness roll at a TN of 8. Shinobi characters may add their ranks in Acting to this roll. If they succeed, they are able to participate in the event. On a failure, the sensei reprimands them for their arrogance and they lose 1 dojo point and are forced to participate in the event their school tag allows for.

--Gain +1 Dojo Point per passed roll
--Gain +1 to Lore: Theology or Divination (Shugenja Only) skill if pass a roll with that skill with a raise (may use exceptional roll rule free raise for this, even if you do not have the skill). You may only gain this reward once.
--Gain +6 Dojo Points if make raise on ALL rolls (may use exceptional roll rule free raise for this, even if you do not have the skill)
--Special: If you have two dice explode on Lore: Theology or Divination / Intelligence, Asako Himeya will become a temporary 1/1 Ally to be called on at some point during your stay to train you further.

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:16 pm
by Asako Saburo
Saburo politely asked to speak with Asako Himeya after arriving early for the session. With a calm, steady and measured voice, he expressed his concerns, that he wished to demonstrate his grasp of spiritual matters as a priest of the kami, and his devotion to the study of the fortunes, particularly for some reason Jurojin. He stated that he owed Jurojin proper thanks for the tests put before him in his life. When she had accepted his request, she directed him instead of to the left, to the right with the other students.

Privately, Saburo was grateful. He hated divination and had never really taken to its study, so being able to focus upon the study of theology really was a much more dear thing to himself. Now that he'd done that, he could home in on the task at hand. He showed little signs of tiring as he read the text, taking notes with a smile on his face. It was an old and somewhat familiar scroll about the fortune of longevity, though it was an older version which made the study fascinating. There were a few nuances that he picked up in particular that weren't present in the more recent editions that he'd read as a younger man, and when he began to elucidate on the topic, it was with enough clarity that Himeko took notice, nodding. Apparently his request had been a correct one. He certainly seemed to know the subject matter extremely well.

...funny that. The hypochondriac knew treatises and prayers to Jurojin well. Go figure.


Required Rolls:
Courtier/Awareness - Convincing Asako Himeya (TN 8): 20, Success (free raise from exceptional roll)

Stamina-Lore Theology w/ CR (TN 8): 29, Success (FR from exceptional roll for 2 raises)
Perception-Lore Theology w/ CR (TN 8): 8, Success (whew)
Intelligence-Lore Theology w/ CR (TN 8): 46, Success (FR from exceptional roll for 2 raises)

Net Result:
+3 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Theology, +1/1 Temporary Ally (Asako Himeko), +6 Dojo Points (+9 total)

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:56 pm
by Bayushi Jiro
Bayushi Jiro was a registered genius, even if Theology was not precisely his area of expertise (blasted shugenja wrote this curriculum, I just know it), but again this insistence on hours of study at a time was just tiresome. Jiro briefly considered rage-quitting the dojo and asking his father to arrange for the Scorpion clan's infamous problem solvers to wreak terrible vengeance on Asako Himeya, but reasoned that the response was perhaps too extreme for the situation. Instead, he began to recalculate his expectations for the Dojo and began to resign himself to the middle of the pack. Well, it was better than praying for his fellow students to perform as pathetically as he had done. He was above that, at least. Not above a little petty revenge-fantasy, though. He just knew better than to act on it, most of the time. Maybe he had learned something of Jizo that day...

Lore: Theology/Stamina, 1 raise=6Fail.
Lore: Theology/Perception=14 +1 Dojo Point
Lore: Theology/Intelligence, 1 raise=20 +1 Dojo Point.

+2 Dojo points. +1 Lore: Theology.

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:03 pm
by Yogo Otoko
Divination wasn't her thing. Her ancestor didn't help. Still, at least she didn't totally embarrass herself.

Divination/Void, TN 10, 2k1 = 6 (Fail)
Divination/Perception, TN 8, 2d10 = 17 (Success)
Divination/Intelligence, TN 8, 2d10 = 9 (Success)

+2 DP

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:12 pm
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki tends to handle long stretches of lore training with relative ease. He wanted to stop around the time he knew his sensei would be pleased, but a voice over his shoulder told him don't stop now boy, I need to know who my brothers reincarnated from. With that extra little bit of studying, he was able to connect the dots on several of modern day figures with their previous lives, thus granting him a little bit of insight on others he never even met. All it took now was to recite it as he was trained to do, fail on this task and his sensei would have hit him with a stave.

D6 Goat: Lore:Theology/Stamina: 3d10o10k2 12
Using Luck to reroll (GM's Permission to call raise on reroll)
LUCK IT! D6 Goat: Lore:Theology/Stamina, 1 Raise called (with GM's Permission): 3d10o10k2 17

D6 Goat: Lore:Theology/Perception, 1 raise called: 3d10o10k2 12
D6 Goat: Lore:Theology/Intelligence, 1 raise called, Void Point Used: 5d10o10k4 22

+9 dojo points
+1 Lore:Theology

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:21 pm
by Mai
Mai didn't know much about divination. That said, she proved to be pretty decent about it. Apparently, what little her sensei showed her worked.

D6 Goat: Divination/Void 1 Raise: 2d10 17

D6 Goat: Divination/Perception 1 Raise: 3d10 20

D6 Goat: Divination/Intelligence 1 Raise VOID for skill Honor Roll: 7d10o10k2 18

D6 Goat: Divination/Intelligence 1 Raise VOID for skill Honor Roll Luck!: 7d10o10k2 15


+ 9 Dojo Points
+ 1 Divination

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:26 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
Just as she had shown on their first day at the Dojo, Nobuko had been trained appropriately in theology for someone of her station. Growing up in Otasan Uchi and then spending years training with the Crane had ensured she was well prepared for general debates, as well as deeper understanding. And she didn't do too bad at reading for longer times without growing tired of the task, either.


D6 Goat Theology/Stam TN8 - Void for 1k1: 3d10o10k2 20 Pass; +1DP, +1 Lore: Theology
D6 Goat Theology/Percep TN8: 3d10o10k2 11 Pass; +1DP
D6 Goat Theology/Intel TN8: 5d10o10k4 33 Pass; +1DP
Passed all with raises: +6DP

Totals: +9DP, +1 Lore: Theology

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:34 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
Each day he slipped further and further towards the bottom of the pack. Each day it frustrated him more and more. Today, at least, he was determined that - despite his overall lack of knowledge outside of folklore - he would make a solid showing. Perhaps his desperate prayers to Fukurokujin counted for something as he managed to make a surprisingly solid impression on the sensei.

(Theology/Stamina, raise called TN8 - Success - 1 Dojo Point, +1 Theology
Theology/Perception, VP for +1k1, raise called TN8 - Exceptional Success - 1 Dojo Point
Theology/Intelligence, VP for +1k1, Honor for +3k0, raise called TN8 - Success - 1 Dojo Point, 6 Dojo Points

9 Dojo Points total, +1 Theology)

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:18 pm
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu's prayers had never been that great. Still, he'd spent a lot of time trying to pray to Emma-O. He turned that knowledge and a stubborn streak he'd been gaining of not wanting to quit, to figure things out from there. He even managed to recite all the important things back!

D6: Lore: Theology/Stamina, 1 Raise TN 8: 3d10k3 20 = +1 Dojo point, +1 Rank Lore: Theology
D6 Goat: Lore: Theology/Perception, 1 Raise TN 8: 3d10k3 10 = +1 Dojo Point
D6 Goat: Lore: Theology/Intelligence, 1 Raise, Void +1k1 TN 8: 2d10k2 18 = +7 Dojo Points
Total: +9 Dojo Points, +1 Rank Lore: Theology.

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:17 pm
by Doji Sakura
"But sensei, I don't think Theology is right for me?"

Sakura was giving the teacher pleading eyes.

"I...I think divination would be a useful thing to have. Being able to predict the future means I could potentially foresee things happening to my weapons!"

"Doji-san that's not.."

"And that means I can do a better job for the Empire! It's important, no it's vital for the future of Rokugans greatest gemsmith!"

"Weren't you just.." the sensei started, before noticing a look from the other other sensei watching. There was a sigh and a shake of the head. "Ok Doji-san, go study divination."

"Thank you sensei! I'll show everyone that Doji Sakura will be the best divinersmith ever!"

Sakura rushed off to join the shugenja, leaving the sensei completely confused.

"At least she might not fall asleep" the sensei said quietly to themselves before moving to teach the class.

Sakura for her part was very focused and interested in the class. She did her best, and by the end of the lessons actually proved to have some skill in it. Or at least she was awake and partaking, even giving something that didn't just sound like her talking about gems as a contribution.

D6 Goat Spiritual training event - sensei convincing. Courtier/Awareness+honour. TN8: 7d10k2 13 - Sakura learning the other side instead (divination)
D6 Goat Spiritual training event - Divination/void TN6+1 raise (tn8): 1d10 7 fail
D6 Goat Spiritual training event - Divination/perception TN6+1 raise (tn8): 2d10 9 pass! 1 dojo point and divination gained
D6 Goat Spiritual training event - Divination/Intelligence TN6: 2d10 16 1 dojo point

Result - 2 dojo points, 1 rank of divination

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:42 pm
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro sat through theology training with a thoroughly disinterested air about him, he showed great endurance for reading the texts but rather poor skill at analyzing them he was however very astute and perceptive when it came to pointing out how the texts could be applied practically.

D6 Goat Spirituality training Lore: theology/stamina 1 raise tn 8 (correct dice pool): 2d10 20 exceptional success +1 DP +1 lore: theology

D6 Goat Spirituality training Lore: theology/perception 1 raise tn 8: 4d10 21 exceptional success +1 DP

D6 Goat Spirituality training Lore: theology/int tn 6: 1d10 2 fail

+2 Dojo point
+1 Lore: Theology

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:26 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
He did not lack for piety, but he did lack for the knowledge to apply it properly. But with the guidance of the sensei he was able to apply himself in a way that allowed for completion of the lesson with impressive results.


D6 Goat, Spirituality, Lore: Theology / Stamina, Chosen by the Oracles +1, 1 CR, TN 8: 3d10+1 20
D6 Goat, Spirituality, Lore: Theology / Perception, Chosen by the Oracles +1, VP +1k1, 1 CR, TN 8: 3d10+1 14
D6 Goat, Spirituality, Lore: Theology / Perception, Chosen by the Oracles +1, 1 CR, TN 8: 4d10+1 24

+9 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Theology

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:35 pm
by Zashi
"Wait, we are actually doing a shugenja lesson?" Zashi suddenly perks up. Shugenja! He was a shugenja! He was even referring to himself as a he, and he was excited to show off.

Channeling the divinity was actually fairly easy, similar to how he would normally cast spells. Zashi could feel the energies flow through his, the sensation like a soundless gong lightly rung. Of course, then the tricky part got thrown at him.

"Wait, guessing what it means? Umm, it means..." Zashi's eyes slide out of focus for a moment. "Truth and consequences" Something seems to stick, and Zashi pants as he comes out of a trance, the message still ringing in his ears. Sensei nods, a small smile forming at the performance.

D6 Goat-Spirituality Training-Divination/Void-1 Raise-TN 8: 2d10 12 Pass, +1 Divination
D6 Goat-Spirituality Training-Divination/Perception-1 Raise-TN 8-VP Spent: 2d10 13 Pass
D6 Goat-Spirituality Training-Divination/Intelligence-1 Raise-TN 8-VP Spent: 2d10 11 Pass, full bonus gained
+9 Dojo Points
+1 Rank Divination

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:03 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji had no problem reading the religious texts, even though he had no extensive knowledge about the Shintao, but he liked to quote single quotations from Shines and found this lesson quite enriching.

He was still confused when he saw Sakura sitting with the Shugenja. He was sure that she was lost, but Asako-sensei assured him that everything was correct.

D6 Goat Spirituality Training Lore:Theology/Stamina unskilled +1Raise TN 8: 3d10 18
D6 Goat Spirituality Training Lore:Theology/Perception unskilled +1Raise +VP TN 8: 2d10 17
D6 Goat Spirituality Training Lore:Theology/Intelligence unskilled +1Raise +Honor TN 8: 7d10k1 10

+9 Dojo Points
+1 Lore: Theology

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:10 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko has seen some divination at work, though not much. She seems to take to it decently.

The tea leaves tell her that they will not always be her friends.

This, however, she already knew.

They also say orange will be a better color for her than green.

She knew this, too.

(Shugenja must roll the following:
Divination / Void, TN 6, passed at 8,; +1 Dojo
Divination / Perception, TN 6, passed at 9,; +1 Dojo
Divination / Intelligence, TN 6, passed at 12,; +1 Dojo)

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:33 am
by Kokyou
Even considering himself a shugenja, Kokyou decided it would be much better to learn about his greatest competitors, the Kami themselves.

He tries to memorize every single of them and goes through the text relentlessly. He narrows an eye to be able to focus on some specific named Fortunes, Bishamon and the progeny of Amaterasu. His well endowed brain manages to store all the important information to recite back to the sensei his full lineage, getting back to Osano-wo, Dragon of Thunder, Hida, Amaterasu and Onnotangu.

D6, Dragon, Lore: Theology / Stamina TN 8 (1 Raise): 3d10 20 +1 Dojo Point, +1 Lore: Theology
D6, Dragon, Theology / Perception TN 8 (1 Raise): 2d10 11 +1 Dojo Point
D6, Dragon, Lore: Theology / Intelligence TN 8 (1 Raise): 2d10 11 +7 Dojo Points

+9 Dojo Points
+1 Lore: Theology

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:54 am
by Miya Wyn
Miya Wyn enters, listening to the lessons on Theology, and does quite well, expanding on many of the subjects in depth and passing the tests without a issue. Though he does put his whole heart into the lesson, he still fails to, as usual, impress the instructor in any significant way.

D6 Goat, Theology 1R TN 8, Stamina: 3d10o10k2 11
+1 Dojo Point, 1 Raise
D6 Goat, Theology 1R TN 8, Perception: 4d10o10k3 26
+1 Dojo Point, 2 Raises
D6 Goat, Theology 1R TN 8, Intel (Void): 4d10o10k3 24
+1 Dojo Point 3 Raises

Total 9 Dojo Points, +1 Theology

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:33 am
by Togashi Dao
Apparently all the study and meditation of the Tao that the monks Dao had been training with had rubbed off on him. While he hadn't studied the religious rituals and history rigorously, he managed to recall enough to please Asako Himeya,

D6 Goat Theology/Stam 1 CR TN8: 2d10 17
D6 Goat Theology/Per VP 1CR TN8: 3d10 24
D6 Goat Theology/Int VP 1CR (for skill) TN8: 3d10o10k2 14

+1 Lore: Theology
+9 dojo points

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:11 pm
by Soshi Shiso
Dull scrolls were dull! Still, Shiso was still! The secret was... they didn't really read it, just skipped between more fanciful characters and crafting their own stories of them. Way more entertaining when Shinsei was dancing with feathers in his hat and playing hide and seek with Shiba in a world made of pure diamond.

Goat 6.Unskilled Theology. Stamina. CR!: 2d10 14

But what was the relevance for everyday life? One parsimony from super-tantric reading of it all was to just cherish life as long as it lasted, and do everything your own way, as only then you could be sure that no-one else would be able to deliver the same novelty unto the world!

Goat 6.Unskilled Theology. Perception. VP. CR!: 2d10 10

Full memorisation be damned, he was intelligent enough to wing it all.

Goat 6.Unskilled Theology. Int. CR!: 4d10 16

[+9 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Theology]

Re: Spirituality Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:31 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
From his experience, it was best to live in the moment.

Channel TN 8 D6 Spirituality Channel +1 Void +1 Raise: 2d10k2 5 Fail +0 DP
Recognize Sign TN 6 D6 Spirituality Recognize Sign: 2d10k2 7 Pass +1 DP
Interpret TN 8 D6 Spirituality Interpret Sign + 1 Raise: 4d10k4 19 Pass +1 DP

He'll know it and understand the sign when he sees it. Not likely to actually receive a sign though.

+2 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Divination