Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

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Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Vutall » Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:25 pm

Daily Art and Courtier Training

After the morning duties are completed, a small number of sensei ask those whose schools specialize in either the arts or courts to remain inside the dojo to conduct their morning training. They go over a number of different topics each day, usually involving a story of a court they had attended and ask the students what they think could have been done differently, or what was done correctly. Additionally, one or two sensei ask students of the arts to observe and attempt to copy them in their art, and correcting mistakes as they spot them.
This is a repeatable event, and will happen over multiple days. Each day, you must select a Ring to use, at which point, you may not use that ring again for this event. Players should make a note in their Personal Forum with a topic called "Daily Art and Courtier Training " and note which days they used each ring.

Characters with Seven Fortunes Blessing may only use their blessing for one roll per event.

Characters who have the following disadvantages have the following penalties:
Antisocial: Instead of suffering the dice penalty, instead increase your TNs by 1 or 2 respectively.

Only characters with the Artisan, Courtier, or Shinobi school tags may enter this event

In order to complete the training, you must do the following:

Select a ring to use (not including Void), not using the same ring you have already selected before for this event. You will use either its physical or mental traits for this event. (Artisans choose either a physical or Mental trait, based on what the artisan skill typically uses. Courtiers use only Mental traits)

Then, make a Meditation/Void check at TN6. If you succeed, you gain that ring as a bonus to your rolls for this event
Then, you must complete the following steps in order, selecting either Arts or Court:


Pick a skill: Acting, Artisan (any), Perform (Any)

Then you must make three rolls using that skill with the TN starting at 4, then 5, then ending at 6.


First you must make a Courtier roll at TN 4

Then a Sincerity roll at TN 5

Finally an Etiquette roll at TN 6


  • -For every roll you succeed, you gain +2 Dojo Points
  • -if you succeed all three rolls, you gain +1 to the skill used. You may only gain this reward once per skill.
  • -If you ever roll a 15 or higher on any skill, you gain the Great Potential advantage for that skill
  • -If you have a roll explode twice on a Perform skill that relies on your voice (such as Singing or Oratory), you gain the Voice Advantage
  • -If you have a roll explode twice on an Artisan skill, you gain the Soul of Artistry advantage
  • -If you have a roll explode twice on a Perform skill, you gain the Sensation advantage
  • -At the end of the event, you gain a permanent +1 to the Mental and Physical Traits associated with the ring you selected. You may only gain this reward once per Trait.
Special: On the final iteration of this event, If you pass at all of your Art rolls in at least 3 of the 4 events, you gain the Touch of the Spirit Realms: Yomi Advantage. You MUST pick a school skill that matches one of the passed skills used during the 4 events

  • -For every roll you succeed, you gain +2 Dojo Points
  • -If you succeed all three rolls, you gain +1 to your choice of either Coutier, Sincerity, or Etiquette. You may only gain this reward once per skill
  • -If you ever roll a 15 or higher on any skill, you gain the Great Potential advantage for that skill
  • -if you have a roll explode twice on your Courtier roll, you gain the Benten's Blessing advantage
  • -If you have a roll explode twice on a Sincerity (Honesty) roll, you gain the Balance advantage
  • -If you have a roll explode twice on an Etiquette roll, you gain the Clear Thinker advantage
  • -At the end of the event, you gain a permanent +1 to the Mental and Physical Traits associated with the ring you selected. You may only gain this reward once per Trait.
Special: On the final iteration of this event, If you pass at all of your Court rolls in at least 3 of the 4 events, you gain the Touch of the Spirit Realms: Meido Advantage
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Bayushi Jiro
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Re: Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Bayushi Jiro » Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:16 am

Bayushi Jiro's stubborn refusal to become involved in spiritual nonsense came to an end in the morning of the eighth day of the Dojo, when his final effort in the courtier dojo re-oriented his relationship with the spirit realms. His courtly defense had always been his strong suit. Now it was backed with the supernatural patience of the Realm of Waiting...cold, mechanistic, yet always ready for the next step. Bayushi Jiro thus came that little bit closer to becoming the true monster of the courts.

Choosing Earth--left it to last.
Meditation/Void=16 +Earth (1) to all rolls.
Courtier/Willpower=19 +2 Dojo Points.
Sincerity/Willpower=9 +2 Dojo Points.
Etiquette/Willpower=8 +2 Dojo Points.

+6 Dojo Points, +1 Earth Ring, +Touch of the Spirit Realms: Meido
* Scorpion Clan * Courtier * Rich Baritone * Twin * Terminally Pretty * Adult Name: Bayushi Tomohiro
Honor: Untrustworthy, Infamy: 1, Status: 2, Topaz Points: 254

Wearing: a lovely scarf, wakizashi, extravagant clothing This mask

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Asako Saburo
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Re: Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Asako Saburo » Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:34 am

When Saburo returned yet again for training in alternate arts, it was a different sort of confidence than before. He walked with calm purpose even if he still looked pale and a bit sickly. His breathing was calm and even and he had the look of a young man who was more or less self-aware at this point. The courtly lessons that he had received were informative, telling of the growth he had finally encountered in the last weeks of his life. The sensei, already prepared for his request, were willing to accommodate. it had been proven that he was definitely showing growth through this method.

When he combined the collected lessons of Earth, Fire and Water, though, the effect was profound. Though his mind was no further enhanced by the lessons, he was now demonstrating considerable understanding of the courtly arts. With enough personalized training, he could perhaps demonstrate a greater potential in the world of the court than any might reasonably expect. It was a thing that surprised even he. Was he finally starting to ... understand this? It seemed that perhaps he was.

Required Rolls:
Awareness/Courtier (TN 8) for Permission: 22 - ExceptionalSuccess

Meditation/Void (TN 6): 23 - Exceptional Success
Courtier/Intelligence (TN 4): 29 Exceptional Success
Sincerity/Intelligence (TN 5): 33 - Exceptional Success
Etiquette/Intelligence (TN 6): 36 - Exceptional Success

Net Results:
+6 Dojo Points, +1 Sincerity, Great Potential (Courtier), Great Potential (Sincerity), Great Potential (Etiquette)
+1 Fire (Intelligence/Agility)
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
Carries: Sturdy Clothes, Scroll Satchel, Inquisitor's Strike (Wakizashi, counts as Jade), Jade netsuke

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Otomo Nobuko
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Re: Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Otomo Nobuko » Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:57 am

Perhaps she was still rattled from the previous day's events. Nobuko found herself unable to focus properly and her showing for the day was so poor that she couldn't possibly critique anyone's performance. She was just happy when the lessons were over and she could go find a quiet place to meditate and attempt to center herself.

Earth Ring
D8 Dragon Meditation/Void TN6: 3d10o10k2 9 - Pass, +1 to all rolls

D8 Dragon Courtier/Will: 2d10o10k1+1 2 vs TN4- Failed
D8 Dragon Sincerity/Will Void for 1k1: 3d10o10k2+1 16 vs TN5 - Pass, +2DP, Great Potential: Sincerity
D8 Dragon Etiquette/Will: 3d10o10k1+1 4 vs TN6 - Failed

Totals: +2DP, Great Potential: Sincerity, +1 Earth Ring
Imperial * Artisan * Courtier * Different School * Enlightened * Sacrosanct * Beautiful Soul * Experienced
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 3.5 | Glory: 4.5 | Final Topaz Points: 249
Beautiful Clothing, Fan, Gloves, Wicker Umbrella, Personal Chop, Knot of Happiness Netsuke, Bejeweled Lizard-Shaped Ear Cuff on Left Ear

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Miya Wyn
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Re: Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Miya Wyn » Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:27 pm

Wyn attends the final daily court training, feeling like a kid already having made enough points to pass, with nothing to lose on the final. He begins with a mediation roll, easily finding his center after so many days of practice. He then passes through the daily debates and tests without hesitation, excelling in every single area as any good Imperial should.


D8 Dragon Daily Courtier Training Meditation/Void TN 6: 4d10o10k3 24

Passed All TNs for Event lowered by 2 From Air

D8 Dragon Daily Courtier Training Courtier/Awareness TN 2: 4d10o10k2 16

Great potential Courtier, +2 Dojo Points

D8 Dragon Daily Courtier Training Sincerity Awareness TN 3, Bentons, Void: 5d10o10k4 24

Great Potential Sincerity, +2 Dojo Points

D8 Dragon Daily Courtier Training Etiquette Awareness TN 4,: 4d10o10k2 34

Touch of The Spirit Realm Meido, +2 Dojo Points, +1 Air

No Skill bump (All maxed)
Qualified for GP Etiquette AND Clear Thinker, but both previously acquired.

Total: +6 Dojo Points, GP Courter, GP Sincerity, Touch of the Spirit Realm Meido, +1 Air
Imperial Family * Artisan * Courtier * Benton's Blessing * Short * Idealistic * Prodigy
Dojo Points: 104 | Status 1.5 | Glory 6.0 | Honor: Above Question
| Topaz Points: 166
Equipment: Kimono, Ink Brush Kit, Journal, Several Scrolls

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Bayushi Kaidan
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Re: Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Bayushi Kaidan » Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:46 pm

Today he trains his worst aspect, stoic poetry. The young bushi get to class takes a deep breath to start this type of poetry. He was inspired by the void. He dwindled slowly... as he wasn't built for this.

//D8 Dragon Meditaition Void untrained TN 6: 3d10k3 20 +3 to rolls
D8 Dragon Perform Poetry Earth 1 raise TN 6: 2d10o10k1+3 11 passed
D8 Dragon Perform Poetry Earth 1 raise TN 7: 1d10o10k1+3 12 passed
D8 Dragon Perform Poetry Earth 1 raise TN 8: 2d10o10k1+3 5 failed

+4 DP +1 Earth
Chosen Name: Bayushi Gakihiro
♦ Scorpion ♦ Bushi ♦ Androgenous ♦Hated by Ghosts ♦Hates Frogs ♦Random Samurai #46 ☆Insensitive ☆Wanderer ☆Silent ☆Dr. Antidote ☆Experienced 1
Only wears the Scorpion Mon
Honor: Untrustworthy Status: 1 Glory: 1
"I wear many mask, none is me"

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Doji Sakura
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Re: Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Doji Sakura » Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:19 pm

The final event. Sakura had got some aquamarines, and after a few moments of reflecting got to work shaping them. It was careful slow work, but by the end of the hours she had shaped three of them - one into a Fox, one into a Crane and one into a Chrysanthemum.

The artwork was beautiful.

(ooc - ring: earth. Skill: Artisan Gemcutting

D8 Dragon daily event - Meditation/void TN6: 3d10 23 +1 to all rolls this event
D8 Dragon daily event - Artisan: Gemcutting/willpower TN4: 2d10o10k1+1 6 2 dojo points
D8 Dragon daily event - Artisan: Gemcutting/willpower TN5: 2d10o10k1+1 9 2 dojo points
D8 Dragon daily event - Artisan: Gemcutting/willpower TN6: 2d10o10k1+1 19 2 dojo points, great potential gained

6 dojo points
+1 Earth ring
+1 Artisan: Gemcutting
Great potential (Gemcutting)
Fourth completion - gain Touch of the Spirit Realms: Yomi for Weaponsmithing
Crane Clan*Artisan*Singer*Weaponsmith*Gemsmith*Gem-obsessed*Tougher than she looks*Daredevil*Tiny*Innocent*Great Potential*Profile
Status: 0.5 | Glory: 1.4 | Honour: As expected | Dojo Points: 52
Equipment: Jade Tanto, Better quality clothes, Sweets, Biwa, Umbrella

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Matsu Qiang
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Re: Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Matsu Qiang » Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:54 am

Know your enemy, Akodo had written, and Matsu Qiang knew very well that many of the Lion’s enemies would be in court. The teachers were amenable to allowing the young Matsu to spend some time broadening his court training, so Qiang spent the morning practicing polite conversation, bowing at the exactly correct angle towards various dignitaries, and twisting peoples’ words to imply that they had just said the very worst possible thing.

It turned out he wasn’t half-bad at it.

Day 8 Dragon, Participate in non-tagged event AWA/Courtier +Void Point TN8: 4d10o10k3 18 succeeds
Day 8 Dragon, Daily Courtier Training, meditate on Earth, VOID/Meditation TN6: 7d10o10k4 33 succeeds
Day 8 Dragon, Daily Courtier Training, WILL/Courtier +Earth TN4: 2d10o10k1+1 20 succeeds and exceeds 15
Day 8 Dragon, Daily Courtier Training, WILL/Sincerity +Earth +Void Point TN5: 2d10+1 13 succeeds
Day 8 Dragon, Daily Courtier Training, WILL/Etiquette +Earth +Void Point TN6: 2d10+1 17 succeeds and exceeds 15

Total: 6 Dojo Points
Gain +1 to Earth
For succeeding at 3 rolls, gain +1 to Courtier
For exceeding 15 on rolls, gain Great Potential: Courtier, Great Potential: Etiquette
Lion Clan • Competitor • Crab Hands • Strong • Betrothed
Status 1.0 • Glory 5.3 • Exceptional Honor

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Soshi Shiso
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Re: Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Soshi Shiso » Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:02 am

After yesterday's spiritual something, Shiso got really good at focusing!.. at least for just enough time to let this focus linger a bit. It was superbly needed because today's tests were about something Shiso was definitely not good at... being patient. They couldn't sit in one place for too long or stick to a subject similarly unless they imagined some chains wrapping their legs to the floor, or a similar subterfuge played on their own mind. Nevertheless...

Dragon 8. Meditation! TN6.: 3d10 12

Shiso stayed on the intriguing topic just enough...!

Dragon 8. Earth. Courtier. TN4.: 3d10ro1o10k1+1 19

And wasn't caught on making up stuff slo-mo either!

Dragon 8. Earth.Sincerity. Deceit. Special Advantage. TN5.: 5d10ro1o10k2+1 13

Though they kept their face polite just barely by the end of it. Oh, how tempted were they to just stick out their tongue!

Dragon 8. Earth.Etiquette. TN6.: 3d10o10k1+1 7

Either way, it was over before anything untoward happened, and they were praised again. Playing honor student was even fun to some extent, having all those wild thoughts hidden just under your eyelids in a solemn room!

[+6 Dojo Points, +1 Etiquette, +1 Earth, +Touched by Meido]

Elsewhere, Emma-O morbidly snickered.
Scorpion Clan | Courtier | Sacrosanct | Artisan | Cartographer | Prankful | Adventurous | Distracted
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honour: Exceptional

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Re: Daily Art and Courtier Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Vutall » Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:03 am

This event closes in 7 hours from this post.

Bayushi Jiro: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Earth Ring, +Touch of the Spirit Realms: Meido
Asako Saburo: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Sincerity, Great Potential (Courtier), Great Potential (Sincerity), Great Potential (Etiquette),+1 Fire
Otomo Nobuko: +2Dojo Points, Great Potential: Sincerity, +1 Earth Ring
Miya Wyn: +6 Dojo Points, Great Potential (Courtier), Great Potential (Sincerity), Touch of the Spirit Realm Meido, +1 Air
Bayushi Kaidan: +4 Dojo Points, +1 Earth
Doji Sakura +6 Dojo Points, +1 Earth, +1 Artisan: Gemcutting, Great Potential (Artisan: Gemcutting), Touch of the Spirit Realms: Yomi Weaponsmithing
Matsu Qiang: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Earth, +1 Courtier, Great Potential Courtier, Great Potential Etiquette
Soshi Shiso: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Etiquette, +1 Earth, Touched by Meido
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
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