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Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:22 pm
by Asako Saburo
Saburo had completed his tasks early this morning, with the zeal of an otter that wanted its fish caught early so it could lounge. Of course, getting such things done early had nothing to do with lounging. He'd been offered additional practice with improvised weapons, and was taking someone up on it. So, a wide-brimmed straw hat covering his head to keep the light drizzle off of his shoulders, he waited by the grounds where class would be held later today for someone to stop by.

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:40 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin joined his fellow Phoenix on the training grounds.

"Good Morning Saburo-san. Did you want to begin with a run, or shall we move directly to martial arts?"
"I admit, outside of wrestling with other children in my home village, I haven't had much experience. "

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:42 pm
by Asako Saburo
He glanced over as the Isawa approached and gave a quick bow. "My apologies. I am actually waiting for the Mantis called Mai, but she was intending to offer demonstrations of improvised weapons. I doubt she would say no to a second partner. Good to be prepared for this afternoon's lesson after all." He wasn't going to turn him away, certainly. The training would be good for them both.

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:45 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
"Had you seen Haruki-san's note? It seems that he was being serious about his ghosts. It looks like it is just you and I. I don't want to waste the opportunity, and I am sure we can learn from each other, at the very least how NOT to wrestle."

Kaito Haruki wrote:
Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:33 pm
Going to have to postpone day 3's tiger training to the hour of the hare. I need to catch up on sleep, left a letter on my person which reads:

"Was hassled by a bakeneko just before bed, could we stall the training until after brekfast?" -Haruki

(Rolled to have Haruki word it in the least dismissive way possible, feel free to recommend ways to reword it)

D2 Boar: Etiquette/Awareness make an apology note to explain to other Phoenix why I am unable to wake up in time for training at D3 Tiger: 2d10o10k1 9

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:48 pm
by Asako Saburo
"Ah with apologies. I wasn't entirely aware we had planned to meet specifically, but this works well in our favor. When Mai arrives, she should be familiar with improvisation and helpful to both you and I. I am told her kin train often in the tactics on boats." Because Mantis didn't use proper weapons, but he didn't add that.

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:57 am
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin shifted his weight from foot to foot as he silently waited for Mai to arrive. After several moments, he shifted into a low fighting stance, as he recalls seeing other students do.

"Defend yourself Saburo-san!"

He hap-hazardly approaches Saburo in an attempt to grapple him!
D3 Independent Training Tiger jiujutsu(AGI): 2d10k2 5

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:15 am
by Asako Saburo
With alarming ease, Saburo side stepped and pushed at his kinsman, thrusting him away easily and grunting in irritation. "As much as I appreciate zeal, please wait for our companion," he grunted out, shaking his head.

(OOC: They're at work. I'd appreciate it if we could wait for Mai. I won't reply again until they return. There's plenty of time to do this thread over the next few days.)

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:39 am
by Mai
Mai approached appearing to be carrying a bag full of junk in one hand a bundle of hay in the other. She bows awkwardly. "Hello, Asako-san, Phoenix-san. Lovely morning." She was being sincere. "I am Mai of the Mantis Clan." Whether she had seen them start or not, Mai makes no indication.

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:45 am
by Asako Saburo
"Kohai. Let me introduce Isawa Tanshin. It is good of you to join us. I believe we were going to practice with improvisation, yes? I suspect it is a part of jiujutsu neither Isawa-san nor I are familiar with." An irritation he felt faded quickly. It was good that the Mantis hadn't been long. He hadn't wanted this to become needlessly awkward. Now they could all properly train.

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:29 am
by Mai
"A pleasure. Having a third here is actually very helpful." She spreads the bag which was a blanket. Various random junk was in it, and Mai moves it all towards the side closest to the Phoenix and puts the bundle of hay on the other side. "The key thing about improvised weapons is durability. Knowing when and how something breaks is key."

She then picks up a few of the items and begins describing how much force they take to break and if they still can be used in another form, like stabbing someone with a bottle you broke over their head is a very useful combo.

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:03 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin bows in greeting as he is introduced. As Mai goes over the various items, he tries to commit to memory not so much the items themselves, but the qualities of the materials. He asks such questions as:

"What makes bamboo different than teak - which is better for stabbing?"
"Iron is a component of steel, but what makes it easier to bend?"

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:53 am
by Mai
Mai answers the first question as she probably knows even though her player doesn't. At the second, she shrugs. "I dunno. There is a Doji Sakura that is a weaponsmith. She probably knows the answer to that."

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 6:10 am
by Asako Saburo
Saburo considered and took a piece of wood and gripped it in one hand, trying to bend it visibly for the two of them. He slapped it over his knee and then set it down. Taking a piece of bamboo, he snapped it over his knee, showing jagged edges and offering it to the Isawa. "I believe there is your difference. If you are against an armored opponent, a sharpened piece of wood will probably hold up better, but if you are in a hurry that can serve as a stabbing instrument faster.

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:25 am
by Mai
"Well, the best way to learn is practice." May holds the hay in front of her. "How about you each take three tries with the stuff you want. Who wants to go first?"

<<Figure each item is 0k1 and if your damage beat Mai's Strength roll, you knock it out of her hand.>>

D2 Monkey: Strength: 3d10o10k3 20

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:16 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin takes a piece of jagged bamboo from Saburo and runs a finger along the jagged edge, barely avoiding a splinter.

"This reminds me of weapons I saw farmers use to kill a boar that was destroying their fields."

Tanshin took his turn at the straw target. He gripped the bamboo shaft tightly and attempted to lunge at Mai.

D3 Independent Training Tiger w. Mai hit: 2d10k2 3

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:19 pm
by Asako Saburo
"Thank you for holding the dummy," he said, bringing the wooden piece up and striking smoothly at the straw target that Mai was holding. When he lashed out, it was an easy hit, but there wasn't much strength behind. He grunted once and nodded to the Isawa, pointing at the dummy and offering him a second turn to strike at it.

(OOC: Reminder - we're trying to roll against the target dummy with our damage rolls, not stabbing Mai.)

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:40 am
by Isawa Tanshin
"Good strike, Saburo-san!" He peeked around the target to Mai to ensure that she was unharmed from the attacks.

With a nod, he attempted another thrust towards the target, this time allowing the makeshift spear to do the work.

D3 Independent Training Tiger w. Mai: 3d10k1 10

OOC: I was under the impression a hit was needed first, then damage is rolled - but we are just doing damage? ok...
Thanks again for the learning opportunity. In and out of character,

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:15 am
by Mai
When the Phoenix brings up the boar hunting, Mai nods. "Exactly. You'll often use improvised weapons similar to how you would use standard weapons. They just break and will not do as much damage. Though still useful if you are not prepared for a fight."

Re: Best way to start the morning - Wrestling (Open/Expecting)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:18 pm
by Asako Saburo
Saburo was quite literally trying to tim this thing to death, his strikes clean but resulting in minimal damage. If the straw dummy had the slightest bit of armor, the only indication he was doing anything would be the sound of his weapon striking. He 'might' have knocked a single straw out of alignment by now. Possibly.


Tanshin probably did that, really. Grunting, he nodded. "If I were to choose, my preference would be the bow, but the purpose of this is not to do what you choose, but what must be done."