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Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:09 pm
by Togashi Dao
The weather was unkind, but it didn't bother Dao, except for the way it ruined visibility.

He had spent some time wandering back and forth along the walls of the dojo encampment gazing towards the town. A few hours earlier he'd sent a letter to Akodo Eika to request his presence to speak to him - and hoped the rain wouldn't deter the veteran campaigner.

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:24 pm
by Vutall
“Hello, Togashi-San. You wanted to see me?”

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:47 pm
by Togashi Dao
Dao nodded, his hair flopping in front of his face.
I guess that's why so many of my brothers shave it off... he thinks to himself before he answers.

"You heard about the visitors last night Akodo-sama?" Dao asks, lifting his voice above the rain. "It makes me wonder about how to conduct warfare against unknown assailants."

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:53 pm
by Matsu Qiang
A young Lion student approached and bowed. "Matsu Qiang, reporting for training," he said formally. "Thank you very much for this opportunity."

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:54 pm
by Vutall
The Akodo bows to Qiang.

"Unknown assailants? That is certainly a tricky topic, but one that is useful to study. You did well last night however, so what is it that you wish to improve?"

((What skill or emphasis))

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 2:01 am
by Matsu Qiang
"For me, battle tactics," the Matsu replied promptly. "Akodo-sensei's expertise as a commander is well-known. This one would appreciate the opportunity to learn from such an esteemed field commander."

Not quite sure how this works, but looking to gain Battle skill for Qiang?

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 2:03 am
by Vutall
"Very good, Matsu-san. And you, Togashi-san?"

((If you are looking to use your sensei reward you just have a thread with the sensei and tell me the skill you want to learn, in this case battle, and I will then make a post in your character sheet updating the use of the ally and the +1 to the skill))

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:14 am
by Togashi Dao
"I believe I did my sensei proud in the combat itself Akodo-sama, but the best victory is the one that is found before the battle. I know siege combat is rare, but I would like to know how to defend one. These may have been only peasants, and it may only be a one time assault. But in the future it may not be, and I would be prepared."

(Just looking to raise Battle with sensei reward)

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:20 am
by Vutall
"Look to the past, Togashi-san, and we can learn much in the subject you wish. After all, it was not long ago the Lion laid seige to the Dragon and were able to push far into your lands. We shall study this and see why that was...."

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:51 am
by Togashi Dao
"The past holds the keys to the future. It is the cyclic nature of our universe, according to my theology sensei back home." Dao replies, not rising to the bait of the Lion lecturing on the attack on Dao's new homeland. He had not been a Dragon long enough to feel the inborn pride and fury at their treatment at the hands of the Lion.

"I have tried to study the Siege of Daylight, but the texts were too redacted with mention of unmentionable enemies, and tales of your recent attacks are not exactly enshrined in our libraries yet, while the wound is so fresh. A viewpoint from the opposite side of the battlefield would be most enlightening."

Dao glanced to Qiang as well, the Matsu was too young to have taken part, but might have heard stories from a relative who had.

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:00 am
by Matsu Qiang
"Well, I assume our success must've been due to the Lion's superior tactics," Qiang commented easily - as if it were self-evident that the Lion would be the best at war. "But, um, I guess I don't know exactly what specific tactics were used in this situation. Sieges are not good for attackers, usually. May I ask, Sensei, how did the attackers overcome that problem?"

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:12 am
by Vutall
"Knowing our enemy. In this case, the Dragon have been known to be suffering with population for some time. We overwhelmed them with force. Where we failed was the hubris of the general in his challenge with the young Togashi. He failed to take the challenge seriously. Something both of you need to know, and would be taught if you were students at the War Academy, is no successful general studies victories, but instead only the defeats, and why."

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:17 am
by Togashi Dao
"Failure is the greatest teacher Akodo-sensei. Studying victories teaches hubris, studying losses teaches humility." Dao replies, trying to be confident in his answer, but having doubts regardless.

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:18 am
by Vutall
"Exactly, Togashi-san, exactly. I know Matsu-san has, but have you studied Leadership?"

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:22 am
by Togashi Dao
"Ummmm...scrolls and reading aren't exactly a strength of mine Akodo-sama. But I have spoken with some people who have, I hope to join the Legions some day and have sought wisdom on battle from many sources."

Dao seems excited to talk about his dreams despite his personal failings and difficulties.

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:34 am
by Vutall
"You can read, though, right?"

The general looks concerned at the Dragon, and a little suspicious

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:38 am
by Matsu Qiang
Qiang beamed at the sensei's comment.

"Leadership is the best book for war... and really, for life in general," the young Lion gushed enthusiastically. "It's the very best for leaders who need to learn how to..umm..lead. Why, you simply must read it, Togashi-san."

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:45 am
by Togashi Dao
Dao shrinks a little beneath the Akodo's gaze, nodding furiously.

"Hai, Sensei. The mystery of why I was sent here is yet to be revealed to me, but while I am slower than many, I can read. It is just that my studies have mostly focused on the physical, something I am looking to work on. Know your flaws and your enemy can't use them against you."

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:07 am
by Vutall
He nods and walks to the front of the dojo, taking a large scroll and bringing it over.

"For the duration of this hour then, you will read, and Matsu-san here will accompany you. We will discuss its contents when you are finished."

Re: Rains of Hirosaka

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:13 am
by Matsu Qiang
"Hai, sensei," the Lion said, with a precise bow. He moved to take a seat near Dao where they could read together.