The Phoenix

The Lore Behind the Great Clans of the New Winds Campaign
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The Phoenix

Post by Vutall » Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:22 pm

Clan Champion: Shiba Tsukune (f)

Elemental Master of Air: Isawa Eju (m)

Elemental Master of Earth: Isawa Rujo (m)
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Elemental Master of Fire: Isawa Tsuke (m)

Elemental Master of Void: Isawa Ujina (m)

Elemental Master of Water: Asako Azunami (f)

Asako Daimyo: Asako Togama (m)

Isawa Daimyo: Isawa Eju (m)

Kaito Daimyo: Kaito Nobukai (m)

Shiba Daimyo: Shiba Tsukune (f)
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Re: The Phoenix

Post by Vutall » Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:03 am

“Master the elements and be reborn.”
Other clans guard the Empire’s borders, even the Empire’s future, but the Phoenix guard the Empire’s soul. It is the duty of the Phoenix to keep safe the myriad religious paths of the Empire, defining them and arbitrating their differences. Scholars of the Tao and servants of the spirits are found among the Phoenix’s ranks more than in any other clan; the wisdom the Phoenix have gleaned from both traditions has led them to foster peace and understanding among the other clans, even if it means sacrificing themselves in the process.
Primary colors divide us and love us
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Re: The Phoenix

Post by Vutall » Mon May 18, 2020 4:39 pm

Phoenix Superstitions

Death for the Phoenix is but a transition into a future life. Although attended with all due ceremony, death is a temporary state that will be passed swiftly to the new life that awaits.

Shouting and slashing at trees with a sprig of pine frightens away ghosts.

Carrying a rice grain carved to resemble a Fortune will guarantee the protection of that Fortune.

Badgers are bad luck and full of mischief. Do not speak to such creatures, or you invite their attention.

If you meet a stranger alone in the forest, do not speak to them, for they are surely a spirit. Leave ghosts alone, and they will mind their own business.

A large stomach is a sign of the favor of Hotei, Fortune of Contentment. A stout, happy man is believed to have found a bit of enlightenment.

The first day that snow falls during the winter is the luckiest day of the year.

Spirits cannot cross an arched bridge.

If you hear footsteps behind you and there is no one there, step aside and invite the ghost to pass, or else you will have nightmares.

Never laugh at another's superstition, even if you do not agree with it. Laughing at superstition is in itself bad luck
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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