New Winds Part 2 Preview: Topaz Championship Schedule

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New Winds Part 2 Preview: Topaz Championship Schedule

Post by Vutall » Mon May 25, 2020 10:49 pm


Day 1:
A Meeting on the Road
Outburst at the Inn
Midnight Tea

Day 2:
Welcome Ceremony
Sumai: 1 on 1 event, uses juijutsu
Heraldry, uses lore: heraldry, lore: Great clans, Lore: Minor clans

Day 3:
Athletics: 1 on 1 event, uses Athletics skill
Horseback Riding: 1 on 1 event, uses Horsemanship, Animal Handling, and Athletics
Culture, uses Lore: Bushido, and Etiquette

Day 4:
Weapon Contest: 1 on 1 event, Uses weapon skills
Artistry, uses Acting, Artisan, or Perform skills
Bar Fight

Day 5:
Law Uses Lore: Law and Lore: Theology
Games: 1 on 1 event, uses Games skills

Day 6
Archery, uses Kyujutsu
Hunting, uses Investigation, Hunting, Kyujutsu or Spear
Evening Feast

Day 7:
Tournaments (Iaijutsu, Taryu-Jiai, and Court Debates), part 1
Tournament, part 2
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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