Weather - Day 5 (July 4 - July 6)

Final Day: July 19 (Midnight/00:01, Gmt -4)- July 21 (Midnight/23:59, GMT -4
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Weather - Day 5 (July 4 - July 6)

Post by Vutall » Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:38 am

DAY 5:
13th Day of the Horse, 1122

The student awake to find a new listing of ranking ((Players can find that list here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=458#p7706 )) as well as a pair of guards outside the barrack entrance.

The meals today are fresh fish and rice with sweet buns and fresh salad.

The weather for the day is fully sunny and pleasantly cool from the previous days rains.

The moon is past the first quarter full, and will be full in about 1 days.


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Re: Weather - Day 5 (July 4 - July 6)

Post by Vutall » Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:47 am


"Did you see the Kakita student? She is so pretty!"

I don't know, the Doji girl may have her beat in the looks department. She's tiny, but fierce!

Nah, Kakita-sama is tall and elegant, very courageous!"


Isn't it adorable how the young people couple up? There has been such a flourishing of young love! The songbird and the fox, adorable. The wading birds together, wonderful. The young captain and himself...Ah, romance!


--Isn't it interesting how about 1/5 of the students disappear each day when it's time for afternoon chores?
--Interesting? Damned impertinent is what it is!


I don't trust those Scorpion kids. I mean, just look at Bayushi Jiro; he barely lifts a finger and he's covered in dojo points, gets private meetings with Agasha-sama, and hangs with that Otomo girl everyone's talking about. What's that all about? Who is he, and what foul plans is he making?


--Kaito Haruki is a bully and a monster!
--What makes you guys say that?
--I heard he mocked that Doji girl's hard work for the Mantis lad. He made her cry crystal tears of pure sadness!
--I heard he tried to bully one of the Scorpion lads at lunch. It was like he just unleashed his id at him!
--I heard he drop-kicked a puppy twenty yards!
--What? Cruelty to children AND small animals? THIS CANNOT STAND!!!


"That Mantis boy might have a strange accent, but any girl would be lucky to have his attention."

"He certainly has a sly tongue, but it's his dashing good looks that do it for me. Tanned and strong jawed. I bet he has muscles bigger than Hida Kisada!"


"What's with so many students sleeping in? I swear, I've never seen such laziness"


"Did you hear? A group of students found an ancient underground city! The entrance was in the Forge!"


"There was a bunch of racket up on the roof again last night. I swear, it better not be ninja again..."

"Seriously, stop. reading. pillowbooks."


"There was a genuine Kitsune here last night! I even saw the fabled Foxfire!"
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Re: Weather - Day 5 (July 4 - July 6)

Post by Vutall » Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:51 am

When the students wake, they will find a new set of guards inside the forge, blocking entry to a long, dark tunnel. They will allow students to do their work in the forge still, but stop anyone from trying to enter the tunnel.

(So, theres a pair of guards on the entrance to the dojo, one who walks along the walls randomly. A pair of guards on the student barracks etrance, and now a pair of guards inside the forge.)
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Re: Weather - Day 5 (July 4 - July 6)

Post by Vutall » Sun Jul 05, 2020 2:52 am

Primary colors divide us and love us
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American pie getting sliced up above us
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