The Unicorn

The Lore Behind the Great Clans of the New Winds Campaign
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The Unicorn

Post by Vutall » Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:28 pm

Unicorn Champion: Shinjo Altansarnai (f)

Ide Daimyo: Ide Tadaji (m)

Iuchi Daimyo: Iuchi Daiyu (m)

Moto Daimyo: Ogodei (m)
-No Picture

Shinjo Daimyo: Shinjo Altansarnai (f)

Utaku Daimyo: Utaku Rumaru (f)
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Re: The Unicorn

Post by Vutall » Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:02 am

“One cannot capture the wind.”

The Clan of the Wind spent hundreds of years outside the Empire, returning in a glorious cavalry charge that shook the other clans to their core. The barbaric ways they adopted in their exile continue to shock and disgust the other clans, yet the Unicorn remain fierce in their duty and unwavering in their honor. Of all the clans, they are best suited to uncovering foreign manipulation and infiltration, for they faced innumerable horrors and traitors in their wandering years.
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Re: The Unicorn

Post by Vutall » Mon May 18, 2020 4:37 pm

Unicorn Superstitions

Unicorn births are celebrated by close relatives of the newborn riding around town announcing the joyous occasion.

A marriage tradition some still practice among the Unicorn is the Capturing, where the higher status partner and their family stage a mock raid upon the lower status partner's family, kidnapping the prospective spouse and carrying them off to the place the marriage will be held. Generally this is only in fun, but there have been times in the past when the Moto have staged raids for Ujik-Hai gaijin brides with serious intent.

After death, Unicorn samurai are cremated with ceremony, as those of other clans, though the ashes of their leaders are kept in secret places known only to their heirs.

The future can be divined by reading the cracks within a piece of burnt deer shoulder bone.

Finding the hand print of a child is good luck.

The first horse born in the springtime is the luckiest. If it is stillborn, bad fortune will follow for the entire season.

Never cut your hair when the moon is full, or it will fall out/ you will go bald early.

Splitting an arrow on the target with a second arrow is an extremely good omen.

A house built with wood from the Shinomen will have bad fortune.

Finding a frog that has swallowed a koku is the best omen possible, and portends great wealth for the finder.

Writing the name of a Fortune on your right arm will grant the strength of that Fortune. Writing the Fortune's name on your left arm will grant you the wisdom of that Fortune. Using this magic too often, or doing both at the same time, is greedy and brings bad luck.

A promise made while on horseback can never be broken on pain of death.

Always bow to a wild horse, as it might be a ki-rin in disguise.
Primary colors divide us and love us
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