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Dinner for Mew and I

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 6:39 am
by Kitsune Setsuna

  • For breakfast, Setsuna had not eaten very much; for reasons only he knew, he did not wish for fish. Instead, the bowl of rice covered with fish floss and drenched in fish oil was slipped into his kimono while he drank water and tea. A few minutes would pass and he'd withdraw it, the bowl now completely empty. It was no big deal, it was not as if he was starving. Though the day would be long and physical, he would be fine. Lunch was passed over, as the fare seemed to be the same, though he did not miss out on more tea and water.

    The day dragged on and on however, and when dinner came and it was the same thing again, he clenched his stomach. As a servant passed by where he sat, he gently called to them. The boy bowed his head and requested with much humility if he could have a slightly alternative fare. A smile painted itself on his face, and he made mention of wanting to try some of the fantastic vegetables that grew around here, if he could be so obliged. The servant would bow, scurrying off, and patiently Setsuna waited.

    And it seemed his effort bore fruit. Not quite literally; the same servant returned with steamed rice, cucumbers, and yams. The Kitsune thanked the man with a polite bow, and after murmuring another thanks, whipped out his chopsticks and began to eat heartily and quickly.

    A small grey head would poke from his chest, as if keeping an eye out, and let out a questioning mew. "You had breakfast, Ronyan-san," the silver haired one murmured in reminder to his small companion he had smuggled into the dojo. "It is my turn." The former stray sulked, occasionally reaching out to bap Setsuna on the chin when food approached his mouth but did not seriously interfere.
Courtier / Awareness TN6, Benten Blessing, to request more vegetarian fare
D2 Rooster Courtier / Awareness TN6, Benten Blessing, "non fish food": 3d10o10k3 20