Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

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Yasuki Ginkarasu
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Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:01 am

Ginkarasu sets up his impromptu stand in the same place as the previous two nights. His variety of mochi was dwindling and he was near the bottom of the list of students here, but he kept the stand open!

He did make sure he left more room for another to be nearby, and brought his parchment and charcoal to take notes.
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Otomo Nobuko
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:38 am

Nobuko arrived not long after Ginkarasu was finished setting up his stand. She bowed politely and murmured a greeting before moving to bring a chair over for her to sit in. If she was to act as negotiator for an hour, she was not going to stand or sit on the floor - the barracks certainly didn't get cleaned the way the dojo itself did every day.

"I hope that we see several of our fellows today, Yasuki-san. Did you speak to any other students this morning?"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:05 am

He bows politely if not in a polished way, "I don't know if it spread like all the rumors about people drinking, but hopefully!"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:11 am

"Ah... yes... that was a rather... unexpected bit of hear-say," she said, doing her best not to frown. "I attempted to spread the word myself so I hope to see some company."
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:19 am

"We can hope!" He shifts his footing a little.

"May I ask a question?"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:22 am

She turns her head to look at him, smiling, "Of course! What can I help you with, Yasuki-san?"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:25 am

"What do you think of the tests the Ruby Champion has given us so far?" He asks, looking to Nobuko, and then returning his gaze towards hopeful eventual customers.
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:35 am

She stared at him for a long moment, then turned her gaze to the room, not really looking at anything as her brow creased in thought. An action she stopped once she realized she might be giving herself wrinkles unduly early in life.

"I think that so far they are means of pushing us beyond what limits our schooling has put around us. Perhaps for the better... perhaps not. If this training period makes us excel far beyond our peers, the Ruby Champion will have proven her worries have merit, bringing shame to all the Clans for having become lax in their methods," she said carefully, certainly concerned by that implication. "If this training period makes no difference, then the Ruby Champion will have her worries assuaged and no shame will occur. If this training period makes us fail to live up to expectations... it is likely the Ruby Champion will not be shamed, but those of us who have participated may be. It is difficult to say how the blame will fall. I am not as well versed in that as many of our teachers. But it is a concern."
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:39 am

"Oh. So." He frowns, "If I do really well, I'm shaming my sensei. And if I do really bad, I'm shaming my sensei?"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:47 am

"No," she shook her head, "It is more complicated than that. You were chosen to be sent here by your sensei and clan. You bring no shame to them by doing as you have been asked so publicly. You would bring shame if you did not do your best. But as a group... our success or failure, could cause our clans and schools to be shamed for their own actions across the years."
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:48 am

"Oh. So." He looks down a second, finding the words, "She out maneuvered all the schools at once, with little risk to herself?"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:53 am

Nobuku tilted her head and smiled at him, "Yes. That is it exactly. She shows a mastery of the courts in this ploy that many would envy."
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:58 am

"I guess we're lucky then to have the example. I'd just thought I was lucky to get to go to Otosan Uchi!" He says, still feeling a little bad for his clan's sensei.

"Still, I suppose the real test is at the Topaz Championship and whether or not one of us wins or if someone trained just by their school does, right?"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:04 am

She nodded, idly rubbing her left hand with the fingers of her right as she spoke, "Also, how well we do overall in the events. It's not just the champion who wins that will prove if the Ruby Champion's worries are sound. But all of us and how much better or worse we do than our fellows who did not attend this training. We are but 30 or so out of hundreds who will vie for a place at the Championship. Not all of us may even make it. Our participation there is still to be determined as our sensei will send those they deem the best prepared and most able to represent the clan honorably."
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:19 am

He nods slowly at that, processing the thoughts.

One hand taps on the stool that holds his mochi supply.

"Oh! Right!" He fights off a frown, "Wait, does that mean all our former sensei could decide not to send us to the Topaz Championship, if they wanted to stop the Ruby Champion's maneuver? That'd be really rude to her, but is that their way out?"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:32 am

"That would be dishonorable of them," Nobuku replied, dismissing the possibility outright even if it was, technically, a real one. "Also, it is expected that some of us will be there. If everyone decided to send no one, it would be a slight against the Ruby Champion and she could then decide to invite the students individually, which they would be unable to refuse. No, our sensei will have to appraise our abilities versus our Kohai as they would normally and decide who to send and who not to. In this, there is little that can be done to stop it now that it has already begun."
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:17 am

A thoughtful nod. "That seems right. It's one of those, 'No way out but through', situations, isn't it?"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Kakita Kazuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:19 am

Having heard the rumors of a mochi stand run by her friend Ginkarasu in the barracks, Kazuko enters to see if there is any mochi left. Her eyebrows raise a little upon spotting out Otomo-san standing next to Ginkarasu. Is she helping run the stand? Someone as dainty and aristocratic as her involved in commerce and trading? Surely that couldn't be the case as she could just assign the servant perpetually hovering near her to handle any transactions.

"Hello Ginkarasu-san... and Otomo-san..? Is there still any mochi available?"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:22 am

She nodded again, "Just so, Yasuki-san. In this we are but pieces on the board and can only move as we're directed. It is the way of things and I, for one, count myself lucky to be a part of it. We could see either our Clans' teachings reaffirmed, or - as the Ruby Champion worries - some needed reform to ensure our strength. Either way, the clans will come out stronger for it...

Nobuko's words tapered off at the approach of the Kakita. She smiled politely and offered a bow, "Kakita-Kohai. How good to see you. Yes, there is mochi available for a fine student as yourself. Yasuki-san and I were just discussing what favors they may be worth. Have you a thought on the matter?"
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Re: Mochi and Otomo Guidance!, Barracks

Post by Kakita Kazuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:38 am

Bowing back, Kazuko ponders the idea for a moment.

"I would be willing to teach you the basics of Go, if you wish to learn like Ginkarasu-san has, or help you with a small favor. I also have coin, if you wish for me to pay in that way. What have the others chose?"
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