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by Mirai
Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:42 am
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

She smiled a bit. "See? Then our letters will find each other in the end. I'll certainly try to leave work of where I end up going too."
by Mirai
Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:42 am
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

Mirai nodded a bit. "Perhaps that is all so, but I am guessing there is someone in your family that would know where you might be going. I'm not saying it would be easy, but it's something that could be possible at least." She paused and looked to the side. "Sumimasen, if I assumed things I should n...
by Mirai
Sat Aug 29, 2020 11:13 pm
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

Her head tilted a little. "You should know by now that I'm not the sort to unnecessarily pry Yasuki-sama. If there are things I should know, I will listen. If not, pass on and I will as well."
by Mirai
Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:28 pm
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

"It would still be with a known caravan, likely with a highly regimented route. Still easier to track down than a lordless woman traveling who knows where," she said teasingly.
by Mirai
Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:20 am
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

Shrugging, the ronin couldn't help smirking softly. "I can't help noting it'd be a lot easier to get a letter to you than me, but that's mostly because I don't know my plans yet. I'll write you when I do so you can send in confidence, hai?"
by Mirai
Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:16 pm
Forum: Out Of Character
Topic: Poetry compilation
Replies: 10
Views: 20950

Re: Poetry compilation

It's cool. *thumbs up*
by Mirai
Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:13 pm
Forum: The Kakita Dueling Academy
Topic: (Day 7, LE) Mandatory Event: Gempuku
Replies: 22
Views: 91568

Re: (Day 7, LE) Mandatory Event: Gempuku

After a long moment, Mirai approached Shosuro Tomoe and kowtowed before rising. "This one has no sensei, and never has. To presume that any of those present are worthy for me to declare to feels folly... and yet, it is the lands of the Scorpion that I've spent the most time, so I would repay that ho...
by Mirai
Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:51 am
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

Simple habits died hard, so she just ordered whatever the cook recommended that was cheap. Realising what she'd done as their order was taken away, she flushed a bit. "Always pays to be frugal."
by Mirai
Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:17 am
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

"The plans of a ronin are not so set in stone," she remarked quietly. After a moment she shook her head and gave a bit of a smile. "If nothing else changes, I might go back north. I had an offer to travel with the Unicorn contingent to look for work in their lands, and it'd be a nice change of pace....
by Mirai
Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:02 am
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

She gave a faint smirk at that. "Considering the entire Empire is watching us Yasuki-sama, I am quite certain your lord will know exactly what to do with you. After all, you showed your talents quite well here, hai?"
by Mirai
Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:22 am
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

Mirai's brow furrowed a bit in thought. "Hm. I thought your lord did more choosing for you than having such an open ended choice. Then again, I've never had one, so it's all outside looking in."
by Mirai
Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:16 pm
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

For her part, Mirai seemed much more subdued, though she always seemed that way. Another slight smile was all she allowed herself. "And what do you plan on doing with your own?"
by Mirai
Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:37 pm
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

"Well, at least those present," she noted with a nod. "I want to say I knew I would, but really I've had plenty of doubts. Don't make this about just me though Yasuki-sama. You've nothing to be modest about with your own performance. I never doubted you."
by Mirai
Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:43 am
Forum: Q and A
Topic: Q & A: Mirai + Yogo Otoko
Replies: 23
Views: 21935

Re: Q & A: Mirai + Yogo Otoko

I'm kinda sad that I got to see so little of Mirai, and interacted little with her too - just that very quick scene at the Inn iirc. I had hoped to meet her again later. Always part 3! 1) Is there a scene you would have liked to have with Mirai, or someone you'd like to have had a scene with, but c...
by Mirai
Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:46 am
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

Mirai gave another slight bow before sitting (one could never bow enough). She was silent a moment as she waited for her 'host' to sit as well, always bad at starting conversations. Finally she gave a slight smile. "So... you made it. We both did I suppose. Congratulations Yasuki-sama."
by Mirai
Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:45 am
Forum: Q and A
Topic: Q & A: Mirai + Yogo Otoko
Replies: 23
Views: 21935

Re: Q & A: Mirai + Yogo Otoko

Otoko didn't know the first things about poisons, but no reason to let everyone know that. :D

(And gave a late ronin gift to avoid glory or upstaging)
by Mirai
Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:42 am
Forum: Kakita Estate
Topic: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)
Replies: 39
Views: 31155

Re: (Day 6, LE) Celebration Feast (Gift Thread)

What could a ronin give that a Crane lord could appreciate? Considering she was here on Crane koku to begin with, any gift bought would be like regifting something back to them. A ronin giving a Kakita lord art would have been like saying that the Kakita weren't already the masters of it. She didn't...
by Mirai
Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:30 am
Forum: Q and A
Topic: Q & A: Mirai + Yogo Otoko
Replies: 23
Views: 21935

Re: Q & A: Mirai + Yogo Otoko

Well rocks from a samurai without a lord is a bit different, and giving a Crane art is just inviting them to think I think they're better than them that they'd need a ronin's art of all things. Perhaps some poison, that'll be unique.
by Mirai
Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:27 am
Forum: Post Game, Part 2
Topic: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning
Replies: 26
Views: 16700

Re: [Day 8, Tsuma] Wolf Dinning

Mirai made her way to where the letter had asked her to go. A dinner was never something a ronin passed up on, and the sender was pretty decent company too. Entering the tea house, Mirai looked around before spotting Ginkarasu. Giving a polite smile (since he seemed to allow such things without note...
by Mirai
Wed Aug 26, 2020 6:08 am
Forum: Q and A
Topic: Q & A: Mirai + Yogo Otoko
Replies: 23
Views: 21935

Re: Q & A: Mirai + Yogo Otoko

One would if they could afford gifts, yes. :geek:

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