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Re: Journals

Post by Zashi » Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:39 pm

Diary of kitsune Zashi, continued:

Sumai is one of the events that I have to prepare myself for. Well, the only person I have as a partner to work with is Sakura. I mean, can you imagine a bigger bout of the midgets?

That girl batted me around like a cat with a ball of string. I have no idea how such a tiny girl has so much strength.

I get to marry that girl


Oh Kenji. You poor, poor lucky idiot.
Fox Clan | Shugenja | Smol | Quirky AF
"I may run and hide, but I'll never tell a lie."
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Bayushi Kaidan
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Re: Journals

Post by Bayushi Kaidan » Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:10 am

The Boat Trek North:
Leaving from the Temples of the Morning Sun, Shinden Asahina.

Stop at The Port that Never Sleep. Weird little village.

Stop at Benten Seido. Obahan wanted to pray.

Stop at Esteem Palaces of the Crane. Obahan's and Ojihan's last stop. From here on I am alone.

Last stop Tsuma... I wonder who awaits there...
Chosen Name: Bayushi Gakihiro
♦ Scorpion ♦ Bushi ♦ Androgenous ♦Hated by Ghosts ♦Hates Frogs ♦Random Samurai #46 ☆Insensitive ☆Wanderer ☆Silent ☆Dr. Antidote ☆Experienced 1
Only wears the Scorpion Mon
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Kakita Kenji
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Re: Journals

Post by Kakita Kenji » Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:06 pm

Fourteen days have passed and I am back, the experiment in Hirosaka has passed. As expected I was called to Lord Yamada to report about the events, unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, my parents and sisters were there.

Truthfully I told him about the events, my contacts, what the Sensei were like, and especially what Agasha-sama had been doing. The only thing I left out was the magical ape mask and my relationship to Kazuko, although I am sure Mausuzu-nee-san noticed something when I mentioned Kazuku's name in the list of students.

Lord Yamada seemed to be satisfied with the result, but scolded me for leaving the dojo area to chase a Ronin, even though this had led to a great discovery. But he praised me for protecting Otomo-sama during the attack of the corrupted Zokujinn and for organizing a tournament for that.

Hopefully I also hoped for praise from my parents, but I painfully realized that I saw only disappointment in their eyes. What else should I do to make them proud?

Masuzu and Kusami had prepared a small celebration for me! They had bought a bottle of sake and we sat in the gardens while they pulled all kinds of embarrassing things out of my nose! They were asking me about Kazuko as if they were magistrates! Actually, I didn't want to talk about it, but apparently the sake had loosened my tongue. Masuzu seemed overjoyed "that I found someone other than Kotomi", what did she mean by that?

They were overjoyed about many things, even though Kusami almost hit me when I told her that I had apparently given away a tear of Amaterasu to Sakura, how was I supposed to know?


My first week in the dojo and already Sensei Shimoda is mad at me again. He said something about not seeing myself as something better just because I was in Hirosaka and honoring my teacher. Just because I beat everyone in the dojo in a duel! Come on, he's the one who ordered the duels!


I wrote a lot of letters! I hope to stay in contact with as many of my classmates as possible. I wonder if Aiichiro and Ginkarasu are back home already? they have such a long way to go. I don't know if I should envy or pity them on their journey?


Sensei Shimoda is mad! He challenged me to a duel! What in all the spirit realms have I done to him?! Fortunately, Lord Yamada has put a stop to it. However, it now looks like I'll be changing the Dojo and going to the Kakita Academy in Tsuma! On one hand, I feel honored, but I don't really know anyone there,... although? Maybe Kotomi is there! It would be nice to see her again.


(The page has a few dried spots where water once dripped)

I've received a reply from Aiichiro.... I,... I don't know what to say, I,,. didn't mean it the way he understood! What can I do, I don't want to lose him as a friend! I'll ask Mazuzu for advice.


Lord Yamada has summoned me. He assured me that if I pass the Topaz Championship, I would get a post of Gokenin. He wants to put me in charge of a village called Akai hanagasaku-mura (Village where the red Flowers bloom). I am supposed to collect the taxes there every year. He will send me there, together with Masuzu-nee-san, to introduce myself to the village headman and to have a look at the samurai mansion there, as this will probably be my home afterwards. That's quite a lot of responsibility, but it also means that I can leave my parents' home... I wonder if Lord Yamada did it on purpose, he has been a kindhearted but strict lord so far, I won't disappoint him! With a glance at the map, the village is only half a day's ride from here, which is enough distance to avoid sudden visits. If I manage to get the engagement to Kazuko, the two of us could possibly live there together! I wonder if she appreciates the village? There's also the question of what her duty as a samurai will be...


Ugghhh headaches! Aiichiro would probably laugh if he could see me bent over math formulas! But if I'm supposed to collect taxes, I should master these damn formulas!


I received an anonymous letter,... which it says the following:

Kenji san

Fancy Daisy smell
Winter comes in Morning dew
lives continue

I have no idea what this poem is supposed to tell me, nor who this letter is from,... I'll think about it again tomorrow...


It's time for my trip to Tsuma! Msuzu and Kusami seemed a little sad, my parents,... ...well they were kind enough to say goodbye to me,...

I hope the sensei in Tsuma are less insane than Sensei Shimoda! I wrote a letter to Nagito before I left,... I still don't know how I should feel about him... But as they say, the tea is already spilled, it's time to look ahead!


I met Kotomi again! I was so happy. I haven't seen her for ages. She's become really good with the katana, I was deeply impressed! I remember her helping me with the kata when we were both little, she is just a blast. She will probably go on the topaz too, hopefully I won't have to compete against her, I probably wouldn't have a chance. But I noticed something about her, she seems to have the same fire as Saburo,... only somehow she carries it more to the outside? She seems to treat others a little less kindly than she does me. Maybe I can teach her something for a change?


My heart is about to burst! Kazuko's here, too! Hardly a week after my appearance she came here too, I couldn't help but just hold her for a few minutes! At some point I'll introduce her to Kotomi, I hope the two will become friends!


Which Yokai rode me to try to introduce the two to each other, what have I done?


Kazuko and I were allowed to leave the dojo to respond to Kokyous invitation! The trip was very interesting and I love the sea! Even if the salt water irritates the eyes and makes the skin itch...

I brought home a lot of shells and will cherish them!


More anonymous letters, but this time from someone else. Apparently, that person knows me, who could it be?
Crane Clan | Bushi & Artisan | Your friendly&idealistic neighbourhood Samurai | UTC +2 | Profile
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Gear: Sturdy Clothing, Sandals, Travelling Pack

"You own every word you speak" - Shinsei

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Kakita Kazuko
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Re: Journals

Post by Kakita Kazuko » Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:25 pm

Father has been spending more time with me recently to ensure that I am prepared for the Topaz Championship, though I think his primary concern is that I don't embarrass myself, and him by extension, at the academy. He definitely wanted to know all about the Ruby Champion's experiment too. I know I said that I wanted him to be less distant so we could spend more time together, but this isn't exactly the type of bonding I was looking for, if it can even be called as such since all he does is criticize every little thing he can, even dueling! What does he know about dueling anyway, he's a courtier for Tengoku's sake! Well, at least my senseis can see how skilled I am.


The night sky is clear for the first time in a week tonight. It sort of reminds me of my last day in Hirosaka with Kenji. I wonder how he's doing right now. Is he looking up at the sky, thinking of me too?


Father's lectures about politics and courts are so exhausting and he's nearly always in a bad mood afterwards. I try so hard to please him but he just keeps piling work and expectations on me. Seriously, does he take pleasure in giving me a headache? I bet father would just tell me to work harder if I complained though. I miss Hirosaka... Well, actually, maybe not. The goblin attack still gives me shivers sometimes. At least I get to go to the academy soon.


I decided to make father a personal calligraphic work of art before I leave, partially to show off and partially to express my thanks for letting me go to Hirosaka. I wouldn't have met Kenji there if I hadn't. He probably won't appreciate it since it has nothing to do with politics but maybe he'll be nicer if it reminds him of mother?

.....Mom, I miss you... What happened to you?


Father barely even glanced at my calligraphy... His On was really strong so I don't even know how he felt, but I do think he was a bit harsher on me today even though I leave for the academy tomorrow. He's probably glad to finally have me out of his hair soon, since he doesn't look like he takes any pleasure in our lessons.

I should make some calligraphy for my senseis. They'll definitely appreciate it.


I've finally arrived at the academy! I'm excited to make new friends and learn from more from the Gray Crane himself but first I want to meet up with Kenji. I can't wait to catch up with him!


I still don't understand how Kenji can be friends with someone like Kotomi?? She's so annoying and childish! Honestly, she has no class [s]sometimes[/s] all the time. She's always been immature for her age but she's been excessively annoying and resorting to open insults more often ever since I got back from Hirosaka. I do hope that I won't have to deal with her much, though she's probably just jealous that I'm better than her and liked more. That's her own fault though. She'd be liked more if she didn't feel the need to brag all the time like she has to constantly reassure her own fragile ego, especially when the senseis support her self delusions. Like is having 0 friends and failing to maintain On for even a second something to be proud of? I think Father would scoff at her just as hard as I am if he knew that this was one of the people representing the Crane clan.


I'm thinking of eating kaiseki with Kenji on our 1 year anniversary... Hmm...


Riku broke a bokken today! Her surprise and shame was so funny, like she couldn't believe a bokken dared to break on her. I felt a bit bad in finding amusement at her misfortune so I helped her clean up some of the stray splinters. It doesn't hurt to show her some compassion, especially since she dislikes Kotomi just as much as anyone.
Crane Clan | Bushi | Profile | Way Better than Kotomi
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1.0 | Glory: 2.4 | TP: 252 (ty oleanderpoison!)
Equipment: Daisho/Light Armor where allowed, Fancy Clothes, Expensive Crane Hairpin (5 koku) and Earrings (2 koku), Fan

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