(Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

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(Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Vutall » Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:18 am

  • Air is precise, distant, and analytical. Air does not approach the matter directly, but with care, subtlety, and planning.
  • Earth is firm, grounded, and cautious. Earth prefers to act decisively, but only after due consideration.
  • Fire is passionate, inventive, and direct. Fire acts swiftly and with overwhelming force.
  • Water is flexible, responsive, and powerful. Water acts with confidence, flowing around the problem until it finds a solution.
  • Void is the element of no element, the mind of no mind. Void does not think, plan, or react. Void simply acts, moving in accordance with instinct and the natural path of the cosmos
The last trial of the Topaz Championship before points are tallied and students find out who Gempuku'd and advances to the Tournament is hunting, and it is also the longest. Contestants are instructed to make their way into the forest behind the school with either a bow or spear and bring back the most impressive game they can find by sundown. Shugenja and Monks, who are strictly proscribed against the spilling of blood or the handling of corpses (even animals), are invited to instead return with valuable or rare medicinal herbs.

Judge Ring Hint:
"Keep alert," Hiruma Kagehiro says. "The hares and bucks are quick to flee, so you'll have to spot them first. Best to have a plan before approaching them"
Event Rules:
Participants: Unlimited (Mandatory Event)

Spells: Allowed, Each roll is considered a "Round". You cast the spell just before the event begins and may not cast during.
Kiho: Allowed, each roll is considered a "Round", Kiho must be activated at the start of the event, not during.
Kata: Not Allowed, as this is not a Combat.
Tattoos: Allowed, as each roll is considered a "Round" and you may use free actions at any time.

You may NOT target an opponent with any of these abilities before the event begins.

If you purposefully harm an opponent outside of the realm of the Sumai event (By winning the contested Jiujutsu roll) or the Weaponry event (By winning the contested Weapon roll) you loose 1.0 honor and 10 topaz points. If you do so a second time, you will be sent home in shame, removed from the tournament (and thus the game)

Also please remember that Spellcasting in Rokugan is a very spiritual thing, and to ask for the kami to do something for you is an incredibly rare thing and should not be done lightly.

Select a Ring to use during this event. Unless the roll specifically mentions a trait, you must use that ring for the entire event.

All Schools except Shugenja or Monk tags: Select either a Spear or a Bow.

First, the student must conduct an Investigation (Search) / Mental roll at TN 20 to spot an animals tracks, rolling until they succeed
-Note: The Investigation reroll mastery applies and if you pass from the reroll, counts as having succeeded on your first roll)

Second, the student must conduct a Hunting / Mental roll at TN 20 to track the animal, rolling until they succeed

Finally, the student must conduct a Spear (Yari) or Kyujutsu (Yumi) / Physical roll at TN25. This is an attack and benefits from anything that would benefit an attack roll. You are considered in the Attack stance, and may not change it before or after the roll (No coming out of Center Stance bonus, for example). If a student fails this roll with a Spear, they suffer 5k2 (exploding, keep highest) damage as the boar they were tracking gores them. They must repeat this roll until they pass or are brought to Down (or worse...) If the student fails this roll with Kyujutsu, they must roll until they succeed, each roll adding +5 to the TN. If the Base TN is then higher than 50, they fail this roll.

Shugenja and Monk Tagged Schools:

First they must roll a Lore: Nature / Mental at TN 20 to have an idea of what plants are in the region. If they do not succeed on the first roll, they continue to roll until they pass, but whatever plant they find isn't what they thought it was and they will suffer a Poison effect determined by the GM after the event ends.

Second, they must roll an Investigation (Search) / Mental at TN 20 to find the plant, rolling until they succeed.
-Note: The Investigation reroll mastery applies and if you pass from the reroll, counts as having succeeded on your first roll)

Finally, they must roll a Hunting / Physical at TN 20 to properly gather the plant, rolling until they succeed.

-The student gains 1 Topaz Point per passed roll (Maximum 3 Points)
-Each raise on a successful roll grants +1 Topaz Point if they pass the roll on the first attempt.
-Exceptional Success Raises may be utilized if you possess the skill you are rolling, each exceptional success (Up to your Void) granting +1 points if they pass the roll on the first attempt
-If a student passes all 3 rolls, they are deemed to have sufficient knowledge of Hunting, passing the event and are awarded 5 Topaz Points
-At the end of the event, Hiruma Kagehiro will reveal which Ring she felt was the most appropriate and you will gain +5 Topaz Points if you used it.
Primary colors divide us and love us
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Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Mirai » Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:54 am

Hunting a boar? That sounded like a good dinner to Mirai, or it would usually. This time she was supposed to bring it back as a trophy or something. She did it without any fuss and without much fanfare, but she did it well.

Air - Bow
Investigation/Awareness, TN 20, 5k4 = 30 (2 TP)
Hunting/Awareness, TN 20, V2 1k1, 6k5 = 41 (3 TP)
Kyujutsu/Reflexes, V3 1k1, 6k5 = 48 (1 TP, Phanton Rank)

11 TP
Ronin | Bushi | Duelist | Versatile | Odd
Status: 0.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Low
Carries: Daishi, Ashigaru Armor, Travelling Pack

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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Mai » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:12 am

Mai was a little annoyed at having to pick berries. Just because the Asahina didn't hunt, didn't mean other shugenja were against such activities. But oh well. She showed adequate knowledge. And passing at this point was all she cared about.

Ring: Air

D6 Hunting: Lore: Nature/Awareness: 4d10o10k3 20 +1 Topaz Point

D6 Hunting: Investigation/Awareness 1 Raise: 6d10o10k3 27 +2 Topaz Points

D6 Hunting: Hunting/Reflexes: 5d10o10k3 22 +1 Topaz Point

Pass: +5 Topaz Points

Total (Not count Ring Bonus): +9 Topaz Points
Mantis Clan Shugenja *Water * Thunder * Prodigy * Lucky

Status: 2.0 * Glory: 2.0 * Honor: What is Expected * Topaz Points: 42 * Unofficial Topaz Points: 108

Items: Scrolls, Jade

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Asako Saburo
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Asako Saburo » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:17 am

Saburo would have grumbled about the insistence that he wasn't perfectly capable of bringing a damned boar down with a bow were it not for the fact that there were indeed prescriptions about handling dead flesh and cleansing afterwards. That knowledge was a bit of a balm, since if he were hunting alongside bushi it would be his bushi and courtier aides who would be doing the dressing of the game for preparation and eating. So, he could at least accept that as a valid excuse. Besides that fact, he'd already done just fine on the Kyujutsu exam earlier today and there was no reason to overplay his skills with the bow in one day.

So. Herbs. He knew where to get and gather Maidenhair at least. He set out with the rest, trying not to mumble about the wet conditions. Sure, it was great that the water kami were happy. His feet were less so. All the same, he did return with the ginko for the test, which was at least something. Not especially quickly, and not in especially fine qualities, but Ginko was Ginko. While he was out, he called once again upon the void as soon as he had sufficient samples, reaching out and replenishing his reserves and returning to the proctors with a bow.

Selected Ring: Air
Required Rolls:
Lore-Nature (Sage)/Awareness, TN 20 (Void for 1k1): 22, Success
Investigation (Search)/Awareness, TN 20 (Void for 1k1): 36, Exceptional Success +1
Hunting/Reflexes, TN 20 (Void for 1k1): 30, Exceptional Success +1

Final Result:
Passed Rolls (3) + Called Raises (0) + Exceptional Successes (2) + Passed Test (5) = 10 (Pre-Possible Ring Bonus)

Recovery Rolls:
Drawing the Void (1 FR + 2 CR for +1 Void Point), (TN 20): 25, Success (+3 Void Points)
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
Carries: Sturdy Clothes, Scroll Satchel, Inquisitor's Strike (Wakizashi, counts as Jade), Jade netsuke

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Miya Wyn
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Miya Wyn » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:27 am

(Air, Kyujitsu)

D6 EE - Hunting - Invest/Aware <Void> TN 20: 8d10o10k5 32
+2 TP

D6 EE - Hunting - Hunting/Aware <Void> TN 20: 9d10o10k5 46
+3 TP

D6 EE - Hunting - Kyu/Reflex TN 25: 9d10o10k5 42
+2 TP

Total 7+5=12 + Ring

Wyn does at least do decently at the hunting test, redeeming his earlier poor performance in archery.
Imperial Family * Artisan * Courtier * Benton's Blessing * Short * Idealistic * Prodigy
Dojo Points: 104 | Status 1.5 | Glory 6.0 | Honor: Above Question
| Topaz Points: 166
Equipment: Kimono, Ink Brush Kit, Journal, Several Scrolls

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Utaku Nesrin
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Utaku Nesrin » Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:34 pm

The timing for this test could be tricky. Take too long and you'd be trying to hunt in the dark. Plus you'd risk running late to other events once you took the time for purification after bringing back your game.

So Nesrin wasted no time, trotting away from the group to look for signs before anyone had gone walking through them. She'd done some study of Wyn's map as well, with an eye toward things that she knew would attract game. So when she headed for a brushy spot a little bit off the eastern side of the river, she wasn't surprised to find signs that pheasants were nesting there. She looked at the sun, and quietly set herself in a spot to watch for the plump birds' comings and goings.

When the moment came, she was ready, and her arrow found its intended target without hesitation. Remembering the frogs the day before, she took a moment to thank the bird for feeding someone, and hoped that would offer it some small boost to the celestial accounting that might see its soul move closer to its eventual destiny.
Ring: Air

Investigation (Search) / Awareness
D6, EE Hunting, Investigation (Search) / Awareness TN20: 8d10o10k4 47
3 points total

Hunting / Awareness
D6, EE Hunting, Hunting / Awareness TN20: 7d10o10k4 26
1 point total

Kyujutsu (Yumi) / Reflexes
D6, EE Hunting, Kyujutsu (Yumi) / Reflexes, Void for +1k1, 1 raise, TN 30: 9d10o10k5+8 48
3 points total

7 + 5 for passing all three = 12 points (19 if correct ring)
Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Battle Maiden * Honest and Fair * Hard to pronounce name
Honor: A Soul Above Question * Status: 1 * Glory: 3


"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself home" -Bashō
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Kuni Yotsuo
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Kuni Yotsuo » Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:53 pm

Yotsuo paid attention to the instructions given, listening with care. He then went out to locate a plant as specified. He had difficulty determining between two plant species, but once he made his decision he went to locate what he was looking for, finding and collecting it effectively. Little did he know that his contact with the plant in question would lead to some unfortunate side effects...


Ring: Air

D6 EE, Hunting Event Roll 1, Lore: Nature / Awareness, VP Phantom Rank, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 16 Failed
D6 EE, Hunting Event Roll 1, Lore: Nature / Awareness, VP Phantom Rank, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 26 Poisoned

D6 EE, Hunting Event Roll 2, Investigation / Awareness, VP +1k1, 1 CR, TN 25: 9d10o10k5 27 +2 points

D6 EE, Hunting Event Roll 3, Hunting / Awareness, VP +1k1, 1 CR, TN 25: 6d10o10k5 41 +3 points


Total: 5 points before ring reveal
Crab ѻ Monk ѻ Spirit Walker ѻ Obsessive ѻ Chosen by the Oracle of Earth ѻ Emissary of the Spirit Realms ѻ Friend of the Brotherhood ѻ Prodigy ѻ Profile
Honor: Expected ѻ Glory: 3.0 ѻ Status: 3.0 ѻ Topaz Points: 0
Carries: Fine clothing, incense brazier, small statue, ink brush kit, jade pendant, jade finger

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Yasuki Ginkarasu
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Yasuki Ginkarasu » Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:07 pm

Yasuki Ginkarasu made sure to keep the map he'd been given close. He was going to do everything he could to prove to his ally that he'd paid attention to his training.

He remembered how well Kakita Kazuko had done the day before looking for tracks. And today wasn't even raining. Just super muddy..which was perfect!

He found tracks before long. Boar.

The third deadliest prey north of the Empire. The second deadliest prey was enemy samurai. No one talks about the first deadliest, that'd be rude.

He nods firmly to himself. He couldn't let this boar run free. It'd both be impressive to take it down with an arrow...and it could hurt other hunters.

Getting low to the ground, he followed the tracks, coming across a few hairs and trees marked by the boars tusks.

It's then that he strings the bow.

The tracks lead him further into the wilderness. He could tell this boar was a monster. It's prints were big. And that tree it'd marked looked like it'd been pushed over a bit.

He put the arrow to the string. Let go his breath.

It flew true.

The boar slipped in the mud.

The arrow flew past.

Ginkarasu reached for a second arrow.

The arrow bounced off a rock.

The boar looked up at the noise.

Ginkarasu froze, not sure what was happening before him.

The arrow bounced off a second rock.

Neither Ginkarasu nor the Boar knew what was going on.

The arrow bounced off a third rock and flew back at the boar.

"What?" Ginkarasu asked. The boar probably thought it, but by the time anyone thought to ask, the arrow had pierced its brain.

Ginkarasu looked down at the second arrow. "Wow. Some of you guys really know the Way."

He put the arrow away. Dragging a big boar back was going to take some time.

D6, EE: Hunting: Investigation (Search) / Awareness, Map +1k0, Void: 2 Raises TN 30: 9d10o10k5 43 = 4 Topaz Points
D6, EE: Hunting: Hunting/Awareness, Map +1k0, Void: 2 Raises TN 30: 9d10o10k5 49 = 4 Topaz Points
D6, EE: Hunting: Kyujutsu (Yumi) / Reflexes, Map +1k0, Honor +4k0 Void: 3 Raises TN 40: 10d10o10k7 53 = NOPE!
Unlucky D6, EE: Hunting: Kyujutsu (Yumi) / Reflexes, Map +1k0, Honor +4k0 Void: 3 Raises TN 40: 10d10o10k7 48 = 4 Topaz Points

Total: 12 +5 for passing all 3 = 17 Topaz Points.
Crab Clan • Bushi • Yojimbo • Disfigured • Profile • Fire Brigade
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 3.7 (2.7 w/Crabs) • Infamy: 1.0 • Topaz Points: 209
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, sandals, coin purse, water bottle, small knife, map of Tsuma
“Strive for progress, not perfection.”

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Iuchi Prashant
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Iuchi Prashant » Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:04 pm

Prashant had had some hope that he might have gone actually hunting with the others instead of gathering, but in the end he wouldn't complain - finding and identifying plants could be quite interesting too. And in fact, especially using the map Wyn had given him the day before, he proved able to identify not only the plant they had been told to, but also some other edible species that could be found in the area. While it took him some time to find specimens with fruit ripe for collecting, he did find them, and brought a good number of them back to Kagehiro, eager to share the different fruit he had found with the Sensei and his colleagues.

Ring: Air
Day 6 EE - Med/ Void to activate TtVD for Air. TN 20: 10d10o10k4 47

Day 6 EE - Lore: Nature/ Awareness to identify Plants. Miya Map for +1k0. TN 20: 6d10o10k4 51 -> 1 Point + 3 from Exceptional Successes; 4 TP
Day 6 EE - Investigation (Search)/ Awareness, +1k0 from Miya Map. TN 20: 6d10o10k4 26 -> 1 TP
Day 6 EE - Hunting/ Reflexes to gather plants. +1k0 from Miya Map. TN 20: 6d10o10k4 30 -> 1 Point + 1 from Exceptional Success; 2 TP

Passing all 3 rolls on first attempt: +5 TP

Total: 12 TP before Ring Reveal.
Adult name: Iuchi Prashstam
Unicorn Clan * Shugenja/Artisan * "Pu-ra-what?" * Ascetic * Friendly smile * Monk-y

Honor: Exceptional * Status:1 * Glory:2.9 * Infamy: 0.5 * Topaz Pt: 211 (End D5)
Items: Purple/gray robes, sandals, trinket satchel, copy of the Tao, stone with 'cup' kanji.
Description Pt2
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Kokyou » Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:38 pm

Kokyou gets a yari and goes off into the wilderness trying to find a good catch, just like he thinks of himself. Okay, there was mud. A lot of mud. But you can't get the goodies if you don't get your hands dirty once in a while.

Finding the paw marks, the Mantis goes deeper into the outskirts of Tsuma to find the beast. A good treat for the ceremony tonight, he thinks.

It doesn't take long, and he can hear the animal's grunt. With a precise throw, Kokyou slays the prey. He provides a prayer and then drags the game back to the sensei.

D6, EE, Investigation (Search)/Awareness TN 30 (20 + 2 Raises) + VP: 7d10o10k6 54 +1 TP pass, +2 TP raises, +2 TP exceptional
D6, EE, Hunting/Awareness TN 30 (20 + 2 Raises) + VP: 7d10o10k6 50 +1 TP pass, +2 TP raises, +2 TP exceptional
D6, EE, Spear/Reflexes TN 25 + VP + Rank 1 Tech: 7d10o10k5 31 +1 TP pass, +5 TP pass all rolls

+16 TP (pending ring)
Mantis • Bushi • Shugenja • Jock • Charismatic • Dashing • Buff • Stud • Proud • Smug • Hero • Unique
DescriptionTheme • Honor: A Soul Above Question • Status: 2.0 • Glory: 6.1 • Infamy 1.0

TN to be recognized: 15
Wears: Sturdy Clothing, Coin Purse, Pipe, Fan
Combat: Light Armor, 2 Kama, 2 Tanto

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Otomo Nobuko
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:40 pm

Nobuko arrived rather bedraggled. She'd managed to get changed into a student's gi but did not have time to wash her hair out after having tumbled into the mud of the river helping a merchant find some Tsu fish eggs. If she was going to be presentable for the feast, she needed to get this test over and done with.

She went into it as she had most of the other tests, letting the universe guide her hands. Though this time, as with the first event of the day, she was far more present in the actions she took. The uncertainty of the tests the day before had given her a measure of clarity on how she had been approaching things, helping her decide that she was fine with wherever she was pulled to... but that didn't mean she couldn't have an active hand in steering that pull.

This revelation was very helpful during the archery event. But her hair was a mess and there wasn't a lot of time to clean up between getting back with whatever game she found and getting ready for the feast. So rather than push to guide her actions, she pushed to be done as fast as possible.

Luckily she found some tracks early on and was able to follow them rather easily with the amount of mud around - there was less out in the wild, but it looked like the pheasant had steered too close to the city and was leaving a trail. Once she spotted her muddy-bottomed fowl, she let loose her arrow. It could have been a cleaner shot by far, but it landed and that's what mattered.

Nobuko bowed to the body of the bird before collecting it in a bag, then hurried back to turn it in and get herself both spiritually cleansed and physically cleansed.

Ring Choice: Void

D6; EE; Hunting Event; Investigation (Search)/Trait + Void: 7d10o10k5 33 vs TN20 - Pass; Pass +1; (33-20)/10=1.3 Exceptional +1 (2)
D6; EE; Hunting Event; Hunting/Trait + Void: 7d10o10k5 48 vs TN20 - Pass; Pass +1; (48-20)/10=2.8 Exceptional +2 (3)
D6; EE; Kyujutsu (yumi)/Trait + Void + Bond: 8d10o10k5 27 vs Tn25 - Pass; Pass +1 (1)
+5 for passing all 3

11 Before ring reveal
Imperial * Artisan * Courtier * Different School * Enlightened * Sacrosanct * Beautiful Soul * Experienced
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 3.5 | Glory: 4.5 | Final Topaz Points: 249
Beautiful Clothing, Fan, Gloves, Wicker Umbrella, Personal Chop, Knot of Happiness Netsuke, Bejeweled Lizard-Shaped Ear Cuff on Left Ear

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Toritaka Sasaiko
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Toritaka Sasaiko » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:08 pm

Sasaiko goes out into the areas outside the city, and she is soon able to find the plants she seeks--she's pretty sure, anyway, that she has the right ones, and enough of them to matter. Her keen eyes pick up on what they need to find, and her being accustomed to life outdoors ensures that she is able to handle the terrain--not that Crane lands are unsettled, but still...

(Selected Ring: Air
Lore: Nature / Mental at TN 20,passed at 44, https://orokos.com/roll/838813; +1 Topaz (unless Voiding for skill counts, in which case, +3)
Investigation (Search) / Mental at TN 20, passed at 34, https://orokos.com/roll/838814; +2 Topaz
Hunting / Physical at TN 20, passed at 27, https://orokos.com/roll/838815; +1 Topaz
+5 Topaz for passing all three rolls
Tentative +9/+11 Topaz Points; more possible for Ring)
Toritaka Noriko
Falcon * Phantom Hunter (Shug)
S 2.0 * G 2.1 * H As Expected

On-site: robes, sandals, and scroll satchel and scrolls, Seppun blade, Miya-made map of Tsuma; might have money
Off: the above + loaded traveling pack

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Kakita Kenji
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Kakita Kenji » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:13 pm

Hunting again!

Kenji struggled with finding tracks, but as soon as he found some he tracked down the boar.
It was eating something on the ground. Slowly Kenji approached it until he could aim at it. With a Quick and clean shot to the heart the Boar dropped dead! Proud of his Prey, he advised a Servant to carry the Boar to the meeting point.

Ring: Air

D6 EE Investigation/Awareness TN20: 6d10o10k4 16
D6 EE Investigation/Awareness TN20: 6d10o10k4 22 Second try, yay
+0 Points

D6 EE Hunting/Awareness TN20: 5d10o10k4 22 +1 Point!

D6 EE Kyujutsu/Reflexes TN25: 8d10o10k5 45 +3 Points!

Result +4 Points + Ring
Crane Clan | Bushi & Artisan | Your friendly&idealistic neighbourhood Samurai | UTC +2 | Profile
Honour: Exceptional | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 5.0 | Infamy: 1.0 | Topaz Points: 95
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, Sandals, Travelling Pack

"You own every word you speak" - Shinsei

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Ikoma Eichiro
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Ikoma Eichiro » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:56 pm

Eichiro heads out hunting. He has done this sort of thing before, but never by himself. Nijiro usually went with him and provided some, ehm, guidance to keep him on the right track. But Eichiro is confident, and so he strides off with a bow and arrow, confident that he will do well.

Finding the tracks is simple enough. Following them is the hard part. Eichiro always had issues with that part, and he ends up following his own footfalls for a bit. Then, in a brilliant stroke of inspiration, he realizes that boar don't wear sandals, their feet are too small.

Finally approaching his quarry, he lines up a shot and shoots.



That was disappointing, but in this forest no one can see you whiff a stationary target. He pulls another arrow, lines up his shot and looses


A hit and a kill.

Eichiro recovers his prey and begins making his way back to the city.


Which direction was that again?

((Ring: Air
D6 EE: Investigation Roll, one raise TN 25: 6d10o10k4 36
1 point for passing, 1 point for raise, 1 point for exceptional success. 3 points.
D6 EE: Hunting Roll, VOID for skill, 1 Raise, TN 25.: 5d10o10k4 18
D6 EE: Hunting Roll, VOID for skill, 1 Raise, TN 25. LUCK: 5d10o10k4 17
D6 EE: Hunting Roll 2, VOID for skill, TN 20.: 5d10o10k4 31
1 point for passing.
D6 EE: Kyujutsu Roll: TN 20: 5d10o10k3 17
D6 EE: Kyujutsu Roll: TN 25: 5d10o10k3 26
1 point for passing. 5 points for rolls, 5 points for passing all rolls for a total of 10 before ring.))
Lion Clan * Courtier * Lucky * Sage * Paragon of Honesty
Honor: Exceptional - Glory: 1.0 - Status: 1.0 - Topaz Points: Passing
Carries: Spices, Fan, Chopsticks, Sake Cup, Personal Chop, Small Hand Mirror
Wakizashi is in room, not an adult yet.

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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Zashi » Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:07 am

Zashi frowns a little as he sees bows and spears come out, but fortunately they are not making him spill out "pain sweat" and simply forage.

"Well, if they want me to show that I can sustain myself with the Earth, I am happy to oblige them." Zashi prays, hearing the earth kami around him whisper and bolster his mind.

One of the Earth kami whispers that some of the mushrooms are "fun" so Zashi begins to look for them, finding a rather large cache. They are bountiful, so Zashi picks a whole slew of them.

Huh, I wonder why no one bothered to pick these

He would soon find out

Earth Ring Selected
Spell: Hunting Event-Spell-Earth's Touch-Willpower-TN 10: 6d10o10k4 27 +1 Willpower for Event

Hunting Event-Spell-Lore: Nature/Willpower, +1 raise-TN 25: 6d10o10k5 23 Fail, Poison effect
Hunting Event-Lore: nature/Earth attempt 2- TN 20: 6d10o10k5 30 Pass for 1 point

Hunting Event-Investigation/Willpower-1 raise-TN 25: 6d10o10k5 34 pass with raise for 2 points

Hunting Event-Hunting/Stamina-TN 20: 5d10o10k4 37 Pass with exceptional success for 2 points

5 points from passing all rolls (eventually)
10 points total pending ring
Awaiting poison effect
Fox Clan | Shugenja | Smol | Quirky AF
"I may run and hide, but I'll never tell a lie."
Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 2.7| Status: 1.0 | Topaz Points:

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Bayushi Jiro
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Bayushi Jiro » Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:50 am

[Choosing Air]

D6, EE, Hunting: Investigation/Awareness+Void, 3 raises called. Tn=35: 9d10o10k6 56 Exceptional Success: 6 Topaz Points

Looking under some shrubbery, Jiro is able to spot the spoor of a large hoofed mammal without much trouble and sets off into the gathering gloom.

, EE, Hunting: Hunting/Awareness Tn=20: 6d10o10k5 33 Exceptional Success 2 Topaz Points

While actual tracking is by no means his finest skill, Jiro is able to follow these easily enough, though it is clear he does not have the highfalutin skills to show off in this particular area.

D6, EE, Hunting: Kyujutsu/Reflexes+Void, 1 raise called, TN 30: 8d10o10k5 45 Exceptional Success, 3 Topaz Points

Following the tracks closely, he is surprised to find a sika deer stag framed by the moonlight. Pausing a moment to appreciate its beauty, Jiro eventually takes up his bow and puts an arrow directly through its neck. The creature is dead moments later, and Jiro is acknowledged a pretty decent hunter. You know, for an effete courtier type.

11 Topaz Points+5 for victory=16 Topaz Points. Ring to come.
* Scorpion Clan * Courtier * Rich Baritone * Twin * Terminally Pretty * Adult Name: Bayushi Tomohiro
Honor: Untrustworthy, Infamy: 1, Status: 2, Topaz Points: 254

Wearing: a lovely scarf, wakizashi, extravagant clothing This mask

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Bayushi Kaidan
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Bayushi Kaidan » Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:29 am

With the help of little Ninya, Kaidan followed the footprints of a boar. With the mud from the water logged forest it was quite an easy feat for the young Bayushi. Many may be surprised by how this boy has been holding off. He knocked the bow and the arrow was true.

//RIng: Fire
D6 EE Investigation Search TN 20: 7d10o10k5 40 2 exceptional roll! +3TP
D6 EE Hunting Fire 1 raise TN 25: 7d10o10k5 76 o.O 3 exceptional roll! +4 TP
D6 EE Kyujutsu Fire TN 25: 7d10o10k5 58 3 exceptional roll! +4 TP

+11 from rolls
+5 from passing all rolls
Total TP: +16
Last edited by Bayushi Kaidan on Wed Aug 19, 2020 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Chosen Name: Bayushi Gakihiro
♦ Scorpion ♦ Bushi ♦ Androgenous ♦Hated by Ghosts ♦Hates Frogs ♦Random Samurai #46 ☆Insensitive ☆Wanderer ☆Silent ☆Dr. Antidote ☆Experienced 1
Only wears the Scorpion Mon
Honor: Untrustworthy Status: 1 Glory: 1
"I wear many mask, none is me"

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Kaito Haruki
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Kaito Haruki » Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:19 am

Fluff pending

D6 EE: Investigation/awareness, TN 35, 3 raises, void point used: 8d10o10k5 49 (pass, 3 called raises, exceptional=5 points)
D6 EE: Hunting/awareness, void point used, 3 raises called TN 35: 7d10o10k5 39 (pass, 3 raises=4 points)
D6 EE: kyujutsu/reflexes, prodigy, 3 raises called, void point used, TN 40: 9d10o10k5 49 (pass, 3 raises=4 points)
Passed all rolls, +5 points
Total: 18 points before ring reveal
Proper full name is Isawa Kunio of House Kaito: Bushi,Courtier Mons: Chest: Phoenix R Shoulder: Isawa L Shoulder: Kaito Honor: 6.1 Glory: 4.9 Status: 2 Wound Status: Healthy Phoenix Clan TP: 224
Water Bottle, Coin Purse, Fan, Jade Finger

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Kaiu Aiichiro
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Kaiu Aiichiro » Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:43 pm

He was better trained in the bow, and that was true. But if he was to try to gain attention of the sensei somehow, or simulate what he would face in the future, it was better to gain the company of a weapon he was not very skilled in.
Managing to spot and track the animal although with hardships, Aiichirō does not scream a kiai against the boar — instead ambushing it and planning his kill with a single blow. Did he get the attention of Hiruma-sensei this way? He hoped so. He had hard respect for both her and Hida-sensei.

Ring: Air
(Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Investigation: Awareness TN 20: 4d10o10k3 20
(Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting - Hunting/Reflexes TN 20: 4d10o10k3 21
(Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting - Spears/Reflexes TN 25 +VP for 1k1: 5d10o10k4 34

Total: 8 TP
Ring bonus pending
◘ Crab Clan ♦ Bushi/Artisan ♦ ProfileJournal ♦ UTC -4 ♦ Rolls List Status | 2.0 ♦ Glory | 3.5 ♦ Topaz Points | 208
Health › Healthy (15) ♦ Honor › What is expected.
Carry › Sturdy clothing, sandals, haori, finger of jade, war fans, water bottle, fan, coin bag, 1 koku and 10 zeni.
Mons › Back: Crab Clan | Left shoulder: Kaiu | Right chest: Personal mon

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Moto Ichiro
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Re: (Day 6, EE) Mandatory Event: Hunting

Post by Moto Ichiro » Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:59 pm

Ichiro was at the hunting contest the last contest of ther tournament, he wanted to do well and finish this thing off on the right foot. As he was released into the woods he quickly found the tracks on a boar and followed them until he saw the boar eating some distance away. It was big mess of a beast would make a good dinner for sure. Though this kill wasn't for eating it was for proving himself.

Ichiro crouched and took the yumi out aiming carefully before loosing the willow shaped arrow, it was over so fast the arrow sank deep into the boar's neck severing the artery. It died painlessly within seconds, the Moto grabbed his kill and carried it back to the judging area.

Ring: Air
D6 hunting event investigation/awareness vp +1k1 1 raise tn 25: 6d10o10k4 44 1 for success 1 for raise 1 for exceptional 3 points

D6 hunting test Hunting awarness vp 1k1 2 raises tn 30: 7d10o10k4 31 1 for success 2 for raises 3 points

D6 hunting event kyujutsu/reflexes vp +1k1 1 raise tn 30: 8d10o10k5 40 1 for success 1 for raise 1 for exceptional success 3 points

5 points for passing all 3 rolls

total before ring decision: 14 points
Unicorn Clan • Moto • Large • Confident * bushi
Honor: As Expected | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 3.2
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, Animal hide cloak

Zurui lizard pet TP: 254
speaking: Ujik, Mekhem, Senpet

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